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Engraving of Act II from the Valencia edition (1514)
Calisto, Pármeno and Sempronio; one of the buildings from the title page with a woman inside, visible through the window.

Engraving of Act I from the Valencia edition (1514)
Three figures, two men and one woman who, in the upper edges of the vignette correspond to the names of Pármeno, Calisto and Melibea. Then two buildings with characters in the windows and above, the names of Sempronio, Celestina, Elicia and Crito.

Title page engraving from the Valencia edition (1514)
Calisto and his servants in the foreground; Celestina knocking on Melibea's door, and she is inside with her parents and servant. In the background, two men (Pármeno and Sempronio?) meet two women (Areúsa y Elicia?) in the street.

Engraving of Act XVI from the Burgos edition (1499)
Alisa and Pleberio contemplate Melibea's suicide, fallen or while falling. Behind Melibea there is a series of buildings, one that appears to be an unfinished tower. Alisa's figure wears different clothes from the previous images, but the same…

Engraving of Act XV from the Burgos edition (1499)
Melibea speaks with Pleberio while Alisa listens. It is unclear if the image is in an interior or exterior. Melibea's image is a variation of what has been used in Acts I, X and XII. Alisa's image is almost identical to the one used in Acts IV and X…

Engraving of Act XIV from the Burgos edition (1499)
Double image. Left: Lucrecia and Melibea in the interior of the garden. Right: Sosia and Tristán contemplate Calisto's fall.

Engraving of Act XIII from the Burgos edition (1499)
Double image. Left: Sosia arrives at Calisto's house and Tristán receives him at the door with expressions of explanation and surprise, respectively. Inside, Calisto is lovesick in bed.

Engraving of Act XII from the Burgos edition (1499)
Double image. Left: Lucrecia and Melibea are in the interior behind a locked door. Right: Calisto is accompanied by Pármeno and Sempronio, who are armed at the door. This illustration is mentioned in Miguel Marciales' critical edition:…

Engraving of Act XI from the Burgos edition (1499)
Calisto carrying the gold chain and Celestina. Behind them, Sempronio and Pármeno are exiting a door. Exterior scene. The image of Calisto is nearly a carbon copy of his image in acts I and VII.

Engraving of Act X from the Burgos edition (1499)
Celestina speaks with Melibea at the girl's house. Lucrecia comes out of the door to receive the page and Alisa who are returning. The figure of Melibea is a carbon copy of the one used on the cover page of Act I.

Engraving of Act IX from the Burgos edition (1499)
Double engraving: Banquet scene in Celestina's house. Left: Lucrecia who arrives at the door and Celestina who goes out to see her, uniting the two spaces. Right: Sempronio, Elicia, Areúsa and Pármeno are in the interior all standing, not at the…

Engraving of Act VIII from the Burgos edition (1499)
Double engraving. Left: Block of a house and Calisto in the street. Right: Sempronio and Pármeno speak in a house. The image of Calisto is nearly identical to the one used in the title page of act I.

Engraving of Act VII from the Burgos edition (1499)
Double engraving. Left: Areúsa and Pármeno talk in her house. Right: Elicia receives Celestina at the door of her house. A variation of the left half is used in act III.

Engraving of Act VI from the Burgos edition (1499)
Room in the interior of Calisto's house. He speaks with Celestina, who hands him the cord. Sempronio and Pármeno talk amongst themselves. There is a mark that appears to be a tear on Calisto's face. There is a wall in the background with decorative…

Engraving of Act V from the Burgos edition (1499)
The same engraving as in act I. Double image. Left: Calisto inside the house while Pármeno goes out to receive Sempronio and Celestina, who arrive outside the house on the right. Block of houses in the right hand margin.

Engraving of Act IV from the Burgos edition (1499)
Double scene. Left: The page and Alisa go to her sister's house, who is sick, Alisa carrying a rosary. A barely visible door is in the margin, symbolic of the place they are going to. Right: Celestina, carrying the thread and money bag, meets with…

Matchmaker, by Bordalo Pinheiro (1900, c.)
Original title: Alcoviteira ("Matchmaker").

