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  • Collection: Varia celestinesca

Conquest (Conquista), painting by Blanco Prieto (2000 c.)
Painting on wood made with a mixed technique that represents a medieval courtship scene inspired byLa Celestina.The author writes about the image: "To seduce the beloved the help of the procuress was not enough. It was necessary to reach the dreamy…

Matchmaker, by Bordalo Pinheiro (1900, c.)
Original title: Alcoviteira ("Matchmaker").

Modern plastic figure based on artist and designer Bordalo Pinheiro's drawings. It is based on the tradition of Gil Vicente's play Auto das barcas do inferno (16th century),
in which a matchmaker called…

Dolls of Calisto, Melibea, and Celestina, by Jaume Arlandy (2011 and 2016)
Two handmade dolls, 2011, inspired by the characters of Calisto and Melibea and Tim Burton's movieNightmare before Christmas (1993)The creator describes her dolls: Today I'm not going to show my dolls, but I'm going to show you what my daughter…

Celestina 2020.jpg
ONCE and "Festival Celestina. La España de Rojas" lottery coupon to commemorate the 550th anniversary of Fernando de Rojas' birth .

Poster of editions of La Celestina and Lazarillo, Academia Mexicana (2018)
Poster of a conference in which editions of La Celestina and El Lazarillo will be announced.
Image of Celestina taking from one of the early illustrated editions to which a child, presumably Lazarillo, has been added.

Ilustración de Melibea, de AETOS (2013)
Drawing of the love of Calisto and Melibea. Image that appeared on the blog "Día a día" of the newspaper Periódico El Mercurio, Santiago de Chile.

Note that the illustration of Melibea seems to correspond more to the model of Doña Inés del don…

Celestina, by Akenoomokoto (sic) (2009)
Drawing of La Celestina, with water colour appearance, created using Photoshop and pospo on Painter 11.

La Celestina, by AliceInNightmareland (sic) (2007)
A compilation of images based on the artist's school notebook. The drawing is inspired by the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904)

A little soup, by Álvarez (1885)
Original title:Una sopita ("A little soup").The engraving shows an interior scene where four figures appear: two young people sitting talking, an old man sitting next to them watching them while he eats, and a young woman leaving the room. The…

Underground comic with Celestina character, from Amor Amateur (2016)
Underground comic published in Daemon Club. It includes the character of Celestina that has the ability to travel through time. Erotic tone.

La Celestina, by Anachronic-Doll (2009)
An artistic work on the website DeviantArt for a literature class by the user Anachronic-Doll.

Cover of the novel The Brothel Keeper (La madama), by Concha Alós (1973)
Cover with a woman covered in a Celestina-like way. In the work, there is a woman that encourages another to prostitute herself.

Advertisement card for the restaurant La Celestina, Madrid (2000 c.)
Blue monochromatic fragment of the painting Patronage of the Arts by the House of Habsburg(Patronazgo de las artes por la casa de Habsburgo), by Julius Victor Berger (Kunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna). The seated young woman is Isabella of…

Two Men and a Matchmaker (Dos hombres y una alcahueta), ceramic from Apulia, scene from a comedy (4th century B.C.)
Comedy scene (phylakes) with characters with masks and matchmaker on the side, in red and black ceramic.

Matchmaker from Greek comedy on a mosaic (2nd century B.C.)
Scene from the comedy Synaristoi by Aristophanes or another comedy from the New Comedy in which there is a matchmaker, probably Philatinies and a hetaera and other characters. Banquet scene.See more extant variants of this scene…

Coaster from Melibea club, Jaca, Spain (circa 2000)
Original ink illustration in naive style of Melibea and Celestina with a heart and a sun.

Blanket or bedspread with scene from La Celestina (1615)
Blanket of Portuguese origin with scenes from the play and the names of Calisto and Melibea. It is kept at the Victoria and Albert Museum of London.

El huerto de Calisto y Melibea, theater (2000 c.)
Cut out puppet theatre of Melibea's garden with the characters from the play. The front page, in English and Spanish, includes a summary of the story and explains that the garden is near Salamanca's Old Cathedral, which clearly appears in the…

Colombian escorts and models service logo (2015)
Website logo from Colombia that offers sexual services by women. The logo looks as if it was taken from Victoria's Secret, although the crown and the name La Celestina are of a different origin.

Plate painted with gallant scene and procuress, anonymous (c. 1700)
A plate with a scene of a suitor and a young woman; a procuress facilitating the negotiation behind.

