Paintings and engravingsdepicting a procuress


Paintings and engravings depicting a procuress


Paintings and engravings inspired in the tradition La Celestina 


Portraits of procuresses, by Crispijn van de Passe II (1630 c.)
Among many other engraving, this Dutch engraver printed a book with portraits of famosu courtisans and bawds. 'Miroir des plus belles courtisans de ce temps¨. Spigel der alderschoonste courtisanen deses tyts,

The Procession, by Lucas Villaamil, 1900 c.
Oil on canvas, 65.5 x 82 cm. (25.8 x 32.3 in.)

Goyesque scen of a maja and a celestina, and a religious procession in the background

On the balcony, by Llovera i Bofill (1898)
In the image three figures appear on a balcony: two young women, one sitting with a fan and another resting on the first, and behind them appears an old woman looking at them. The image reminds us of the famous painting Young Woman and Celestina on…

The caprice, by Díaz Domínguez (1916, c.)
Three figures appear in the painting: in the center, a young woman with a black mantilla looking at the viewer, to the right appears another woman with flowers on her head, holding a fan and looking at the young woman. Finally, an old woman with her…

The fake aunt, by Pla Gallardo (1899)
The image shows five figures; in the center, an old woman with her head covered following the celestinesque tradition, on the right a young couple, and on the left two women with habits. The trio can represent the typical triangle of prostitute,…

Gloria, by Pla (1901)
Recreation by the painter and illustrator of Galdós' character Gloria from the work of the same name published in 1876. Note the presence of the old women with a celestinesque appearance in the church in this work in which the heroine falls in love…

Lovers with procuress, by anonymous (1600, c.)
Original title: Liebespaar mit kupplerin ("Lovers with procuress").

Painting by author belinging to the Dutch School.

In the image three figures appear, a young couple where the man approaches the young woman while she moves away and an old…

Tía Sinforosa, in Sainete, by Noguera (1858)
Four characters appear on the cover of the first image (first part), who, according to the cover, are in Juan Llorens house, Calle de la Palma de Santa Catarina. The young couple on the left (characters Saldoni and Margarida), the old woman with her…

The Blessed, by Gutiérrez Solana (1918, c.)
In the image there is a figure seated in a chair with a fan with her back to the viewer. By the silhouette it is understood that she is an old woman with her head covered following the Celestinesque tradition, and that therefore the drawing…

Merry company, by Hals (1620, c.)
The image shows an outdoor scene where young men and women appear around a table on a terrace. Note the old woman who appears in the center with her head covered following the Celestinesque tradition, which may act as the procuress of the young…

Hostel scene, by Hals (1650, c.)
Original title: Scène d'auberge("Hostel scene").The image shows an indoor scene where several young men appear drinking and a young woman among them. To the right in the foreground is an old woman with her head covered following the Celestinesque…

Interior with gallant company, by Hals (1650, c.)
Original title: Interiör med galant sällskap("Interior with gallant company").In the image a young couple appears in a room. To the left appears an old woman with her head covered following the Celestinesque tradition. The three figures in the scene…

Merry company making music on a terrace, by Hals (1650, c.)
The image represents an outdoor scene where young men and women appear on a terrace. Two of the men play musical instruments. Note the old woman who appears in the window on the right looking at the scene with her head covered, following the…

A musical party in an interior, by Hals (1647)
The image shows an indoor scene where young men and women appear in a room. Another hugging couple is seen through the bedroom door. Note the old woman who appears on the right with her head covered, following the Celestinesque tradition, which may…

A merry company on a terrace, by  Hals (1650, c.)
The image shows an outdoor scene where young men and women appear around a table. Talking to one of the customers on the left appears an old woman with her head covered following the Celestinesque tradition who can act as a procuress for the young…

Courtly company in the open air, by Hals (1645, c.)
Original title: Höfische Gesellschaft im Freien, rechts Blick in einen Barockgarten("Courtly company in the open air, right view of a baroque garden").The image represents an outdoor scene where young men and women appear around a table. Some couples…

Elegant company in an interior, by Hals (1643)
Original title: Elégante compagnie dans un intérieur("Elegant company in an interior").The image shows an indoor scene where young men and women appear, some hugging and even kissing. Note the old woman who appears on the left with her head covered,…

