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Cover proposal of La Celestina, by González (2016, c.)
Traditional technique, employing ink on parchment paper. One can observe the procuress with a glass in which she carries out her spells.

Cover of the Grupo Editorial Tomo edition: Mexico City, 2011
The image in the cover is from Picasso's 1905 work titled Portrait of Benedetta Canals

Representation of Antigüo Cine Pinzales, Asturias, by Caamaño, 2008
Assistant director: Inma RodríguezLighting:Nona AsensioVideographic performance:Borja MitjansActresses: Lara Herrero and Arantxa FernándezTempus fugitTwo girls, in the not too distant future, appear in an abandoned theater in search of the "Capsules…

Representation of la Casa de la Cultura de Panchimalco, El Salvador, 2013
Work presented at the Second Youth Theater Festival

Representation of the Institute of Teaching and Technical Training No 27, Buenos Aires, by Irigoyen et al., 2012
Cast: Students and Faculty of Language and Literature
Lorena Junquera, Juan Cruz Pérez Remis, Verónica Badoza

Act XIX Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Callisto falls off the ladder. Melibea, Tristán and Sosia are scared.

Act XIV Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Calisto and Melibea's first night of love

Second Illustration of Act XII of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Pármeno and Sempronio murder Celestina

Act XII Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
The bailiff knocks on the door of Celestina's house before she is murdered.

Act VII Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Celestina keeps her promise to Pármeno, and he may keep Areúsa.

Act IV Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Celestina shows Melibea her spellbound thread.

Act II Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Sempronio talks to his owner Calisto

Act I Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Melibea and Lucrecia see Calisto and his falcon in the garden.

Cover of the Hes & De Graaf Publishers edition, 2011
Dutch translation. The cover features the image from the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904).

Cover of the Biblioteca de la Universidad de Barcelona edition, 2009
Originally published in 1575 by Juan de Lequerica.

Cover of the Applause Theater and Cinema Books edition, 2000
In the cover appears a reproduction of the old cover of the Seville edition, 1511 (1502).

Cover of the Francisco Alves edition, 1998
Portuguese translation. The cover is a reproduction of the cover of the Valencia edition, 1514.

Cover of the Editorial Época edition: Mexico City, 1997
Even two unrelated paintings, such as fragment showing a young bourgeois couple in the paintingA Goldsmith in Shop by Peter Christus (1449), and an older woman taken grom Botticelli's allegorical female figure for Repentance in his painting The…

Cover of the Editorial Aguaclara edition, 1995
In the cover the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904) appears.

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A mask inspired by Celestina, by Picasso (1904) and displayed in the exhibit Traditions Transfigured: The Noh Masks of Bidou Yamaguchi in the Asia Society Texas Center of Houston, February of 2015. Materials used: Japanese Cypress, shell, natural…

Illustration of the Second Celestina, by Salazar y Torres (1994)
Illustration of the Second Act, Scene XXI.
Celestina tricks don Luis with the reflection of a mirror so that don Diego can safely leave doña Beatriz's house.

Cover of the Second Comedy of La Celestina, by Silva (1968)
Original title: Segunda comedia de Celestina ("Second Comedy of La Celestina").

Cover by Alberto Corazón. Madrid : Ciencia Nueva, D. L. 1968.
Illustration of two young lovers which recalls various cover pages of La Celestina of the era.

Cover of the Second Comedy of La Celestina, by Silva (1988)
Original title: Segunda comedia de Celestina ("Second Comedy of La Celestina").

Cover of the Consolación Baranda edition. Letras Hispánicas collection nº 284.
Showing Celestina "resurrected".

Illustration of Celestina's drugstore, by Mérida Jiménez (2004)
Celestina looking for ingredients for her conjurations

Illustration of Celestina, by Hijo (2003)
Illustration of Celestina which appears in the book Leyendas, milagros y rumores extraordinarios de la ciudad de Salamanca. Amarú, 2003.

Illustration of La Celestina, by Hijo (2017)
Illustration from the newspaper El día de Salamanca

Illustrations of La Celestina, de Jaimes Serrano (2015)
Celestina's spell on Areúsa, Calisto and Melibea

Painting of Sempronio, by Percara (2017)
Sempronio, (and Pármeno?)Acrylic painting inspired on Calisto's servant.

Fotografía de La Celestina, de Emotional Books (2017)
Emotional books is a proyect that joins literature and photography through the staging of the selected play.

Representation of the Museum of the Theatre, Almagro, 2017
Celestina's spell as part of the presentations of International Theatre Day

Bilingual edition: Spanish Sign Language/ Castilian.

Cover of the Remedium edition, 1996
The cover features a fragment ofthe cover of the Valencia edition of 1514.

Cover of the Garzanti edition: Milan, 1995
Italian translation.
The image in the cover is a fragment of Goya's Paseo por Andalucía, also known as La maja y los embozados (An avenue in Andalusia, The maja and the cloaked men).

Representation of the Salamanca Plazas and Patios Touristic-Cultural program, Salamanca, 2017
Salamanca, what a sweet name was given to you isthe title of the dramatized route included in the Plazas and Patios program, a Eudologic Productions realization. Through this route, that departs from Plaza de anaya, the participants will be able to…

Representation of The Victor Ion Popa Theatre, Balard, Romania, by Mihailescu, 2005
Adaptation: Dorin Mihailescu
Choreography : Dana Coseru
Scenery: Sandu Maftei
Design: Iuliana Maftei

Elena Petrican – Celestina
Simon Salca jr. – Calisto
Petronela Ene – Melibea
Constantin Petrican – Pleberio
Dana Tomita – Alisa…

Representation of Ufa Fabrik, Berlin, by de la Risa, 2016
Flamencotanztheater Group Flamenco show The Unhappy Queen. News about a madwoman. The story tells of the unfortunate queen and solitary prisoner, Joanne I, one of the most notorious and glamorous figures of Spanish history. She is a child of the…

Representation of the Bryant-Lake Bowl Theater, Minneapolis, Minnesota, by Kidder, 2009
Play:For Celestina and Maja on BalconyWritten by Trista Baldwin Local artists got together to translate six masterpieces of the famous painter for the stage. From the noble beauty of court life to the nightmarish visions of a cynic old man, "The Goya…

Representation of the IES Son Ferrer, Balearic Islands, 2017
La Celestina: yesterday and todayCast: students of IES Son Ferrer

Representation of the Thalia Theatre, Hamburg, by Heinz, 1974-1975
Cast: Ulrich Matschoss, Charlotte Schellenberg, Elisabeth Rath, Susanne Schweiger, Hans Christian Rudolph, Heinz Trixner, Axel Radler, Konrad Krauss, Agnes Fink, Hanna Seiffert, Ursela Monn, Werner Opitz

La Celestina, by Rego (2001)
Lithograph with handcolouring by Charlotte Hodes, on Arches wove paper.
signed in pencil, numbered 11/17, there were also a few artist's proofs
published by the artist and Marlborough Graphics, London, printed by Paupers Press, London

Azulejo de La Celestina (2016 c.)
Sign of José Luis Gallo Street in Talavera de la Reina, Spain
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