Comic La Celestina, anonymous (2017 c.)
An anonymous comic made using a software program that allows one to create comics using preexisting images. Probably an assignment by a student in secondary school.

Tin bas-relief of a Celestina type scene, by anonymous (1900, c.)
Bas reliefi in tin of a plate to hang. It represents a scene of lovers in a garden and an older woman looking upon them from a window. It may be part of the Celestina tradition, but this exact distribution of the characters is not traditional.

Graffiti of Calisto, Melibea and Celestina in Castrogonzalo, Zamora, Spain. Calisto and Melibea appear lying with their heads towards the center, while Celestina appears in the middle of the two as if joining them.

Scene with Celestina, by anonymous (1900, c.)
Calisto and Melibea appear in the scene looking at each other outside a house. Melibea looks out the window while Calisto appears outside and looking at her. In the window on the right, Celestina appears looking at Calisto and Melibea.

Coasters from La Celestina wine bar, brewery and restaurant, by anonymous (2000, c.)
Coasters from La Celestina wine bar, brewery and restaurant, in Santander Street, 6, Burgos, Spain. Celestina's face and the name "La Celestina" appear on the coasters with ice cubes in the background.

Caricatures of Celestina in the satirical newspaper Don Junípero from the 19th century, by anonymous, Cuba (1862)
Two caricatures appear in the newspaper. Both are in the headline of the newspaper that is repeated in subsequent issues. In the black and white caricature an old woman with her head covered appears, who may represent the procuress (first image). The…

Mr Emilio Castelar dressed as Celestina, by anonymous (1894)
In the drawing appears Mr Emilio Castelar dressed as Celestina, with a mustache, dress, shoes and his head covered. Underneath the drawing appears the following text (translated):"Ms Emilia (Celestina) after working so hard to position Venturita came…

Calisto and Melibea tattoo, by anonymous (2022)
Codex Manesse tattoo that the person got for its reference to Calisto and Melibea, as suggested by the cover of Esther Borrego's edition of Celestina (Cover of the Cooperación Editorial edition: Madrid, 2002) and the Bookmark Calisto and Melibea,…

Celestina on a donkey, by anonymous (1862)
The image contains two scenes; the first image shows a carnival scene where elegantly dressed men and women appear with some of them wearing masks. In the second image, people appear in disguise and with instruments such as umbrellas or brooms. In…

Celestina telling a story to two children, by anonymous (1886)
In the drawing appears an old woman with her head covered, reminiscent of Celestina, talking to two children. From the word that appears in the image "Stories", the image can be interpreted as an old woman telling a story to two children. The gesture…

Celestina as Mrs Lent, by anonymous (1886)
In the image appears an old woman reminiscent of Celestina with her head covered, holding a club and what looks like a rosary hanging from her hip. On the left is a human body with the head of a donkey and a guitar on his shoulder. On the donkey's…

In the image appears an old man with a hat and a club and an old woman with a hat reminiscent of Celestina. They are both in front of a building that, from the joke that appears below the image, it is understood that it is a school that the old woman…

Celestina negotiating the dowry, by anonymous (1914)
In the image appears an old woman with her head covered talking to a man. On the left and with her back towards the two characters appears a woman. The image was published in the foreign humor section of the magazine, so the clothing of the…

Celestina del Ampurdán, by anonymous (1975)
Puppet in the play Les Aventures d'en Malic("Malic's adventures").Puppet doll of an old woman in a red dress representing the celestina.

Mother Celestina, by anonymous (1977)
Festas Gordas del Vino y del Tocino, by Miguel Romero Esteo.

Puppet of a woman with a covered head representing Mother Celestina.

Elegant company, by anonymous (1770, c.)
Other titles: Elegant company playing backgammon in an interior, an amorous couple, and a monk and procuress with a young lady.

Painting in the manner after William Hogarth.

The image shows four figures, a man and three young women playing…

Comic Mother Celestina's Powders (Los polvos de la madre Celestina) (c. 1920)
Two children and a witch in front a cauldron and a skeleton. Cover of a children's novel based on Hansel and Gretel.

ONCE lottery ticket, 500 years of the publication of La Celestina (1999)
Ticket from November 10, 1999. Copy of the cover of the Toledo, 1526 edition on a lottery ticket from the Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles. Commemoration of the 500 years since the publication of the work. On this ONCE…

Celestina in three vignettes, by Antonio (2008)
Three vignettes of a comic of Celestina using an online program for this kind of creations. Made for pedagogical use

Celestina the Weepy (Celestina la llorona), by AreUfracturing (sic) (2005)
Original title: Celestina la llorona ("Celestina the Weepy")A painting based on Celestina, by Picasso (1904). Made by a DeviantArt user.

