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  • Collection: Theater and opera

Representation Celestina's petticoat, in León (Spain),1982
Original title: El refajo de la Celestina("Celestina's petticoat")The images belong to different representations of El refajo de la Celestina by Blanco Amor between the years 1982-1986. The 1982 performance was in León and the 1985 performance was by…

RepresentationFantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina, Palma, byPujol and Fiol, 2023-2024
Original title:Tragedia fantástica de la gitana Celestina ("Fantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina").Representation Fantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina, 2023-2024 season, Teatre Principal de Palma, Palma, Spain, Sala Gran, Sa…

RepresentationThe crazy loves of Calisto and Melibea and the rascal Celestina, Madrid, by Martín, 2023
Representation The crazy loves of Calisto and Melibea and the rascal Celestina ("Los locos amores de Calisto y Melibea y la granuja Celestina"), by the company La Buena Magde Teatro, directed by Pedro Martín and represented on March 30, 2023 to…

Representation ofThis is not la Celestina, Madrid, by Campos, 2022
Representation This is not la Celestina("Esto no es la Celestina"), in the Centro Cultural Gilitos in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, 2022.Production:La LocandieraAuthor: Fernando de Rojas.Dramaturgy and direction: Francisco Campos.Scenography: Francisco…

Representation ofLa Celestina, inCádiz, 1956
Representation ofLa Celestina, inCádiz, Spain (1956)Photographer:Luis ArenasDate: August 21, 1956

Cartel anunciador
baile Shoji kojima
Cristian Lozano
Tamara López
Pablo Fraile
Francisco Morgado
Ángel Sánchez Fariña

Ballet Shoji Kojima Flamenco:
Chiharu Okano, Kanako Maeda, Ayumi Yanagiya
Harumitsu Seki, Tomoya Matsuda
Satoyo Kamata, Etsuko…

Celestina, a Tragic Music Comedy, by Bond, New York, 1999
Reviewed Celestinesca23.1-2 (1999)Songs (courtesy of Brad Bond)Press on the song to hear themHERE AM I In this number, Melibea is in her moonlit garden waiting for Calisto to arrive. This demo features the new orchestration accompaniment. The singer…

Welcome to a night of pure theatrical magic in the heart of Madrid! In the emblematic Teatro Arlequín Gran Vía, the central studios of Radio Nacional de España come to life tonight thanks to radio theatre. The star of the evening? Nothing less than…

Love arias around La Celestina Concert, Puebla de Montalbán, 2018
Original title: Arias de amor en torno a la Celestina ("Love arias around La Celestina").

Concert of a repertoire of love songs related to the world and period of La Celestina

Poster and brochure cover of the concert version of the opera La Celestina by Felipe Pedrell that took place at the La Zarzuela theater in Madrid on September 9, 2022. See information…

Poster of the play "Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea", of Laboratorio Escénico Univalle, Colombia (2023)
Play "Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea; Variaciones sobre La Celestina de Fernando de Rojas" ("Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea; Variations on La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas") from the Laboratorio Escénico Univalle. Represented as part of…

Representación de Ojos de agua, Madrid, 2015
Representación dirigida por Yayo Cáceres, protagonizado por Charo López.

Representation A selfie with Melibea, by Unpingüino Producciones, 2018
Original title: Un selfie con Melibea ("A selfie with Melibea")

Adaptation for young audiences

Representation Celestina's petticoat, by Blanco Amor, 1993
Original title: Un refaixo pra Celestina ("Celestina's petticoat").Representation Celestina's petticoat, 1993.Production:Centro Dramático Galego (CDG)Author: Eduardo Blanco AmorDramaturgy, direction and set design: Antonio Francisco SimónClothing:…

Representation Shades of Green, Laramie, Wyoming, 1993
Adaptation of La Celestina to the modern world, in English. This version was the departing point for the musical Celestina, a Music Tragic Comedy

Representation at the Albéniz Theatre, Madrid, by Vida (1999)
Author: Fernando de Rojas Adaptation/version: Luis García Montero Direction and scenography: Joaquín Vida Figurines: Vitorio y Luquino Lighting design: Carlos Moreno Costumes: Victorio y Luchino Cast: Nati Mistral, Paco Morales, Eva García (in…

Representation Fantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina, Barcelona, by Flores, 1985
Original title: Tragedia fantástica de la gitana ("Celestina Fantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina").

