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The Quarrel, by Lameyer (1850 c.)
Oil on canvas. A gypsy man and woman quarrel while an old woman is sitting next to them. The old woman is not normally seen as a procuress, but it is possible to see her as such

Representation of La Celestina, tragicomedy, by Escalera de Tijera, Extremadura, 2019
From the company webpage: SYNOPSIS "Divertida adaptación de La Celestina en clave de clown. Donde se entremezcla el circo y el teatro. Tres actores reinterpretarán, a su manera, la clásica historia de Calisto y Melibea. Contaran las miserias, vilezas…

Representation of the Proscenio Teatro, Barcelona, 2019
Proscenio TeatroDirection: Jone ArteagoitiaCast: Olga Abuín, Eduardo Méndez, Neus Soler, Leticia Aparicio, Pol de la Rosa, Laura Mateu and Toni Sanchez MacarrillaScenography: Proscenio Teatro Characterization: Leticia Aparicio Costumes: Leticia…

Cover of the Alba Editores Edition, Santiago de Chile, 2003
The cover features the image from the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904).

La Celestina, engraving by Seoane (1950, c.)
Engraving, but the image here is from a picture.
Notice the marks of the knives on Celestina's body

Illustration for La Celestina, by Quevedo (1967)
Series of engraving for an illustrated edition in German that was not published

Representation of the Compañía Nacional de Teatro, México, 2019
Representation of La Celestina,Compañía Nacional de Teatro, México, 2019. Adaptation by Rosenda Monteros anddirection by Ruby TagleImages 5-6 of the representation in the Teatro del Bosque Julio Castillo of the Bosque Cultural Centre, from February…

Ointment of Horns, by Alenza y Nieto (1840, c.)
Watercolor on paper of a costumbrista scene with three characters in the Celestinesque tradition

Caressed and Pick-pocketed by Alenza y Nieto (1838, c.)
Young couple carousing while a boy pickpockets the man. An old woman behind the boy

Engraving of a procuress from Auto da Barca do Inferno, by Gil Vicente (1586)
Engraving from the Complete workds of Gild Vicente, 1586. The character on the right is the procuress Brizida Vaz, which is inspired in Celestina. The othe two character may be the simpleton or fool Joane and one of the four knights in the story. The…

The Harem, by Picasso (1906)
Notice the old woman in the corner at the back of the picture.

Full title/ Other titles: Le harem, Nus roses, Figures roses

Temptation of Saint Anthony, by Teniers (1640 c.)
Notice that the devil takes the form of a procuress to tempt Saint Anthony, offering him a young woman. There are other version by Teniers or his followers of the same scene, as the one at the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, and others.

Detail of Temptation of Saint Anthony, by Bosch (1501)
Fragment of the left panel of the triptych The Temptations of Saint Anthony. Note that this fragment presents various female characters, like the woman crowned with an ecclesiastical hat or the one seen through the window and the one barely…

House of Mariduque, by Botero (1970)
The painting portrays a room where six women appear: three of them are sitting in two chairs, the remaining three are standing. One of them is drinking and another one is sweeping. A man lying behind a chair appears in the background of the painting.

House of the Twins Arias. by Botero (1973)
The painting shows a room with five young women, two men, an older woman and a child. They all appear around a bed, except for the child, which lies underneath the bed.

Poster of the Festival of La Celestina, Puebla de Montalbán (2019)
Poster of the 21st Celestina Festival that each year takes place in Puebla de Montalbán, where Fernando de Rojas was born. Several activities and performances take place during the festival. The picture in the poster is from one of these…

Cover the edition of La Nouvelle Revue Française, París (1922)
French translation.

Two interior covers, shown here.

Cover of Paris, 1922
Four images of the work surrounding the title and other information.
Note that the most tragic and violent scenes have been chosen: the execution of Pármeno and Sempronio, the death of Celestina, the death of Melibea and the death of Calisto. In the…

Visit to the Spinner, by Meckenem (1495, c.)
A young man visits a spinner. The position of his sword, the presence of a cat, and the fact that the woman is a spinner seems to suggest that the woman is a prostitute or a procuress. SeeCarol Salus,Picasso and Celestina: The Artist's Vision of the…

Cover of the Micomicona Ediciones edition (2019)
This edition is adapted for younger audiences and illustrated in color.

Black Spain, by Regoyos (1899)
Old woman by a fire with a bellow.Noice the similarity to 1929,La chiquita piconera de Romero de Torres

Franco's Black Spain, by Quintanilla (1938)
Ink drawings in a series.
Note the celestinesque characters with their heads covered and in some images the old woman appears with a rosary.

Celestina ??, by Schonberg (1960, c.)
Portrait of an alleged ancestor of Roderick Usher in Vincent Price's movie adaptation of Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher (1960). The painting seems to be inspired by Picasso's famous Celestina of 1903. Schonberg meet Picasso in Paris and seem to…

Beware of Luxury, by Steen (1663)
The painting represents a room with various characters. Two children, a dog eating on a table, a pig by the door, a girl at the back of the room, a woman sitting sleeping, a man looking at the girl and playing a violin, an old woman talking to a man…

Cover of the Sabadell, 2018 edition
Facsimile edition of the 1554 Zaragoza edition. Only 100 copies printed. The cover is new.

Game card of Don Juan, Doña Inés and Brígida (Evaristo Juncosa, 1930 c.)
Card of the six of swords representing Brígida convincing Doña Inés that Don Juan is in love with her. The swords are used to represent her pain in the tradition of the heart of Mary of Sorrows.

Cover of the Promoción y Ediciones Edition, Madrid, 1992
An imitation of an old engraving that depicts the lovers and Celestina together.

