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Illustration from act IX from the Valencia edition (1946)
Sempronio, Pármeno, Elicia, Celestina, Areusa and Lucrecia. Illustration from act IX in Celestinesca Vol 9, Num 1, made by José Segrelles.

Illustration from act VIII from the Valencia edition (1946)
Sempronio and Pármeno. Illustration from act VIII by José Segrelles in Celestinesca Vol 9, Num 1.

Illustration from act VI from the Valencia edition (1946)
Calisto and Celestina. Illustration from act VI in Celestinesca, Vol 9. Num 1. Made by José Segrelles.

Illustration from act VII from the Valencia edition (1946)
Celestina and Areúsa. Illustration from act VII in Celestinesca, Vol. 9 Num. 1. Made by José Segrelles.

Illustration from act X from the Valencia edition (1946)
Celestina and Melibea. Illustration from act X by José Segrelles in Celestinesca, Vol. 8 Num. 2.

Illustration of Celestina speaks to Melibea about Calisto from the Valencia edition (1946)
Illustration of Celestina speaks to Melibea about Calisto in Celestinesca by José Segrelles from the Castalia edition, 1946. Celestinesca Vol. 7, Num. 2, Pa. 10.

"Vete de ahí torpe" Ilustración del Acto I, de Segrelles (1946)
Ilustration "Get out of there..." in Celestinesca by José Segrelles of the encounter and confrontation between Calisto y Melibea at the beggining of the novel. Act I from the Valencia edition (1946). In Celestinesca Vol. 7, Num 2, p. 34.

This image represents the biblical scene where Salome receives the severed head of Saint John the Baptist. Other people are represented in the painting, such as another young woman next to Salome, an elder woman holding the head and on the left a…

Representation of the Teatro Nacional Nova Gorica, Slovenia, by Šedlbauer, 1997-1998
Translation of the adaptation: Zvone Šedlbauer 
Translator: Niko Košir 
Assistant director: Matjaž Šmalc 
Playwright assistant: Samanta Kobal 
Playwright: Miha Trefalt 
Scenography: Vojteh Ravnikar 
Scenography assistant: Tanja…

Representation of Second Act, Almuñecar, 2018
The group Segundo Acto (Second act) is formed of Silvio Rivas (Father), Francisco Gabriel Martín (Calixto), Inma Molina (Melibea), Lorenzo Guerrero (Sempronio), Mari Carmen Díaz (Celestina), Emerencia Alabarce (Elicia), José Francisco Villoslada…

Illustration from Tragedia Policiana, by Sebastián Fernández and anonymous illustrator, 1547
Courtship scene that closely recalls some of the covers and illustrations of the first page of contemporary editions of Celestina. Policiano playing the guitar or lute is the main departure from the model.

Cover of the Fayard edition: Paris, 2006
French translation. The cover of the French translation published by Fayard (Paris, 2006) reproduces part of the young woman in Marietta Robusti's Venetian Woman (c. 1560) (In…

Three figures in half figure (The procuress), by Schongauer (1480, c.)
The engraving shows a young couple looking at each other, while an old woman with a turban on her head appears in the middle of the two and looking at the young woman. From the title of the engraving it is understood that the old woman acts as a…

Celestina ??, by Schonberg (1960, c.)
Portrait of an alleged ancestor of Roderick Usher in Vincent Price's movie adaptation of Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher (1960). The painting seems to be inspired by Picasso's famous Celestina of 1903. Schonberg meet Picasso in Paris and seem to…

The Fools' Cage, by Schön (1525, c.)
Original title: Der Narrenkäfig ("The Fools' Cage").

A matchmaker has locked a group of fools in a cage. Among other words in German, she says: "When I was young, I was a whore/Now I am a matchmaker and I need this shipment" and other words…

Matchmaker School (Schule der Kupplerin), by Schoen (1531).
A client is distracted by a prostitute while the matchmaker hands a bag of money to another servant. In the tradition of the fools of the Narrenschiff, a fool with a hood at the window identifies the client as such.

