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Second illustration from act I from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Second engraving of act XX of the Venice edition (1534)
Melibea's suicide, as she throws herself from the tower while two male (Pleberio and another) and two female (Alisa and Lucrecia) characters watch.

Second engraving of act XIX of the Venice edition (1534)
Calisto, dead, is carried away by Sosia and Tristán.

Second engraving of act XII of the Venice edition (1534)
Two sequences that simultaneously show Celestina's death, Pármeno and Sempronio jumping from the window, and their sentence by the judge.

Second engraving from act XXI of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Alisa beside Melibea's dead body and Lucrecia lamenting behind. In the background, Pleberio raises his hands to the sky.

Second engraving from act XII of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Two panels separated by a wall. On the right, Pármeno and Sempronio kill Celestina while Elicia cries for help. In the left margin, armed men knock on the door.

Second engraving from act X of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Melibea falls unconscious in her home in front of Celestina.

Second engraving from act II of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Pármeno helps Calisto mount his horse to pass by Melibea's house.

Second engraving from act I from the Augsburg edition (1520)
Conversation between Sempronio and a melancholic Calisto seated at the table where there is a lute. In his bedroom with a bed in the background.

Second engraving from act 14 of Antwerp, 1574
Ejecución de Pármeno y Sempronio. A la izquierda el juez y tres personajes, uno de ellos probablemente Sosia. A la derecha la ejecución, con uno de los reos decapitados y otro siendo decapitado. Dos personajes con barba a la…

Second engraving from act 13 of Antwerp, 1574
Está copiada de laZaragoza 1545pero hay cambios notables. No existe equivalente en la reedición deAmberes 1616Sosia y Tristán hablan a la puerta sobre la ejecución de Pármeno y Sempronio mientras Calisto yace en su…

In the image appears an old man with a hat and a club and an old woman with a hat reminiscent of Celestina. They are both in front of a building that, from the joke that appears below the image, it is understood that it is a school that the old woman…

Scene with Celestina, by anonymous (1900, c.)
Calisto and Melibea appear in the scene looking at each other outside a house. Melibea looks out the window while Calisto appears outside and looking at her. In the window on the right, Celestina appears looking at Calisto and Melibea.

Scene at the door of a tavern, by Alenza (1840, c.)
In the scene, a group of people, a horse, a dog and a man playing the guitar appear at the door of a tavern. In the crowd appears a young woman with a mantilla and next to her an old woman with a covered head that resembles a procuress.

Satyrical painting from the XIX century, anonymous. (Cuadro satírico del XIX).
A matchmaker and her pupil, who shows a leg, are surprised by a priest and a women that exit a house and are scandalized. Possible ironic reference to the priest that carries a little boy.

The image represents the biblical scene of the Philistines taking Samson in Delila's house. Both characters appear naked only covered by a robe. Notice the maid that appears on the left near Delilah.The maid resembles the procuress inCaravaggio's…

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair. Note the maid who appears on the left holding the candle in the scene. The maid resembles the procuress in Caravaggio's Judith Beheading Holofernes(1598, c.)

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair. However, in this representation of the scene,Delilah is not cutting Samson's hair, he is being taken by soldiers with ropes whileSamson and Delilahreach out for each…

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of thePhilistines approachingSamson'sto cut off his hair while he lies onDelilah's lap. Note the maid who appears on the right near Delilah. The maid resembles the procuress inCaravaggio's Judith…

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair, except in this picture, it is a servant cutting Samson's hair while he lies on Delilah's lap. Note the maid who appears on the left near Delilah. The maid resembles…

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair. Note the maid who appears on the right besides Delilah. The maid resembles the procuress inCaravaggio's Judith Beheading Holofernes(1598, c.)

