Caricature of Celestina in tribute to the actress Irene López Heredia, by anonymous (1957, c.)

Caricature of Celestina in tribute to the actress Irene López Heredia, by anonymous (1957, c.)


Caricature of Celestina in tribute to the actress Irene López Heredia, by anonymous (1957, c.)




1957, c.


Caricature in tribute to the actress Irene López Heredia, that appears in the theater critic of "La Celestina" represented in the Eslava Theater, Madrid, in ABC, Madrid, titled "Tribute to Irene López Heredia on the occasion of the hundred representation of "La Celestina"" ("Homenaje a Irene López Heredia con motivo de la cien representación de "La Celestina""), on June 25, 1957, p. 61-62.

In the caricature an old woman appears with her head covered following the celestinesque tradition.


Research Support Center of the Juan March Foundation (Centro de apoyo a la investigación, de la Fundación Juan March):

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