Boceto del conjuro del hilado, Ciudad de México, de Arizpe (2016)
Text: "Por la áspera ponzoña de las víboras de que este aceite fue hecho, con el cual unto este hilo, que quede amarrado el corazón de... "
Translation: "By the harsh venom of the vipers from which this oil was made, with which I smear this thread,…

Liqueur advertisement (1898)
Advertisement of the liqueur made by the French order of the Celestine monks, no connection with La Celestina in spite of the name and the image.

Preliminary sketches for a play, by Barkhin (1987)
Sketches for the presentation of "Celestina" by director Yuri Semenovich Kopylov. Saratov Drama Theater.

The Matchmaker II, by Barlach (1920, c.)
Original title: Die Kupplerin (I, II) ("The Matchmaker I and II")

Matchmaker showing her pupil and rejoicing

This image is a leaf from a romance of 8 pages in the National Library of Spain of a : illustration comes from act XIV of the Burgos 1499…

Comic of La Celestina, by Basstien (1988)
Colour comic for young readers, part of a collection of classic works for young readers.

Adaptation: Rémy Bastien
Script: Dolores Plaza
Drawings: J. Santos Reyna
Colour separation: Carlos García, José García, Raúl Mendoza, Antonio Pérez y…


Provenza Street (La calle de Provenza), cover of the Novela de hoy edition (1928)
La novela de hoy is a series of popular novels from the 1920s and 1930s that are characterized by noteworthy covers that sometimes have an erotic theme.
Note that it represents a modern procuress or brothel keeper that does not correspond with the…

La Celestina, caricature, by BibomaniaOtakulover (sic) (2010)
Caricature of Celestina manipulating a puppet, charcoal, caricature style. Note the spelling of Celestina, as it begins with an "s."

A press release that mentions a work titled:La Celestina, by Alberti. The image is not shown in this work. We have not been able to find the painting, nor the subsequent news about its destination.

Illustration by the magazine Blanco y Negro in an article signed by Azorín that references a celestina from the comedyEufemia, by Lope de Rueda, that connects with the traditional Celestina only because of sorcery. The image resembles Cervantes' La…

Calendar advertisement for Los polvos de la madre Celestina, by Blanquel (1857)
The image is probably a lithograph of a scene from the play performed at the Gran Teatro Nacional (of Mexico), of which six magic scenes are said to be included in this calendar (calendar of Los polvos de la madre Celestina) announced to be sold in…

Wine label representing an unusual image of a Celestina with the lower part of the body like a snake coiled to a flask and raising an arrow like a spear, flanked by the words "carpe diem". Underneath, the name of the wine: La Celestina and the date…

Wine Celestina, Argentina
Wine label with a young woman,. It does not seem to be relate to the literary character of Celestina, especially because it is an Argentinian wine and the Italina connection is more likely.

Celestina, by Bradipsiquia (sic) (2013)
Oil on canvas painting, inspired by a photo by another DeviantArt user, Anhen, namedScarface.

Going to the party or a walk after the race, by Canals (1900, c.)
Original title: Se rendant à la fête ou Promenade après la course ("Going to the party or a walk after the race").

In the image appear four young women dressed in regional dresses and mantillas. They are in a field surrounded by men and women…

The Flower Seller, by Canals (1900, c.)
In the image appears a man sitting at a table surrounded by young women. Next to the man appears a woman visibly older than the rest of the women selling flowers. The flower seller is a symbolic celestina as she is offering to choose a beauty-flower…

Woman smoking, by Canals (1900, c.)
Original title: Femme fumant ("Woman smoking").

In the image appear two young women in a bar. One of the young women appears with a cigarette in her mouth while the other lights the cigarette for her. The blurred image in the background on the…

Dance, by Canals (1896, c.)
The image shows a group of people sitting around a figure in the center dancing. Among the seated people is a man on the left, several women dressed in blue and red, and an old woman with her head covered and playing the guitar reminiscent of…

Statue of Fernando de Rojas in Talavera de la Reina, by Juan Cantero (2016)
1.9 m bronze statue based on the only portrait that remains of Rojas, the municipal command cane in his right hand and in the left, a copy of La Celestina. There is a sword on his belt.


