Representation of La Celestina, tragicomedy, by Escalera de Tijera, Extremadura, 2019

Representation of La Celestina, tragicomedy, by Escalera de Tijera, Extremadura, 2019
Representation of La Celestina, tragicomedy, by Escalera de Tijera, Extremadura, 2019
Representation of La Celestina, tragicomedy, by Escalera de Tijera, Extremadura, 2019
Representation of La Celestina, tragicomedy, by Escalera de Tijera, Extremadura, 2019


Representation of La Celestina, tragicomedy, by Escalera de Tijera, Extremadura, 2019


Escalera de Tijera Company




From the company webpage:
"Divertida adaptación de La Celestina en clave de clown. Donde se entremezcla el circo y el teatro. Tres actores reinterpretarán, a su manera, la clásica historia de Calisto y Melibea. Contaran las miserias, vilezas y ruindades del ser humano que, a pesar de los siglos, siguen tan vigentes como en 1499 y delatan al ser humano en su ansia de poder y de dinero."
"Funny adaptation of La Celestina in clown clef. Where the circus and the theater intermingle. Three actors will reinterpret, in their own way, the classic story of Calisto and Melibea. They will tell about the miseries, vileness and vileness of the human being that, despite the centuries, remain as valid as in 1499 and betray the human being in his desire for power and money"

Adaptation: Roberto Calle Martín based on the work by Fernando de Rojas. 
Direction: Javier Uriarte Guerra
Dramaturgy: Javier Uritarte Guerra
Music direction: Juan Carlos Rey
Scenography: Roberto Calle
Clothing: Iluminada Martín Llorente
Music: Juan Carlos Rey
Lighting: Gustavo González Varas
Sound: Isaac Gutiérrez Santos

Cast: Lola Sánchez Carmona, Javier Rosado Santisteban and Roberto Calle Martín

Premiere: August 20, 2019 in the Esmark room in Ciudad Rodrigo (Salamanca), as part of the Fair program

Record of representation in CDAEM, Spanish Theater:

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