Author: Alfonso Sastre.
Director: Enric Flores.
Scenography: Alfons Flores.

Cast: Ramón Teixidor, Mª Josep Arenós, Minerva Álvarez,…

Representation in Liège, by Marcel Hicter, 1981
Production by Marcel Hicter with the title L'acopleuse. Photos of Celestina and Sempronio and a model of Melibea taken from the show's brochure (cover with drawing included)

Representation in Madrid, 1909
Representation written and directed by Francisco Fernández Villegas for Teatro Español protagonized by Carmen Cobeña. With Amparo Villegas (Melibea), Ricardo Calvo (Calisto), Leovigildo Ruiz Tatay (Sempronio), Francisco Comes (Pármeno), Mercedes…

Representation in Stockholm, 1998
Representation directed by Adam Nashman from Elverket Dramaten Theater in Stockholm.

Representation in the Almagro Festival, Almagro, by Castro Guijosa, 2023
Representation of La Celestina by the company Secuencia 3 Artes y Comunicación S.L., Pentación S.A., Saga Producciones and Teatre Romea at the 46th Almagro International Classical Theater Festival, Almagro, Spain.Author: Fernando de RojasAdaptation:…

Representation in the Máscara Theater, Montevideo, 1981
Songs: Lucila Ramos Mañé Stenography: Osvaldo ReynoCostumes: Nelson Mancebo Lighting: Carlos Vecino Props: Roberto Rosas Accessories: Maria Isabel Hairdresser: Nelson Coiffeur Cast: Roberto Meneses- Calixto Eliana Pena- Melibea Pedro Corradi-…

Representation in the Montecarmelo Center, Santiago de Chile, by Sieveking (1992)
Performance directed by Alejandro Sieveking for the Montecarmelo Center, starring Bélgica Castro in Santiago de Chile.Cast:Bélgica Castro (Celestina)Jéssica Vera (Melibea)Mauricio Torres (Calisto)Ramón Carcher (Sempronio)Mónica Jaramillo…

Representation in the Paris-Palais Garnier National Opera, by Lavelli, 1988
La CélestineLyrical tragicomedy with a prologue and 11 actsDirector: Jorge LavelliMusical composition and script: Maurice OhanaMusical direction: Arturo TamayoTranslation: Marcel d'OdileDecoration: Michel RaffaelliCostume: Francesco ZitoLighting:…

Representation ofCelestina, Moulin Rouge, Granada, by Ruiz Mingorance, 2019
Representation Celestina, Moulin Rougein the CajaGranada Theatre, Granada, Spain, 2019.Production:Jacaranda 11.Free adaptation of the text by Fernando de Rojas: Antonio César Morón.Direction: Carmen Ruiz Mingorance.Cast:Aristide BruantAdéle de…

Representation of Calisto, history of a character, Madrid, 2001
Original title: Calisto, historia de un personaje ("Calisto, history of a character").Representation directed by Miguel Seabra from meridional theatre, protagonizadla by Álvaro Lavín.

Representation of 12 Experimenta, Rosario, Argentina, 2009
Original title: ¡Puta vieja alcahueta Celestina! O los amores tragicómicos de Calisto y Melibea("Damn old procuress Celestina! Or the tragicomic love of Calisto and Melibea"). Author: Maite Agirre, based on the text of La Celestina by Fernando de…

Representation of Antigüo Cine Pinzales, Asturias, by Caamaño, 2008
Assistant director: Inma RodríguezLighting:Nona AsensioVideographic performance:Borja MitjansActresses: Lara Herrero and Arantxa FernándezTempus fugitTwo girls, in the not too distant future, appear in an abandoned theater in search of the "Capsules…

Representation of Aulaescena, Valencia, 2020
Adaptation for secondary school audiences

Representation of Bambalinas, Valencia, 2018
Puppet representation. "Carme Teatre presenta una adaptación de La Celestina de Fernando de Rojas, donde las técnicas y recursos propios de los títeres y del teatro de objetos harán posible una puesta en escena dinámica y contemporánea, rica en…

Representación del Corral de Comedias, Madrid, 2005
Duration: 1h 40 min. Production: Teatro Zampanó Assistant: José Ángel Navarro Music: Toni Mádigan Scenography: Javier Roselló Lightning: José Miguel López Sáez Clothing: María Luisa Engel Recording: Mariano Díaz Graphic design: Gara Koan Clothing:…