En busca de Calisto y Melibea.jpg
Poster of the representationEn busca de Calisto y Melibea ("In search of Calisto and Melibea") at the XXIII Celestina Festival, Puebla de Montalbán (Toledo) from August 26 to 29, 2021. Premier on August 28 in Patio del Palacio de los Condes de…

Statue of the Celestina in Calisto and Melibea's Garden, by Agustín Casillas, Salamanca (1976)
Bronze statue of an older woman and a plaque with the loversCalisto and Melibea in the hawk scene. The following fragment taken from the work has been engraved below:'Soy una vieja cual Dios me hizo, no peor que todas …. Si bien o mal vivo, Dios es…


Illustration of a procuress from the book Women's Dialogue (Diálogo de las mujeres), by Castillejo (1600)
Generic image of a woman. Note that she does not have her hair covered nor any identifiable accessory typical of a procuress. She has something unidentifiable on her waste.Transcription of the passage of the procuresses, fromCervantes…

Game card of Don Juan, Doña Inés and Brígida (Evaristo Juncosa, 1930 c.)
Card of the six of swords representing Brígida convincing Doña Inés that Don Juan is in love with her. The swords are used to represent her pain in the tradition of the heart of Mary of Sorrows.

Drawing of Celestina, by Cilantro (2021)
The first image shows Celestina with a cauldron, alluding to the spell that the character performs in act III. The second image shows Celestina surrounded by trees.

Bookmark Calisto and Melibea, Codex Manesse (2018 c.)
Bookmark with an image of a couple taken from the Codex Manesse (Zurich, 1304) and the words describing love in La Celestina "it is a hidden fire" etc

Animated plot of La Celestina, by Collado (2002)
Figurines by designer Lorenzo Collado of the characters from La Celestina, including: Melibea, Calixto, Parmeno, Areusa, Lucrecia, Sempronio, Celestina, student and the author Fernando de Rojas. Celestina's character is reminiscent of a nun because…

Cover of the book The Mechanical Celestina (La Celestina mecánica), by Colomina de Rivera (1976)
Book with cover that suggests that it is an essay with the subtitle "estudio sobre la mitología de lo femenino, la mujer y su manipulación a través de la industria cultural." The title is probably influenced bu the Spanish translation of Kubrick's…

Audience ofMother Celestina's Powders, engraving, byComba y García (1883)
The image shows the afternoon session of Hartzenbusch's The Powders of Mother Celestina ("Los polvos de la madre Celestina"). Note that there are children and youth among the audience.Engraving print The theaters and their public ("Los teatros y su…

Photo series of The Story of Melibea (La historia de Melibea), by Constantinou (2014, c.)
Series made byAndreas Constantinoucomposed of nine photos of a model that poses as Melibea. According to the photographer, "My inspiration came after visiting Salamanca and the garden where the story took place, the fiancé (now husband) of my best…

La Celestina, by cuenta.cuentos (2011)
An artistic project in the form of comics by the user Cuenta.Cuentos on the site:

Tags: ,

Photo in the Garden of Calixto y Melibea, by Culla (2016)
A photo of two people, one of them acting in an accusing or threatening way, in the Garden of Calixto and Melibea, on a travel blog by Daniel de Culla.

Description of the work by the author: "As you may have seen on my website, I work from mythology considering this endless source for reflection on who we are and the latent aspirations of every human being. That is, as archetypes of human behavior.…


La Celestina Doll, by Daasper [sic] (2013)
Doll based on the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904), by the DeviantArt user Daasper.

Vestidos inspirados en La Celestina, de la Rosa (2014)
Photographer: Maximo Arroyo.
Photography assistant: Rosibell Rivera.
Make up & hair: Antonio Aguado.
Stylist: Jorge de la Rosa.
Wardrobe: Jorge de la Rosa collection.
Model: Angela Gomez de Olea.

The Dress:
Made in three pieces, skirt,…

YouTube video of the adaptation of La Celestina by students from Bovalar Secondary School, Castellón de la Plana (2009)
School project, 50 minute video. Described on the YouTube page as "Adaptation of the classic by Fernando de Rojas". Audiovisual project by the grade 11 students from Bovalar Secondary School (2009-2010 school year) from the Castilian Language and…

The Black Lady (La dama negra), cover of the La novela de hoy edition (1925)
La novela de hoy is a series of popular novels from the 1920s and 1930s that are characterized by noteworthy covers that sometimes have an erotic theme.
In this case, although it is a work of horror, the lady's representation corresponds to that of…

La Celestina, by Durán and LaGRUAestudio (2013)
Half of Melibea's body, sad appearance and long hair, and Celestina in the background in a pose that indicates here evil plans. Illustration made for the collective exposition titled "Oficis Extraordinaris," organized by APIV (Professional…

La Celestina, by Edwmwtal (sic) (2013)
Illustration of La Celestina bu the DeviantArt user Edwmwtal. Note the influence of Walt Disney's stepmother or witch model.