Modern plastic figure based on artist and designer Bordalo Pinheiro's drawings. It is based on the tradition of Gil Vicente's play Auto das barcas do inferno (16th century),
in which a matchmaker called…

Cover of the UNAM: México edition, 1974
The cover features two figures: a man playing a guitar and a women with flowers. These illustrations resemble figures from old playing cards. The two figures are repeated and inverted, so that there are four figures in total.

Cover of the Bullón: Madrid edition, 1963
An abstract painting (signed but unidentified) that depicts Celestina and two women.

Cover of the Club Internacional del Libro: Madrid, 1998 edition.
A gold, red and blue copy of an unidentified engraving, in which Celestina appears with a bag and two other characters.

Cover of the Alianza Editorial: Salamanca, 1998 edition.
The cover features an unidentified medieval miniature or painting that depicts a garden or paradise and a man - possibly Petrarch - at the door.

Cover of the Losada: Buenos Aires edition, 1969
The cover features an illustration of a female figure. The use of colour- red, grey and black- result in a vibrant, eye catching design.

Cover of the P.M.I.: Madrid, 1994 edition.
The cover features an image of the painting Woman with raven (1904) by Pablo Picasso. The painting is rotated on the cover, since in the original the woman appears looking the other way.

Cover of the Aguilar edition: Madrid, 1970.
A naive-style, colour drawing of Celestina with the thread, Calisto on the ladder reaching out to Melibea on the wall, and Lucrecia keeping watch.

Engraving of Act II from the Burgos edition (1499)
Double scene. Left: Celestina leaving Calisto's house carrying the bag of coins. In the margin, the block of houses cut to fill the frame. Right: Calisto is with Pármeno and Sempronio, inside the house.

Danaë, by Van Loo (1650).
Danaë and servant in a matchmaker-like way.

Matchmaker from Greek comedy on a mosaic (2nd century B.C.)
Scene from the comedy Synaristoi by Aristophanes or another comedy from the New Comedy in which there is a matchmaker, probably Philatinies and a hetaera and other characters. Banquet scene.See more extant variants of this scene…

Danaë, by Gentileschi (1612)
Danaë and servant receiving rain of gold on her dress. Compare with a Tiziano painting.

Danaë, by Van Loo (1655).
Servant, characterized in a matchmaker way, wakes Danae while shower of gold enters as a ray of light from the left.

Danaë, by Tiziano (1553).
Danaë's maid receives a shower of gold.

Other title: Danaë

The Matchmaker (La alcahueta), by Cranach (1548).
Triangle between client, prostitute and matchmaker. Bag of money in the client and matchmaker's hands and a jug with alcohol in the prostitute's hand.

Other titles: Ungleiches Paar, Die verliebte Alte.

Young Man and Matchmaker (Hombre joven y alcahueta), by Sweerts (1660 c.).
Young man looking at matchmaker that rests her hand on his shoulder.

The Matchmaker (De koppelaarster), by Honthorst (1625).
Brother scene with the triangle of the matchmaker, young woman and client. The young woman has a lute and the matchmaker points her finger.

Original title: De koppelaarster

The Matchmaker (La alcahueta), by Molenaer (1640 c.).
Man with prostitute on his arm and behind is the matchmaker.

An Old Matchmaker Counts Money (Una vieja alcahueta cuenta el dinero), lithograph by Vivant Denon (1873).
Old matchmaker counts money by candle light while a couple makes love in the background in her shadow.

Woman with buskin-type shoes and covered head, pointing her finger towards the outside of the panel.

The hunting of the owl, by Stoer (1532)
A procuress (Kupplerin) shelters between her legs a young woman who had attracted several men. Several characters speak, among them the old procuress with a hunting device and an owl

Other title: Die Eulenbeize

The Fools' Cage, by Schön (1525, c.)
Original title: Der Narrenkäfig ("The Fools' Cage").

