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House of the Twins Arias. by Botero (1973)
The painting shows a room with five young women, two men, an older woman and a child. They all appear around a bed, except for the child, which lies underneath the bed.

House of Mariduque, by Botero (1970)
The painting portrays a room where six women appear: three of them are sitting in two chairs, the remaining three are standing. One of them is drinking and another one is sweeping. A man lying behind a chair appears in the background of the painting.

Detail of Temptation of Saint Anthony, by Bosch (1501)
Fragment of the left panel of the triptych The Temptations of Saint Anthony. Note that this fragment presents various female characters, like the woman crowned with an ecclesiastical hat or the one seen through the window and the one barely…

Temptation of Saint Anthony, by Teniers (1640 c.)
Notice that the devil takes the form of a procuress to tempt Saint Anthony, offering him a young woman. There are other version by Teniers or his followers of the same scene, as the one at the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, and others.

The Harem, by Picasso (1906)
Notice the old woman in the corner at the back of the picture.

Full title/ Other titles: Le harem, Nus roses, Figures roses

Engraving of a procuress from Auto da Barca do Inferno, by Gil Vicente (1586)
Engraving from the Complete workds of Gild Vicente, 1586. The character on the right is the procuress Brizida Vaz, which is inspired in Celestina. The othe two character may be the simpleton or fool Joane and one of the four knights in the story. The…

Caressed and Pick-pocketed by Alenza y Nieto (1838, c.)
Young couple carousing while a boy pickpockets the man. An old woman behind the boy

Ointment of Horns, by Alenza y Nieto (1840, c.)
Watercolor on paper of a costumbrista scene with three characters in the Celestinesque tradition

Representation of the Compañía Nacional de Teatro, México, 2019
Representation of La Celestina,Compañía Nacional de Teatro, México, 2019. Adaptation by Rosenda Monteros anddirection by Ruby TagleImages 5-6 of the representation in the Teatro del Bosque Julio Castillo of the Bosque Cultural Centre, from February…

Illustration for La Celestina, by Quevedo (1967)
Series of engraving for an illustrated edition in German that was not published

La Celestina, engraving by Seoane (1950, c.)
Engraving, but the image here is from a picture.
Notice the marks of the knives on Celestina's body

Cover of the Alba Editores Edition, Santiago de Chile, 2003
The cover features the image from the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904).

Representation of the Proscenio Teatro, Barcelona, 2019
Proscenio TeatroDirection: Jone ArteagoitiaCast: Olga Abuín, Eduardo Méndez, Neus Soler, Leticia Aparicio, Pol de la Rosa, Laura Mateu and Toni Sanchez MacarrillaScenography: Proscenio Teatro Characterization: Leticia Aparicio Costumes: Leticia…

Representation of La Celestina, tragicomedy, by Escalera de Tijera, Extremadura, 2019
From the company webpage: SYNOPSIS "Divertida adaptación de La Celestina en clave de clown. Donde se entremezcla el circo y el teatro. Tres actores reinterpretarán, a su manera, la clásica historia de Calisto y Melibea. Contaran las miserias, vilezas…

The Quarrel, by Lameyer (1850 c.)
Oil on canvas. A gypsy man and woman quarrel while an old woman is sitting next to them. The old woman is not normally seen as a procuress, but it is possible to see her as such

Maja and celestina waiting under an arch, by Goya (1794, c.)
Image 1 is a drawing in Album B or Madrid album. The original title of the second image is "La Bella y la Celestina" ("The Beauty and the Celestina").

In both images, a young woman and an old procuress are under an arch. The young woman rests on a…

The Prodigal Son Driven Out, by Callot (1635)
The prodigal son driven out of the house of the prostitutes. It is an engraving in a series of five. Notice the procuress on the stairs, the only engraving portraying a procuress in the series. This engraving influenced Murillo's painting of the same…

The Prodigal Son Driven Out, by Murillo (1660s, c.)
On the left, in the shadows, a character of Celestinesque descent.See TAGGARD, MINDY NANCARROW. “A Source for the Interpretation of Murillo’s ‘Parable of the Prodigal Son’: The Golden Age Stage.” RACAR: Revue d’art Canadienne / Canadian Art Review,…

Engraving of Celestina, by Hijo (2019)
Engraving of Celestina, description by author: ¨El último encargo de 2018 lo hizo @carlos_disfruta y fue esta #Celestina para regalar a @Aradhriel. Me sonaba que ella había interpretado al personaje. Así era, así que basé el diseño en su propia…

La Celestina, by Monedero (1970 c.)
Oil on canvas 29'5 x 23'5 cm. Three people at the light of a candle. They may be Celestina, Areúsa and Pármeno, or other characters

Woman with a Lapdog, Accompanied by a Maidservant, by Mieris (1660)
Woman with a Lapdog, Accompanied by a Maidservant (probably Bathsheba with King David’s Letter)

Courtesan and Procuress, by Lama (1720 c. )
Young woman and procuress talking
Oil on canvass, 20 1/2 x 25 3/4 inches (52 x 65.5 cm)

Sheer Merchandise!, by Sancho Piqué (1939)
Ink drawing on paper, 24,5 x 32 cmRich man talks to a procuress while a naked young woman covers her face

What is Celestina carrying in her bag?, by Sancho Piqué (1939)
Drawing as part of the collection "Horrors of war". A person completely covered is carrying the body of a hanged person in a bag. Two female characters are watching in horror.

