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Illustration from act XIX from the Toledo edition (1526)
Five factotums and the six names of Traso, Centurio, Aréusa, Elicia, Terencia and Tiburcia.

First illustration from act XX from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of Tristán, Sosia, Calisto, Melibea and Lucrecia.

Second illustration from act XX from the Toledo edition (1526)
Dead Calisto is removed by Tristán and Sosia. In the background, a ladder and the garden wall. Note the detail that Calisto's shoes are on the ground.

First illustration from act XXI from the Toledo edition (1526)
Dead Calisto is removed by Tristán and Sosia. In the background, a ladder and the garden wall. Note the detail that Calisto's shoes are on the ground.

Second illustration from act XXI from the Toledo edition (1526)
Melibea throws herself from the tower while Pleberio watches.

Illustration from act XXII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of houses, Alisa and Pleberio.

La Celestina, by Reynoso (2014)
Drawings inspired by some of the acts from the text by Fernando de Rojas.

Ribera (?).jpg
No es necesariamente una alcahueta pero encaja con el tipo usado para éstas


Celestina and salome - Ribera.jpg
This painting represents Salome receiving the severed head of Saint John the Baptist, based on the biblical scene. A young man is holding his head and he is accompanied by an older man. To Salomé's right there is an older woman. The…

Design of a Celestina, by Richart (1980 c.)
Design from the performance Llegó el Bululú, character named Antonia and described as Celestina and "Jealous old man" written beside it. See the attached page from the ABC from 1983.

Cover  of the Penguin Random House edition, Toronto (2020)
A depiction of Melibea falling from the tower. She is wearing a collar or rosary that comes apart during the fall.

Representation of the Filarmónica Theater, Oviedo, by Rico, 2009
Representation of the Bacanal Teatro at the Filarmónica Theater in Oviedo, Spain, directed by José Rico. The representation is part of the cycle "Asturias on stage".

Compañía musical, de van Rijn (1626)
A young woman sits with a book in her hands. Two musicians around her play the harp and the double bass. Behind the young woman, an old woman.

Original title: Musicerend gezelschap

Cover of the Editorial Aguaclara edition, 1995
In the cover the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904) appears.

Cover of the Micomicona Ediciones edition (2019)
This edition is adapted for younger audiences and illustrated in color.

Celestina 2.0, by 44rivax (sic) (Luca Rivara) (2012)
Digital work of art based on the famous painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904). Made by the DeviantArt user44rivax.

Representation of the Bilingual Foundation of Art's Little Theatre, Los Angeles, by Rivera, 1992
Bilingual production.
Adaptation by Margarita Stocker and Margarita Galbán.
Decor: D. Azfali

Margarita Stocker and Margarita Córdova - Celestina
Sully Díaz and Veronika Stoker - Melibea
Olegario Andrade and Johnathan del Arco -…

Portada de la edición de la Biblioteca Popular de Autores Universales, 2005 (?)
This edition had a print run of 35 000 copies.

Fifth image of the introduction, of Centurio, Areúsa, and Elicia, of the Paris edition (1943)
Adaptation by Paul Achard. Fourth illustration of the French series by Maurice L'Hoir. It can also be found in Celestinesca vol 23, num 1 & 2.

Celestina, by Robert (1908)
Portrait from the American realist school.

Representation of the Ponent Theatre, Granollers, 2014
Tragicomedy of Sempronio y CelestinaDrama: Jonay RodaLight and Sound: Marc MartínProduction: Teatre Ponent Cast:Mònica Lucchetti - CelestinaJoaquin Daniel - SempronioWith the colaboration of:Ricardo Romanos - voicing PleberioAitor García Álvarez -…

La Celestina, by Rodríguez Hernández (1950)
In the painting there are two women, a young woman sitting on a chair, dressed in white and with a rose in her hand. An old woman appears combing the young woman's hair. The old woman can act as a procuress for the young woman following the…

Portada de la ecidión de Argentaria de Teo Puebla, 1999
This is the catalogue of the well-known exhibit at Casa de Cultura, which ran from April to May of 1999.

Representation of the V Festival of Classic Theater in L'Alcúdia University of Alicante, by Rodríguez, 2017
Theater Company of the University of Miguel Hernández de Helche Enredando a Celestina, free version of the universal work by Fernando de Rojas, led this time by Pármeno and Sempronio, offers us a shocking comedy where the nonsense and…

Representation of the Patio de Arcos of IES Vicente Espinel, Gaona, 2015
Group Pata Teatro Cast: Natalia Roig, Rubén del Castillo, Rocío Rubio, Carlos Cuadros, David Mena, Macarena Pérez Bravo, Norberto Rizzo and Josemi RodríguezRecord of representation in CDAEM, Spanish Theater:…

Cover of the Librerías Sánchez: Madrid, 1997 edition.
A photograph of a lit candle in a candlestick and its shadow.

Cover of the Alba: Madrid edition, 1986
A panel of an old woman in front of a pot. Suggestive of sorcery.

Cover of the Huemul: Buenos Aires edition, 1984
A cupid within a dropped capital 'C'. Both figures are red, positioned against a gray background.

Cover of the Mensajero Bolsillo edition, 1982
The cover contains three fragments of three acts from the old Valencia edition (1514)in yellow on an orange background:the engraving of act I,the engraving of act IVandthe engraving of act XXI.

Second image of act XIX of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Sosia and Tristán retrieve Calisto's corpse.