A matchmaker has locked a group of fools in a cage. Among other words in German, she says: "When I was young, I was a whore/Now I am a matchmaker and I need this shipment" and other words…

Representation of the Zarzuela Theater, by Nin Culmell, 2008
La Celestina, music and script by Joaquín Nin-Culmell, based on La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas and texts by Juan del Encina (world premiere).
Cast: Alicia Berri, Alain Damas, Gloria Londoño, José García-Quijada, Andrés del Pino, Carolina Barca,…

Engraving of Act I and cover page from the Burgos edition (1499)
Calisto and Melibea are in the garden. It is thought to be during their first meeting in the garden. The characters' names are written above the figures, as with the rest of the engravings in this edition. There is a house on the left and a tree with…

Untitled, engraving by Pazzi of the drawing by Lorenzi.
Young man and matchmaker argue, using their fingers to count.

Untitled, engraving by Crabbe van Espleghem.
Scene of a client being robbed while he negotiates with a prostitute and procuress in the background.

The Matchmaker, by Businck (1650, c.)
Original title: Die Kupplerin ("The Matchmaker").

Woodcut based on the painting by Lallemand.

Triangle between matchmaker, young woman, and man, plus another character.

The Love Letter or the Fortune-Teller (El billete amoroso o la adivina), engraving based on Frans van Mieris (1635-1681).
Older woman argues using her fingers to count. The word "amor" is visible in the background. Musical instrument and dog.

Two Men and a Matchmaker (Dos hombres y una alcahueta), ceramic from Apulia, scene from a comedy (4th century B.C.)
Comedy scene (phylakes) with characters with masks and matchmaker on the side, in red and black ceramic.

Young Couple and Matchmaker (Pareja de jovenes y alcahueta), engraving (1739-1780) based on Francesco Maggioto's painting (1738-1805).
A young woman acting as if she is soliciting money from a young man, and a covered matchmaker behind her giving her advice.

Film The Luminous Procuress, by Arnold (1971).
Film that narrates the adventures of two young men guided by a matchmaker through a psycho-celestial and androgynous world. Surrealist and homoerotic film, gay cult film.

The Soldier and the Procuress, by Baburen (1620, c.)
Original title: Der Krieger und die Kupplerin ("The Soldier and the Procuress")

Fresco of a matchmaker negotiating with a soldier.

The Matchmaker II, by Barlach (1920, c.)
Original title: Die Kupplerin (I, II) ("The Matchmaker I and II")

Matchmaker showing her pupil and rejoicing

The Victim - The Matchmaker (Das Opfer - Die Kupplerin), by Barlach (1919-24).
A series of drawings of a matchmaker showing her protegée. They seem to be drafts for a statue (see).

Other title: Das Opfer - Die Kupplerin

At the Matchmaker's House, by Basler-Kopp (1900, c.)
Original title: Bei der Kupplerin ("At the Matchmaker's House")

Nude young woman and matchmaker with only silhouette and one hand visible

Portrait of a Matchmaker, by Baluschek (1923)
Original title: Portrait einer Kupplerin ("Portrait of a Matchmaker").

Contemporary matchmaker smiling in the foreground and brother scene in the background with prostitutes and a client

Satyrical painting from the XIX century, anonymous. (Cuadro satírico del XIX).
A matchmaker and her pupil, who shows a leg, are surprised by a priest and a women that exit a house and are scandalized. Possible ironic reference to the priest that carries a little boy.

Four figures on a step (Cuatro figuras en un escalón), by Murillo (1655. c).
Four characters among which a prostitute and a matchmaker are usually identified.

Celestina preparing her prey, by Lucas Villamil (1890, c.)
Original title: Celestina preparando su presa ("Celestina preparing her prey").

Old women surrounding a young, nude woman washing herself. Nude.

Russian Playing Cards (Cartas de naipes rusos) (2015)
Russian card game with figures taken from La Celestina. Written on the box cover in Russian: Design by Anna Lobanova.