Interior scene with a courtly couple playing cards, by Hals (1634)
The image shows an interior scene where young men and women appear at a table. In the center of the image a couple and the woman touches the man on the chest in a suggestive way. Note the old woman who appears on the left with her head covered, who…

Casual socialising outdoors, by Hals (1620, c.)
The image shows a group of people around an outdoor table. There are two young women who appear, one embracing a man and the other holding hands with another man. The third man appears playing a musical instrument. Note the old woman who appears on…

The musicians, by Hals (1650, c.)
Original title:Les musicien("The musicians"). In the image there are two young women and two men playing instruments. To the right appears an old woman bent over with her head covered following the Celestinesque tradition. The old woman can act as a…

Interior with illustrious company eating oysters, by Hals (1650, c.)
Original title: Interieur mit illustrer Gesellschaft beim Austern Essen("Interior with illustrious company eating oysters").The image shows a group of people around a table eating oysters. There are several young women who appear embracing men. Note…

Ladies and students, by Bilbao Martínez (1929)
In the image three young women dressed in regional costumes appear in a park in the city of Seville (Spain). On the left are three young men looking at them. Behind the young women appears an old woman with her head covered reminiscent of Celestina…

Conversation: Ludovic Halévy and Madame Cardinal, by Degas (1880, c.)
The illustration is part of a series of more than 30 monotypes that Degas did for Ludovic Halévy's La Famille Cardinal.Description of the book and illustration:"The satirical stories revolve around two young dancers at the Opéra, Pauline and Virginie…

Tales of a Parrot, by Shravana (1560, c.)
The images are pages from the book Tales of a Parrot ("Tuti-nama"), a series of folktales of Persian origin written by Shravana in 1560, c. in Mughal India, court of Akbar. The first image is from the seventeenth night titled "The old procuress…

Caricature of the representation directed by Marsillach, by anonymous (1988, c.)
Caricature that appears in thetheater critic of "La Celestina" adapted by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester and directed by Adolfo Marsillach inABC, Madrid titled "Another version of "La Celestina" at the National Dramatic Center" ("Otra versión de "La…

Caricature of the representation directed by Tamayo, by anonymous (1978, c.)
Caricature that appears in the theater critic of "La Celestina" adapted by Camilo José Cela and directed by José Tamayo in ABC, Madrid titled "A grand literary version of "La Celestina"" ("Una gran versión literaria de "La Celestina""), by…

Caricature of Celestina in tribute to the  actress Irene López Heredia, by anonymous (1957, c.)
Caricature in tribute to the actress Irene López Heredia, that appears in the theater critic of "La Celestina" represented in the Eslava Theater, Madrid, in ABC, Madrid, titled "Tribute to Irene López Heredia on the occasion of the hundred…

The Procuress, by Vallazza (1973)
Original title:Wolkenstein-Mappe, Die Kupplerin("Wolkenstein portfolio, The Procuress").In the image, three figures appear talking seated. Two of them have human bodies and animal heads. They both face the third figure who is an old woman with her…

The prodigal son among the prostitutes, various authors
The images represent the biblical parable of the prodigal son. In both images appears a figure that represents a procuress. In the first image, the old woman with her head covered that appears on the right, can be interpreted as the prostitutes'…

Two women at the window, by Bellotti (1700, c.)
Original title: Due donne alla finestra ("Two women at the window").In the image there are two women at a window, a younger and an older one. The painting is probably inspired by the painting Two Women at a Window, by Murillo (1660, c.) even though…

The commissioner, by Rops (1878, c.)
Original title: Die Bevollmächtigte ("The commissioner"), y Plénipotentiaire ("Plenipotentiary").

Two women appear in the image, a young woman and an old woman. The young woman is with her breasts uncovered and the old woman is fully dressed and…

Mors syphilitica, by Rops (1885, c.)
The engraving unites in a single image the suggestion of consubstantial death to the covered old woman generally depicted in the background of many paintings and that Goya knows how to use in his pair of maja and procuress.