Cover  of the Penguin Random House edition, Toronto (2020)
A depiction of Melibea falling from the tower. She is wearing a collar or rosary that comes apart during the fall.

Two Amorous Couples at an Inn, by de Ram and van Vliet (1633, c.)
"Two amorous couples at an inn; one couple in frontal view next to the fireplace at right; the other turned to right in left foreground; a female figure carrying a jug at far left; broken glass, playing cards and a pipe on the floor. c.1633-5 Etching…

Representation of Aulaescena, Valencia, 2020
Adaptation for secondary school audiences

Two images of Celestina in a book about famous literary characters, by Navarro (1969)
Three images of Celestina inside the book. Originals in color

Representation of the Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel, 1978
Cover of the representation brochure of Bele Bachen. Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel Inszenierung und Bearbeitung theater performance program: Karl Paryla.Stage design: Walter Dörfler. Costume: Sophia Schröck. Music: Paul Kont.Actors: Daniel Friedrich,…

Representation of the prodigal son parable in the house of the prostitutes. Notice the old woman or procuress on the right side of the painting as the prodigal son is driven out of the house. Notice the caged parrot on the door (second image…

Poster for the Celestina Festival 2020, where works of various artists will be performed, among these the work of Teo Puebla.

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair. Note the maid who appears on the left holding the candle in the scene. The maid resembles the procuress in Caravaggio's Judith Beheading Holofernes(1598, c.)

The image represents the biblical scene of the Philistines taking Samson in Delila's house. Both characters appear naked only covered by a robe. Notice the maid that appears on the left near Delilah.The maid resembles the procuress inCaravaggio's…

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair, except in this picture, it is a servant cutting Samson's hair while he lies on Delilah's lap. Note the maid who appears on the left holding the candle in the scene.…

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair, except in this picture, it is a servant cutting Samson's hair while he lies on Delilah's lap. Note the maid who appears on the right holding the candle in the scene.…

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair. In this representation of the scene, Samson lies on her lap while soldiers approach them. Note the maid who appears on the left nearDelilahin the scene. The maid…

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair. However, in this representation of the scene,Delilah is not cutting Samson's hair, he is being taken by soldiers with ropes whileSamson and Delilahreach out for each…

Original title:Sansone e Dalila ("Samson and Delilah").This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair. Note the maid who appears on the right holdingDelilah's hand. The maid resembles the procuress inCaravaggio's…

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of thePhilistines approachingSamson'sto cut off his hair while he lies onDelilah's lap. Note the maid who appears on the right near Delilah. The maid resembles the procuress inCaravaggio's Judith…

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair, except in this picture, it is a servant cutting Samson's hair while he lies on Delilah's lap. Note the maid who appears on the left near Delilah. The maid resembles…

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair. Note the maid who appears on the right besides Delilah. The maid resembles the procuress inCaravaggio's Judith Beheading Holofernes(1598, c.)

Portrait of a woman showing her right profile, representing Celestine.

This blue period drawing by Picasso portrays an old woman in the center covered with a cape and looking at the viewer. In the background there are a young woman on her left and a man on her right.

Kassel 1.jpg
Act 1 - Represents the scene in the field where Callisto declares his love for Melibea.

Kassel 2.jpg
Act 1 - Represents the scene where Melibea rejects Callisto's declaration of love.

Kassel 3.jpg
Act 4 - Represents the scene where Celestina visits Melibea at her home.

Kassel 4.jpg
Act 12 - Represents the scene where Sempronio and Pármeno go to Celestina's house and after an argument, they end up killing the procuress.

Kassel 5.jpg
Act 16 - Represents the scene where Pleberio and Alisa (Melibea's parents), discuss her marriage. Melibea listens to the conversation and sends Lucrecia to end it.

Kassel 6.jpg
Act 20 - Represents the scene where Melibea is at the top of a tower and upon hearing that her beloved Callisto has died, she decides to jump from the tower.

Kassel 7.jpg
Act 21 - Represents the scene where Pleberio and Alisa (Melibea's parents) mourn the death of their daughter.

Representation of the Fiesta Corral Cervantes, Madrid, by Elías, 2020
ARTISTIC TEAM Author: Fernando de Rojas Dramaturgical adaptation: Antonio Campos Direction and scenic space: Lluís Elías Company: Albacity Corporation Production: Albacity en colaboración con la Fundación Siglo de Oro Lighting: Fernando Martínez…

Representation of the Teatro de la Zarzuela, Madrid, by García, 2008
Book: Fernando de Rojas, Joaquín Nin-Culmell, Juan del Encina. Musical composition: Joaquín Nin-Culmell. Stage direction: Ignacio García. Musical direction: Miquel Ortega. Artistic direction: Ana María Iriarte. Scenography: Domenico Franchi.…

Representation of the Teatro de la Comedia, Madrid, by Marsillach, 1988
Author: Fernando de Rojas. Adaptation: Gonzalo Torrente Ballester. Direction: Adolfo Marsillach. Scenography and costumes: Carlos Cytrynowski. Cast: Juan Gea, Adriana Ozores, Jesús Puente, Amparo Rivelles, Resu Morales, Ángel García Suárez, César…

Representation of the Avignon Festival, Avignon, by Vitez, 1989
Author: Fernando de Rojas.
Stage director: Antoine Vitez.

Cast: Jeanne Moreau.

Photographer: Bielva

Premiere: July 1989

Representation ofLa Celestina, inCádiz, 1956
Representation ofLa Celestina, inCádiz, Spain (1956)Photographer:Luis ArenasDate: August 21, 1956
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