Animated plot of La Celestina, by Collado (2002)

Animated plot of La Celestina, by Collado (2002)
Animated plot of La Celestina, by Collado (2002)
Animated plot of La Celestina, by Collado (2002)
Animated plot of La Celestina, by Collado (2002)
Animated plot of La Celestina, by Collado (2002)
Animated plot of La Celestina, by Collado (2002)
Animated plot of La Celestina, by Collado (2002)
Animated plot of La Celestina, by Collado (2002)
Animated plot of La Celestina, by Collado (2002)


Animated plot of La Celestina, by Collado (2002)


Collado, Lorenzo




Figurines by designer Lorenzo Collado of the characters from La Celestina, including: Melibea, Calixto, Parmeno, Areusa, Lucrecia, Sempronio, Celestina, student and the author Fernando de Rojas. Celestina's character is reminiscent of a nun because of the habit and the rosary that she wears around her neck.


Dimensions: Unknown.

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