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  • Collection: Varia celestinesca

Relief with a procuress on a baptismal font in Palencia (12th century)
Sculpted on the baptismal font of the Romanesque church of San Salvador, in Rebanal de las Llantas, Palencia, there is a couple copulating and an old woman behind the young woman, as well as another man. The other side of the font shows a scene of…

Scene of lovers in a garden, by Master E. S. (1460 c.)
Illustration with themes from La Celestina, made in Germany by a painter known only by his/her initials as Master E.S. Gallant scene in a garden with a falcon. The scene recalls the first scene from La Celestina. InCelestinesca, 1987, Vol. 11, Num.…

casa celestina.jpg
The plaque commemorates Fadrique de Basilea's workshop, and the place where the first edition of La Celestina was printed.The plaque reads: "En esta Casa estuvieron los Talleres de Fadrique de Basileay Juan de Burgos, impresores. 1483-1489. De aquí…


Eclogue of Plácida and Vitoriano, by Juan del Encina (1518.c)
Same illustration used for the argument opening Fadrique de Basilea's Burgos 1499 edition of the Comedia de Calisto y Melibea.

Other title: Egloga nueuame[n]te trobada por juan d[e]l enzina : En la qual se introduzen dos enamorados llamada ella…

The Temptations of Saint Anthony Abad, by Patinir and Massys (1520, c.)
Table representing the temptations of Saint Anthony Abad. In the painting San Antonio appears surrounded by three young women tempting the saint and an old woman. The old woman appears with her breasts exposed and can act as a procuress for the young…

This image is a leaf from a romance of 8 pages in the National Library of Spain of a : illustration comes from act XIV of the Burgos 1499…

Portada de la Tercera Celestina, de  Gómez de Toledo, 1539
Cover page in which the execution of Celestina is depicted

Illustration from Tragedia Policiana, by Sebastián Fernández and anonymous illustrator, 1547
Courtship scene that closely recalls some of the covers and illustrations of the first page of contemporary editions of Celestina. Policiano playing the guitar or lute is the main departure from the model.

Dollhouse Lock, Garganta la Olla, Extremadura (1550, c.)
The first image shows the lock of a house in Garganta la Olla, Extremadura (Spain), which is the lock of an old brothel or public house that is preserved in this town, located very close to Yuste, so it is believed that it was frequented by the guard…

Engraving of a procuress from Auto da Barca do Inferno, by Gil Vicente (1586)
Engraving from the Complete workds of Gild Vicente, 1586. The character on the right is the procuress Brizida Vaz, which is inspired in Celestina. The othe two character may be the simpleton or fool Joane and one of the four knights in the story. The…

Romance del conde Claros, by Varesio (1593, c.)
Original title: Romance del Conde Claros de Moltauan : con vn villancico pastoril al cabo, muy gracioso ("Romance of Count Claros from Montalban: with a pastoral carol at the end, very funny").

Same engraving as the one Fadrique de Basilea used in…

Illustration of a procuress from the book Women's Dialogue (Diálogo de las mujeres), by Castillejo (1600)
Generic image of a woman. Note that she does not have her hair covered nor any identifiable accessory typical of a procuress. She has something unidentifiable on her waste.Transcription of the passage of the procuresses, fromCervantes…

Punished procuress, from the map by Braun and Hogenberg, by Hoefnagel (1612, c.)
Image of a punished procuress in the map of the city of Seville found in the work by Braun and Hogenberg, (1612-1618).Civitates orbis terrarvm. Coloniae Agrippinae: apud Petrum à Brachel, sumptibus auctorum. From the inscription on the page it is…

Blanket or bedspread with scene from La Celestina (1615)
Blanket of Portuguese origin with scenes from the play and the names of Calisto and Melibea. It is kept at the Victoria and Albert Museum of London.

The procuress whipped, with a crest on her head, by Mitelli (c. 1696)
Engraving depicting a procuress on a donkey, whipped while wearing a crest. An inscription in Italian reads: The procuress whipped while wearing a crest on her head, Bologna, June 1696.

Plate painted with gallant scene and procuress, anonymous (c. 1700)
A plate with a scene of a suitor and a young woman; a procuress facilitating the negotiation behind.

"Night scene in interior, with Apollo, in the guise of the old woman Eurynome, caressing Leucothoe's chin; in ornate frame, with heads of Diana and Apollo, printed from a separate plate" (Description from The British Museum, London, UK,…

Elegant company, by anonymous (1770, c.)
Other titles: Elegant company playing backgammon in an interior, an amorous couple, and a monk and procuress with a young lady.

Painting in the manner after William Hogarth.

