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Representation of La Celestina, in New York, 1974
Representation of La Celestina, in New York (1974)

Photographer: Gerry Goodstein

RepresentationFantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina, 1979
Original title: Tragedia fantástica de la gitana Celestina("Fantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina").Date: April 1979.

Representation Fantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina, Barcelona, by Flores, 1985
Original title: Tragedia fantástica de la gitana ("Celestina Fantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina").

Author: Alfonso Sastre.
Director: Enric Flores.
Scenography: Alfons Flores.

Cast: Ramón Teixidor, Mª Josep Arenós, Minerva Álvarez,…

Representation of La Celestina, 1987
Author: Fernando de Rojas
Photographer: Miguel Gracia

Representation of the Teatro Español, Madrid, by Lepage, 2004
Original title: La Celestina, allá cerca de las tenerías, a la orilla del río ("La Celestina, there near the tanneries, on the river bank") in Teatro Español, MadridBased on the work of Fernando de Rojas. Translation to Spanish: Álvaro García…

Representation of La Celestina, 1973
Representation of La Celestina.

Photographer: Daniel Walschaerts

Celestina 2020.jpg
ONCE and "Festival Celestina. La España de Rojas" lottery coupon to commemorate the 550th anniversary of Fernando de Rojas' birth .

Portada moderna.jpg
"This volume presents the most rigorous version of the Tragicomedy of Callisto and Melibea - the one published in Valencia in 1514 -, completed with the suppressed fragments of the primitive Sixteen-act Comedy and with the interpolations and variants…

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"The academic culture of the Spanish 19th century introduced the concept of decency in the representation of the female nude. During the Restoration, the images of women who, due to economic necessity, were forced to pose naked for the artists…

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Image of the menu of the pizzeria and bar La Celestina in Av 8N Calle 15N, Cali, Valle del Cauca (Colombia).

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In this representation of Bathsheba, Rembrandt depicts her as a naked young woman holding a letter from King David. Bathing the young woman, a Celestina inspired character appears on the left as an older woman. This topic also appears in Picasso's…

On the cover, a young woman lies down naked on a bed and next to her an older woman, possibly her procuress.

On the cover appears what seems to be the bust of a Greco-Roman statue. The bust appears with long hair and a beard.

This painting represents a biblical scene where Herodias pierces the tongue of John the Baptist while his severed head is resting on a plate hold by Salome.
The portrayal of the young woman, the older woman and a man is reminiscent of Celestina…

This image represents the biblical scene where Salome receives the severed head of Saint John the Baptist. Other people are represented in the painting, such as another young woman next to Salome, an elder woman holding the head and on the left a…

Spirit of the Dead Watching, by Gauguin (1892)
The painting represents a naked young woman lying on a bed and an older woman appears in the background. The figure in the background is not a procuress but a ghost or the spirit of death. However, the painting connects with the famous Olympia…

Emblema de Celestina.jpg
This emblem represents a typical Celestinesque scene where a naked young woman rests on a bed while a young man approaches her holding the hand of an old woman who acts as a procuress. The Latin description reads:

"Est meretrix dicta quæ reddit…

Original title: Gefällt sie Ihnen? ("Do you like her?").

This work represents Celestinesque-themed scene. In the scene, a man, a naked young woman and an older woman are represented, this last one acting as the procuress of the young woman.

Original title: Eine alte Kupplerin bietet einer jungen Frau Juwelen an ("An old procuress offers a young woman jewels").

