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"Night scene in interior, with Apollo, in the guise of the old woman Eurynome, caressing Leucothoe's chin; in ornate frame, with heads of Diana and Apollo, printed from a separate plate" (Description from The British Museum, London, UK,…

Animated plot of La Celestina, by Collado (2002)
Figurines by designer Lorenzo Collado of the characters from La Celestina, including: Melibea, Calixto, Parmeno, Areusa, Lucrecia, Sempronio, Celestina, student and the author Fernando de Rojas. Celestina's character is reminiscent of a nun because…

Una vieja, de Ramos (1900 c.)
Engraving byJosé García Ramos,where an old woman can be seen in the middle of a street. In the foreground on the right there is a dog and in the background on the left a silhouette of a person wearing a hat.In Celestinesca, Vol. 26, No.…

Original title: Eine alte Kupplerin bietet einer jungen Frau Juwelen an ("An old procuress offers a young woman jewels").

This work represents a young and an old woman. From the title we know that the older woman is a procuress, and she offers…

An elegant couple attended by a procuress, by after Gerard ter Borch the Younger (1680, c.)
The image shows a young woman sitting on a chair and a young man sitting in front of her and holding her hand. Next to the young woman appears an old woman with her head covered and with her hand on the young woman's shoulder. By the title of the…

An anti-venereal campaign poster, The Dangerous Proposal (La oferta peligrosa) (1927)
The Dangerous Proposal (1927), by Manchón, winning lithographic poster of the Comité Ejecutivo Anti-venéreo contest. Note the clothing and the death situation behind the maja in the style of the matchmaker next to the maja in Goya's paintings.

Allegory of Vanity, by Molenaer (1633)
Although it is a clear case of Vanitas, with the skull, the mirror and the soap bubbles, the character of the woman who combs the young woman's hair wears an orientalizing headdress common in portraits of procuresses in Dutch paintings at the time.…

Allegory of touch.jpg
In the engraving, a couple appears in a room. The young woman is on the man's lap. On the right, an old woman, who acts as a procuress, makes the bed.

Alcahueta, de Gustavo Muñoz (1989)
Descripción del autor:
La obra es un díptico (60 x 80 cms cada cuadro) pintado al óleo sobre cartón, del año 1989. Es parte de una serie titulada “Atentados”, que recogía versiones muy cambiadas de cuadros famosos de la Historia del Arte. Éste en…

Advertisement card for the restaurant La Celestina, Madrid (2000 c.)
Blue monochromatic fragment of the painting Patronage of the Arts by the House of Habsburg(Patronazgo de las artes por la casa de Habsburgo), by Julius Victor Berger (Kunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna). The seated young woman is Isabella of…

Accompanying Celestina, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

The Matchmaker (La alcahueta), by Cranach (1548).
Triangle between client, prostitute and matchmaker. Bag of money in the client and matchmaker's hands and a jug with alcohol in the prostitute's hand.

Other titles: Ungleiches Paar, Die verliebte Alte.

A visit to the procuress, by follower of Willem van Mieris (1775, c.)
In the image appears a young woman on a balcony and a man who puts his hand on the young woman. In the background appears an old woman with her head covered and looking at the couple. From the title it is understood that the painting represents the…

A trickster, single sheet, by anonymous (1870)
The image shows a woman described as "a new celestina" who appears on top of a well speaking to a group of people who are watching her.Text at the bottom of the image:"A new Celestina,half a witch at leastwith her lies and trapsshe scammed an entire…

Print made by Cornelisz (1545)
First, a young woman robs the purse of a young man whom she kisses. In the background, on the right, a celestinesque old woman with a musical instrument. Under an inscription in Latin: "Sic Hispana Venus loccas excantat loving. Sic fucata rapit basia…

Una escena en las cortes de la ley, de Forain (1900(c))
A prostitute and her procuress in court, according to the museum's description.

The Celestina and the lovers by Paret, (1784)
"The Celestine is represented holdingsideburnlessglasses, typical of previous times in her left hand. In her right she holds an ancient rosary, made up of three dozen beads and topped with a medal instead of a crucifix, perhaps of the Virgin or of…

A musical party in an interior, by Hals (1647)
The image shows an indoor scene where young men and women appear in a room. Another hugging couple is seen through the bedroom door. Note the old woman who appears on the right with her head covered, following the Celestinesque tradition, which may…

Escena de burdel (2).jpg
The painting represents a scene with young women playing musical instruments and two men at a table. On the right, a couple is depicted, while an old woman who acts as a procuress appears next to them.