Celestina portada.jpg
Celestina painted in watercolor appears as the cover of this version of Carlos Slim Foundation, México.

Second image of act XX of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Melibea throws herself from an elevated location with locked doors, while Pleberio joins his hands in a gesture of begging or prayer.

Portada de una edición francés de La Celestina, de de Rojas (1922)
A French edition, published in 1922 by Éditions de la Nouvelle Revue Française. Translated by A. Germond de Lavigne (XX century) and illustrated by Démétrius Emmanuel Galanis (1882-1966).

Cover of the En Letra Grande edition: Madrid, 2020
Three figures appear on the cover: Calisto, Melibea and Celestina. Calisto and Melibea are represented as old illustrations, while Celestina appears in the center of the cover as a silhouette filled with an abstract design in black and blue.

Cover of the Éride edition: Madrid, 2023
Cover of the edition of La Celestina, by Fernando de Rojas and Eduardo Galán, Éride Ediciones: Madrid (2023), Subject: VdB Teatro De Almagro. Image by Eduardo Galán.On the cover there is a drawing of a young woman dressed in a traditional way that…

Portada de celestina moderna.jpg
On this cover there is an old woman, Celestina, who appears with an uncovered breast and holds a bag of coins.

Portada moderna 3.jpg
In this cover Calisto is represented on the left, Celestina at the center and Melibea on the right. Because of how Celestina is represented with different eye colours and her grin, it is reminiscent of the representation of this character in…

Cover of the Castalia Editorial edition, 2012
On the cover there is a fragment of the painting Bathsheba receiving David’s Letter, by Steen (1659, c.).

Cover of the Editorial Kapelusz Mexicana edition: México, D.F., 1978
The head of a man appears on the cover, possibly a statue.

Cover of the Cultura y Futuro edition: Meexico, 2001
On the cover the painting Old Woman Frying Eggs by Velázquez (1618, c.) appears.

Cover of the Hoepli edition: Milan, 2023
On the cover Melibea and Calixto appear in the garden.

la celestina edicion moderna.png
Melibea and Calisto appear on the cover of this edition.

Portada moderna 2.jpg
On the cover of this work there is a woman holding a book and two children on the left. The cover image appears frequently in other works published by the publisher as well.

Celestina portada 2.jpg
On the cover there is a young woman seated, resting her head on her right hand and staring blankly.

Celestina 3.jpg
On the cover of this edition there is an older woman who acts as Celestina. One of her eyes is damaged, which is reminiscent of the tradition where this character is represented with a damaged eye, as in the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904)

Cover of the Ediciones Mexicanos Unidos (EMU) edition, 2015
On the cover there is an image of an old edition of La Celestina, where Calisto and Melibea appear. Calisto is on a ladder and Melibea looks at him from her house.

Cover of the Época edition, 2021
The image is a collage of two unrelated paintings, a fragment showing a young bourgeois couple in the paintingA Goldsmith in Shopby Peter Christus (1449), and an older woman taken grom Botticelli's allegorical female figure for Repentance in his…

Cover of the Nuevo Talento edition, 2005
The image is a collage of two unrelated paintings, a fragment showing a young bourgeois couple in the painting A Goldsmith in Shopby Peter Christus (1449), and an older woman taken grom Botticelli's allegorical female figure for Repentance in his…

Academia mexicana de la lengua 2017.jpg
The cover is reminiscent of the old editions of the work. An old woman with a covered head appears knocking on the door of the house where a couple and a young woman are seen through the window. The old woman represents the procuress.

Cover of the Agebe Edition: Argentina, 2005
On the cover the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904)appears.

Cover of the Losada edition: Buenos Aires, 2013
Cover of La Celestina edition, by Fernando de Rojas. Losada edition: Buenos Aires, 2013.A golden chain appears on the yellow cover.

Comic from La Celestina by Alamavona (2016)
Comic fromLa Celestinacreated by Irina Alamanova's students.


Comic of La Celestina with separate text by Pulunto Pérez (2016)
Children's book format with an illustrated page and a brief narration of the events from the preceding page.


La Celestina, illustrated by Victor Palmerín Navarro. MSPublishers, 2017. The author about his work (translated): "More than half a year of work between documentation and creation has resulted in what is the first modern adaptation of La…

Comic of La Celestina, by Perera Sarmiento (2002)
Adaptation, photos and ilustrations by Antonio Perera Sarmiento
Design and layout by Miguel A. Perera Alonso
Ediciones Témpora Madrid 2002


Cover of the Petronio edition: Barcelona, 1970
On the cover Calisto and Melibea appear embracing near a pillar. To the right and in the background appears Celestina with her head covered and looking at the couple.

Illustration from the Mediterráneo edition, 1944 (c.)
This is an interior cover illustration depicting Calisto holding a lute, a castle in the background, and Celestina.

Illustration of act II (III?) of the Barcelona edition (1959)
This illustration is presented in act II in the edition, but in reality corresponds to act III in the plot line.

Illustration of act IV (V?) of the Barcelona edition (1959)
This image corresponds to act IV in the plot line, but is placed in act V in the physical copy of the National Library of Spain

Illustration of act VIII (?) of the Barcelona edition (1959)
This image does not appear in the edition housed in the National Library, but does appear in the Celestinesca journal

Illustration of a Russian edition, 1989
An illustration which comes from an edition translated to Russian of various picaresque novels, among them: La Celestina, Lazarillo de Tormes, El Buscón, El diablo cojuelo, and La garduña de Sevilla y anzuelo de las bolsas.
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