This work represents a young and an old woman. From the title we know that the older woman is a procuress, and she offers…

Full title: Bordellszene, die junge Frau bietet den im Hintergrund stehenden Freiern ein Glas Wein an, die Kupplerin umklammert mit einer erotischen Geste den Flaschenhals ("Brothel scene, the young woman offers the suitors standing in the background…

Celestina and salome - Ribera.jpg
This painting represents Salome receiving the severed head of Saint John the Baptist, based on the biblical scene. A young man is holding his head and he is accompanied by an older man. To Salomé's right there is an older woman. The…

This work represents the biblical scene where Salome holds the decapitated head of Saint John the Baptist. In this painting by Caravaggio, Salomé is represented by a young woman holding his head on a tray in the center of the painting. To the…

This painting represents the biblical scene when Salome receives the decapitated head of Saint John the Baptist. In this representation, Salomé appears on the right surrounded by other characters, such as an older woman holding the tray where…

This painting by Dobson represents Salome receiving the decapitated head of Saint John the Baptist, according to the biblical scene. In this representation, Salomé appears on the right holding a tray, while a young man holds Saint John's head…

This image represents the biblical episode where Judith beheads Holofernes. Judith is represented in the center of the image sitting on the bed with a sword in her hand. To her right is the Holofernes' body still in bed, except for his head which is…

Judith with the Head of Holophernes, by Schäufelein (1533)
Illustration in book:Das Büchle Memorial("The Büchle Memorial") byvon Schwartzenberg (1533), published byHeinrich Steiner.The publisher of this work (Steiner) is also the publisher of the second Wirsungedition ofLa Celestinatranslated to…

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The image represents a brothel scene, where the client is paying the procuress on the left and the prostitute is naked, semi-covered in bed on the right. Next to the prostitute the figure of the fool appears. The fool is pointing at the transaction…

Description of the work by the author: "As you may have seen on my website, I work from mythology considering this endless source for reflection on who we are and the latent aspirations of every human being. That is, as archetypes of human behavior.…


La Celestina. Vicente Arnas.jpg
Description of the work by the author: "The tragicomedy of La Celestina is a referent for the Spanish language, a reflection of the society of its time and its characters, in particular, Celestina herself, that is half witch and sorceress attracts me…

The illustration represents Callisto lying on a bed praying. At the top left corner, Melibea appears represented as an illusion. This representation is a good example of the reading that interprets the meeting as a dream.For more information see:…

Cupón huerto de Calixto y Melibea.jpg
ONCE daily lottery coupon on July 25, 2017, Salamanca Town Hall. In the coupon image, the Calixto and Melibea garden in Salamanca, Spain."This garden was built on the old wall, and offers the visitor a good view of the city of Salamanca and the river…

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Melibea and Calisto appear on the cover of this edition.

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On the cover of this work there is a woman holding a book and two children on the left. The cover image appears frequently in other works published by the publisher as well.

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In this cover Calisto is represented on the left, Celestina at the center and Melibea on the right. Because of how Celestina is represented with different eye colours and her grin, it is reminiscent of the representation of this character in…

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The plaque commemorates Fadrique de Basilea's workshop, and the place where the first edition of La Celestina was printed.The plaque reads: "En esta Casa estuvieron los Talleres de Fadrique de Basileay Juan de Burgos, impresores. 1483-1489. De aquí…


Engraving by Jean Mohler that accompanies the title page and acts as a frontispieceof the book La Célestine, Tragi-Comédie de Calixte et Mélibéeby Fernando De Rojas, translated into French by A. Germond de Lavigne, published by Les Compagnons du…

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The image depicts two women standing in a line with their chemises lifted. On the background on the right, one can see the procuress who has her back towards the viewer.

Cover of A high ranking casino, by Torrenueva (1920, c.)
Cover of A high ranking casino ("Un casino de alto rango"), by Torrenueva, The exquisite novel ("La novela exquisita") (erotic novel), Madrid 20s, No. 80. Illustrations by Pan.

Two women are represented on the cover. One of them (the youngest) is…

Description by the author: "Aged celestina directing preparation of her "polvos" recipe" (in Fine Art America:, Archived…

Original title: De verloren zoon verkwist zijn geld ("The prodigal wasting his money").