The review board, by Rops (1880, c.)
Original title: Conseil de révision ("The review board").From the series of Hundred Light Sketches (1878-1881).In the picture there are four women in a room. Three of the women are young and are depicted naked, one of them is lying on the bed.…

Intermission or The Englishwoman of the New Ballet, by Rops (1895, c.)
Original title: Entracte /L'Anglaise du nouveau ballet ("Intermission / The Englishwoman of the New Ballet").In the image appears a naked young woman looking at an old man who is dressed in a suit and looking back at the young woman. An old woman…

Scene at the door of a tavern, by Alenza (1840, c.)
In the scene, a group of people, a horse, a dog and a man playing the guitar appear at the door of a tavern. In the crowd appears a young woman with a mantilla and next to her an old woman with a covered head that resembles a procuress.

The love fair, by Rops (1880, c.)
Original title: La Foire aux amours ("The love fair").Two figures appear in the engraving: a naked young woman on top of a cage and an old woman to her side with her head covered, reminiscent of a Celestina. The figures could be interpreted as a…

Gypsies, by Canals (1910, c.)
In the image three figures appear in a field. A young woman dressed in a regional dress, an old woman to her right with a fan covering her face, and a man on horseback behind them. The trio is reminiscent of celestina scenes where the old woman acts…

Gitanas, by Canals (1900, c.)
In the image appear five young women dressed in a similar way. To the right appear three other figures, two men and a young woman, with a different aesthetic from that of the other young women. In the middle of the young women appears an old woman…

Young woman and procuress in the bathroom, by Canals (1933, c.)
In the painting a naked young woman appears next to a bathtub and an old woman next to her who seems to be assisting her in her bath. The image is reminiscent of brothel scenes, in this case the young woman would represent the prostitute and the old…

Untitled drawing, by Canals (1898)
Several women appear in the image: two women with hats, a woman without a hat on the right and an old woman on the top right corner that is reminiscent of Celestina. The description of Canals' work that appears in the article next to the image also…

Allegory of Vanity, by Molenaer (1633)
Although it is a clear case of Vanitas, with the skull, the mirror and the soap bubbles, the character of the woman who combs the young woman's hair wears an orientalizing headdress common in portraits of procuresses in Dutch paintings at the time.…

The fight, by Alenza y Nieto (1840, c.)
Interior scene where four figures appear. A young woman seated to the right, an old woman with her head covered and a club next to the young woman, a man standing in front of the young woman, and a child lying on the ground next to the young woman.…

The procuress, by Lucas Velázquez (1860, c.)
In the image appears an old woman and a young woman next to a tree. The old woman appears with her head covered and a club. On the right is a man. By the title of the work it is understood that the old woman acts as a procuress for the young woman…

Broken Eggs, by Greuze (1756)
Indoor scene. Four characters appear in it, a young woman sitting on the ground, a man standing next to her, an old woman with her head covered and pointing to a basket with eggs (one is broken) and a small child on the right. The scene is…

The Greengrocer, by Mieris (1731)
In the image two figures appear, a young woman and an old woman, in an arch surrounded by fruits and vegetables. The old woman appears with her head covered and pointing to one of the vegetables for the young woman. Although the painting itself may…

Vertumnus and Pomona, by Mieris (1725)
The image shows two women in an outdoor scene, Vertumnus and Pomona. The young woman (Pomona) is shown with one of her breasts uncovered and picking fruit as she looks at the old woman. The old woman, in this painting representing Vertumnus, is…

The procuress, by anonymous (1850, c.)
In the image appears a young couple in the foreground. Next to the young woman appears an old woman with her head covered looking at them. Several men also appear surrounding the couple. By the title it is understood that the old woman acts as a…

The procuress, by Lago (1984)
In the image appear a couple of women with her torsos naked. A man appears in front of them and looking at them. A couple of men appear to the right also looking at the women.

The procuress, by Lucas Velázquez (1860, c.)
Several figures appear in the image. To the right is a figure of an old woman in a crouched over position, which may represent the procuress described in the title.