The image shows four figures, a man and three young women playing…

Calendar advertisement for Los polvos de la madre Celestina, by Blanquel (1857)
The image is probably a lithograph of a scene from the play performed at the Gran Teatro Nacional (of Mexico), of which six magic scenes are said to be included in this calendar (calendar of Los polvos de la madre Celestina) announced to be sold in…

Caricatures of Celestina in the satirical newspaper Don Junípero from the 19th century, by anonymous, Cuba (1862)
Two caricatures appear in the newspaper. Both are in the headline of the newspaper that is repeated in subsequent issues. In the black and white caricature an old woman with her head covered appears, who may represent the procuress (first image). The…

Celestina on a donkey, by anonymous (1862)
The image contains two scenes; the first image shows a carnival scene where elegantly dressed men and women appear with some of them wearing masks. In the second image, people appear in disguise and with instruments such as umbrellas or brooms. In…

Audience ofMother Celestina's Powders, engraving, byComba y García (1883)
The image shows the afternoon session of Hartzenbusch's The Powders of Mother Celestina ("Los polvos de la madre Celestina"). Note that there are children and youth among the audience.Engraving print The theaters and their public ("Los teatros y su…

The Procuress, by Rosso (1885)
Original Italian statue titled La ruffiana.

A little soup, by Álvarez (1885)
Original title:Una sopita ("A little soup").The engraving shows an interior scene where four figures appear: two young people sitting talking, an old man sitting next to them watching them while he eats, and a young woman leaving the room. The…

Celestina telling a story to two children, by anonymous (1886)
In the drawing appears an old woman with her head covered, reminiscent of Celestina, talking to two children. From the word that appears in the image "Stories", the image can be interpreted as an old woman telling a story to two children. The gesture…

Celestina as Mrs Lent, by anonymous (1886)
In the image appears an old woman reminiscent of Celestina with her head covered, holding a club and what looks like a rosary hanging from her hip. On the left is a human body with the head of a donkey and a guitar on his shoulder. On the donkey's…

Celestina in the comic strip El rapto de la Sabina, by Pons (1891)
The comic strip in the second image reproduces The Kidnapping of the Sabine Woman. In the first image, which is a fragment of the comic strip, you can see an old woman and in the description she is referred to as Celestina. It is this figure that…

Celestinas in a 19th century comic magazine, by El Fandango (1891)
Various representations of Celestinas or celestinesque characters in the weekly magazine "El Fandango: Weekly dance dedicated to the beautiful male sex" (1891). We can see the figures that remind of Celestina as old women, with their heads covered…

Mr Emilio Castelar dressed as Celestina, by anonymous (1894)
In the drawing appears Mr Emilio Castelar dressed as Celestina, with a mustache, dress, shoes and his head covered. Underneath the drawing appears the following text (translated):"Ms Emilia (Celestina) after working so hard to position Venturita came…

Luchar por la vida.jpg
"The academic culture of the Spanish 19th century introduced the concept of decency in the representation of the female nude. During the Restoration, the images of women who, due to economic necessity, were forced to pose naked for the artists…

Dance, by Canals (1896, c.)
The image shows a group of people sitting around a figure in the center dancing. Among the seated people is a man on the left, several women dressed in blue and red, and an old woman with her head covered and playing the guitar reminiscent of…

Liqueur advertisement (1898)
Advertisement of the liqueur made by the French order of the Celestine monks, no connection with La Celestina in spite of the name and the image.

Black Spain, by Regoyos (1899)
Old woman by a fire with a bellow.Noice the similarity to 1929,La chiquita piconera de Romero de Torres

Matchmaker, by Bordalo Pinheiro (1900, c.)
Original title: Alcoviteira ("Matchmaker").

Modern plastic figure based on artist and designer Bordalo Pinheiro's drawings. It is based on the tradition of Gil Vicente's play Auto das barcas do inferno (16th century),
in which a matchmaker called…

Tin bas-relief of a Celestina type scene, by anonymous (1900, c.)
Bas reliefi in tin of a plate to hang. It represents a scene of lovers in a garden and an older woman looking upon them from a window. It may be part of the Celestina tradition, but this exact distribution of the characters is not traditional.

Scene with Celestina, by anonymous (1900, c.)
Calisto and Melibea appear in the scene looking at each other outside a house. Melibea looks out the window while Calisto appears outside and looking at her. In the window on the right, Celestina appears looking at Calisto and Melibea.

Going to the party or a walk after the race, by Canals (1900, c.)
Original title: Se rendant à la fête ou Promenade après la course ("Going to the party or a walk after the race").