This engraving represents the parable of the prodigal son in the house of prostitutes. Young women are shown playing musical instruments around a table. Note…

This painting represents the biblical scene of the prodigal son in the prostitutes' house. Note the older woman on the left that acts as the procuress of the younger women.

This painting represents the biblical story of the prodigal son in the house of the prostitutes. The painting depicts a banquet scene with young women and their clients. Note the older woman on the left that acts as a procuress and oversees the young…

Original title: L'enfant prodigue chez les courtisanes ("The prodigal son among courtesans")

This painting depicts the biblical story of the prodigal son in the house of the prostitutes. It is a banquet scene with young women and their clients.…

This painting depicts the biblical story of the prodigal son in the house of prostitutes. In the painting, young women are mingling with men around a table. An old woman, acting as a procuress appears on the right.

Original title: "L'Enfant prodigue chez les courtisanes" ("The prodigal son among the courtesans").

This painting represents the biblical story of the prodigal son in the house of the prostitutes. This story is represented as a banquet scene with…

This painting depicts the biblical story of the prodigal son in the house of prostitutes. The prodigal son appears in a bedroom with a young woman. The young woman hands over some jewellery to an older woman, who acts as a procuress.

The biblical parable of the prodigal son is depicted in this tapestry. The prodigal son in the centre appears with a young woman on the left. An older woman presents the young woman to the prodigal son, which could indicate that she is acting as the…

Temptation, by Rozentāls (1913)
Rozentāls's watercolor drawing (Image 1), represents a naked young woman under an apple tree and a snake coiled around the trunk looking at the young woman. The image is reminiscent of the biblical scene of Eve, the serpent and the apple of…

Portada Celestina - Liberty.jpg
Celestina appears in the first illustration wearing many jewels and accompanied by two young men. In the illustration below, Melibea and Calisto appear in the garden.

The photograph represents the models of the work La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas made by the students of the Institute of secondary education Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

In the image appears a naked young woman (Danae) picking up coins that fall from a cloud. To her side, an old woman looking at her that acts as her procuress.

"Night scene in interior, with Apollo, in the guise of the old woman Eurynome, caressing Leucothoe's chin; in ornate frame, with heads of Diana and Apollo, printed from a separate plate" (Description from The British Museum, London, UK,…

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Celestina painted in watercolor appears as the cover of this version of Carlos Slim Foundation, México.

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On the cover there is a young woman seated, resting her head on her right hand and staring blankly.

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On the cover of this edition there is an older woman who acts as Celestina. One of her eyes is damaged, which is reminiscent of the tradition where this character is represented with a damaged eye, as in the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904)

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The engraving shows a brothel scene where a young woman is found holding the chin of a young man as if seducing him. To the young woman's right sits an old woman, acting as procuress, and drinking from a glass of wine while a young man hands her a…

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Brothel scene. In the engraving the characters appear on a bed. A young woman sitting on the left, and a man lying on her lap. To the left appears an old woman who acts as a procuress. The young woman appears to be stealing from the young man's…

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In the engraving, a young couple and an old woman in the background. The young man is holding a bag that appears to contain money. From the title it is known that the old woman acts as a procuress in the image.

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The painting represents a scene with young women playing musical instruments and two men at a table. On the right, a couple is depicted, while an old woman who acts as a procuress appears next to them.

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Original title: "Ongelijk paar" ("Unequal couple" or "The Ill-matched Pair").

In the painting, a young woman is seen in the arms of an old man, while another woman on the right acts as maid. On the left is an old woman looking at the couple, who…

Escena de burdel (3).jpg
The image shows a young woman with two men leaning on her next to a bed. On the right, an old woman who acts as a procuress holds the hand of one of the men.

The picture shows a young couple, the young woman playing an instrument while the young man looks her in the eye. To the right, there is an old woman who acts as a procuress.

In the image there is a couple on the right and an old woman on the left. The old woman, who acts as a procuress, appears with coins in her hand.