The procuress, by Lucas Velázquez (1860, c.)
In the image appears a young woman and a man holding her. Both are about to enter a house where an old woman is looking at them. On the left are two men looking at the couple. By the name of the painting it is understood that the old woman acts as a…

The Concierge (The procuress - The housemaid), by Seurat (1884)
Original title: La Concierge (La Maquerelle - La Bonne) ("The Concierge (The procuress - The housemaid)").

In the image appears an old woman with her head covered. From the title it is understood that she is a procuress.

The old procuress, by Evenepoel (1895)
Original title: La vielle maquerelle ("The old procuress").

In the image appears an old woman with a hat and umbrella looking at a skull that appears floating in front of her. By the title it is understood that the woman is a procuress.

Young woman with crown and procuress, by anonymous (1800, c.)
Original title: Junge Frau mit Krone und Kupplerin ("Young woman with crown and procuress").

In the image appears a young woman looking at the viewer and holding a crown. Beside her appears an old woman looking at the young woman and showing her a…

At the procuress (after Jan Vermeer), by Hein (1992)
Original title: Bei der Kupplerin (nach Jan Vermeer) ("At the procuress (after Jan Vermeer)").

In the image appears a young couple surrounded by other figures. Next to the young woman appears an old woman with her head covered. By the title of the…

Procuress and girl, by Wellenstein (1955)
Original title: Kupplerin und Mädchen ("Procuress and girl").

The image shows a young woman next to an old one with her head covered. From the title of the work, it is understood that the old woman acts as the young woman's procuress.

A Harlot's Progress, by King (1732)
Plate 6 from the series A Harlot's Progress.

The engraving shows an interior brothel scene. In it many characters appear around a coffin. Among the characters are couples of young women (prostitutes) and men and an old woman sitting on the left…

Interior scene with a procuress presenting a courtesan, by manner of Horemans the Younger (1790, c.)
The image shows an interior scene where a young woman appears standing next to a table and looking at the viewer. At her feet a dog. A man stands next to the young woman. Two men are sitting at the table looking at the young woman. In front of the…

A brothel scene with a young couple and a procuress, by follower of Willem Pietersz Buytewech (1620, c.)
In the image appears an old woman with her head covered picking up coins that are on a table while with the other hand she opens a chest containing coins. To the right appears a young couple, the woman takes the young man by the hand while he looks…

The procuress - an old woman, a soldier and a woman, by Rubens (1640, c.)
In the image, a young man appears grabbing a young woman by the waist and trying to kiss her, while the young woman seems to move away. Behind the couple appears an old woman with her head covered looking at the young woman. The old woman acts as a…

A couple embracing, a procuress asleep nearby, by Toorenvliet (1700, c.)
The image shows a young woman sitting on a chair and looking to her left while a man shows her a coin and puts his hand on her shoulder. Next to the couple and sitting on a chair appears an old woman with her head covered sleeping. By the title of…

Three figures in half figure (The procuress), by Schongauer (1480, c.)
The engraving shows a young couple looking at each other, while an old woman with a turban on her head appears in the middle of the two and looking at the young woman. From the title of the engraving it is understood that the old woman acts as a…

An elegant couple attended by a procuress, by after Gerard ter Borch the Younger (1680, c.)
The image shows a young woman sitting on a chair and a young man sitting in front of her and holding her hand. Next to the young woman appears an old woman with her head covered and with her hand on the young woman's shoulder. By the title of the…

A visit to the procuress, by follower of Willem van Mieris (1775, c.)
In the image appears a young woman on a balcony and a man who puts his hand on the young woman. In the background appears an old woman with her head covered and looking at the couple. From the title it is understood that the painting represents the…

The procuress, by Mallet (1700, c.)
Indoor scene. In the image a young woman appears in the center looking at the viewer. An old woman with her head covered appears to her right and takes her by the arm. A man sitting to her left looking at the young woman. The old woman acts as a…

The procuress, by Dandini (1650, c.)
In the image appears a young woman touching her breast while an old woman with her head covered looks at her. The old woman acts as a procuress for the young woman.

