School of the "sisters", by anonymous (1902)
In the image appears an old man with a hat and a club and an old woman with a hat reminiscent of Celestina. They are both in front of a building that, from the joke that appears below the image, it is understood that it is a school that the old woman has to run:
"- La marquesa m' ha dit que va á tornar á obrirse l' escola y que, en lloch de las hermanas, la dirigiré jo.
- Está molt bé.
- Sí, pero ara será precís que jo aprengui de llegir...!"
(- The Marquise has told me that the school is going to reopen and that, instead of the sisters, I will direct it.
- That's very good.
- Yes, but now it will be necessary for me to learn how to read...! Translation to English).
Next to the image there is a story of young men who used a locale as a cover for a brothel with a woman hired as Celestina:
"Uns joves fills de casas bonas van llogar un local, simulant establirhi una fábrica de blondas, y ab la tramoya de donar feyna á las noyas ab un petit senmanal, tenían contractada á una Celestina que 'n buscava quantas podía sempre que siguessin vistosas, y las portava al parany de aquells joves depravats... Y un cop allí no hi ha que dir lo que feyan ab ellas."
("Some young men, children of good families, rented a place, pretending to establish a lace factory there, and with the scheme of giving work to young women of a small weekly, they had hired a Celestina who looked for as many as she could as long as they were showy, and took them to the trap of these depraved young men... And once they were there, it is not necessary to say what they did with them." Translation to English).
"- La marquesa m' ha dit que va á tornar á obrirse l' escola y que, en lloch de las hermanas, la dirigiré jo.
- Está molt bé.
- Sí, pero ara será precís que jo aprengui de llegir...!"
(- The Marquise has told me that the school is going to reopen and that, instead of the sisters, I will direct it.
- That's very good.
- Yes, but now it will be necessary for me to learn how to read...! Translation to English).
Next to the image there is a story of young men who used a locale as a cover for a brothel with a woman hired as Celestina:
"Uns joves fills de casas bonas van llogar un local, simulant establirhi una fábrica de blondas, y ab la tramoya de donar feyna á las noyas ab un petit senmanal, tenían contractada á una Celestina que 'n buscava quantas podía sempre que siguessin vistosas, y las portava al parany de aquells joves depravats... Y un cop allí no hi ha que dir lo que feyan ab ellas."
("Some young men, children of good families, rented a place, pretending to establish a lace factory there, and with the scheme of giving work to young women of a small weekly, they had hired a Celestina who looked for as many as she could as long as they were showy, and took them to the trap of these depraved young men... And once they were there, it is not necessary to say what they did with them." Translation to English).
Drawing by anonymous for the magazine La Campana de Gràcia: Semanari bilingüe, donará una batallada cada senmana, si se'n venem moltas tocará á somaten, edited by Antoni López, year 33, n. 1743, Barcelona, October 11, 1902, page 4 (https://arca.bnc.cat/arcabib_pro/ca/publicaciones/verNumero.do?idNumero=8068)
Found in the Arxiu de Revistes Catalanes Antigues (Archive of Old Catalan Magazines), Biblioteca de Catalunya (Library of Catalonia):
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Found in the Arxiu de Revistes Catalanes Antigues (Archive of Old Catalan Magazines), Biblioteca de Catalunya (Library of Catalonia):
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