Representation of Teatro Regio, Parma, by Salazar, 1955

Representation of Teatro Regio, Parma, by Salazar, 1955
Representation of Teatro Regio, Parma, by Salazar, 1955
Representation of Teatro Regio, Parma, by Salazar, 1955
Representation of Teatro Regio, Parma, by Salazar, 1955
Representation of Teatro Regio, Parma, by Salazar, 1955


Representation of Teatro Regio, Parma, by Salazar, 1955


Salazar, Salvador




Author: Fernando de Rojas
Direction: Salvador Salazar
Version: Felipe Lluch Garín
Representation of the Popular University Theater ("Teatro Popular Universitario") (TPU) 

Image 1:
Theater critic of "La Celestina" in Parma, in Spanish artists around the world ("Artistas españoles por el mundo"), titled "Spanish artists around the world: the T.P.U. has achieved great success with "La Celestina" in Parma" ("Artistas españoles por el mundo: el T.P.U. ha obtenido un gran éxito con "La Celestina" en Parma.") on 3-5-1955.

Regio Theater, in Parma.

Imagenes 2-5:
Theater critic of "La Celestina" in Parma, titled "Triumph of the T.P.U. at the Parma Festival" ("Triunfo del T.P.U. en el Festival de Parma") written by Jaime Campmany on 1-5-1955 for the Haz editorial, Madrid.


Image 1:
Research Support Center of the Juan March Foundation (Centro de apoyo a la investigación, de la Fundación Juan March):

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Imagenes 2-5:
Research Support Center of the Juan March Foundation (Centro de apoyo a la investigación, de la Fundación Juan March):

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