Alegre reunion, de Massys (1560, c.)
Dutch art. Genre painting of tavern or brothel.
Note the old woman.

Other title: Det glada sällskapet

A merry company on a terrace, by Hals (1650, c.)
The image shows an outdoor scene where young men and women appear around a table. Talking to one of the customers on the left appears an old woman with her head covered following the Celestinesque tradition who can act as a procuress for the young…

A little soup, by Álvarez (1885)
Original title:Una sopita ("A little soup").The engraving shows an interior scene where four figures appear: two young people sitting talking, an old man sitting next to them watching them while he eats, and a young woman leaving the room. The…

A Harlot's Progress, Plate 1, by Hogarth (1732)
First print from a series of 6 scenes of the life of a young country girl that becomes a prostitute. This first print includes a matchmaker.

A Harlot's Progress, by King (1732)
Plate 6 from the series A Harlot's Progress.

The engraving shows an interior brothel scene. In it many characters appear around a coffin. Among the characters are couples of young women (prostitutes) and men and an old woman sitting on the left…

Cortesana con su alcahueta, de Von Aachen (siglo XVII)
A young woman looks away as her procuress shows her a jewel. The procuress holds a bag filled with money in her hand. The dog stares at the viewer, and acts as the client, who is a typical figure in these types of paintings.

A couple embracing, a procuress asleep nearby, by Toorenvliet (1700, c.)
The image shows a young woman sitting on a chair and looking to her left while a man shows her a coin and puts his hand on her shoulder. Next to the couple and sitting on a chair appears an old woman with her head covered sleeping. By the title of…

Escena en un burdel, atribuido a Francken II (Fecha desconocida)
Study of figures, rendered in black chalk, of a scene inside a brothel, with a well-dressed young man, and a young woman accompanied by an old woman who appears to be her procuress. Attributed to Frans Francken II (the Younger).

Other title:…

A brothel scene with a young couple and a procuress, by follower of Willem Pietersz Buytewech (1620, c.)
In the image appears an old woman with her head covered picking up coins that are on a table while with the other hand she opens a chest containing coins. To the right appears a young couple, the woman takes the young man by the hand while he looks…

A Box at the Bullfight, by Canals (1904)
In the image appears a group of young women in a box. By the title it is understood that they are watching a bullfight. Most women appear with mantillas and flowers, dressed in regional dresses and some with fans. All of these women appear to be the…

This painting represents the biblical story of the prodigal son in the house of the prostitutes. The painting depicts a banquet scene with young women and their clients. Note the older woman on the left that acts as a procuress and oversees the young…

Still fromLa Célestine, by Kahane (1967)
Célestine (Maria Meriko) and Sempronio (Jacques Ferrière)

Banda sonora de Celestina Lizzani, 1965
Vinyl disk.
Label: RCA

Russian DVD case of the movie, by Gerardo Vera (1996)
Calisto (Juan Diego Botto) and Melibea (Penélope Cruz)

Representation ofLa Celestina, inCádiz, 1956
Representation ofLa Celestina, inCádiz, Spain (1956)Photographer:Luis ArenasDate: August 21, 1956

Representation ofThis is not la Celestina, Madrid, by Campos, 2022
Representation This is not la Celestina("Esto no es la Celestina"), in the Centro Cultural Gilitos in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, 2022.Production:La LocandieraAuthor: Fernando de Rojas.Dramaturgy and direction: Francisco Campos.Scenography: Francisco…

RepresentationThe crazy loves of Calisto and Melibea and the rascal Celestina, Madrid, by Martín, 2023
Representation The crazy loves of Calisto and Melibea and the rascal Celestina ("Los locos amores de Calisto y Melibea y la granuja Celestina"), by the company La Buena Magde Teatro, directed by Pedro Martín and represented on March 30, 2023 to…

RepresentationFantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina, Palma, byPujol and Fiol, 2023-2024
Original title:Tragedia fantástica de la gitana Celestina ("Fantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina").Representation Fantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina, 2023-2024 season, Teatre Principal de Palma, Palma, Spain, Sala Gran, Sa…

Representation Celestina's petticoat, in León (Spain),1982
Original title: El refajo de la Celestina("Celestina's petticoat")The images belong to different representations of El refajo de la Celestina by Blanco Amor between the years 1982-1986. The 1982 performance was in León and the 1985 performance was by…

Frame 9 of La Celestina by Pezzoli
Calisto (Sergio Albelli) puts his gold chain on Celestina (Isa Danieli).

