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Engraving (first) of Act XIX from the Valencia edition (1514)
Calisto climbing into Melibea's garden. Same engraving used in act XIV.

Engraving (first) of Act XII from the Valencia edition (1514)
Calisto, building with a person identified as Lucrecia, building with two people, and one identified as Melibea, while on the right side two figures identified as Sempronio and Pármeno.

Emblema de Celestina.jpg
This emblem represents a typical Celestinesque scene where a naked young woman rests on a bed while a young man approaches her holding the hand of an old woman who acts as a procuress. The Latin description reads:

"Est meretrix dicta quæ reddit…

emblem celestina.jpg
The image represents a brothel scene, where the client is paying the procuress on the left and the prostitute is naked, semi-covered in bed on the right. Next to the prostitute the figure of the fool appears. The fool is pointing at the transaction…

Emblem in the prologue of the Antwerp edition (1616)
Likely the printer's emblem that depicts an animal, such as a fox or a wolf in vegetable form that appears to be the letter V.

Elegant company, by anonymous (1770, c.)
Other titles: Elegant company playing backgammon in an interior, an amorous couple, and a monk and procuress with a young lady.

Painting in the manner after William Hogarth.

The image shows four figures, a man and three young women playing…

Elegant company in an interior, by Hals (1643)
Original title: Elégante compagnie dans un intérieur("Elegant company in an interior").The image shows an indoor scene where young men and women appear, some hugging and even kissing. Note the old woman who appears on the left with her head covered,…

El huerto de Calisto y Melibea, theater (2000 c.)
Cut out puppet theatre of Melibea's garden with the characters from the play. The front page, in English and Spanish, includes a summary of the story and explains that the garden is near Salamanca's Old Cathedral, which clearly appears in the…

Eighth illustration from the prologue from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of Calisto on horseback while the falcon is flying.

Eclogue of Plácida and Vitoriano, by Juan del Encina (1518.c)
Same illustration used for the argument opening Fadrique de Basilea's Burgos 1499 edition of the Comedia de Calisto y Melibea.

Other title: Egloga nueuame[n]te trobada por juan d[e]l enzina : En la qual se introduzen dos enamorados llamada ella…

Easy company, by van Hemessen (1545, c.)
Dutch painting, genre painting or merry company.
Note the old woman in the foreground with the beer or wine mug.

Original title: Lockere Gesellschaft
Other title: Brothel Scene

DVD cover of The Swindlers (Las Pícaras), by TVE (1983)
The titles of this miniseries includeThe False Aunt (La tía fingida), The Valencian Widow (La viuda valenciana), Celestina's Daughter (La hija de Celestina), The Garduña of Seville (La garduña de Sevilla), The Lusty Andalusian…

DVD case of the movie, by Gerardo Vera (1996)
Cover in Korean that includes an image inspired by the movieAmerican Beauty(1999), on the right.

DVD case of Act III of La Celestina, by Guerrero.
On the top part, Elicia (Gemma Cuervo) is shown in mourning and Areúsa (Tina Sáinz) is eating.
Celestina (Tony Solder) is smiling in the bottom part.

Back cover
In the image of the top part you can see the face of pain that Elicia feels…

Carátula del DVD Acto II de La Celestina, de Guerrero.
On the top part, Elicia (Gemma Cuervo) is shown in mourning and Areúsa (Tina Sáinz) is eating.
Celestina (Tony Solder) is smiling in the bottom part.

Back cover
In the image in the top part Celestina (Tony Solder) is arguing with Pármeno…

DVD case of Act I of La Celestina, by Guerrero.
On the top part, Elicia (Gemma Cuervo) is shown in mourning and Areúsa (Tina Sáinz) is eating.
Celestina (Tony Solder) is smiling in the bottom part.