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair, except in this picture, it is a servant cutting Samson's hair while he lies on Delilah's lap. Note the maid who appears on the left holding the candle in the scene.…

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair, except in this picture, it is a servant cutting Samson's hair while he lies on Delilah's lap. Note the maid who appears on the right holding the candle in the scene.…

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair. In this representation of the scene, Samson lies on her lap while soldiers approach them. Note the maid who appears on the left nearDelilahin the scene. The maid…

Original title:Sansone e Dalila ("Samson and Delilah").This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair. Note the maid who appears on the right holdingDelilah's hand. The maid resembles the procuress inCaravaggio's…

Celestina and salome - Ribera.jpg
This painting represents Salome receiving the severed head of Saint John the Baptist, based on the biblical scene. A young man is holding his head and he is accompanied by an older man. To Salomé's right there is an older woman. The…

This work represents the biblical scene where Salome holds the decapitated head of Saint John the Baptist. In this painting by Caravaggio, Salomé is represented by a young woman holding his head on a tray in the center of the painting. To the…

This image represents the biblical scene where Salome receives the severed head of Saint John the Baptist. Other people are represented in the painting, such as another young woman next to Salome, an elder woman holding the head and on the left a…

This image is a leaf from a romance of 8 pages in the National Library of Spain of a : illustration comes from act XIV of the Burgos 1499…

Romance del conde Claros, by Varesio (1593, c.)
Original title: Romance del Conde Claros de Moltauan : con vn villancico pastoril al cabo, muy gracioso ("Romance of Count Claros from Montalban: with a pastoral carol at the end, very funny").

Same engraving as the one Fadrique de Basilea used in…

Robbery in a Brothel, by Steen (1665, c.)
Brothel scene. A young man on the lap of a young woman, while another young woman hands an object to an elderly woman. The old woman acts as a procuress for the young women. A couple of men in the background playing music instruments.

RepresentationFantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina, 1979
Original title: Tragedia fantástica de la gitana Celestina("Fantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina").Date: April 1979.

Representation of Ufa Fabrik, Berlin, by de la Risa, 2016
Flamencotanztheater Group Flamenco show The Unhappy Queen. News about a madwoman. The story tells of the unfortunate queen and solitary prisoner, Joanne I, one of the most notorious and glamorous figures of Spanish history. She is a child of the…

Representación del Théâtre Montansier, Versailles, de Tassencourt (1993-1994)
Adaptation: Paul Achard
Annie Cordy – Celestina
Nicolas BrianCon – Calisto
Gérard Chambre – Sempronio
Charles Capezzali – Sereno
Isabelle Thomas – Melibea
Nathalie Bleynie – Elicia
Marie-Claire Achard – Alisa
Michel Chalmeau –…

Representation of Theatre Festival of Caracas, 2015-2016
La Celestina, una cantata mediterránea ("La Celestina, a Mediterranean cantata") Musical choice, adaptation and direction: Costa PalamidesDirection assistance: Pedro CambasScene assistance: Yordano MarquinaMontage: Arteú group and Colectivo de Canto…

Representación del Théâtre de la Croix Rousse, Lyon, Francia, de Coupat (2007)
Translation: Florence Delay

Valérie Jouve (film: Delay Conference)
Aymeric Reumaux (animated film)
Space: Christian Fenouillat and Françoise Coupat 
Costumes: Alexandra Wassef and Agostino Cavalca
Lighting: Christophe Forey
General direction:…

Representation of Théâtre de l'Aquarium, París, by Esnay, 2009
Dramaturgy: Bruno Tackels
Costume: Rose-Marie d’Orros
Lighting and technical direction: Pierre Leblanc
Sound: Simon Desplébin

Cast: comediens de l'Ecole Régionale d'Acteurs de Cannes
Claire Calvi, Marie De Basquiat, Pauline Dubreuil, Samir…

Representation of Theater Basel, Basilea, 1992
Representation directed by Francois Michel Presenti from Theater Basel.