Frame 8 of La Celestina by Pezzoli
Dinner at Celestina's house. From left to right: Elicia (Maria Ariis), Sempronio (Daniele Griggio), Celestina (Isa Danieli), Areúsa (Beatrice Visibelli) and Pármeno (Peppino Mazzotta).

Frame 7 of La Celestina by Pezzoli
Celestina (Isa Danieli) brings news to Calisto (Sergio Albelli) of his loved one. Pármeno (Peppino Mazzotta) is on the left and Sempronio (Daniele Griggio) on the right.

Frame 6 of La Celestina by Pezzoli
Celestina (Isa Danieli) visits Melibea (Pia Lanciotti). Behind is Lucrezia (Elena Carloni)

Frame 5 of La Celestina by Pezzoli
Celestina's Spell (Isa Danieli)

Frame 4 of La Celestina by Pezzoli
Calisto (Sergio Albelli) pays Celestina (Isa Danieli) for her services.

Frame 3 of La Celestina by Pezzoli
Celestina (Isa Daniele) and Sempronio (Daniele Griggio) they are greeted by Pármeno (Peppino Mazzotta).

Frame 15 of La Celestina by Pezzoli
Elicia (Maria Ariis) and Areúsa (Beatrice Visibelli) push Calisto (Sergio Albelli) and Melibea (Pia Lanciotti) off a ladder.

Frame 14 of La Celestina by Pezzoli
Elicia (Maria Ariis), Sicario (Adriano Mottola) and Areúsa (Beatrice Visibelli) meet outside Melibea's house.

Frame 13 of La Celestina by Pezzoli
Lucrezia (Elena Carloni) and Melibea (Pia Lanciotti) await the arrival of Calisto.

Frame 12 of La Celestina by Pezzoli
Elicia (Maria Ariis) becomes the new Celestina. She and her cousin Areúsa (Beatrice Visibelli) plan their revenge against Calisto and Melibea.

Frame 11 of La Celestina by Pezzoli
Pármeno (Peppino Mazzotta) and Sempronio's death (Daniele Griggio).

Frame 10 of La Celestina by Pezzoli
Pármeno (Peppino Mazzotta) gives the final blow to Celestina (Isa Danieli)

Frame 1 ofLa Celestina by Pezzoli
Presentation of the television version of Pezzoli.
Melibea (Pia Lanciotti) walks through her garden.

Fotocromo 20 de la película LaCelestina,de Ardavín
Calisto (Julián Mateos) y Melibea (Elisa Ramírez).

Fotocromo 19 de la película LaCelestina,de Ardavín
Melibea (Elisa Ramírez) y Calisto (Julián Mateos).

Fotocromo 17 de la película LaCelestina,de Ardavín
Areúsa (Heidelotte Diehl) en su casa.
Imagen del Acto XVI en la película.

Comic of La Celestina, by Perera Sarmiento (2002)
Adaptation, photos and ilustrations by Antonio Perera Sarmiento
Design and layout by Miguel A. Perera Alonso
Ediciones Témpora Madrid 2002


Fotocromo 22 de la película LaCelestina,de Ardavín
(Above) Melibea (Elisa Ramírez)
(Below) Celestina (Amelia de la Torre) y Melibea (Elisa Ramírez)

Fotocromo 21 de la película  La  Celestina, de Ardavín
Celestina (Amelia de la Torre) y Melibea (Elisa Ramírez)

Celestina and Young Woman (Celestina y maja), by Goya (1824)
A young woman appears in the center of the painting in the foreground. An old woman appears to the right in the background.

Young Couple and Matchmaker (Pareja de jovenes y alcahueta), engraving (1739-1780) based on Francesco Maggioto's painting (1738-1805).
A young woman acting as if she is soliciting money from a young man, and a covered matchmaker behind her giving her advice.

Two Men and a Matchmaker (Dos hombres y una alcahueta), ceramic from Apulia, scene from a comedy (4th century B.C.)
Comedy scene (phylakes) with characters with masks and matchmaker on the side, in red and black ceramic.

The Matchmaker (La alcahueta), by Molenaer (1640 c.).
Man with prostitute on his arm and behind is the matchmaker.

The Love Letter or the Fortune-Teller (El billete amoroso o la adivina), engraving based on Frans van Mieris (1635-1681).
Older woman argues using her fingers to count. The word "amor" is visible in the background. Musical instrument and dog.

The Human Beast (La bestia humana), by Fillol (1897).
An older woman is forcing a younger woman into prostitution. A client in the background. Social denunciation painting.

The Horror (Lo horrible), cover of the Novela de hoy edition (1927)
La novela de hoy is a series of popular novels from the 1920s and 1930s that are characterized by noteworthy covers that sometimes have an erotic theme. See related image for more details.

