Representation of the Centro Cultural of the Pacífico University, Lima, 2019

Representation of the Centro Cultural of the Pacífico University, Lima, 2019
Representation of the Centro Cultural of the Pacífico University, Lima, 2019
Representation of the Centro Cultural of the Pacífico University, Lima, 2019
Representation of the Centro Cultural of the Pacífico University, Lima, 2019
Representation of the Centro Cultural of the Pacífico University, Lima, 2019
Representation of the Centro Cultural of the Pacífico University, Lima, 2019
Representation of the Centro Cultural of the Pacífico University, Lima, 2019
Representation of the Centro Cultural of the Pacífico University, Lima, 2019
Representation of the Centro Cultural of the Pacífico University, Lima, 2019


Representation of the Centro Cultural of the Pacífico University, Lima, 2019


The Centro Cultural of the Pacífico University, in co-production with the Cultural Center of Spain in Lima,

Montage by Alberto Isola



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