La Celostina, Mexican television character (2000)
Sketches del programa cómico La Hora Pico de El Canal del las Estrellas, México. En cada historia Celestina sale con un hombre diferente, pero nunca falta que malinterprete las acciones de su pareja al estar con otra mujer (viéndola, hablándole) y se…

Celestinas in a 19th century comic magazine, by El Fandango (1891)
Various representations of Celestinas or celestinesque characters in the weekly magazine "El Fandango: Weekly dance dedicated to the beautiful male sex" (1891). We can see the figures that remind of Celestina as old women, with their heads covered…

Fotografía de La Celestina, de Emotional Books (2017)
Emotional books is a proyect that joins literature and photography through the staging of the selected play.

Eclogue of Plácida and Vitoriano, by Juan del Encina (1518.c)
Same illustration used for the argument opening Fadrique de Basilea's Burgos 1499 edition of the Comedia de Calisto y Melibea.

Other title: Egloga nueuame[n]te trobada por juan d[e]l enzina : En la qual se introduzen dos enamorados llamada ella…

Postal stamp of the Festival La Celestina, by FNMT (2018)
Postal stamp commemorating the Festival La Celestina that takes place in La Puebla de Montalban, the town in Toledo province where Fernando de Rojas was born. The festival takes place every year. The stamp is a red and white version of part of the…

Currito the Flamenco Singer's Enchanted Guitar (La guitarra embrujada de Currito el cantaor), by Ferrándiz (1961 c.)
Illustrated children's story that has a witch inspired byMother Celestina's Powder, as the use of the expression in the text shows:"Y en su cueva aquella noche le echó las cartas, ladina, y a una guitarra echó los polvos de la madre…

Caricature of La Celestina, by Flórez Herrera (2014)
In the caricature, a woman appears pointing to a building where a sign appears that says "Celesti Coop." The woman represents Celestina. Under the caricature appears the quote "¡Si trabajando en mi casa vivía como una reina, cómo sería hoy con una…

Procuress publicly punished, magazine Fray Verdades (1909)
A procuress being publicly displayed and punished. A daughter of Celestina is watching the event

Redencion para parmeno reflexiones sin cabeza.jpg
Poster of the representation ¡Redención para Pármeno! (Reflexiones sin cabeza) ("Redemption for Pármeno! (Headless reflections)") at theXXIII Celestina Festival, Puebla de Montalbán (Toledo) from August 26 to 29, 2021. Premier on August 27 in Silo…

The illustration represents Callisto lying on a bed praying. At the top left corner, Melibea appears represented as an illusion. This representation is a good example of the reading that interprets the meeting as a dream.For more information see:…

Cove of Gilman´s The Spain of Fernando de Rojas
. 1978. Literatura española. ¿Rojas, Fernando de? 7 Celestina.06 (860 ¿Rojas, Fernando de? 7 Celestina.06) 21 cm. 534 p., 1 h. Encuadernación en tapa blanda de editorial ilustrada. Colección Persiles , numero…

La Celestina cookie by Ginger Galletas, 2017
A cookie decorated with an image of Celestina which comes from a drawing made by Thecarlosmal (pseudonym) as a model.
Artists' comments: "La Celestina", obra de Fernando de Rojas, fue realizada como parte de un regalo personalizado, para una…

Painted terracotta figurine of Celestina and a sitting young woman. The Celestina figurine has the defining scar on the cheek.

YouTube video summary of animated La Celestina, by Gloria Gil (2012)
"Brief summary of the argument of the play La Celestina"
Six minute silent video in which an electronic blackboard and a series of drawings is used to summarize the argument. Educational material?? Note the use of modern characters in the drawings.

Calligraphic rendering of the words La Celestina, Ceibe (2014)
Elaborate calligraphic rendering of the words La Celestina in a style that has reminiscences of Miro and Lorca´s drawings

Portada de la Tercera Celestina, de  Gómez de Toledo, 1539
Cover page in which the execution of Celestina is depicted
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