Representation of the Zimmer Theater, Tubingen, Alemania 2014
La Celestina oder Tragikomödie von Clisto und Melibea Production of Gobelin Theater in cooperation with the Zimmer TheaterDuration: 100 min. Cast: Janne Wagler represents Celestina and all the characters.Alon Wallach- guitarist

Representation of the Ziemi Pomorskiej (scena Bydgoszcz) Theater, Bydgoszcz-Toruń, Poland, by Chojnacka, 1960
Staging: Leon Schiller
Translation: Juliusz Gomulicki
Adaptation: Marcel Achard
Decoration: Władysław Daszewski
Music: Tomasz Kiesewetter
Assistant director : Hieronim Konieczka

Jadwiga Chojnacka – Celestina
Jan Zdrojewski –…

Representation of the Ziemi Opolskiej Theater, Opole, Poland, by Baniukiewicz, 1973
Translation: Kazimierz Zawanowski
Adaptation: Antoni Baniukiewicz
Scenography: Ewa Nahlik
Music: Benedykt Konowalski
Assistant director: Jan Hencz

Krzysztof Zakrzewski – Calisto
Ludmiła Dąbrowska – Melibea
Klemens Myczkowski –…

Representation of the Zarzuela Theater, Madrid, by Iriarte, 2008
Opera performance for the Zarzuela Theater, Directed by Ana Mª Iriarte (artistic direction), Miquel Ortega (musical direction), Ignacio García (stage direction).

Representation of the Zarzuela Theater, by Nin Culmell, 2008
La Celestina, music and script by Joaquín Nin-Culmell, based on La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas and texts by Juan del Encina (world premiere).
Cast: Alicia Berri, Alain Damas, Gloria Londoño, José García-Quijada, Andrés del Pino, Carolina Barca,…

Representation of the Zampanó theater, Madrid, by Mayo, 2006
Representation directed by José Mayo, from the Zampanó theater.

Representation of the XXXIV Golden Age Theater Conference, Almería, 2017
Carpe Diem Monologue based onLa Celestinaby Fernando de Rojas

Representation of the XVIII UCM University Theater Contest, Madrid, by Calvo and Bernárdez, 2014
New version of the loves of Calisto and Melibea; and the deceptions of old Celestina.

Direction assistance: Matías Gómez and Jorge José López.
Dramaturgy: Sara Calvo
Scenography: Uniteatra2
Lighting: Uniteatra2
Music: Uniteatra2

Representation of the XII International Theater Book Fair (Aula de Teatro Juan del Enzina), Salamanca, 2011
Dialogue between Celestina and Pármeno. Fragment of La Celestina, by Fernando de Rojas. By Francisco Negro and Mayte Bona (Morfeo Theater).

Representation of the Wrocławski Teatr Lalek, Wrocław, Poland, by Hejno, 1992
Translation: Kazimierz Zawanowski
Adaptation and staging: Wiesław Hejno
Scenography: Eugeniusz Get-Stankiewicz
Music: Zbigniew Karnecki
Assistant director: Jacek Przybyłowski

Jacek Przybyłowski – Calisto
Elżbieta Echaust –…

Representation of the Wojska Polskiego Theater, Łódź, Poland, by Schiller, 1947
Translation: Juliusz Gomulicki
Adaptation: Marcel Achard
Scenography and costumes: Władysław Daszewski
Music: Tomasz Kiesewetter
Choreography: Jadwiga Hryniewiecka
Master: Edward Wejman
Assistant director: Ludwik René


Representation of the Vingtième Théâtre, Paris, by Lazarini (2009)
Adaptation: Henri Lazarini
Stage design and lighting: Xavier Lazarini
Sound: Isabelle Surel
Costumes: Patricia Leroy-Lacassagne
Accessories: Clément Seurat

Cast: Biyouna, Luis Rego, Rona Hartner, Myriam Bella, Céline Caussimon, Éloïse Labro,…

Representation of the Viñagrande Cultural Centre, Alcorcón, 2016
Adaptation: Francisco de Pedro Production: La trouppe inestable" of the I.E.S. "La Arboleda" Stage equipment: Fernando Pérez- Baquero and his students.

