Browse Items (3223 total)

Chinese DVD case of the movie, by Gerardo Vera (1996)
Calisto (Juan Diego Botto) and Melibea (Penélope Cruz)

Russian DVD case of the movie, by Gerardo Vera (1996)
Calisto (Juan Diego Botto) and Melibea (Penélope Cruz)

Representation of the Théâtre de l'Epée de Bois, Paris, by Díaz-Florián, 2010-2011
Scenography: David León
Lighting: Quique Péna
Costumes: Abel Alba
Cast: Graziella Lacagnina, Pilar Valdivia Torre, Sandrine Vicente, Diana Zurita.

Representation of the Espace Culturel Terraqué, Carnac, France, by Arnaud, 2014
Technique: Michel Thiery
Theater group Les Clameurs de l' Estran 

Claudine Even – Celestina
Sacha Guillermic o Khad Sergent – Melibea
Jean Pierre Fouillé – Calisto
Michel Seraud – Sempronio
Bertrand Cosquer – Pármeno
Bertrand Sayé –…

Representation of the Teatro Nacional Nova Gorica, Slovenia, by Šedlbauer, 1997-1998
Translation of the adaptation: Zvone Šedlbauer 
Translator: Niko Košir 
Assistant director: Matjaž Šmalc 
Playwright assistant: Samanta Kobal 
Playwright: Miha Trefalt 
Scenography: Vojteh Ravnikar 
Scenography assistant: Tanja…

Representation of the Stefana Jaracza Theater, Olsztyn-Elbląg, Poland, by Żuchniewski, 1964
Adaptation: Marcel Achard
Translation: Juliusz Gomulicki
Scenography: Marian Bogusz
Music: Włodzimierz Jarmołowicz
Assistant director: Krystyna Rutkowska

Eugenia Śnieżko-Szafnaglowa – Celestina
Zofia Grabska – Areúsa
Irena Kownas –…

Representation of the Juliusza Słowackiego Theater, Kraków, Poland, by Zawodziński, 1992
Translation: Kazimierz Zawanowski
Adaptation: Waldemar Zawodziński
Scenography: Waldemar Zawodziński
Choreography: Janina Niesobska
Music: Krzysztof Szwajgier
Lighting: Krzysztof Sendke
Assistant director: Wojciech Szawul


Representation of the Stefana Jaracza, Łódź, Poland, by Zawodziński, 1994
Translation: Kazimierz Zawanowski
Decoration: Waldemar Zawodziński
Costumes: Maria Balcerek
Choreography: Janina Niesobska
Music: Waldemar Zawodziński
Lighting: Krzysztof Sendke
Assistant director: Jagoda Pietruszkówna


Representation of the Lalki i Aktora Baj Pomorski Theatre, Toruń, Poland, by Szachnowski, 1979
Translation: Kazimierz Zawanowski
Adaptation: Bogumiła Pasionek y Konrad Szachnowski
Scenography: Lucjan Zamel
Music: Roman Nowacki
Assistant director: Urszula Miedzińska

Halina Garbowska – Celestina
Paulina Bednarska –…

Representation of the Maribor National Drama Theater, Slovenia, by Soldatović, 1984-1985
Translation:Niko Košir Scenography: Dorijan Sokolić Clothing:Ingrid Begović Cast: Borut Alujevič– Pármeno Marjan Bačko- Pleberio Sonja Blaž- Melibea Zvone Funda– Centurio Franci Gabrovšek- Tristán Ivo Leskovec- Sosia Irena Mihelič– Celestina's…

Representation of the Wojska Polskiego Theater, Łódź, Poland, by Schiller, 1947
Translation: Juliusz Gomulicki
Adaptation: Marcel Achard
Scenography and costumes: Władysław Daszewski
Music: Tomasz Kiesewetter
Choreography: Jadwiga Hryniewiecka
Master: Edward Wejman
Assistant director: Ludwik René


Representation of the Polski Theater, Warszawa, Poland, by Różewicz, 1979
Adaptation: Paul Achard
Translation: Juliusz Wiktor Gomulicki
Scenography: Wojciech Krakowski
Music: Piotr Moss
Choreography: Witold Borkowski
Assistant director: Ryszard Nawrocki

Czesław Jaroszyński, Janusz Zakrzeński – Mr…

Representation of the V Festival of Classic Theater in L'Alcúdia University of Alicante, by Rodríguez, 2017
Theater Company of the University of Miguel Hernández de Helche Enredando a Celestina, free version of the universal work by Fernando de Rojas, led this time by Pármeno and Sempronio, offers us a shocking comedy where the nonsense and…

Representation of the Wrocławski Teatr Lalek, Wrocław, Poland, by Hejno, 1992
Translation: Kazimierz Zawanowski
Adaptation and staging: Wiesław Hejno
Scenography: Eugeniusz Get-Stankiewicz
Music: Zbigniew Karnecki
Assistant director: Jacek Przybyłowski