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In the painting there is a young woman on the right, holding some coins, an old woman who acts as a procuress and a man on the left with a bag in his hand. The old woman is grabbing the man's hair, who appears screaming. The image seems to suggest…

Allegory of touch.jpg
In the engraving, a couple appears in a room. The young woman is on the man's lap. On the right, an old woman, who acts as a procuress, makes the bed.

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This painting represents a scene where young women appear playing instruments, and a young man is looking at one of the young women while holding a drink and a violin. To the right, there is an old woman, who could act as a procuress for the young…

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Other title: Tickled Sleep.

The image shows a couple sleeping in a brothel scene. An old woman who acts as a procuress stands next to the client and holds an object to his face to wake him up.

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The image shows a young woman in the hands of a man drinking. To the left, an old woman with a greedy face appears taking a bag that the young woman is handing her. The old woman in this image acts as a procuress for the young woman.

Graffiti of Calisto, Melibea and Celestina in Castrogonzalo, Zamora, Spain. Calisto and Melibea appear lying with their heads towards the center, while Celestina appears in the middle of the two as if joining them.

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On this cover there is an old woman, Celestina, who appears with an uncovered breast and holds a bag of coins.

Drawing of Celestina, by Cilantro (2021)
The first image shows Celestina with a cauldron, alluding to the spell that the character performs in act III. The second image shows Celestina surrounded by trees.

Representation of Corsario Theater, Cáceres, by Peña, 2021
Representation "Celestina Infernal" ("Infernal Celestina"), puppets for adults. Cáceres Theater Festival.At the Corsario Theater, Plaza De Las Veletas, CáceresFrom Thursday, 06/17/2021 to Friday, 06/18/2021Teatro Corsario show co-produced by: Teatro…

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In the picture appears a young woman in the hands of a young man playing a flute. On the right, an old man and an old woman acting as her procuress. Description from Christie's webpage: "The other motive of this painting, that of the Procuress, the…

Dollhouse Lock, Garganta la Olla, Extremadura (1550, c.)
The first image shows the lock of a house in Garganta la Olla, Extremadura (Spain), which is the lock of an old brothel or public house that is preserved in this town, located very close to Yuste, so it is believed that it was frequented by the guard…

The painting represents a brothel scene, where four naked young women appear sitting and lying in a room. There is a clear relationship with the Celestinesque tradition, especially because of the title of the painting.Here is a description of the…

En busca de Calisto y Melibea.jpg
Poster of the representationEn busca de Calisto y Melibea ("In search of Calisto and Melibea") at the XXIII Celestina Festival, Puebla de Montalbán (Toledo) from August 26 to 29, 2021. Premier on August 28 in Patio del Palacio de los Condes de…

Redencion para parmeno reflexiones sin cabeza.jpg
Poster of the representation ¡Redención para Pármeno! (Reflexiones sin cabeza) ("Redemption for Pármeno! (Headless reflections)") at theXXIII Celestina Festival, Puebla de Montalbán (Toledo) from August 26 to 29, 2021. Premier on August 27 in Silo…

On the cover there is a young woman in a room.

Compendio De La Obra Maestra La Celestina "Compendium of the Masterpiece La Celestina", by Fernando de Rojas. On the cover appears the face of a young woman with her head covered.

On the cover there is a colored copy of the engraving of the first act of the Burgos edition of 1499, where Melibea and Calisto appear in a garden.

Representation of the María Castaña Theatre, Córdoba, Argentina, by Piccotto, 2021
"La Celestina, tragicomedia de Lita"

Free version by Julieta Daga and David Piccotto of the work by Fernando de Rojas.
Direction: David Piccotto.
Costume and set designer: Santiago Pérez.
Lighting designer: Lilian Mendizábal.
Original music:…

La Celestina, by Rodríguez Hernández (1950)
In the painting there are two women, a young woman sitting on a chair, dressed in white and with a rose in her hand. An old woman appears combing the young woman's hair. The old woman can act as a procuress for the young woman following the…

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The painting shows a young woman with a naked torso and an old woman behind the young woman with her head covered. The old woman can act as a procuress for the young woman following the celestinesque tradition.