Back cover
In the image of the top part Elicia is crying over the tragic death of…

DVD case of La Celestina, by Vera
Calisto (Juan Diego Botto) and Melibea (Penélope Cruz)

Duquesa di Montejasi con sus hijas, Elena y Camilla, de Degas, (1876, c.)
Although it is a portrait, the arrangement of the mother and daughters of marriageable age recalls some compositions of procuresses or madamas and their pupils. "This is the last of Degas’s great family portraits. It is also among the most…

Drinker with a young woman and procuress.jpg
The image shows a young woman in the hands of a man drinking. To the left, an old woman with a greedy face appears taking a bag that the young woman is handing her. The old woman in this image acts as a procuress for the young woman.

Vestidos inspirados en La Celestina, de la Rosa (2014)
Photographer: Maximo Arroyo.
Photography assistant: Rosibell Rivera.
Make up & hair: Antonio Aguado.
Stylist: Jorge de la Rosa.
Wardrobe: Jorge de la Rosa collection.
Model: Angela Gomez de Olea.

The Dress:
Made in three pieces, skirt,…

Drawing of Celestina, by Cilantro (2021)
The first image shows Celestina with a cauldron, alluding to the spell that the character performs in act III. The second image shows Celestina surrounded by trees.

Drawing of Celestina, by Almada (1930)
Image of Celestina with a child in her arms and a girl sitting next to her in the brothel she runs. The accompanying text clearly describes the old woman holding the child as Celestina:
"Sale Carmen y la Celestina con el niño en brazos. Carmen va a…

Don Juan y Constanza, de Adriaensz Backer (c. 1650)
Description at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts:
"This is probably a portrait of a husband and wife dressed up as characters from a Dutch adaptation of La Gitanilla by the Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes. The story tells of the romance between Don…

Dolls of Calisto, Melibea, and Celestina, by Jaume Arlandy (2011 and 2016)
Two handmade dolls, 2011, inspired by the characters of Calisto and Melibea and Tim Burton's movieNightmare before Christmas (1993)The creator describes her dolls: Today I'm not going to show my dolls, but I'm going to show you what my daughter…

Dollhouse Lock, Garganta la Olla, Extremadura (1550, c.)
The first image shows the lock of a house in Garganta la Olla, Extremadura (Spain), which is the lock of an old brothel or public house that is preserved in this town, located very close to Yuste, so it is believed that it was frequented by the guard…

Original title: Gefällt sie Ihnen? ("Do you like her?").

This work represents Celestinesque-themed scene. In the scene, a man, a naked young woman and an older woman are represented, this last one acting as the procuress of the young woman.

Divine Treasure, by Ramírez Montesinos (1916)
Three figures appear in the image; a young woman in the center, a girl on the left and an old woman looking at the young woman with her head covered following the celestinesque tradition. The old woman can act as a procuress for the young woman.The…

Detail of Temptation of Saint Anthony, by Bosch (1501)
Fragment of the left panel of the triptych The Temptations of Saint Anthony. Note that this fragment presents various female characters, like the woman crowned with an ecclesiastical hat or the one seen through the window and the one barely…

Design of the collectible photochromes from La Celestina, by Sabido
Melibea and Calisto. The procuress Celestina is in the background.

Design of a Celestina, by Richart (1980 c.)
Design from the performance Llegó el Bululú, character named Antonia and described as Celestina and "Jealous old man" written beside it. See the attached page from the ABC from 1983.

Dance, by Canals (1896, c.)
The image shows a group of people sitting around a figure in the center dancing. Among the seated people is a man on the left, several women dressed in blue and red, and an old woman with her head covered and playing the guitar reminiscent of…

Baile en la Ermita de la Virgen del Puerto, de de Guzmán (1857)
A scene in the Hermitage of the Virgin of the Port. In the lower left corner of the table, there is a group of people acting similarly as characters inLa Celestina. A soldier dressed in red, with a young girl who seems to be flirting, while an old…

Danaë, by Van Loo (1655).
Servant, characterized in a matchmaker way, wakes Danae while shower of gold enters as a ray of light from the left.

Danaë, by Van Loo (1650).
Danaë and servant in a matchmaker-like way.