Jacek Przybyłowski – Calisto
Elżbieta Echaust –…

Representation of the Stabile di Genova Theater, Italy, by Galloni, 1952
Italian version: Corrado Alvaro
Scenography: Emanuele Luzzati
Costume: Emanuele Luzzati
Music: Louis Cortese

Raol Grassilli – Calisto
Valentina Fortunato – Melibea
Tino Bianchi – Pleberio
Tina Mayer – Alisa
Lina Volonghi –…

Representation of the Klasyczny Theater, Warszawa, Poland, by Chojnacka, 1958
Staging: Leon Schiller
Translation: Juliusz Gomulicki
Adaptation: Marcel Achard
Scenography and costumes: Władysław Daszewski
Choreography: Jadwiga Hryniewiecka
Music: Tomasz Kiesewetter
Assistant director: Andrzej Żarnecki


Representation of the Ziemi Pomorskiej (scena Bydgoszcz) Theater, Bydgoszcz-Toruń, Poland, by Chojnacka, 1960
Staging: Leon Schiller
Translation: Juliusz Gomulicki
Adaptation: Marcel Achard
Decoration: Władysław Daszewski
Music: Tomasz Kiesewetter
Assistant director : Hieronim Konieczka

Jadwiga Chojnacka – Celestina
Jan Zdrojewski –…

Representation of the Ziemi Opolskiej Theater, Opole, Poland, by Baniukiewicz, 1973
Translation: Kazimierz Zawanowski
Adaptation: Antoni Baniukiewicz
Scenography: Ewa Nahlik
Music: Benedykt Konowalski
Assistant director: Jan Hencz

Krzysztof Zakrzewski – Calisto
Ludmiła Dąbrowska – Melibea
Klemens Myczkowski –…

Representation of the Nowy Gustawa Morcinka Theater, Zabrze, Poland, by Adamek, 1992-1993
Translation: Kazimierz Zawanowski
Adaptation: Henryk Adamek
Scenography: Wojciech Jankowiak
Costumes: Marta Hubka
Music: Krzysztof Zgraja
Choreography: Jakub Chrzanowski
Music director: Marzena Mikuła-Drabek
Assistant director: Andrzej…

Cover of the Ed. Univers edition, 1973
Romanian translation. The image in the cover is a reproduction of the cover of the Rome edition (1520, c.).

The narrator and Albert Bloch in the brothel, by van Dongen (1930 c.)
An illustration made for a book by Marcel Proust À la recherche du temps perdu, published in 1945 by Librairie Gallimard, Paris. Appears to be out of print but is listed on theMetropolitan Museum of Art, New York, United…

Ilustración de Melibea, de AETOS (2013)
Drawing of the love of Calisto and Melibea. Image that appeared on the blog "Día a día" of the newspaper Periódico El Mercurio, Santiago de Chile.

Note that the illustration of Melibea seems to correspond more to the model of Doña Inés del don…

This image is a leaf from a romance of 8 pages in the National Library of Spain of a : illustration comes from act XIV of the Burgos 1499…

Representation of the SKNeumanna Theatre in Prague, by Lohniský, 1970
Adaptation: Milan Calábek
Scenography: Jan Dušek
Music: Petr Mandel
Collaborator: Jožka Šaršeová
Original title: Zavraždění svaté Celestiny, kuplířky z města Salamanky (Assassination of Saint Celestina, procuresses of the city of…

Representation of the NaKop Tyjátr Theater, Jihlava, Czechia, by Soumar, 2008-2009
Adaptation: Milan Calábek

Original title: Zavraždění svaté Celestiny, kuplířky z města Salamanky (Assassination of Saint Celestina, procuresses of the city of Salamanca)

Representation of the National Theater of Prague, by Krobot, 1988
Translation: Eduard Hodoušek
Edition: Miroslav Krobot, Radmila Hrdinová, Jaroslav Král
Dramaturgy: Radmila Hrdinová
Casting: Zita Miklošová
Scenography: Miloň Kališ
Assistant director: Leona Primová
Stage director: Marika Skopalová

Representation of the Megaron Auditorium in Athens, Greece, by Nikolaidis, 2007
Translation, adaptation and songs: Agathe Dimitrouka
Scenography: Nikos Petropoulos
Music: Thanos Mikroutsikos
Costumes: Giannis Metzikof
Choreography: Irene Alexiou
Lighting: Eleftheria Deko

Nonika Galinea – Celestina
Kostas Gakis…

Representation of the Conservatory Pražské, Prague, by Seydler, 2001
Original title: Zavraždění svaté Celestiny, kuplířky z města Salamanky (Assassination of Saint Celestina, procuresses of the city of Salamanca)

Vladislav Rotta- Sempronio

Representation of the Pardubice Theater, Czechia, by Seydler, 1997-1998
Original title: Zavraždění svaté Celestiny, kuplířky z města Salamanky (Assassination of Saint Celestina, procuresses of the city of Salamanca)