In the image appear four young women dressed in regional dresses and mantillas. They are in a field surrounded by men and women…

The Flower Seller, by Canals (1900, c.)
In the image appears a man sitting at a table surrounded by young women. Next to the man appears a woman visibly older than the rest of the women selling flowers. The flower seller is a symbolic celestina as she is offering to choose a beauty-flower…

Woman smoking, by Canals (1900, c.)
Original title: Femme fumant ("Woman smoking").

In the image appear two young women in a bar. One of the young women appears with a cigarette in her mouth while the other lights the cigarette for her. The blurred image in the background on the…

In the image appears an old man with a hat and a club and an old woman with a hat reminiscent of Celestina. They are both in front of a building that, from the joke that appears below the image, it is understood that it is a school that the old woman…

Illustration by the magazine Blanco y Negro in an article signed by Azorín that references a celestina from the comedyEufemia, by Lope de Rueda, that connects with the traditional Celestina only because of sorcery. The image resembles Cervantes' La…

La Celestina corrupts Barcelona, political joke, by Picarol (1906)
Three figures appear in the drawing, a man with a mustache and elegant clothing, a young woman and an old woman with a mustache and her head covered. The young woman represents the city of Barcelona, the old woman represents the procuress Celestina…

A press release that mentions a work titled:La Celestina, by Alberti. The image is not shown in this work. We have not been able to find the painting, nor the subsequent news about its destination.

Procuress publicly punished, magazine Fray Verdades (1909)
A procuress being publicly displayed and punished. A daughter of Celestina is watching the event

Celestina and martyr, cover illustration, 1912.
Illustration of a young woman assaulted by a man, cover of Coloma, Jesús R.'s novel, in the series Los contemporáneos.

Procuring (Proxenetismo), by Meid (1914)
Instead of a female procuress, the artist Hans Meid shows a procurer offering her protegée to another man.

Celestina negotiating the dowry, by anonymous (1914)
In the image appears an old woman with her head covered talking to a man. On the left and with her back towards the two characters appears a woman. The image was published in the foreign humor section of the magazine, so the clothing of the…

Divine Treasure, by Ramírez Montesinos (1916)
Three figures appear in the image; a young woman in the center, a girl on the left and an old woman looking at the young woman with her head covered following the celestinesque tradition. The old woman can act as a procuress for the young woman.The…

The Matchmaker II, by Barlach (1920, c.)
Original title: Die Kupplerin (I, II) ("The Matchmaker I and II")

Matchmaker showing her pupil and rejoicing

Cover of A high ranking casino, by Torrenueva (1920, c.)
Cover of A high ranking casino ("Un casino de alto rango"), by Torrenueva, The exquisite novel ("La novela exquisita") (erotic novel), Madrid 20s, No. 80. Illustrations by Pan.

Two women are represented on the cover. One of them (the youngest) is…

Portada de una edición francés de La Celestina, de de Rojas (1922)
A French edition, published in 1922 by Éditions de la Nouvelle Revue Française. Translated by A. Germond de Lavigne (XX century) and illustrated by Démétrius Emmanuel Galanis (1882-1966).

Scene from "Los polvos de la madre Celestina", Teatro Español, Madrid, 1922
Image and caricature of the play "Mother Celestina's Powders" ("Los polvos de la madre Celestina"), Teatro Español, Madrid, 1922, remade by Angel Torres del Alamo and Antonio Asenjo.Author: Juan EugenioHartzenbuschRemake by: Angel Torres del Alamo…

The Black Lady (La dama negra), cover of the La novela de hoy edition (1925)
La novela de hoy is a series of popular novels from the 1920s and 1930s that are characterized by noteworthy covers that sometimes have an erotic theme.
In this case, although it is a work of horror, the lady's representation corresponds to that of…

Celestinesque character in the film version of the zarzuela La Trapera, by Larra y Ossorio (1925, c.)
A character identified as Celestina tries to corrupt the heroine. The actress who plays Celestina is Dolores Fora.

An anti-venereal campaign poster, The Dangerous Proposal (La oferta peligrosa) (1927)
The Dangerous Proposal (1927), by Manchón, winning lithographic poster of the Comité Ejecutivo Anti-venéreo contest. Note the clothing and the death situation behind the maja in the style of the matchmaker next to the maja in Goya's paintings.

Lady Milagros (Doña Milagros), cover of La novela de hoy (1925 c.)
La novela de hoy is a series of popular novels from the 1920s and 1930s that are characterized by noteworthy covers that sometimes have an erotic theme.
In this case it consists of the opposite representation of a procuress since she is an old woman…

The Horror (Lo horrible), cover of the Novela de hoy edition (1927)
La novela de hoy is a series of popular novels from the 1920s and 1930s that are characterized by noteworthy covers that sometimes have an erotic theme. See related image for more details.