Celestina, by Robert (1908)
Portrait from the American realist school.

The Matchmaker, by Baburen (1622)
Original title: De koppelaarster ("The Matchmaker").

Client between prostitute and matchmaker, with a coin in hand. Dutch school. Painting by Bordeeltjes or brothel scenes. There are at least three different versions of this painting.

Representation of Mother Celestina's dust (Los polvos de la madre Celestina), Barcelona?, by Mestres, 1868
Water colours with figurines for a performance of Mother Celestina's dust (Los polvos de la madre Celestina), by Apelles Mestres. There is data missing about this performance.

Matchmaker School (Schule der Kupplerin), by Schoen (1531).
A client is distracted by a prostitute while the matchmaker hands a bag of money to another servant. In the tradition of the fools of the Narrenschiff, a fool with a hood at the window identifies the client as such.

Other title: Schule der…

The Matchmaker (Die Kupplerin), de Vogtherr (1537).
A client is distracted by a prostitute while a matchmaker hands a bag of money to a servant. In the tradition of the fools of Narrenschiff, a fool with a hood in the window identifies the client as such. Legend in German "Lug auf es wirklich macht"…

Young woman and old woman (Maja y vieja), by Goya (1780, c.)
Young woman in a reclined position and an old matchmaker behind her in a rural setting. Probably a model for a tapestry.

Beauty, money, mind (Belleza, dinero, mente), by Tóth (1894).
Part of a tryptych, this painting shows a young woman followed or solicited by a matchmaker-type older woman. The rest of the tryptych can be seen at,_Money,_Mind_C_1894.jpg

At the Procuress, by Bijlert (1625, c.)
Original title: Koppelaarster ("At the Procuress").

Client and prostitute at the table. Matchmaker or servant in the background. Dog in foreground. Brother or tavern, Dutch school.

The Matchmaker (De koppelaarster), by Bronckhorst (1636-1638).
Original title: De koppelaarster ("The Matchmaker").

Nude prostitute with client and matchmaker. Brother or Dutch school tavern scene

The Procuress, by Vermeer (1656)
Original title: De koppelaarster ("The Procuress").

A prostitute, her matchmaker, and two clients. Brothel or school Dutch school scene.

An anti-venereal campaign poster, The Dangerous Proposal (La oferta peligrosa) (1927)
The Dangerous Proposal (1927), by Manchón, winning lithographic poster of the Comité Ejecutivo Anti-venéreo contest. Note the clothing and the death situation behind the maja in the style of the matchmaker next to the maja in Goya's paintings.

A Harlot's Progress, Plate 1, by Hogarth (1732)
First print from a series of 6 scenes of the life of a young country girl that becomes a prostitute. This first print includes a matchmaker.

Statue of the Celestina in Calisto and Melibea's Garden, by Agustín Casillas, Salamanca (1976)
Bronze statue of an older woman and a plaque with the loversCalisto and Melibea in the hawk scene. The following fragment taken from the work has been engraved below:'Soy una vieja cual Dios me hizo, no peor que todas …. Si bien o mal vivo, Dios es…


Portada de la edición de Castalia: Barcelona, 2012.
The cover features the image from the painting Maja and Celestina (c.1824) by Francisco de Goya.

Cover of the Oceana Grupo Editorial: Barcelona, 2010 edition.
The cover features a cut-out image of two young women and an old woman.

Cover of the Centro Editor de America Latina S.A: Argentina edition, 1969
The cover features illustrations of a woman and some buildings in color. On the cover, it explains that it is detail from a woodcut for a 15th century edition of Ovid's 'Art of Loving'.

Cover of the Editores mexicanos unidos: Mexico, 2006 edition.
A portrait of an older women with her hair covered by a veil.

Cover of the Bambú Barcelona, 2011 edition.
A silhouette of two lovers in black and red, in the style of a cinema projection.