La Celestina, by Créixams i Picó (1950, c.)
Two women appear in the painting, a young woman and an old woman. The old woman appears with a fan pointing at the young woman. Following the celestinesque tradition, the old woman can act as a procuress for the young woman. Two children also appear…

Calendar advertisement for Los polvos de la madre Celestina, by Blanquel (1857)
The image is probably a lithograph of a scene from the play performed at the Gran Teatro Nacional (of Mexico), of which six magic scenes are said to be included in this calendar (calendar of Los polvos de la madre Celestina) announced to be sold in…

Scene with Celestina, by anonymous (1900, c.)
Calisto and Melibea appear in the scene looking at each other outside a house. Melibea looks out the window while Calisto appears outside and looking at her. In the window on the right, Celestina appears looking at Calisto and Melibea.

Coasters from La Celestina wine bar, brewery and restaurant, by anonymous (2000, c.)
Coasters from La Celestina wine bar, brewery and restaurant, in Santander Street, 6, Burgos, Spain. Celestina's face and the name "La Celestina" appear on the coasters with ice cubes in the background.

Caricatures of Celestina in the satirical newspaper Don Junípero from the 19th century, by anonymous, Cuba (1862)
Two caricatures appear in the newspaper. Both are in the headline of the newspaper that is repeated in subsequent issues. In the black and white caricature an old woman with her head covered appears, who may represent the procuress (first image). The…

Caricature of La Celestina, by Flórez Herrera (2014)
In the caricature, a woman appears pointing to a building where a sign appears that says "Celesti Coop." The woman represents Celestina. Under the caricature appears the quote "¡Si trabajando en mi casa vivía como una reina, cómo sería hoy con una…

Cover of the Ediciones Mexicanos Unidos (EMU) edition, 2015
On the cover there is an image of an old edition of La Celestina, where Calisto and Melibea appear. Calisto is on a ladder and Melibea looks at him from her house.

Cover of the Penguin Classics editions, 2015
On the cover there are two figures from the book of an old edition surrounded by a figure of a snake with a flower pattern.

Cover of the Época edition, 2021
The image is a collage of two unrelated paintings, a fragment showing a young bourgeois couple in the paintingA Goldsmith in Shopby Peter Christus (1449), and an older woman taken grom Botticelli's allegorical female figure for Repentance in his…

Cover of the Editorial Porrúa edition: México, 2014
An image of an old edition appears on the cover. Calisto and Melibea appear in the garden and Celestina is on the left in front of a door.

Cover of the Editorial Porrúa México edition: México, 2020
On the cover there is a woman with her head covered. Following the tradition of depicting Celestina as an old woman with her head covered, the woman on the cover could represent the procuress.

Cover of the Editorial Porrúa México edition: México, 2000
On the cover there are two young people hugging in front of a door with a heart-shaped padlock. The image represents Calixto and Melibea.

Cover of the Nuevo Talento edition, 2005
The image is a collage of two unrelated paintings, a fragment showing a young bourgeois couple in the painting A Goldsmith in Shopby Peter Christus (1449), and an older woman taken grom Botticelli's allegorical female figure for Repentance in his…

Academia mexicana de la lengua 2017.jpg
The cover is reminiscent of the old editions of the work. An old woman with a covered head appears knocking on the door of the house where a couple and a young woman are seen through the window. The old woman represents the procuress.

Cover of the Castalia Editorial edition, 2012
On the cover there is a fragment of the painting Bathsheba receiving David’s Letter, by Steen (1659, c.).

Cover of the Editorial Kapelusz Mexicana edition: México, D.F., 1978
The head of a man appears on the cover, possibly a statue.

Cover of the Agebe Edition: Argentina, 2005
On the cover the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904)appears.
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