Representation of The Victor Ion Popa Theatre, Balard, Romania, by Mihailescu, 2005
Adaptation: Dorin Mihailescu
Choreography : Dana Coseru
Scenery: Sandu Maftei
Design: Iuliana Maftei

Elena Petrican – Celestina
Simon Salca jr. – Calisto
Petronela Ene – Melibea
Constantin Petrican – Pleberio
Dana Tomita – Alisa…

Representation of the Verdi Theater, Padova, Italy, 1970
Stage and clothing: Roberto da Re
Music: Franco Baroni

Antonio Franchini- Calisto
Anna Mariacher- Melibea
Arnaldo Momo- Pleberio
Linda Cosma- Alisa
Sara Momo- Celestina
Mario Esposito- Pármeno
Gianni Guidetti- Sempronio

Representation of the V Festival of Classic Theater in L'Alcúdia University of Alicante, by Rodríguez, 2017
Theater Company of the University of Miguel Hernández de Helche Enredando a Celestina, free version of the universal work by Fernando de Rojas, led this time by Pármeno and Sempronio, offers us a shocking comedy where the nonsense and…

Representation of the UPNFM, Gracias Lempira, Honduras, 2016
Black Theater (dark version with neon lights) of La Celestina

Representation of the University Theatre of the Puerto Rico University, by González, 1958
Representation directed by Nilda González of the University Theatre of the Puerto Rico University. Adaptation by Nilda González based on Francisco Fernández Villegas' version. Official program, sketches of the stage, illustrations of the stage,…

Representation of the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, 2017
Dramatized reading based on the translation by James Mabbe with the projection of images from Celestina Visual in the background. Produced by the French, Spanish and Italian department and the Theater Program of the English department. With the…

Representation of the Universidad Católica Theatre, Lima, by Escudero, 2003
Duration 2 h 30 min.
Alejandro Córdova- Calixto
Pachi Valle Riestra- Melibea
Cecilia Natteri- Celestina
José Luis Ruiz- Sempronio
Gino Romero- Pármeno
Adela Jara- Lucrecia
Tatiana Espinoza- Elicia
Gabriela Alcántara- Areúsa

Representation of the Universidad Católica de Chile, by Baeza, 2005
Musical de La Celestina("La Celestina Musical")La Calderona Theater Company - Universidad Católica de ChileVersion by José María Ruano de la HazaMusic: Carlos EspinozaChoreography: Paulina MelladoVideo: Verónica Barraza and Alexander…

Representation of the underground Theatre in the Celestina Festival, la Puebla de Montalbán, 2012
Entre pícaros, alcahuetas y enamorados ("Among rascals, procuresses and lovers")

Representation of the Umbra Teatro, Almagro, by Mañón, 2022
Author: Fernando de Rojas.Duration of the show: 1h 45 minDirection and dramaturgy: Javier MañónProduction: Umbra TeatroLighting and sound: Higinio BautistaCostumes: Luis GarcíaFrom August 13 to December 17 at the Corral de Comedias in Almagro,…

Representation of the Ulyanovsk Drama Theater, Ulyanovsk, Russia, by Kopylov and Medvedev, 2017
Staging: Nikolai Kolyada
Choreography: Mihailom Umnovym

Zoya Samsonov,  Irina Janko, Tatyana Denisenko, Zhezhel Maria, Nadezhda Ivanova Darya Farafontova, Vitaly Zlobin Denis Bukhalov, Alexander Lebedev and Sergei Chinenov. 

Representation of the Tívoli Cultural Center, Burjassot, by Pastor, 2017
Les Sitges Theater group from Burjassot
Music: Lluís Subiela (accordion) and Samuel Subiela (guitar)
Scenography: Inma Ibáñez

Amparo Pastor– Celestina,
Claudia Esteban – Melibea,
José Luis Oltra – Calisto
Javi Bono – …

Representation of the Théatre Sarah Bernhardt, Paris, 1958
Representation directed by Luis Escobar and Humberto Pérez de la Ossa, of Eslava Theater

Representation of the Théâtre Palace, Paris, by Meyer (1945-1946)
8-act play
Adaptation by Paul Achard
Compagnie d’Art Dramatique
Animator: Jean Darcante
Company administrator: Georges Reitnei
Decoration: R.-Ph. Couaillier
Costumes: Rosine Delamare