Dramaturgy: Jana Pithartová
Scenography: Miloň Kališ jh
Costumes: Tomáš Kypta jh
Music: Jiří…

Representation of the J. K. Tyla Plzeň Theater, Pilsen, Czechia, by Pražmári, 1996
Translation: Hodoušek
Adaptation: Marie Caltová

Assistant director: Jakub Zindulka
Scenography: Štefan Bunta
Costumes: Mona Hafsahl
Music: Peter Vaňouček
Songs lyrics: Jan Kosek
Co-répétiteur: Pavel Kantořík

Zorka Kostková –…

Representation of the Fani Tardini Theater, Galați, Romania, by Lupu, 1997
Translation: Adina Zeev
Presented at the Galati National Comedy Festival

Scenography: Viora Bara
Music: Iosif Hertea

Ioana Citta Baciu – Celestina
Svetlana Friptu – Elicia
Carmen Miron – Areúsa
Crina Stoica – Melibea

Representation of the Stein House Theater, Bautzen, Germany, by Linke, 2014
Based on the fantastic Tragedy of the gypsy Celestina by Alfonso Sastre

Representation of the Sumperk Theater, Czechia, by Hradil, 1984
Adaptation: Milan Calábek Scenography: Zita Miklošová Music: Ladislav Štancl Assistant: Jiří Maršík Original title: Zavraždění svaté Celestiny, kuplířky z města Salamanky (Assassination of Saint Celestina, procuresses of the city of…

Calisto (Juan Diego Botto) and Melibea (Penélope Cruz)

Preliminary sketches for a play, by Barkhin (1987)
Sketches for the presentation of "Celestina" by director Yuri Semenovich Kopylov. Saratov Drama Theater.

La Celestina illustrated by Pablo Picasso, Planeta, 2007

Luxury limited edition which reproduces Picasso's 66 engravings for Suite 347. The reproduced text is that of Valencia 1514. Each engraving is reproduced at 140% of its original size.

German translation with the 66 illustrations by Picasso of the Suite 347. For a detailed description see the following article by: Gustav Siebenmann, "Una versión alemana de Celestina," Celestinesca (1991): 67-70See also the related items at the…

Fernando de Rojas, The Célestine, Editions de l'Atelier Crommelynck, Paris, 1971. French language edition from the Pierre Heugas translation, with 66 engravings from Suite 347 by Picasso. This is the first edition to include these engravings. Limited…

66 engravings (click here to view) of the Suite or Series 347 indirectly inspired by La Celestina, although they do not represent any particular episode of the work. These engravings form part of a portfolio titled La Celestina within the Series 347…

Representación del Kellergeister Theater, Frankfurt (2014)
Title: The procuress and the canon. (La alcahueta y el canónigo (Der Domherr und die Kupplerin))A farse of Carnaval (Fastnacthspiel) from the Middle Ages in Nuremberg.

Representation of the Ulyanovsk Drama Theater, Ulyanovsk, Russia, by Kopylov and Medvedev, 2017
Staging: Nikolai Kolyada
Choreography: Mihailom Umnovym

Zoya Samsonov,  Irina Janko, Tatyana Denisenko, Zhezhel Maria, Nadezhda Ivanova Darya Farafontova, Vitaly Zlobin Denis Bukhalov, Alexander Lebedev and Sergei Chinenov. 

Representation of the Moscow Contemporary Theatre, Russia, by Kolyada, 2012
Scenography and costumes: Vladimir Kravtsov
Choreography: Weiss (Germany)
Choreography assistant: Natalia von Schlippe-Poletaev (Germany)
Artists from around the world: Vladimir Urazbakhtin, Vladimir Korneev

Leah Akhedzhakova –…

Illustration in the book Sperne Voluptatem, by Bry (1614)
Emblem with motto in three languages:Latin: Sperne Voluptatem annalem ut retia vites, Quae certam noxam per niciema ereant. Lena, canes, pisces volucres Cupidia, porcus Quam multos multis implicuere modis.German (Original): Der wollust Netz vnd…

Other title: Loose Company

The image represents two young men, one of them being the prodigal son with a semi-naked young woman acting as a prostitute. She is also holding a violin. An old woman acting as the procuress appears in the background…

Monk with Nun and Procuress or Martin Luther and his consort Katharina von Bora, by follower of Brueghel (1600, c.)
Original title: Mönch mit Nonne und Kupplerin oder Martin Luther mit seiner Gefährtin Katharina von Bora ("Monk with Nun and Procuress or Martin Luther and his consort Katharina von Bora").

The painting represents a young man being kissed in the…

The Procuress, by Saudek (1983)
An older woman is sitting in the centre of the picture. A younger woman is sitting on the older woman's lap. A doll appears lying on the older woman's left knee.

Other title: Die Kupplerin
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