Other title: Schule der…

Representation of the Wojska Polskiego Theater, Łódź, Poland, by Schiller, 1947
Translation: Juliusz Gomulicki
Adaptation: Marcel Achard
Scenography and costumes: Władysław Daszewski
Music: Tomasz Kiesewetter
Choreography: Jadwiga Hryniewiecka
Master: Edward Wejman
Assistant director: Ludwik René


Representation of the Théâtre National Populaire, Paris, by Schiaretti (2011)
Siècle d’Or La Célestine et Don Juan
Artistic collaboration of Florence Delay

Scenography: Renaud de Fontainieu
Accessories: Fanny Gamet
Costumes: Thibaut Welchlin
Lighting: Julia Grand
Sound: Laurent Dureux
Wig and makeup: Claire…

Judith with the Head of Holophernes, by Schäufelein (1533)
Illustration in book:Das Büchle Memorial("The Büchle Memorial") byvon Schwartzenberg (1533), published byHeinrich Steiner.The publisher of this work (Steiner) is also the publisher of the second Wirsungedition ofLa Celestinatranslated to…

Portada de la edición de Yale UP: New Haven, 2009.
English translation. The cover features the image from the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904).

The Procuress, by Saudek (1983)
An older woman is sitting in the centre of the picture. A younger woman is sitting on the older woman's lap. A doll appears lying on the older woman's left knee.

Other title: Die Kupplerin

RepresentationFantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina, Palma, byPujol and Fiol, 2023-2024
Original title:Tragedia fantástica de la gitana Celestina ("Fantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina").Representation Fantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina, 2023-2024 season, Teatre Principal de Palma, Palma, Spain, Sala Gran, Sa…

Cover of the Officina edizioni edition: Rome, 1979
On the cover there is an animal-like figure with wings and horns and two smaller figures on both sides.This edition is an Italian translation of a theatrical adaptation by Alfonso Sastre that was made the same year: Representation of the Teatro…

La Ceslestina, by Sassu (1988)
The engraving shows two young naked women, probably prostitutes, and an old woman in the background on the left who may act as a procuress for the young women. From the title of the work it is understood that the old woman represents a type of…

La ruffiana e Celestina, by Sassu (1962)
The image shows an interior scene where a naked young woman looks at herself in the mirror while a man appears sitting behind the young woman and an old woman points to the young woman. The old woman represents Celestina.

Representation of the Casal Torreblanca, Sant Cugat, by Sarrate, 2017
Hojas venenosasInspired in “La Celestina” (Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea) by Fernando de Rojas.Performing Arts Workshop, 2nd course Bachillerato 2016-17 High school Angeleta Ferrer i Sensat Sant Cugat del VallèsVersion: Lewis Lozano and Álex…

Illustration from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Illustration of a painting, El palco de Celestina, by E. Santasugsana, contained in the Pedro Bohigas edition.See also attached front and back of an advertising reproduction of 1947

El Palco de la Celestina, by Santasusagna (1944 c.)
Winner of the Honor Award in the 1944 Fine Arts Exhibition in Barcelona.

Ilustración de Santaolaria
Imagen costumbritas de majas o manolas madrileñas en ambiente de verbena. La vieja y las majas puede estar influenciado por Goya aunque el tratamiento es muy diferente

What is Celestina carrying in her bag?, by Sancho Piqué (1939)
Drawing as part of the collection "Horrors of war". A person completely covered is carrying the body of a hanged person in a bag. Two female characters are watching in horror.

Sheer Merchandise!, by Sancho Piqué (1939)
Ink drawing on paper, 24,5 x 32 cmRich man talks to a procuress while a naked young woman covers her face

Representation of the Bulevar Theater, Madrid, by Sánchez, 2017
Theater Company Para con faldas y a la escena

Cover of the Bruguera: Barcelona edition, 1978
Coloured drawings of a money bag and gold coins positioned against a green background.