Jean Darcante – Calisto
Michel Bouquet –…

Representation of the Théâtre National Populaire, Paris, by Schiaretti (2011)
Siècle d’Or La Célestine et Don Juan
Artistic collaboration of Florence Delay

Scenography: Renaud de Fontainieu
Accessories: Fanny Gamet
Costumes: Thibaut Welchlin
Lighting: Julia Grand
Sound: Laurent Dureux
Wig and makeup: Claire…

Representation of the Théâtre Montparnasse-Gaston Baty, Paris, by Meyer, 1942
8-act play.
Adaptation by Paul Achard
Compagnie d’Art Dramatique
Animator: Jean Darcante
Company administrator: Georges Reitnei
Decoration: R.-Ph. Couaillier
Costumes: Rosine Delamare

Michel Gudin – Sereno
Jean Darcante –…

Representation of the Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier, Paris, by Kahane (1967)
French language adaptation: Georges Brousse
Decoration: Marcel-Louis Dieulot
Costumes: Anne-Marie Marchand
Music: Even de Tissot

Bernard Garnier – Calisto
Dominique Arden – Melibea
Jacques Ferrière - Sempronio
Bernard Laïk - Pármeno…

Representation of the Théâtre de l'Epée de Bois, Paris, by Díaz-Florián, 2010-2011
Scenography: David León
Lighting: Quique Péna
Costumes: Abel Alba
Cast: Graziella Lacagnina, Pilar Valdivia Torre, Sandrine Vicente, Diana Zurita.

Representation of the Theatre Company of the Univ. of La Salle, Cancún, 2009
Adaptation and direction: Gina Saldaña

Paulina Lara Franco- Celestina

Representation of the Thalia Theatre, Hamburg, by Heinz, 1974-1975
Cast: Ulrich Matschoss, Charlotte Schellenberg, Elisabeth Rath, Susanne Schweiger, Hans Christian Rudolph, Heinz Trixner, Axel Radler, Konrad Krauss, Agnes Fink, Hanna Seiffert, Ursela Monn, Werner Opitz

Representation of the Teatroledo, Toledo, 2013-2016
La Celestina te echa la suerte con la baraja Góngora ("La Celestina casts your luck with Góngora deck")Minishow of 15 minutes of duration. La Celestina receives a consultant in a dark cave and in the light of the lamp and with the musicAmor Brujo by…

Representation of the Teatro Repertorio Clásico Mundial, San Juan, Puerto Rico, by Concepción, 1990
Representation directed by Ernesto Concepción of the Teatro Repertorio Clásico Mundial from the Teatro Tapia.

Representation of the Teatro Reina Victoria, Madrid, by Osuna, 1967
Representation directed by Jose Osuna, for the Teatro Reina Victoria. Premiered by Milagros Leal.

Representation of the Teatro Reforma, México, by Custodio, 1968
Theater critic of "La Celestina" in the Teatro Reforma in the Bulletin of the Classical Theater of Mexico (Boletín del Teatro Clásico de México), México, D.F.,titled "La Celestina at the Reforma Theater" ("La Celestina en el Teatro Reforma"), on…

Representation of the Teatro Ocampo, Morelos, México, 2010-2013
The Celestina: Love is a WormEl Volado Teatro ProductionThe members of the theatre group are professional actors graduated from the Escuela Nacional de Arte Teatral, Centro Morelense de las Artes and Argos-Casa Azul

Representation of the Teatro Novo, Porto Alegre, Brasil, by Ziembinski, 1969
Translation: Eudinyr Fraga
Adaptation: Ziembinski
Scenography: Tulio Costa
Figurines: Ninette van Vüchelen
Production: Centro Cultural Garcia Lorca

Adilson Vlademir, Carlos Prieto, Edson Soler, Eduardo Karan, Ewerton de Castro, Fabra…

Representation of the Teatro Nacional, Bogotá, by Alí Triana, 1999
Cast:Fanny Mikey- CelestinaSantiago Moure- CalistoMargarita Ortega- Melibea Ramiro Meneses- PármenoÁlvaro Rodríguez- SempronioAna Soler- AreúsaLuly Bossa- EliciaAlberto León Jaramillo- PleberioViviana Navas- LucreciaSandra Guzmán- Alisa