The Black Lady (La dama negra), cover of the La novela de hoy edition (1925)
La novela de hoy is a series of popular novels from the 1920s and 1930s that are characterized by noteworthy covers that sometimes have an erotic theme.
In this case, although it is a work of horror, the lady's representation corresponds to that of…

Russian Playing Cards (Cartas de naipes rusos) (2015)
Russian card game with figures taken from La Celestina. Written on the box cover in Russian: Design by Anna Lobanova.

Woman with buskin-type shoes and covered head, pointing her finger towards the outside of the panel.

Provenza Street (La calle de Provenza), cover of the Novela de hoy edition (1928)
La novela de hoy is a series of popular novels from the 1920s and 1930s that are characterized by noteworthy covers that sometimes have an erotic theme.
Note that it represents a modern procuress or brothel keeper that does not correspond with the…

Procuring (Proxenetismo), by Meid (1914)
Instead of a female procuress, the artist Hans Meid shows a procurer offering her protegée to another man.

Pármeno, life and work (Pármeno, vida y obra), cover drawing, various artists (2008)
Curious ink cover imitating an old book titled Pármeno, life and work, directed at Paula Ronderos Bogotá, 2008. In a wiki, that also contains a page and a half of what appears to be Sempronio's picaresque lifestyle, who travels to America.

La Celestina, caricature, by BibomaniaOtakulover (sic) (2010)
Caricature of Celestina manipulating a puppet, charcoal, caricature style. Note the spelling of Celestina, as it begins with an "s."

La Celestina, by Thecarlosmal (sic) (2006)
Drawing of La Celestina, made by the DeviantArt user Thecarlosmal.

La Celestina, by cuenta.cuentos (2011)
An artistic project in the form of comics by the user Cuenta.Cuentos on the site:

Tags: ,

La Celestinacomic, school work, by La Milagrosa Ikastetxea school (2018)
La Celestina comic, school work made by: Maite Cuesta, Mikel Morales, María Saiz, Judith Asenjo in Language and literature by the La Milagrosa Ikastetxea school.

La Celestina...animu style, by happichuu (sic) (2009)
Drawing made by the DeviantArt user, happichuu, he/she was reading a book in a literature class and made his/her own interpretation of the characters in a Japanese cartoon style.


Currito the Flamenco Singer's Enchanted Guitar (La guitarra embrujada de Currito el cantaor), by Ferrándiz (1961 c.)
Illustrated children's story that has a witch inspired byMother Celestina's Powder, as the use of the expression in the text shows:"Y en su cueva aquella noche le echó las cartas, ladina, y a una guitarra echó los polvos de la madre…

Conquest (Conquista), painting by Blanco Prieto (2000 c.)
Painting on wood made with a mixed technique that represents a medieval courtship scene inspired byLa Celestina.The author writes about the image: "To seduce the beloved the help of the procuress was not enough. It was necessary to reach the dreamy…

Celestina, by Bradipsiquia (sic) (2013)
Oil on canvas painting, inspired by a photo by another DeviantArt user, Anhen, namedScarface.

Celestina, by Akenoomokoto (sic) (2009)
Drawing of La Celestina, with water colour appearance, created using Photoshop and pospo on Painter 11.

Celestina's Daughter (La hija de Celestina), by Fons (1983)
Play byAlonso Jerónimo de Salas Barbadillo taken to television in the miniseriesLas pícaras by Televisión Española. Series with courtly erotic and romantic elements.Free adaptation: Emilio RomeroProducer: José Frade…

Beauty, money, mind (Belleza, dinero, mente), by Tóth (1894).
Part of a tryptych, this painting shows a young woman followed or solicited by a matchmaker-type older woman. The rest of the tryptych can be seen at,_Money,_Mind_C_1894.jpg

An Old Matchmaker Counts Money (Una vieja alcahueta cuenta el dinero), lithograph by Vivant Denon (1873).
Old matchmaker counts money by candle light while a couple makes love in the background in her shadow.

A Couple in Trouble (Polvareda conyugal), cover of the La novela de hoy edition (1929)
La novela de hoy is a series of popular novels from the 1920s and 1930s that are characterized by noteworthy covers that sometimes have an erotic theme.The character of the old witch is an allusion to the work by HartzenbuschMother Celestina's…

La Celestina (cycle), by Ramírez Máro (2011)
Cycle of paintings inspired byLa Celestina. The author explores the themes of vanitas, the seven deadly sins, and impermance.


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