The procuress, by follower of Philip Mercier (1750, c.)
In the image appears a young woman on a balcony. Behind the young woman a man appears looking at her and to her left an old woman with her head covered holding her hand. Two other men appear in the image, one with his back to the viewer and the other…

The procuress, by Brakenburg (1690, c.)
Indoor scene. In the image appears a seated man holding a glass, a young woman sitting on his lap with her chest uncovered and an old woman who appears in the background with her head covered and looking at the couple. The old woman acts as a…

The procuress, by anonymous (1625, c.)
Anonymous author, attributed to the Dutch School of the early 17th century.On the mount there is an old attribution in black chalk that reads "Jan Boucchorst". (see Sotheby's…

The procuress, by Battista Piazzetta (1730, c.)
In the image there is a young woman in the center, a man looking at her from her side holding a bag with what is probably money inside and an old woman on the right with her head covered. The old woman whispers something to the young woman as she…

The procuress, by Dullaert (1650, c.)
Indoor scene. The image shows a young woman seated, an old woman behind the young woman and a man leaning out of the door. The characters are reminiscent of a brothel scene, where the old woman acts as the young woman's procuress.

Procuress, by Mulholland (2001)
In the image appears a young man looking at the viewer and a woman looking at him. From the title of the work it can be inferred that the woman represents a procuress.

Representation of Celestina, by Leal Ortiz (1950, c.)
In the image several figures appear in an arched courtyard walking in a row to the left. To the far left is a boy with a dog. Behind him appears a young woman and an old woman next to her. The old woman has her head covered and a rosary in her hand.…

Drinker with a Young Woman and Procuress, by  van Couwenbergh (1657)
The image shows a young woman in the hands of a man drinking. To the left, an old woman with a greedy face appears taking a bag that the young woman is handing her. The old woman in this image acts as a procuress for the young woman.

Bordello Scene with Sleeping Couple, by Duck (1650, c.)
Other title: Tickled Sleep.

The image shows a couple sleeping in a brothel scene. An old woman who acts as a procuress stands next to the client and holds an object to his face to wake him up.

Merry Company, by van Bronckhorst (1646)
This painting represents a scene where young women appear playing instruments, and a young man is looking at one of the young women while holding a drink and a violin. To the right, there is an old woman, who could act as a procuress for the young…

Allegory of Touch, by Bosse (1638, c.)
In the engraving, a couple appears in a room. The young woman is on the man's lap. On the right, an old woman, who acts as a procuress, makes the bed.

The Procuress, by van Bijlert (1660, c.)
In the painting there is a young woman on the right, holding some coins, an old woman who acts as a procuress and a man on the left with a bag in his hand. The old woman is grabbing the man's hair, who appears screaming. The image seems to suggest…

L'Entremetteuse, by van Bijlert (1625, c.)
In the image there is a couple on the right and an old woman on the left. The old woman, who acts as a procuress, appears with coins in her hand.

The Procuress, by van Baburen (1622)
The picture shows a young couple, the young woman playing an instrument while the young man looks her in the eye. To the right, there is an old woman who acts as a procuress.

Bordello Scene, by Gerritsz Pot (1615, c.)
The image shows a young woman with two men leaning on her next to a bed. On the right, an old woman who acts as a procuress holds the hand of one of the men.

The Ill-matched Pair, by Matsys (1566)
Original title: "Ongelijk paar" ("Unequal couple" or "The Ill-matched Pair").

In the painting, a young woman is seen in the arms of an old man, while another woman on the right acts as maid. On the left is an old woman looking at the couple, who…

A Merry Company, by Massys (1560, c.)
The painting represents a scene with young women playing musical instruments and two men at a table. On the right, a couple is depicted, while an old woman who acts as a procuress appears next to them.

Ugly Couple with an Old Procuress, by Veneziano (1561)
In the engraving, a young couple and an old woman in the background. The young man is holding a bag that appears to contain money. From the title it is known that the old woman acts as a procuress in the image.