Representation of Corsario Theater, Cáceres, by Peña, 2021
Representation "Celestina Infernal" ("Infernal Celestina"), puppets for adults. Cáceres Theater Festival.At the Corsario Theater, Plaza De Las Veletas, CáceresFrom Thursday, 06/17/2021 to Friday, 06/18/2021Teatro Corsario show co-produced by: Teatro…

Representation of D'Avignon Festival, Avignon, by Vitez (1989)
Representation directed by Antoine Vitez of the Théatre National de l'Odeon for the Avignon Festival (D'Avignon Festival).

Author: Fernando de Rojas
Stage direction: Antoine Vitez
Artistic direction: Roland Hergault
Scenography: Yannis…

Representation of Dartmouth Department of Theater, 2002
Representation directed by Pamela Howard and Robert Potter from Dartmouth Department of Theater.

Representation of El Carro del Heno, 1981
Representation:Mujeres en la Celestina ("Women in the Celestina").Author: Fernando de Rojas.Direction, set design, costumes and musical arrangements: El Carro del Heno.Cast:Manuela Céspedes (Celestina)Lola Puebla (Melibea)Marisol Muñoz (Areusa and…

Representation of El Jardinito Theater, Córdoba, Spain, by Moreno, 2013
Celestina y Melibea An adaptation to Flamenco dance of the work La Celestina by Fernando Rojas. With strategy through fables and spells that Celestina uses against Melibea, she manages to make her fall in love with Calisto, thus ending the story…

Representation of Escenarte, Guatemala, González Llanez, 2016
Play:Seis géneros dramáticos en busca de un actorTragedy:Edipo ReyComedy:LysistraraTragicomedy:La CelestinaWilson Morales - PármenoPiece:La GaviotaFarce:El Retablillo de Don Cristóbal

Representation of Espace Julien, Marseille, by la Rueca Theater, 2009
Celestina entre palos Flamenco show presented at the "L'Espagne des Trois Cultures" Festival organized by Horizontes del Sur, the Center Edmond Fleg and the Espace Julien.

Representación del Grand Théâtre de Limoges, Francia, de Gillibert (1977)
Two-act tragicomedy
Translation: Jean Gillibert

Music: Pierre Boeswillwald
Decoration and costume: Oskar Gustin
Cast: Maria Casarès... [et al.]

Representation of Grupo Atalaya, by Iniesta (2012)
Representation of Grupo Atalaya.Original title: Celestina, la Tragicomedia ("Celestina, the Tragicomedy").Author: Fernando de Rojas.Adaptation and stage director: Ricardo Iniesta.Choral Direction: Esperanza Abad.Scenography: Ricardo Iniesta et…

Representation of la Casa de la Cultura de Panchimalco, El Salvador, 2013
Work presented at the Second Youth Theater Festival

Representation of La Celestina, 1973
Representation of La Celestina.

Photographer: Daniel Walschaerts

Representation of La Celestina, 1987
Author: Fernando de Rojas
Photographer: Miguel Gracia

Representation of La Celestina, in New York, 1974
Representation of La Celestina, in New York (1974)

Photographer: Gerry Goodstein

Representation of La Celestina, tragicomedy, by Escalera de Tijera, Extremadura, 2019
From the company webpage: SYNOPSIS "Divertida adaptación de La Celestina en clave de clown. Donde se entremezcla el circo y el teatro. Tres actores reinterpretarán, a su manera, la clásica historia de Calisto y Melibea. Contaran las miserias, vilezas…

Representation of La Paca Theater, Jaén, 2016-2017
Scenes of Women: "Fuenteovejuna" "Othello" "La Celestina" and other emblematic works ranging from the Greeks to Lorca, will help us to reflect on the problems of women in our society. Laurencia, Desdemona, Melibea, Ifigenia, Doña Rosita la soltera,…

Representation of la Piazza della Vittoria, Pavia, Italy, by Málaga and Calderoni, 2017
In Scena Veritas
Almo Collegio Borromeo
Lighting: Alessandro Lamanna

Cast: Eleono Cipolla, Daniela D’Ambrosio, Ettore Francinetti, Manuela Málaga, Maurizio Quartiroli, Elena Rossi, Claudio Scrivano and Roberto Zucchini.