Danaë, by Gentileschi (1612)
Danaë and servant receiving rain of gold on her dress. Compare with a Tiziano painting.

Danaë, by Tiziano (1553).
Danaë's maid receives a shower of gold.

Other title: Danaë

In the image appears a naked young woman (Danae) picking up coins that fall from a cloud. To her side, an old woman looking at her that acts as her procuress.

Credits from the televised version of the play.
Title: La Celestina, a production by Teatro de siempre for TVE. Director: Eduardo Fuller. The fourth image corresponds to the play's lace curtain, which is repeated on two occasions before the commercials.

Cover proposal of La Celestina, by González (2016, c.)
Traditional technique, employing ink on parchment paper. One can observe the procuress with a glass in which she carries out her spells.

Cover page of the Venice edition (1541)
The same as Sevilla (1523)'scover page. A variation of the cover pages by Cromberger from Sevilla (1511) (1502) but completely redesigned. Now it also includes a dog and Sempronio and Celestina's initialshave been added on top of the corresponding…

Cover page of the Venice edition (1534)
Celestina, Melibea, Lucrecia, Calisto, Sempronio and a dog. Falcon and horse. Celestina holding her rosary and Calisto the chain and falcon. Note the detail of the horse's testicles that can be seen from behind.

Cover page of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Very elaborate variant of the composite model taken fromValencia (1514) andSevilla (1523).It differs in important details fromZaragoza (1545)'s model, which it cuts in dimension and compresses. Calisto's character is treated in a different way.

Cover page of the Paris edition (1943)
Adaptation by Paul Achard

Cover page of the Moscow edition (2014)
Cover on a Russian edition made and engraved by Ana Lobanova

Cover page of the Estella edition (1557)
Busts of Calisto and Melibea with laurel crowns. Abbreviated names of the characters written above.

Cover page of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Composite images of two paintings. On the left is the garden with Calisto and Melibea inside and a servant and horse outside. On the right Celestina is knocking on the door while holding the string and Lucrecia is standing at the window. The model is…

Portada de Venecia, 1541.
The same as Sevilla, 1523.

Cover of Valencia, 1575
Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, de Joan Navarro, Valencia, 1575. Imagen compuesta que parece un fragmento del modelo con que arranca de Cromberger, Sevilla, 1511 (1502) y Valencia, 1514, que presenta el huerto con Calisto y Melibea, el criado con…

Portada de Zaragoza, 1607.
Factotums of Calisto and Melibea with the complete name written above. Melibea with a peculiar headdress.

Cover of the Zaragoza edition, 1554
An illustrated edition with 26 engravings (plus the cover)The image in the cover is the same as the one used inZaragoza 1545, but the typographic composition of the page is different.A very elaborate composite model that originated fromValencia,…

Cover of the Zaragoza edition, 1545
Melibea and Lucrecia wait in the garden while Calisto begins climbing the ladder. On the left, two servants with weapons. The character of Calisto is shown with a beard. One of the women in the inside of the garden raises her hand to her breast. This…

Cover of the Zaragoza edition, 1545
A very elaborate composite model that originated from Valencia, 1514 and Sevilla, 1523.An illustrated edition with 26 engravings (plus the cover) which can be seen by clicking here: Zaragoza, 1545.The same engraving is used for the cover of the…

Cover of the Zaragoza edition, 1507.
Calisto on his knees before Melibea, who is sitting in a covered chair. The names are written below.

Title page from the Zaragoza edition (1545)
Very elaborate variant of the composite model taken fromValencia (1514)andSevilla (1523).Illustrated edition with 26 engravings (plus cover) that can be seen by clicking here:Zaragoza (1545).

Portada de la edición de Yale UP: New Haven, 2009.
English translation. The cover features the image from the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904).

Portada de la edición de Compendios Vosgos Series de Ediciones Norte, 2004
This edition includes an analysis of the text as well as information about the time period of Fernando de Rojas.

Cover of the Vicens Vives: Barcelona, 2014 edition.
An illustration, as if for a juvenile audience, of a young woman beside a lattice and, in the foreground, of an old woman with her head covered.

