Celestinesque character in the film version of the zarzuela La Trapera, by Larra y Ossorio (1925, c.)
Larra y Ossorio, Luis de
Bistagne, Francisco-Mario (Director)
Bistagne, Francisco-Mario (Director)
1925, c.
A character identified as Celestina tries to corrupt the heroine. The actress who plays Celestina is Dolores Fora.
Frames from the film González López, Palmira and Cánovas Belchí, Joaquín, "La trapera (1925)" based on the zarzuela of the same name premiered on January 28, 1902 at the Teatro Cómico in Madrid by the Prado-Chicote company, and published as Larra and Ossorio, Luis de. 1906. La trapera: Zarzuela en un acto y cuatro cuadros, en prosa y verso ("La trapera: Zarzuela in one act and four paintings, in prose and verse"). Madrid: R. Velasco, imp.:
Identifier: latraperazarzuel00caba
This film was in turn turned into a novel in a series called La novela film ("The Novel Film"), published in Barcelona in 1925, c. See on the FilmoTeca de Catalunya website:
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