Brothel scene, by Blooteling (1670, c.)
Brothel scene. In the engraving the characters appear on a bed. A young woman sitting on the left, and a man lying on her lap. To the left appears an old woman who acts as a procuress. The young woman appears to be stealing from the young man's…

The Prodigal Son in a Brothel, by anonymous (1580, c.)
The engraving shows a brothel scene where a young woman is found holding the chin of a young man as if seducing him. To the young woman's right sits an old woman, acting as procuress, and drinking from a glass of wine while a young man hands her a…

Hanging of the Prodigal Son, by Unknown (1525, c.)
The biblical parable of the prodigal son is depicted in this tapestry. The prodigal son in the centre appears with a young woman on the left. An older woman presents the young woman to the prodigal son, which could indicate that she is acting as the…

Prodigal Son, by Metsu (1640, c.)
This painting depicts the biblical story of the prodigal son in the house of prostitutes. The prodigal son appears in a bedroom with a young woman. The young woman hands over some jewellery to an older woman, who acts as a procuress.

The prodigal son among the courtesans, by anonymous (1530, c.)
Original title: "L'Enfant prodigue chez les courtisanes" ("The prodigal son among the courtesans").

This painting represents the biblical story of the prodigal son in the house of the prostitutes. This story is represented as a banquet scene with…

The Prodigal Son Among Courtesans, by Pourbus the Elder (1580, c.)
This painting depicts the biblical story of the prodigal son in the house of prostitutes. In the painting, young women are mingling with men around a table. An old woman, acting as a procuress appears on the right.

The prodigal son among courtesans, by van der Laemen (1630, c.)
Original title: L'enfant prodigue chez les courtisanes ("The prodigal son among courtesans")

This painting depicts the biblical story of the prodigal son in the house of the prostitutes. It is a banquet scene with young women and their clients.…

A Banquet Scene, An Allegory on Love and Lust, by Francken the Elder (1555, c.)
This painting represents the biblical story of the prodigal son in the house of the prostitutes. The painting depicts a banquet scene with young women and their clients. Note the older woman on the left that acts as a procuress and oversees the young…

The prodigal son, by unknown German artist (1550, c.)
This painting represents the biblical scene of the prodigal son in the prostitutes' house. Note the older woman on the left that acts as the procuress of the younger women.

The prodigal wasting his money, by van de Passe the Elder (1580, c.)
Original title: De verloren zoon verkwist zijn geld ("The prodigal wasting his money").

This engraving represents the parable of the prodigal son in the house of prostitutes. Young women are shown playing musical instruments around a table. Note…

The Medical Inspection, by Toulouse-Lautrec (1894)
The image depicts two women standing in a line with their chemises lifted. On the background on the right, one can see the procuress who has her back towards the viewer.

Judith with the Head of Holophernes, by Schäufelein (1533)
Illustration in book:Das Büchle Memorial("The Büchle Memorial") byvon Schwartzenberg (1533), published byHeinrich Steiner.The publisher of this work (Steiner) is also the publisher of the second Wirsungedition ofLa Celestinatranslated to…

Brothel scene, by Horemans (1700, c.)
Full title: Bordellszene, die junge Frau bietet den im Hintergrund stehenden Freiern ein Glas Wein an, die Kupplerin umklammert mit einer erotischen Geste den Flaschenhals ("Brothel scene, the young woman offers the suitors standing in the background…

An old procuress offers a young woman jewels, by van Bijlert (1630, c.)
Original title: Eine alte Kupplerin bietet einer jungen Frau Juwelen an ("An old procuress offers a young woman jewels").

This work represents a young and an old woman. From the title we know that the older woman is a procuress, and she offers…

Do you like her?, by Vogel (1900, c.)
Original title: Gefällt sie Ihnen? ("Do you like her?").

This work represents Celestinesque-themed scene. In the scene, a man, a naked young woman and an older woman are represented, this last one acting as the procuress of the young woman.

Salome receiving the head of Saint John the Baptist, by Seghers (1650, c.)
This image represents the biblical scene where Salome receives the severed head of Saint John the Baptist. Other people are represented in the painting, such as another young woman next to Salome, an elder woman holding the head and on the left a…

Herodias Mutilating the Severed Head of Saint John the Baptist Held by Salome, by Grebber (attributed to) (1640, c.)
This painting represents a biblical scene where Herodias pierces the tongue of John the Baptist while his severed head is resting on a plate hold by Salome.
The portrayal of the young woman, the older woman and a man is reminiscent of Celestina…