Portada de la edición de Circulo de Lectores, 1962
A depiction of Celestina conspiring with Calisto. The silhouette of a female figure (likely Melibea) can be observed in the background.

Portada de la edición de la Editorial Vergara: Barcelona, 1959
The image that is featured on this cover is a reproduction of the old cover of Toledo edition from 1526. This fragment includes Celestina knocking on the door of Melibea's house while Lucrecia looks at her from the window. The title is in red…

Cover of the Venice edition, 1556.
Emblem of the printer, with a phoenix and two mottos in Latin pertaining to the immortal bird, along with two winged fauns or devils and the initials of the printer.

Cover of the Venice edition, 1543.
The same as the cover of the Sevilla, 1523 edition, a variation of the Seville covers by Cromberger but completely redesigned. It now also includes a dog, and the initials of Sempronio and Celestina have been added on top of the corresponding…

Portada de Venecia, 1535.
This is the same as the Venecia, 1519 and Venecia, 1531 editions. Please see the description there.

Cover of the Venecia edition, 1534.
The same cover as the Sevilla, 1523 edition.This is an illustrated edition, with 21 illustrations that can be seen by clicking here: Venecia, 1534.

Portada de Venecia, 1531.
This is the same as in Venecia, 1519. Please see the description on that page.

Cover of the Venecia edition, 1531.
This is an elaborate frontispiece with columns and putty framing the page.

Portada de Venecia, 1531.
The same as Sevilla, 1523.

Cover of the Venecia edition, 1525.
The emblem of the printer with two unicorns and a double-headed eagle.

Cover of the Venice edition, 1519
Celestina convinces or begs a young woman, probably Melibea, although in theory she could also be Areúsa, in her bedroom. The bed in the background. In Latin is written: "vetula tail scorpionis" (an old lady like the tail of a scorpion)This is an…

Cover of the Valladolid edition, 1561.
A composite image that appears to be a fragment of the models begun by Cromberger, Sevilla, 1511 (1502) and Valencia, 1514, which shows the garden with Calisto and Melibea,the servant with a horse and Celestina knocking at the door with the thread…

Valencia, 1529
A composite scene featuring two servants escorting Calisto on horseback and a third servant or black page. It also includes a dog and to the right margin the house of Melibea with her and Lucrecia on the balcony, while Celelstina knocks on the door…

Cover of the Valencia edition, 1514.
Calisto and his servants in the foreground; Celestina knocking on the door of Melibea's house, and inside her, her parents and her servant. In the background two men (Pármeno and Sempronio?) meet with two women (Areúsa and Elicia) in…

Cover of the University of Wisconsin Press edition, 1975
English translation.

The cover features a simple, slightly cartoonish representation of a woman's face, likely meant to represent Celestina, but it is ambiguous enough that it could also be interpreted as any of the female characters.

Portada de la edición de la Universidad de Valencia: Valencia, 2011.
A coloured reproduction of an old print (from a different cover).

Cover of the Biblioteca de la Universidad de Barcelona edition, 2009
Originally published in 1575 by Juan de Lequerica.

Cover of the UNAM: México edition, 1974
The cover features two figures: a man playing a guitar and a women with flowers. These illustrations resemble figures from old playing cards. The two figures are repeated and inverted, so that there are four figures in total.

Cover of the National Autonomous University of Mexico edition: Mexico, 1978
The cover is a red reproduction of the cover of the Valencia edition of 1514.

Cover of the Unidad Editorial: Madrid, 1999 edition.
The cover features a signed painting of an old woman sitting in a chair with her head covered and a heart in her hands.

Cover of the Torre de Goyanes: Madrid, 1998 edition.
The cover features a medieval image of two musicians or minstrels.

Portada de la edición de Tor, 1957
A black and red image of Celestina with her head uncovered despite her typical depiction in religious garb. Alternatively, it is possible that this is a depiction of the author, Fernando de Rojas.
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