Illustration of Melibea, by AETOS (2013)

Ilustración de Melibea, de AETOS (2013)


Illustration of Melibea, by AETOS (2013)


AETOS, pseudonym




Drawing of the love of Calisto and Melibea. Image that appeared on the blog "Día a día" of the newspaper Periódico El Mercurio, Santiago de Chile.

Note that the illustration of Melibea seems to correspond more to the model of Doña Inés del don Juan de Zorrilla.

The title of the article says:

"Misterios de La Celestina ¿Es una novela dramatizada o un drama novelado? ¿En qué ciudad castellana está situada? ¿Por qué Calisto y Melibea, pudiendo casarse como Dios manda, prefirieron amarse clandestinamente?"

"Mysteries of La Celestina: Is it a dramatized novel or a novelized drama? Which Castillian city is it situated in? Why do Calisto and Melibea, being able to marry as God commands, prefer to love clandestinely?"


"Los misterios de La Celestina." El Mercurio. 20 dec 2013.

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