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Illustration of act X of the Venice edition (1519)
The same illustration as act IV. Above the names Melibea, Celestina, Lucrecia, Elisa, Melibea (repeated).

Illustration of act IX of the Venice edition (1519)
The same illustration of act I. Written above are the names Sempronio, Pármeno, Elicia, Celestina, Areusa, Lucrecia, Sempronio (repeated).

Illustration of act VIII of the Venice edition (1519)
The same illustration as act IV, written above are the names Pármeno, Areúsa, Sempronio, Calisto, Pármeno (repeated).

Illustration of act VII of the Venice edition (1519)
The same illustration as act I. The names Celestina, Pármeno, Areúsa, Elicia, Celestina (repeated) written above the figures.

Illustration of act VI of the Venice edition (1519)
The same illustration as act IV. The names Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno, Sempronio, Calisto. Note the repetition of the name Calisto.

Illustration of act V of the Venice edition (1519)
The same generic illustration from act IV. Written above are the names Celestina, Sempronio, Calisto, Pármeno, Celestina. Note that the name Celestina is repeated.

Illustration of act IV of the Venice edition (1519)
Two young men on one side, an old woman or celestina in the middle and a young man on the left making a supplicating gesture. Porticoes in the background. Written over the figures are the names Celestina, Lucrecia, Elisa, Melibea, which clearly do…

Illustration of act I of the Venice edition (1519)
A couple, woman and man, talking, while another group of five people, all young men with the exception of an old woman who can be interpreted as a celestina appear to argue over a spyglass in order to spy on the couple on the left. Portico…

Cover of the Venice edition, 1519
Celestina convinces or begs a young woman, probably Melibea, although in theory she could also be Areúsa, in her bedroom. The bed in the background. In Latin is written: "vetula tail scorpionis" (an old lady like the tail of a scorpion)This is an…

Illustration of the cover page of the Venice edition (1519)
Celestina convinces or cajoles a young woman, likely Melibea, although in theory it could be Areúsa, in her bedroom. Bed in the background. "Vetula cauda scorpionis" is written in Latin (an old woman, like the tail of a scorpion).

Representation ofCelestina, Moulin Rouge, Granada, by Ruiz Mingorance, 2019
Representation Celestina, Moulin Rougein the CajaGranada Theatre, Granada, Spain, 2019.Production:Jacaranda 11.Free adaptation of the text by Fernando de Rojas: Antonio César Morón.Direction: Carmen Ruiz Mingorance.Cast:Aristide BruantAdéle de…

Ilustración de Sosia y Tristan de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de Sempronio de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de Lucrecia de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de Elicia de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de Crito de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de Centurio de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de Areusa de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de Alisa y Pleberio de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de la Celestina de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de Melibea de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de Calisto de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Portada de la edición de Destino: Barcelona, 1979.
Adapted to modern Castilian. Old, yellow block print stamps against a dark background that show various characters, with the corresponding names printed below each figure. However, not all figures represent the characters indicated by the names in…

Representation of the Salón de actos del Ayuntamiento, Benidorm, 2013
Organized by the Casa de la Mancha and the Department of Social Welfare

Representation of Teatro Margen, Oviedo, 2003
Dramaturgy: Arturo Castro and José Antonio Lobato Assistant director: Cristina E. Pérez Scenic space design: Teatro Margen Lighting design: Javier Fernández Costume design: Azucena Rico Video report: Escuela Taller Técnicas del Espectáculo…

Representation in the Almagro Festival, Almagro, by Castro Guijosa, 2023
Representation of La Celestina by the company Secuencia 3 Artes y Comunicación S.L., Pentación S.A., Saga Producciones and Teatre Romea at the 46th Almagro International Classical Theater Festival, Almagro, Spain.Author: Fernando de RojasAdaptation:…

Representation of the Sala Bulnes, Santiago de Chile, by Castillo, 1981
Youth Theater Group
Adaptation by: José Ricardo Morales

Elsa Poblete - Celestina
Omar Gutiérrez - Calisto
Eliana Rodríguez - Melibea
Juan Vera - Sempronio
Pepe Herrera - Pármeno
Miryam Pérez - Elicia and Alisa
Mariela Roy - Areúsa…