Representation of Mayor Miguel Antonio Caro school, Madrid, by López, 2006
Melibea, el duende del loco amor The text, written by Fernando J. López, takes up Melibea over the centuries, turned into a soul in pain and condemned to pay the price of having chosen her own death. From there, she will tell us her own story…

Representation of Miracle Theatre Group, Portland, 2013
Representation directed by Christy Drogosch, of the Miracle Theatre Group. Adaptation: Raquel CarrióProduction: MilagroSponsors: Josie Mendoza and Hugh MackworthDuration: 90 min.Language: Spanish with English subtitlesCast: Bibiana Lorenzo Johnston-…

Representation of Mother Celestina's dust (Los polvos de la madre Celestina), Barcelona?, by Mestres, 1868
Water colours with figurines for a performance of Mother Celestina's dust (Los polvos de la madre Celestina), by Apelles Mestres. There is data missing about this performance.

Representation of Nuffield Theatre, Southampton, by Gilmore, 1983
Representation directed by David Gilmore in Nuffield Theatre, in the University of Southampton. Pictures of the representation,clippings of newspaper theater reviews and advertising poster showing the actors and parts of the stage and an illustrated…

Representation of Salón Teatro in Santiago de Compostela, La Coruña, 2000
A Celestina, comedia dos tolos amores de Calisto e Melibea ("The Celestine, comedy of the crazy loves of Calisto and Melibea")Author and director: Eduardo AlonsoProduction: Teatro do NoroesteShow funded by the IGAEM and INAEMMusic: Chefa…

Representation of Salvador Rueda High School, Málaga, by Olalla, 2017
Thepsis Project

Artistic Team
Costumes and Scenography: GimnasioTeatro
Poster: Hugo Jiménez
Trailer: Alvar Jiménez
Lighting and sound: Francisco Báez
Scenographic performance: Metales Gómez, Francisco Aguilar
Manuel Arquelladas.
Images on…

Representation of Second Act, Almuñecar, 2018
The group Segundo Acto (Second act) is formed of Silvio Rivas (Father), Francisco Gabriel Martín (Calixto), Inma Molina (Melibea), Lorenzo Guerrero (Sempronio), Mari Carmen Díaz (Celestina), Emerencia Alabarce (Elicia), José Francisco Villoslada…

Representation of Teatro Condal, Barcelona, by Bonnin, 1995
Version: José Ruibal Scenography: Marcelo Grande Clothing: Marcelo Grande Lighting: Quico Gutiérrez (AAI) Production: Focus Cast: Amparo Soler Leal- Celestina Romà Sánchez- Calisto Bea Guevara- Melibea Paul Berrondo- Sempronio Xavier Ruano- Pármeno…

Representation of Teatro de la Abadía, Madrid (2016)
Representation directed by José Luis Gómez of Teatro de la Abadía in co-production with Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico. Starring José Luis Gómez (as Celestina).Record of representation in CDAEM, Spanish…

Representation of Teatro de la Danza, Ciudad de Mexico, 2010
Flamenco Theater Ballet
Stage direction and lighting: José Antonio Morales
Choreography director: María Antonia “La Morris”
Creatives: Marién Luévano, Carlos Ramírez, Ricardo Ortiz and Armando Tovar
Musical arrangements: Fernando Soto and…

Representation of Teatro del Aire, by Facio, 1984
Representation of La Celestina, Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea ("Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea")by Teatro del Aire.Author:Fernando de RojasAdaptation and direction: Ángel FacioImages of performances at the Teatro Colón in Bogotá (1979), the…

La Celestina, Teatro Di Commedia (2009-2020)
La Celestina unipersonal. Representation with puppets by Teatro Di Commedia company. Performance: Carolina Calema Direction and rendering: Darío Galo Costumes, puppets and scenography: Elena Colmenar Original Music: Renato Di Prinzio Live…

Representation of Teatro Espronceda 34, Madrid, by Manzaneque, 1980
Company: Tirso de Molina
Staging: Javier Artiñano
Music: Ángel Arteaga

María Guerrero- Celestina
Araceli Conde
María Vidal
Inma de Santy- Melibea
José Sancho- Calisto
Gonzalo Sanmiguel
Ramón Pons
José María Escuer. F