Representation of the I MicroClásicos Festival of the La Malhablada Theater, Salamanca, by San Jorge, 2015
15-minute monologue in which Celestina defends sexual freedom and the right of women to vote and have a say.
Written and performed by: Patricia Sánchez
Edulogic Productions

Representation of the Theatre Company of the Univ. of La Salle, Cancún, 2009
Adaptation and direction: Gina Saldaña

Paulina Lara Franco- Celestina

Representation of the Cáceres University Festival, Cáceres, by Salazar, 1955
The first image shows a theater critic of "La Celestina" in the Cáceres University Festival, titled "The University Festival of Cáceres" ("El Festival Universitario de Cáceres") written by Jaime Campmany on 9-7-1955 for theArriba editorial,Madrid.…

Representation of Teatro Regio, Parma, by Salazar, 1955
Author: Fernando deRojasDirection: SalvadorSalazarVersion: Felipe Lluch GarínRepresentation of the Popular University Theater ("Teatro Popular Universitario") (TPU)Image 1:Theater critic of"La Celestina" in Parma, inSpanish artists around the world…

Illustration of the Second Celestina, by Salazar y Torres (1994)
Illustration of the Second Act, Scene XXI.
Celestina tricks don Luis with the reflection of a mirror so that don Diego can safely leave doña Beatriz's house.

Cover of the Aguilar edition, 1963
A black and yellow dust jacket with a drawing of a ladder propped against a wall. The image references Calisto's visit to Melibea in the fourteenth act.

Film poster for La Celestina, by Sabido
Calisto (Luigi Montefiori) and Melibea (Isela Vega). On the top part, you can see the eye of the procuress Celestina (Ofelia Guilmáin).

Design of the collectible photochromes from La Celestina, by Sabido
Melibea and Calisto. The procuress Celestina is in the background.

Photochrome 1 from La Celestina by Sabido
Lucrecia (Ana de Sade) as the witness of the sexual pleasure between Areusa and Elicia and their lovers.

Photochrome 2 from La Celestina, by Sabido
Melibea (Isela Vega) in her garden

Photochrome 3 from La Celestina, by Sabido
Calisto (Luigi Montefiori) and Melibea (Isela Vega)

Photochrome 4 from La Celestina, by Sabido
Celestina (Ofelia Guilmáin) accompanied by Sempronio (José Gálvez).

Photochrome 5 from La Celestina, by Sabido
Elicia (Marcela López Rey ) and Sempronio (José Gálvez).

Photochrome 6 from La Celestina, by Sabido
Celestina (Ofelia Guilmáin)

Photochrome 7 from La Celestina, by Sabido
Areúsa (Martha Zabaleta) and behind her Sempronio (José Gálvez) and Pármeno (Porfirio Bas ) getting drunk.

Photochrome 9 from La Celestina, by Sabido
Calisto (Luigi Montefiori) and Melibea (Isela Vega)

Black and white photochrome from La Celestina, by Sabido
Pármeno (Porfirio Bas), Areúsa (Martha Zavaleta), Celestina (Ofelia Guilmáin), Elicia (Marcela López Rey) and Sempronio
(José Gálvez).

Cover of the Grupo Editorial Tomo edition: Mexico City, 2011
The image in the cover is from Picasso's 1905 work titled Portrait of Benedetta Canals

Portada de la edición de Castalia: Madrid, 2013.
The cover features a fragment of the paintingJudith Beheading Holofernes (c.1598) by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio.

The procuress - an old woman, a soldier and a woman, by Rubens (1640, c.)
In the image, a young man appears grabbing a young woman by the waist and trying to kiss her, while the young woman seems to move away. Behind the couple appears an old woman with her head covered looking at the young woman. The old woman acts as a…

This painting represents the biblical scene when Salome receives the decapitated head of Saint John the Baptist. In this representation, Salomé appears on the right surrounded by other characters, such as an older woman holding the tray where…

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair, except in this picture, it is a servant cutting Samson's hair while he lies on Delilah's lap. Note the maid who appears on the left holding the candle in the scene.…

La Celestina's genre, by Rubén (2022)
In the drawing appears an old woman with her head covered, a fork in her hand and looking up. At the top is an animal in a cloud with discontinued lines on the body. The drawing seems to represent, with the image of the different cuts of meat, the…

Old witch and procuress in Las Galas del Difunto de Valle Inclán, by RTVE (2009)
Frame from the episode of the TV series Carnival Tuesday ("Martes de Carnaval") by Valle Inclán on RTVE. An old procuress witch who reminds of Celestina appears in the frame.