Illustration of a procuress from the book Women's Dialogue (Diálogo de las mujeres), by Castillejo (1600)
Generic image of a woman. Note that she does not have her hair covered nor any identifiable accessory typical of a procuress. She has something unidentifiable on her waste.Transcription of the passage of the procuresses, fromCervantes…

Statue of the Celestina in Calisto and Melibea's Garden, by Agustín Casillas, Salamanca (1976)
Bronze statue of an older woman and a plaque with the loversCalisto and Melibea in the hawk scene. The following fragment taken from the work has been engraved below:'Soy una vieja cual Dios me hizo, no peor que todas …. Si bien o mal vivo, Dios es…


Cover page of the Editorial Universo S.A. edition, 1978
The cover features a black-and-white fragment of the painting Las Meninas(1656) by Diego Velázquez.

Representation of the Teatroledo, Toledo, 2013-2016
La Celestina te echa la suerte con la baraja Góngora ("La Celestina casts your luck with Góngora deck")Minishow of 15 minutes of duration. La Celestina receives a consultant in a dark cave and in the light of the lamp and with the musicAmor Brujo by…

En busca de Calisto y Melibea.jpg
Poster of the representationEn busca de Calisto y Melibea ("In search of Calisto and Melibea") at the XXIII Celestina Festival, Puebla de Montalbán (Toledo) from August 26 to 29, 2021. Premier on August 28 in Patio del Palacio de los Condes de…

Portada de Zaragoza, 1607.
Factotums of Calisto and Melibea with the complete name written above. Melibea with a peculiar headdress.

Illustration of act XXI of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Pleberio and Alisa watch as Melibea throws herself from the tower. Two buildings at the sides.

Illustration of act XX of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums: Lucrecia, Melibea, a building with two people, and Pleberio.

Second illustration of act XIX of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Tristan and Sosia collect Calisto's dead body. Melibea's garden in the background with the ladder at hand. Above, the names Melibea, Lucrecia, Sosia, Tristán, Calisto can be read. The images of Melibea and Lucrecia are not seen, but it is assumed…

First illustration of act XIX of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Lucrecia and Melibea behind the crenellated walls of the garden that Calisto is scaling, on the right, two armed servants, Sosia and Tristán.

Illustration of act XVIII of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums: a building with two people inside, Areúsa, Elicia, Centurio (image used for another character in another act XI).

Illustration of act XVII of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums: a tower with various people on top of and within it, Elicia with a black mourning mantle, Areúsa, Sosia (image used for another character in act IX).

Illustration of act XV of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums: building, Areúsa (image of a woman that is covered, possibly to represent her mourning, but the same used in previous acts to portray Celestina), Centurio (image used in act XII for Sempronio) and Elicia.

Illustration of act XIV of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Tristán and Sosia remove Calisto's dead body. In the background, Melibea's garden and the ladder at hand. Above, the names Melibea, Lucrecia, Sosia, Tristán and Calisto can be read. The images of Melibea and Lucrecia are not visible, but it is…

Illustration act XIII of the Barcelona edition (1525)
The judge between two armed soldiers and, on the right, the executioner beheading Pármeno and Sempronio with a knife (one of them is already beheaded). A corner background of houses with arched windows and a two part view.

Second illustration of act XII of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Double image. On the left, the judge and two soldiers stand over Pármeno or Sempronio's fallen body, while the other of the two is still jumping from the window.
On the right, the previous scene of Pármeno and Sempronio killing Celestina with…

First image of act XII of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums: two men and two young women and five names: Calisto, Lucrecia, Pármeno, Melibea, Sempronio.

Illustration act XI of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums of Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno and Sempronio. Elicia's name appears above but there is no character for her.

Illustration of act X of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Factotums of Celestina, Melibea with a flower in hand, Lucrecia and Alisa.

Illustration of act IX of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums of two masculine and two feminine figures. Above are the names Sempronio, Pármeno, Elicia, Celestina, Areúsa and Lucrecia. As there is no older woman, Celestina does not seem to be represented and one of the named young women is…

Illustration of act VIII of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums of Calisto, Areúsa, Sempronio and Pármeno.