Representation of Teatro Juan Bravo, Segovia, 2008
Production: Secuencia 3 Artes y Comunicación Adaptation: Eduardo Galán Scenography and ligthing: Carmen Martínez Figurines and costume design: Vicente Soler Sound: Manuel Llada Poster photography: Jorge Zorrila Management: Luis Galán Graphic design:…

Representation of Teatro Margen, Oviedo, 2003
Dramaturgy: Arturo Castro and José Antonio Lobato Assistant director: Cristina E. Pérez Scenic space design: Teatro Margen Lighting design: Javier Fernández Costume design: Azucena Rico Video report: Escuela Taller Técnicas del Espectáculo…

Representation of Teatro Regio, Parma, by Salazar, 1955
Author: Fernando deRojasDirection: SalvadorSalazarVersion: Felipe Lluch GarínRepresentation of the Popular University Theater ("Teatro Popular Universitario") (TPU)Image 1:Theater critic of"La Celestina" in Parma, inSpanish artists around the world…

Representation of Teatro Strehler, Milan, 2014
Adaptation by Michel GarneauScenography: Marco RossiClothing: Gianluca SbiccaTranslation: Davide Verga Lighting: A.J. Weissbard Sound: Hubert WestkemperMusic: Peppe Servillo e Flavio D'Ancona Make up and hairstyle: Aldo Signoretti Cast: Giovanni…

Representation of Teatro Telón de Arena, Ciudad Juárez, 2015-2016
Estimated duration: 1 hour 50 min, 3 actsAdaptation by Guadalupe de la MoraDirection: Perla de la RosaProduction: Telón de Arena, CONACULTA – FONCALive music: Joel Barraza, Teresa Elena Arámbula Meléndez and Selene BacaDirection assistants: Amalia…

Representation of the ‘Casa del Tío Félix’ Ethnographic Museum, Miguel Esteban, Toledo, 2017
Queimada Literaria, an original theatrical performance of the play ‘La Celestina’ accompanied by the cellos of the ‘Manchelos’ group.

María José Torres – Celestina
Mari Nieves Patiño – Areúsa

Representation of the 3rd Edition of the CIFP Microteatro Festival, Madrid, 2017
La tragicomedia de Hamlet y Calisto("The tragicomedy of Hamlet and Calisto")Integrated Center for Professional Training in New Technologies- José Luis GarciWhen the stories of Hamlet and Celestina are mixed, the characters become confused and loves…

Representation of the Actors Studio, Quito, 2016
Theater school directed by León Sierra
Estefany Robayo – Celestina

Representation of the Aedo Theatre, Seville, 2016-2017
Season 2016-2017 School campaign for young spectators. Public: E.S.O. Bachillerato students and adults. Duration: 70 min.

Representation of the Alberto de Paz y Mateos Theater, Caracas, 2007
Theja Theater Group
Direction: Jose Simón Escalona
Assistant director: Oscar Escobar
Executive production: Angélica Escalona
Set design: José Simón Escalona
Stage design assistants: Nakarid Escalona Mata and Luis Felipe Castro…

Representation of the Alkázar Theater, Plasencia, by García Cáceres, 2017
Calixto Free reinterpretation of La Celestina that fuses text and flamenco under a simple scenography. Gender: Tragicomedy Chameleon Productions Cast: Laura García Cáceres – Celestina Jorge Peralta – Calixto Miguel Pérez Polo –…

Representation of the Almagro Festival, Almagro, by Amador, 1996
Representation directed by Charo Amador for the Almagro classical theater festival of the Royal Superior School of Dramatic Art.

2 photos of the staging, Celestina and another male character.

Representation of the Arlequín Theater, Asunción, Paraguay, by Aguilera, 2005
Version: Carlos Manuel Varela.
Original music: Kenny Acevedo
Assistance: Vera
Scenography: José Luis Ardissone
Costumes: José y Alejandra Ardissone. With the support of the "Juan de Salazar" Cultural Center of Spain and the Spanish Agency for…

Representation of the Armando Manzanero Theatre, Mérida, México, 2011
State Theater Company

Alfonso García Medina- Calisto
Andrea Urban-Melibea
Miguel Ángel Canto- Sempronio
Oswaldo Ferrer- Pármeno
Madeleine Lezama- Celestina
Susan Tax- Elicia
Marilú Bolivar- Lucrecia
Laura Zubieta- Alisa

Representation of the ArtSEEDS Festival, Zwolle, Netherlands, by Bom-B Music (2014)
Instrumental show La Celestina Cast: Masha Galperina – Celestina (piano) Alberto Pérez Jurado – Calisto (tuba) Desirée Riera Cebrián – Melibea (clarinet) Iván Ortega – Sempronio (eufonio) Antonio Carrasco Álvarez – Acompañamiento (piano) Ward Meijer…

Representation of the Auditorio Cuitláhuac, México, by Pacheco, 2013
Theatre Workshops-Universidad Tecnológica de México

Representation of the Avignon Festival, Avignon, by Vitez, 1989
Author: Fernando de Rojas.
Stage director: Antoine Vitez.

