Fictional cover of La Repulsiva Celestina ("The Repulsive Celestine") by Fernando de Rojas, prepared by Seventinain insuperhero style.In the image appears a woman dressed in black, with a cape, skirt and stockings and with blue hair that represents…
On the cover of this edition there is an older woman who acts as Celestina. One of her eyes is damaged, which is reminiscent of the tradition where this character is represented with a damaged eye, as in the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904)
In this cover Calisto is represented on the left, Celestina at the center and Melibea on the right. Because of how Celestina is represented with different eye colours and her grin, it is reminiscent of the representation of this character in…
A mask inspired by Celestina, by Picasso (1904) and displayed in the exhibit Traditions Transfigured: The Noh Masks of Bidou Yamaguchi in the Asia Society Texas Center of Houston, February of 2015. Materials used: Japanese Cypress, shell, natural…
A self-portrait by the photographer Wendy Lee-Warne in the style of the famous painting by Picasso, La Celestina. While she worked on a photographic project whose them was "blue," the photographer's inspiration came from the famous painting and she…
Representation directed by José Luis Gómez of Teatro de la Abadía in co-production with Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico. Starring José Luis Gómez (as Celestina).Record of representation in CDAEM, Spanish…