Illustration act VII of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums of Celestina, Pármeno, Areúsa and Elicia.

Illustration of act VI of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Factotums of Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno and Sempronio.

Illustration of act V of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums with the names of Calisto, Pármeno, Sempronio (wearing a turban) and a new image for Celestina with her head covered with a black scarf.

Illustration of act IV of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Factotums of Celestina, Lucrecia, Melibea and Alisa. Alisa's factotum is the same that is used for Celestina in the first illustration of act I.

Illustration of act III of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four blocks of factotums with Pármeno, Elicia, Celestina and houses.

Illustration of act II of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Factotum of four blocks: houses, Calisto, Pármeno and Sempronio, the last two are armed and Sempronio has a turban and a shield.

Second illustration of act I of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Drop cap letter E with the figure of an undetermined saint. It is part of Calisto's first words, "In this I see..." Perhaps it was considered relevant given the content of loa of the divine work of these words, or simply used this image at random.

First illustration of act I of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Factotums of four images, two young men, a young woman and an old woman. Above are the names Pármeno, Calisto, Melibea, Sempronio, Celestina and Crito, which correspond to characters in the act, not to the images. Celestina is covered and has her…

Illustration of the cover page of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Building with two windows and three characters inside, two women in a garden in front, Celestina knocking at the door, Calisto and two servants in the right margin, behind there are two men and two women who meet in the street in front of other…

Portada de Barcelona, 1531.
This is the same as that of Barcelona, 1525: A building with two windows and three characters inside, the front garden with two women, Celestina knocking on the door, Calisto and two servants on the right bank, behind him two men and two women are in…

Portada de Barcelona, 1525.
A building with two windows and three characters inside, a front garden with two women, and Celestina knocking on the door. Callisto and two servants on the right hand margin, in behind, two men and two women are in the street in front of other…

Cover of the Edicomunicaciones edition: Barcelona, 1992
The cover features a fragment of an unidentified painting from the Dutch school that depicts a brothel or tavern scene. An old woman reads a letter to a young woman, who has a child in her arms, while a man stands behind them, laughing.

Portada de la edición de Ángeles Cardona de Gibert, de Burguera, 1967
A coloured reproduction of the older cover of Seville, 1501. It depicts Celestina knocking on the door of Melibea's house, while Melibea and Calisto are shown, in the foreground, in their first meeting. Lucrecia stands behind them, observing them.…

Representation of the Karpas Teatro, Madrid, 2014
Company: Karpas
Original music: Volker Kirberg.
Stage design and figurines: Manuel María Grimaldi.
Clothing: Chemané.
Lighting: Gonzalo Gordon. 

Alberto Romo- Calixto
Alexia Lorrio- Melibea
Charo Bergón- Celestina
Ignacio Ysasi-…

This work represents the biblical scene where Salome holds the decapitated head of Saint John the Baptist. In this painting by Caravaggio, Salomé is represented by a young woman holding his head on a tray in the center of the painting. To the…

Although, evidently, the maid is neither a celestine nor a procuress, she is represented in the painting with typical traits of these characters. The three, young woman, old woman and man, is typical in the celestine, the client and the protected…

Engravings in a collection representing different characters in he city of Bologna, in this case a procuress at the door of a house with two women

Portada de la edición de Biblioteca Universal del Círculo de Lectores, 2001
According to the description on the cover, this edition is considered to be of cultural and educational interest by UNESCO.

Illustration from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Etching by Ramón de Capmany, contained in the edition by Pedro Bohigas.

La Celestina, by Cantú (2000, c.)
The images show a young couple on a bed lying down and kissing while a woman in the center of the image with her head covered looks at the viewer while holding flowers. From the title of the paintings it is understood that the couple represent the…

Statue of Fernando de Rojas in Talavera de la Reina, by Juan Cantero (2016)
1.9 m bronze statue based on the only portrait that remains of Rojas, the municipal command cane in his right hand and in the left, a copy of La Celestina. There is a sword on his belt.


Cover of the Edelsa: Madrid, 2008 edition.
The cover features a fragment of the print from the third act of the Burgos edition of 1499, in which Celestina appears with the string, knocking on Melibea's door. See the related item.

