A trickster, single sheet, by anonymous (1870)

A trickster, single sheet, by anonymous (1870)


A trickster, single sheet, by anonymous (1870)






The image shows a woman described as "a new celestina" who appears on top of a well speaking to a group of people who are watching her.

Text at the bottom of the image:
"A new Celestina,
half a witch at least
with her lies and traps
she scammed an entire town.
Standing on top of a well,
but yes, it was dry,
predicted the future
to the children and the old,
to the fifteen-year-old girls 
and to young single men,
and she took their money
in no time;
and one of the group, tired
of such cynical captivation,
he knocked her down with a push
and she did not step on the ground again."


Color woodcut. Published with another single sheet by Barcelona: Imprenta de la Vda. by Antonio Llorens, Palma de Santa Catalina, 6. The other single sheet is of a couple flying on a broom.

Information in: https://funjdiaz.net/pliegos-listado.php?id=7050&qry=embaucadora 

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Alamy Source, license OY80612061 


Color woodcut.
Dimensions: Unknown.

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