DVD case of act II of La Celestina, by Guerrero.

Carátula del DVD Acto II de La Celestina, de Guerrero.


DVD case of act II of La Celestina, by Guerrero.


Guerrero Zamora, Juan, Director




On the top part, Elicia (Gemma Cuervo) is shown in mourning and Areúsa (Tina Sáinz) is eating.
Celestina (Tony Solder) is smiling in the bottom part.

Back cover
In the image in the top part Celestina (Tony Solder) is arguing with Pármeno (José Lara) and Sempronio (José Caride) moments before her death.
Elicia (Gemma Cuervo) is in the middle receiving payment for her services and in the bottom image Celestina is doing business with Sempronio.

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