Cover of the Ediciones Fraile: Madrid edition, 1981
An original drawing of an older woman with her head covered- presumably Celestina - against a background of waves depicting wind or a turbulent sea.

Cover of the Nuevas estructuras: Madrid, 2000 edition.
The cover features two medieval miniatures: one of a king in his court and the other of the protagonist welcoming his subjects.

Cover of the Estradas: Buenos Aires edition, 1949
The cover features a modern black and red print that depicts the nocturnal scene, with Celestina in the street, Calisto jumping over the wall of the garden and Melibea welcoming him.

Cover of the Biblioteca Mundial Sopena: Buenos Aires edition, 1954
The cover features a copy of the print from the cover of the Sevilla edition of 1523. The cover is green and yellow, and depicts Calisto and Melibea with a hunting dog at their feet.

Cover of the Círculo de Lectores: Madrid edition, 1990
The cover features an image of an engraving of the death of Celestina from from act XII from the Toledo edition (1538).

Cover of the Mar del Sur: Santiago edition, 1979
A reproduction of the nineteenth-century print by Gustavo Doré that depicts a group of people, including a young woman with a jug of water.

Cover of the Moretón: Bilbao edition, 1968
This cover features a fragment of the cover of the Toledo edition of 1538, framed in a shape that resembles a castle or arched building.

Cover of the Pueblo y Educación: La Habana edition, 1971
The cover features an image of the painting Wealth is Looking (1663) by the Dutch artist Jan Steen. The image depicts a scene in a hostel from the sixteenth or seventeenth century that features both men and women.

Cover of the Bruño edition: Madrid, 1993
The cover features the image of the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904).

Cover of the Castalia Didáctica: Madrid, 2003 edition.
An old woman, characterized as a witch, offers a young woman a box or jewel. The image is reminiscent of the depictions of Snow White and the witch in Disney's images.

Cover of the Kapelusz: Buenos Aires edition, 1976
This cover is a reproduction of the cover of the Sevilla edition of 1520. It depicts the first meeting and argument between Calisto and Melibea, with Lucrecia observing them from the background. On the left, Celestina is depicted knocking the door of…

Cover of the J. Pérez del Hoyo: Madrid edition, 1969
The cover features a copy of the print from the cover of the Toledo edition of 1526.

Cover of the Ediciones B: Barcelona, 1996 edition.
The cover image is the image from the film poster of Vera's cinematic version.

The Love Letter, by Clouet (1570, c.)
Original title: Le billet doux ("The Love Letter").

A young woman in between matchmaker with a letter and a man that solicits her services.

Cover of the Edime: Madrid edition, 1964
The cover features a fragment of a print from the old Valencia edition (1514), positioned inside a large letter 'e.' The print depicts the death of Celestina, The back cover features a drawing of Fernando de Rojas's face.

Cover of the Sopena: Buenos Aires edition, 1967
A drawing depicting two women, an older one and a younger one, in a medieval setting. The cover is green and white in colour.

The Human Beast (La bestia humana), by Fillol (1897).
An older woman is forcing a younger woman into prostitution. A client in the background. Social denunciation painting.

Still from the movie The Slums (Barrios bajos) (1937).
There is an older woman that acts as the Celestina for young, working-class women. Observe the older woman's scarf.

ComicLa Celestina, school project, by various authors (2008)
Cover and loose pages of a comic of the play for a high school course. Manga influences. The images belong to the first and second part of the comic. Note the figure of the old woman who represents Celestina in the comic pages. The procuress appears…


Advertisement card for the restaurant La Celestina, Madrid (2000 c.)
Blue monochromatic fragment of the painting Patronage of the Arts by the House of Habsburg(Patronazgo de las artes por la casa de Habsburgo), by Julius Victor Berger (Kunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna). The seated young woman is Isabella of…

Cover of the novel The Brothel Keeper (La madama), by Concha Alós (1973)
Cover with a woman covered in a Celestina-like way. In the work, there is a woman that encourages another to prostitute herself.
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