Provenza Street (La calle de Provenza), cover of the Novela de hoy edition (1928)
La novela de hoy is a series of popular novels from the 1920s and 1930s that are characterized by noteworthy covers that sometimes have an erotic theme.
Note that it represents a modern procuress or brothel keeper that does not correspond with the…

A Couple in Trouble (Polvareda conyugal), cover of the La novela de hoy edition (1929)
La novela de hoy is a series of popular novels from the 1920s and 1930s that are characterized by noteworthy covers that sometimes have an erotic theme.The character of the old witch is an allusion to the work by HartzenbuschMother Celestina's…

Engravings from the French adaptation of La Celestina, by Le Breton (1929)
Four copper engravings byConstant Le Breton that illustrate the French adaptation ofLa Celestina by Fernand Fleuret and Roger Allard, La Célestine, tragi-comedie imité de l'espagnol (Éditions du Trianon, París 1929). It is…

Game card of Don Juan, Doña Inés and Brígida (Evaristo Juncosa, 1930 c.)
Card of the six of swords representing Brígida convincing Doña Inés that Don Juan is in love with her. The swords are used to represent her pain in the tradition of the heart of Mary of Sorrows.

Cover of the book "Sexuality in other times", by Martín de Lucenay (1934)
On the cover appears a young woman and two black silhouettes behind her. The two black silhouettes in the background suggest Celestinas of the Goya type.

Illustration of Melibea, by Prieto (1943)
In the image there appear several figures that represent characters from the work: a man and an old woman with her head covered in the center can represent Calixto and Celestina, a young woman on the left can represent Melibea and on the right…

Cigar box label with lithograph of La Celestina (c. 1950)
Lithograph of a young woman with the name La Celestina on a Bernard Stahl & Co and Lichten Brothers box. It is not, however, a reference to de Rojas' character, but to a property or estates in which tobacco is produced and that usually have feminine…

Medal from the Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre, by Manuel Prieto (1957).
Medal in bronze. On the obverse side there is the image of a naked young woman with a snake. On the reverse side, a rope with two knots and the words: "an old bearded woman known as Celestina, who is a astute sorceress, expert in all kind of evil…

Celestina ??, by Schonberg (1960, c.)
Portrait of an alleged ancestor of Roderick Usher in Vincent Price's movie adaptation of Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher (1960). The painting seems to be inspired by Picasso's famous Celestina of 1903. Schonberg meet Picasso in Paris and seem to…

Currito the Flamenco Singer's Enchanted Guitar (La guitarra embrujada de Currito el cantaor), by Ferrándiz (1961 c.)
Illustrated children's story that has a witch inspired byMother Celestina's Powder, as the use of the expression in the text shows:"Y en su cueva aquella noche le echó las cartas, ladina, y a una guitarra echó los polvos de la madre…

Cover of the Second Comedy of La Celestina, by Silva (1968)
Original title: Segunda comedia de Celestina ("Second Comedy of La Celestina").

Cover by Alberto Corazón. Madrid : Ciencia Nueva, D. L. 1968.
Illustration of two young lovers which recalls various cover pages of La Celestina of the era.

Cover of the novel The Brothel Keeper (La madama), by Concha Alós (1973)
Cover with a woman covered in a Celestina-like way. In the work, there is a woman that encourages another to prostitute herself.

Spanish National Lottery Ticket (1974)
Copy of the Toledo, 1526, coloured. Ticket worth 200 pesetas from February 9, 1974 to celebrate Valentine's Day.

Celestina del Ampurdán, by anonymous (1975)
Puppet in the play Les Aventures d'en Malic("Malic's adventures").Puppet doll of an old woman in a red dress representing the celestina.

Statue of the Celestina in Calisto and Melibea's Garden, by Agustín Casillas, Salamanca (1976)
Bronze statue of an older woman and a plaque with the loversCalisto and Melibea in the hawk scene. The following fragment taken from the work has been engraved below:'Soy una vieja cual Dios me hizo, no peor que todas …. Si bien o mal vivo, Dios es…


Cover of the book The Mechanical Celestina (La Celestina mecánica), by Colomina de Rivera (1976)
Book with cover that suggests that it is an essay with the subtitle "estudio sobre la mitología de lo femenino, la mujer y su manipulación a través de la industria cultural." The title is probably influenced bu the Spanish translation of Kubrick's…

Mother Celestina, by anonymous (1977)
Festas Gordas del Vino y del Tocino, by Miguel Romero Esteo.