Representation of the Teatro Nacional Nova Gorica, Slovenia, by Šedlbauer, 1997-1998
Translation of the adaptation: Zvone Šedlbauer 
Translator: Niko Košir 
Assistant director: Matjaž Šmalc 
Playwright assistant: Samanta Kobal 
Playwright: Miha Trefalt 
Scenography: Vojteh Ravnikar 
Scenography assistant: Tanja…

Representation of the Teatro Nacional Cervantes, Buenos Aires, 1956
Version: José Ricardo Morales
Staging: Enrique Lázaro
Wardrobe: César Martínez Sierra
Time Period Costume Design: Sección Femenina de la Universidad del Trabajo de Montevideo
Musical Fragments: Jaume Pahissa

Margarita Xirgu-…

Representation of the Teatro Municipal, Santiago de Chile, by Morales, 1949
Representation directed by José Ricardo Morales of the Teatro experimental of the Universidad de Chile. Cutting from the official program. Contains an illustrated representation and the cast. Technical team: Raúl Aliaga, Props; Juan Cruz, Makeup;…

Representation of the Teatro Julia de Burgos of the Puerto Rico University, Río Piedras, 2014
Calisto, Melibea, and...any others?Illumination Design: Israel Franco-MüllerCostume Design: Frances ArroyoStaging: Kiara De Santiago and Karla SantiagoThe cast is led by the UPR professor, Heriberto Feliciano, accompanied by the students of the…

Representation of the Teatro Itinerante, Santiago de Chile, 1982
Version of José Ricardo Morales
Teatro Itinerante Company
Costume design, set design, lighting and technical direction: Guillermo Ganga.
Costume making: María Teresa Cereceda
Music: Patricio Solovera
Make-up: Juan Cruz
Scene direction: Silvio…

Representation of the Teatro Fernán Gómez, Madrid, by Serrano, 2012
Representation directed by Mariano de Paco Serrano, Secuencia 3 Artes y Comunicación.
Version: Eduardo Galán.
Direction: Mariano de Paco Serrano.
Scenography: David Deloaysa.
Clothing: Maika Chamorro.
Music: Tomás Marco.
Lighting: Pedro…

Representation of the Teatro Federico García Lorca in San Fernando, San Fernando de Henares, by Silgado, 2022
Representation of La Celestina 1905. Circus tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea (La Celestina 1905. Tragicomedia Circense de Calisto y Melibea), Menecmos company for the ‘El Moscardón’ Amateur Theater Contest, organized by the Department of Culture at…

Representation of the Teatro Español, Madrid, by Luca de Tena (1940)
Representation of the company of the Spanish Theater of Madrid. Direction by Cayetano Luca de Tena Adaptation by Felipe Lluch Premiered by Julia Delgado Caro. Scenography: Sigfrido Burmann Figurines: Manuel Comba y José Caballero Music: Manuel Parada…

Representation of the Teatro Español, Madrid, by Lepage, 2004
Original title: La Celestina, allá cerca de las tenerías, a la orilla del río ("La Celestina, there near the tanneries, on the river bank") in Teatro Español, MadridBased on the work of Fernando de Rojas. Translation to Spanish: Álvaro García…

Representación del Teatro Español, Madrid, 2014
Theater projectComics of the language: La Celestina read("Cómicos de la lengua: La Celestina leída") National Dramatic Center - Ministry of Culture ("Centro Dramático Nacional- Ministerio de Cultura").Concept: José Luis GómezAuthor: Fernando de…

Representation of the Teatro Español de México, Mexico City, by Custodio, 1953-1960
Representation directed by Álvaro Custodio of the Teatro Español de Mexico for the Ateneo Español de Mexico, in Mexico D.F. Clippings of theater reviews, comics, and photos and pages taken from magazines.

Representation of the Teatro El Silo, Córdoba, 2013
La moderna Celestina ("Modern Celestina")Jara Theater GroupFree adaptation: María Isabel Valdivia
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