Cast: Jeanne Moreau.

Photographer: Bielva

Premiere: July 1989

Representation of the Bastion del Carmen Cultural Center, Colonia, Uruguay, by Cortizo, 2012
Unipersonal Poetry and Theater: “Embriagaos”

La Celestina (Act XII- second scene)
Cast: Elsa Gelso

Representation of the Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel, 1978
Cover of the representation brochure of Bele Bachen. Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel Inszenierung und Bearbeitung theater performance program: Karl Paryla.Stage design: Walter Dörfler. Costume: Sophia Schröck. Music: Paul Kont.Actors: Daniel Friedrich,…

Representation of the Berriozar Auditoriom, Pamplona, 2014-2015
Celestina’sDuration: 120 minutesren-Hacer-berBizi Theatre Company

Representation of the Bilingual Foundation of Art's Little Theatre, Los Angeles, by Rivera, 1992
Bilingual production.
Adaptation by Margarita Stocker and Margarita Galbán.
Decor: D. Azfali

Margarita Stocker and Margarita Córdova - Celestina
Sully Díaz and Veronika Stoker - Melibea
Olegario Andrade and Johnathan del Arco -…

Representation of the Bryant-Lake Bowl Theater, Minneapolis, Minnesota, by Kidder, 2009
Play:For Celestina and Maja on BalconyWritten by Trista Baldwin Local artists got together to translate six masterpieces of the famous painter for the stage. From the noble beauty of court life to the nightmarish visions of a cynic old man, "The Goya…

Representation of the Bulevar Theater, Madrid, by Sánchez, 2017
Theater Company Para con faldas y a la escena

Representation of the C'est la Vie Teatro, Madrid, by Bruneau and Lourties, 2011
Adaptation: María Lourties
Staging: Javier Martínez Cifuentes
Costume Design: Asun Bernárdez and Elisa Mariscal
Original Music: Equipo Elevador
Locution: Antonio Bueno
Light Design: Víctor Blázquez González
Penitents: Quim Garreta

5 acts, 2…

Representation of the Cáceres University Festival, Cáceres, by Salazar, 1955
The first image shows a theater critic of "La Celestina" in the Cáceres University Festival, titled "The University Festival of Cáceres" ("El Festival Universitario de Cáceres") written by Jaime Campmany on 9-7-1955 for theArriba editorial,Madrid.…

Representation of the Camaleón Theatre, Madrid, 2009
La Celestina: Tragicomedia de Calixto y Melibea ("La Celestina: Tragicomedy of Calixto and Melibea")

Representation of the Can Ventosa, Ibiza, by Ramón Ballcells, 2007
Representation of La Celestina, by Fernando de Rojas. Adapted version by Juan E. Ramón Ballcells from the Morgana Teatre company at the Can Ventosa Cultural Center, Ibiza, Spain.

Xisca Bibiloni (Celestina)
David Navarro (Calixto)

Representation of the Cánovas Theater, Málaga, by Roncero, 2017
Choreography: Tania Santiago and Lorena Roncero
Cast: students of la Imprudente

Representation of the Capitólio Theatre, Lisboa, 1970
Companhia Rey Colaço-Robles MonteiroVersion by Alejandro Casona Realization: Cayetano Luca de Tena. Translation: David Mourao Ferreira Figurines: Lucien DonnatAuthor: José MarquesPedro L.Premiere of the play in the Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, March…

Representation of the Caramba Theater, Xalapa, 2016
Amor de Calixto y Melibea… y la puta Celestina ("Love of Calixto and Melibea ... and the whore Celestina") Comedy turning into shamFree adaptationMéxico Dramaturgy and direction: Enrique Cancio Production: Estela Lucio Cañandonga…
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