Puppet of a woman with a covered head representing Mother Celestina.

Cove of Gilman´s The Spain of Fernando de Rojas
. 1978. Literatura española. ¿Rojas, Fernando de? 7 Celestina.06 (860 ¿Rojas, Fernando de? 7 Celestina.06) 21 cm. 534 p., 1 h. Encuadernación en tapa blanda de editorial ilustrada. Colección Persiles , numero…

Estatua de Fernando de Rojas en Puebla de Montalbán (1980, c.)
Granite statue of Fernando de Rojas in his hometown, Puebla de Montalbán, of the province of Toledo, Glorieta square. It includes an inscription that says "Relic of the remains of Fernando de Rojas, donated by Talavera de la Reina"


Design of a Celestina, by Richart (1980 c.)
Design from the performance Llegó el Bululú, character named Antonia and described as Celestina and "Jealous old man" written beside it. See the attached page from the ABC from 1983.

Postage stamp from Equatorial Guinea (c. 1981)
Postage stamp with copy of the famous painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904).

Comic by the young (15 years old) Murcian illustrator Alejandro Peña Sáez, who would later become a cartoonist and artist. It is a black and white adventure comic in a combination of medieval and western settings in the type of Mortadelo and Filemón…

Preliminary sketches for a play, by Barkhin (1987)
Sketches for the presentation of "Celestina" by director Yuri Semenovich Kopylov. Saratov Drama Theater.

Comic of La Celestina, by Basstien (1988)
Colour comic for young readers, part of a collection of classic works for young readers.

Adaptation: Rémy Bastien
Script: Dolores Plaza
Drawings: J. Santos Reyna
Colour separation: Carlos García, José García, Raúl Mendoza, Antonio Pérez y…


Cover of the Second Comedy of La Celestina, by Silva (1988)
Original title: Segunda comedia de Celestina ("Second Comedy of La Celestina").

Cover of the Consolación Baranda edition. Letras Hispánicas collection nº 284.
Showing Celestina "resurrected".

Illustration of the Second Celestina, by Salazar y Torres (1994)
Illustration of the Second Act, Scene XXI.
Celestina tricks don Luis with the reflection of a mirror so that don Diego can safely leave doña Beatriz's house.

Postage stamp from Correos de España, 1998.
Stamp worth 35 pesetas with blue monochromatic image of Celestina in the foreground with objects from her laboratory. Artist without feature in the background.

ONCE lottery ticket, 500 years of the publication of La Celestina (1999)
Ticket from November 10, 1999. Copy of the cover of the Toledo, 1526 edition on a lottery ticket from the Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles. Commemoration of the 500 years since the publication of the work. On this ONCE…

Card from La Celestina library specialized in theatre, Madrid (2000 c.)
Commercial card from the library specialized in La Celestina theatre. Copies the engraving from act XIV and XIX from the Valencia, 1514 edition.

Conquest (Conquista), painting by Blanco Prieto (2000 c.)
Painting on wood made with a mixed technique that represents a medieval courtship scene inspired byLa Celestina.The author writes about the image: "To seduce the beloved the help of the procuress was not enough. It was necessary to reach the dreamy…

El huerto de Calisto y Melibea, theater (2000 c.)
Cut out puppet theatre of Melibea's garden with the characters from the play. The front page, in English and Spanish, includes a summary of the story and explains that the garden is near Salamanca's Old Cathedral, which clearly appears in the…

Advertisement card for the restaurant La Celestina, Madrid (2000 c.)
Blue monochromatic fragment of the painting Patronage of the Arts by the House of Habsburg(Patronazgo de las artes por la casa de Habsburgo), by Julius Victor Berger (Kunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna). The seated young woman is Isabella of…

La Celostina, Mexican television character (2000)
Sketches del programa cómico La Hora Pico de El Canal del las Estrellas, México. En cada historia Celestina sale con un hombre diferente, pero nunca falta que malinterprete las acciones de su pareja al estar con otra mujer (viéndola, hablándole) y se…

Coasters from La Celestina wine bar, brewery and restaurant, by anonymous (2000, c.)
Coasters from La Celestina wine bar, brewery and restaurant, in Santander Street, 6, Burgos, Spain. Celestina's face and the name "La Celestina" appear on the coasters with ice cubes in the background.

Celestina doll, by Wolfe (2001, c.)
Engraving of a Celestina doll, designed by Kathryn Wolfe, part of the private collection of J. T. Snow. The drawing shows a figure of an old woman with white hair and a pointed nose. From the title it is understood that it represents…
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