Video summary of La Celestina with animated figures, from the series Grandes Obras Universales, from RTVE (2010)
Comedic summary of La Celestina in 2 minutes with moving figures and Madrid zarzuela type accent.

Representation of the Polski Theater, Warszawa, Poland, by Różewicz, 1979
Adaptation: Paul Achard
Translation: Juliusz Wiktor Gomulicki
Scenography: Wojciech Krakowski
Music: Piotr Moss
Choreography: Witold Borkowski
Assistant director: Ryszard Nawrocki

Czesław Jaroszyński, Janusz Zakrzeński – Mr…

Retrato de mujer en estilo expresionista

La Celestina, de Rothe (fecha desconocida)
Mezzotint engraving
Image Size: 11.75" x 17.50"
Paper Size: 15" x 22.50"

La Celestina, litografía de Roth (1988)
ReproducciónLitografíca a mezzotinta,

The Procuress, by Rosso (1885)
Original Italian statue titled La ruffiana.

The love fair, by Rops (1880, c.)
Original title: La Foire aux amours ("The love fair").Two figures appear in the engraving: a naked young woman on top of a cage and an old woman to her side with her head covered, reminiscent of a Celestina. The figures could be interpreted as a…

The commissioner, by Rops (1878, c.)
Original title: Die Bevollmächtigte ("The commissioner"), y Plénipotentiaire ("Plenipotentiary").

Two women appear in the image, a young woman and an old woman. The young woman is with her breasts uncovered and the old woman is fully dressed and…

Mors syphilitica, by Rops (1885, c.)
The engraving unites in a single image the suggestion of consubstantial death to the covered old woman generally depicted in the background of many paintings and that Goya knows how to use in his pair of maja and procuress.

The review board, by Rops (1880, c.)
Original title: Conseil de révision ("The review board").From the series of Hundred Light Sketches (1878-1881).In the picture there are four women in a room. Three of the women are young and are depicted naked, one of them is lying on the bed.…

Intermission or The Englishwoman of the New Ballet, by Rops (1895, c.)
Original title: Entracte /L'Anglaise du nouveau ballet ("Intermission / The Englishwoman of the New Ballet").In the image appears a naked young woman looking at an old man who is dressed in a suit and looking back at the young woman. An old woman…

Representation of the Cánovas Theater, Málaga, by Roncero, 2017
Choreography: Tania Santiago and Lorena Roncero
Cast: students of la Imprudente

Portada de la edición especial de BBVA Tirada de 5000 ejemplares, 2005
This edition had a print run of 5000 copies.

Representation of the Teatro Benavente, by Romero, 2011
Production and assembly of the Teatro Benavente S.L. Author: Fernando de Rojas.Free version by Sinoga.Stage direction: Aurora Romero.Clothing: Aurora Romero.Cast:Celestina: Aurora GonzálezMelibea: Aurora RomeroLucrecia: Anabella HerbellaElicia:…

Allegorical painting that complements another titled Grace. The old ladies in the second term, one holding a mirror and the other an apple, are clearly tempting types of procuresses.

Composición con la chiquita piconera de, Romero de Torres (1929)
A seated young woman looking up at the viewer. In the background on the left, an old woman holds a cloth.

Love Scene, by Romano (1525, c.)
"This painting done by Giulio Romano is a visual narrative of Alexander, his lover Roxanne, and an old woman (or procuress). Here, we see two lovers embracing each other about to share a tender kiss as an old woman with her jingling keys peeks around…
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