Portada de la edición de la Universidad de Valencia: Valencia, 2011.
A coloured reproduction of an old print (from a different cover).

Representation of the Caramba Theater, Xalapa, 2016
Amor de Calixto y Melibea… y la puta Celestina ("Love of Calixto and Melibea ... and the whore Celestina") Comedy turning into shamFree adaptationMéxico Dramaturgy and direction: Enrique Cancio Production: Estela Lucio Cañandonga…

Representation of the Corazón Café, La Paz, BCS, by Cancino, 2013
Los amores de Calisto, Melibea y la vieja Celestina("The loves of Calisto, Melibea and old Celestina")Cast:Erandeni Durán, Karla Paola Torres Jaime, Pablo Marín, Alfredo Monsiváis González, Alhelí Abrego, José Ponce, Jennifer Lucero, Jessy Anda.

Dance, by Canals (1896, c.)
The image shows a group of people sitting around a figure in the center dancing. Among the seated people is a man on the left, several women dressed in blue and red, and an old woman with her head covered and playing the guitar reminiscent of…

Gypsies, by Canals (1910, c.)
In the image three figures appear in a field. A young woman dressed in a regional dress, an old woman to her right with a fan covering her face, and a man on horseback behind them. The trio is reminiscent of celestina scenes where the old woman acts…

Gitanas, by Canals (1900, c.)
In the image appear five young women dressed in a similar way. To the right appear three other figures, two men and a young woman, with a different aesthetic from that of the other young women. In the middle of the young women appears an old woman…

Woman smoking, by Canals (1900, c.)
Original title: Femme fumant ("Woman smoking").

In the image appear two young women in a bar. One of the young women appears with a cigarette in her mouth while the other lights the cigarette for her. The blurred image in the background on the…

The Flower Seller, by Canals (1900, c.)
In the image appears a man sitting at a table surrounded by young women. Next to the man appears a woman visibly older than the rest of the women selling flowers. The flower seller is a symbolic celestina as she is offering to choose a beauty-flower…

Going to the party or a walk after the race, by Canals (1900, c.)
Original title: Se rendant à la fête ou Promenade après la course ("Going to the party or a walk after the race").

In the image appear four young women dressed in regional dresses and mantillas. They are in a field surrounded by men and women…

Bailaora, by Canals (1900, c.)
In the image appears a young woman dancing in a local (bailaora), surrounded by people. Among the spectators are several men and women and an old woman appears on the left. The aesthetic of the painting is reminiscent of Goya's work.

In the Bar, by Canals (1910, c.)
The images are set in a bar or tavern. They show a young woman dressed in a white regional dress and an old woman talking to a man who is sitting at a table. In the second image, the old woman and the man also appear to be talking while the young…

A Box at the Bullfight, by Canals (1904)
In the image appears a group of young women in a box. By the title it is understood that they are watching a bullfight. Most women appear with mantillas and flowers, dressed in regional dresses and some with fans. All of these women appear to be the…

Young woman and procuress in the bathroom, by Canals (1933, c.)
In the painting a naked young woman appears next to a bathtub and an old woman next to her who seems to be assisting her in her bath. The image is reminiscent of brothel scenes, in this case the young woman would represent the prostitute and the old…

Untitled drawing, by Canals (1898)
Several women appear in the image: two women with hats, a woman without a hat on the right and an old woman on the top right corner that is reminiscent of Celestina. The description of Canals' work that appears in the article next to the image also…

Representation ofThis is not la Celestina, Madrid, by Campos, 2022
Representation This is not la Celestina("Esto no es la Celestina"), in the Centro Cultural Gilitos in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, 2022.Production:La LocandieraAuthor: Fernando de Rojas.Dramaturgy and direction: Francisco Campos.Scenography: Francisco…

Ilustración del Acto XX, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Pleberio atónito por la confesión y muerte de su hija

Ilustración del Acto XIX, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Melibea sube a la azotea de su vivienda

Ilustración segunda del Acto XVIII, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Calisto se pone su capa para salir a defender a sus criados

Ilustración primera del Acto XVIII, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Calisto quiere bajar a ayudar a Sosia

Ilustración del Acto XVI, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Areúsa le saca información a Sosia
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