Engraving of a procuress from Auto da Barca do Inferno, by Gil Vicente (1586)

Engraving of a procuress from Auto da Barca do Inferno, by Gil Vicente (1586)


Engraving of a procuress from Auto da Barca do Inferno, by Gil Vicente (1586)


Vicente, Gil, Andres Lobato and anonymous illustrator




Engraving from the Complete workds of Gild Vicente, 1586. The character on the right is the procuress Brizida Vaz, which is inspired in Celestina. The othe two character may be the simpleton or fool Joane and one of the four knights in the story. The knight resembles a young man in love as Calisto, impression that is reinforced by the flowers in his hand. (cf. the cover of  Celestina edition from Lisbon 1540). There is a lady inside the tower, which reinforces also the connection to Celestina.


Vicente, Gil, Copilaçam de todalas obras de Gil Vicente a qual se reparte em cinco liuros. O primeyro he de todas suas cousas de deuaçam. O segundo as Comedias. O terceyro as Tragicomedias. No quarto as Farsas. No quinto às obras meudas. - Vam emmendadas polo Sancto Officio como se manda no cathalogo deste Regno. - Lixboa : por Andres Lobato, 1586

Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

Item Relations

This Item is related Item: Matchmaker, by Bordalo Pinheiro (1900, c.)

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