Representation A selfie with Melibea, by Unpingüino Producciones, 2018
Original title: Un selfie con Melibea ("A selfie with Melibea")

Adaptation for young audiences

First image of act 20 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Melibea's suicide with her and Pleberio. Two unidentified male characters on the margin are included. There is also an image of an object in the sky that may be Melibea's girdle or cord falling or another object.

Lisboa 1540 - Auto 20 (1).jpg
Pleberio, Lucrecia and Melibea Factotums

Second image of act 19 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Calisto dead at the foot of the ladder is carried by Sosia and Tristan

First image of act 19 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Same illustration as the one used in act 14 of Calisto entering the garden.

Image of act 18 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Centurio, Areúsa and Elicia Factotums

Image of act 17 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Three factotums with the names of Elicia, Areúsa and Sosia

Image of act 16 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Four names of Melibea, Lucrecia, Pleberio and Alisa. Three factotums

Image of act 15 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Three factotums with the names of Elicia, Centurio and Areúsa.

Image of act 14 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Calisto on the stairs accessing the garden where Melibea and Lucrecia are waiting. Outside Sosia and Tristán armed.

Image of act 13 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Execution of Pármeno and Sempronio with Sosias present.

Second image of act 12 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Death of Celestina. While one of the male characters holds her, the other is ready to stab her. Elicia is pulling her hairs. Curiously, there is a window or door with two characters outside. Shelves with cups and glass containers.

First image of act 12 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Three factotums and the names Calisto, Melibea, Lucrecia, Pármeno

Image of act 10 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Four factotums and the names Melibea, Celestina, Alisa and Lucrecia

Image of act 9 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Three factotums and the names of Sempronio, Pármeno and Celestina

Image of act 8 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Factotums of three characters and four names: Areúsa, Pármeno, Sempronio and Calisto

Image of act 7 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Factotums of Pármeno, Celestina, Areúsa and Elicia. Image of Areúsa with a girdle, used before for Melibea

Image of act 6 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Three factotums and four names of the characters in this act: Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno and Sempronio. Same image of Calisto with flowers of act 1.

Image of act 5 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Three factotums and four names: Sempronio, Celestina, Pármeno and Calisto

Lisboa 1540 - Auto 02.jpg
Factotums of Calisto, Pármeno and Sempronio

Image of act 1 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Three factotums, Calisto with flowers, Melibea with girdle and Pármeno

Image of act 3 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Factotums of two characters and their names above. Sempronio with a sword, Celestina and Elicia.

Cover of the edition of Ramón Rico Sastre (1976)
A combined edition of La Celestina and La Lozana Andaluza. The cover image seems to correspond to La Celestina.

The procuress whipped, with a crest on her head, by Mitelli (c. 1696)
Engraving depicting a procuress on a donkey, whipped while wearing a crest. An inscription in Italian reads: The procuress whipped while wearing a crest on her head, Bologna, June 1696.

The Procuress, by Rosso (1885)
Original Italian statue titled La ruffiana.

Tin bas-relief of a Celestina type scene, by anonymous (1900, c.)
Bas reliefi in tin of a plate to hang. It represents a scene of lovers in a garden and an older woman looking upon them from a window. It may be part of the Celestina tradition, but this exact distribution of the characters is not traditional.

Cover of the Edebé edition, 2018
Edition for young readers.

The cover features an illustration of an anatomically correct heart, a key, and windows.

This is the first edition in this format.

Representation Shades of Green, Laramie, Wyoming, 1993
Adaptation of La Celestina to the modern world, in English. This version was the departing point for the musical Celestina, a Music Tragic Comedy

Love arias around La Celestina Concert, Puebla de Montalbán, 2018
Original title: Arias de amor en torno a la Celestina ("Love arias around La Celestina").

Concert of a repertoire of love songs related to the world and period of La Celestina

Poster of he Market of Celestina, Puebla de Montalban (2018)
Poster announcing the celebration of a public market within the annual celebrations of the yearly Celestina Festival organized by the city of Puebla de Montalban

Cover of Seville, 1550
The second picture is of a similar edition dated 1543

Procuress publicly punished, magazine Fray Verdades (1909)
A procuress being publicly displayed and punished. A daughter of Celestina is watching the event

Cover of Random House Mondadori: Barcelona, 2010
A depiction of the scene in the garden, with the silhouette of Calisto cut out.

Cover of the Antwerp edition, 1574
Tragicomedie van Calisto ende Melibea. Anónimo trad. TʼHantwerpen: HeyndricHeyndricz, 1574. Traducción anónima al holandés. La mayoría de lasilustraciones son copias giradas de las ilustraciones deZaragoza…

Engraving from act 21 of Antwerp, 1574
Es copia dela imagen del acto XX de la edición de Zaragoza, (1545).Sosia y Tristán retiran el cuerpo muerto de Calisto.

Engraving from act 20 of Antwerp, 1574
Es copia dela imagen del acto XX de la edición de Zaragoza, (1545).Sosia y Tristán retiran el cuerpo muerto de Calisto.

Engraving from act 19 of Antwerp, 1574
Es copia de lailustración del acto XIV de la edición de Zaragoza(1545).Calisto subiendo por una escala mientras Melibea y Lucrecia están asomadas a dos arcos. A la derecha, Sosia y Tristán, de guardia afuera

Engraving from act 18 of Antwerp, 1574
Es copia de lailustración del acto XV de la edición de Zaragoza (1545). Representar a Elicia ayudando a Areúsa a hacer las paces con Centurio.
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