Browse Items (3223 total)

Engraving from act 3 of Antwerp, 1574
Sempronio, acompañado de Celestina, llega a casa de ésta, donde está Elicia en el interior, ocupada en una labor.No tiene equivalente en la reedición deAmberes 1616Copia girada y alterada de la deZaragoza, 1545.

graving from act 4 of Antwerp, 1574
Se vuelve a usar en el acto 10. Es copia del acto 10 de la deZaragoza, 1545, que presenta una dirferente para el acto III.

Engraving from act 5 of Antwerp, 1574
Copia girada de la ilustración del acto V de laedición de Zaragoza(1545). Escena doble en que se presenta a la izquierda a Calisto sentado y Pármeno de pie, y a la derecha a Celestina llegando a casa de Calisto acompañada…

Engraving from act 6 of Antwerp, 1574
Copiada girada y alterada de la deZaragoza, 1545

Variación de la escena delacto VII de Zaragoza (1545). Celestina hablando con Pármeno a la puerta de Areúsa, que yace en la cama. Nótese que en esta versión, adiferencia del caso de la imagende Zaragoza (1545),la…

Engraving from act 8 of Antwerp, 1574
Escena doble. A la derecha Pármeno se ha levantado para ir a casa de su amo tras pasar la noche con Areúsa.Esta copiada de la deZaragoza, 1545. No tiene equivalente en la reedición deAmberes 1616

Engraving from act 9 of Antwerp, 1574
Escena del banquete en casa de Celestina. Es copia girada y simplifiicada (falta el gato) de la deZaragoza 1545.La ilustración usada en la reedición deAmberes 1616es muy diferente.

Engraving from act 10 of Antwerp, 1574
Esta copiada girada y cambiada de la edición deZaragoza, 1545.Se ha usado ya en el acto 4. No tiene equivalente enAmberes 1616en este capítulo, pero si en el 4.

Engraving from act 11 of Antwerp, 1574
It is copied with changes from theZaragoza 1545edition.

First engraving from act 13 of Antwerp, 1574
Está copiada con cambios notables de la edición deZaragoza, 1545. No tiene equivalente en la reedición deAmberes 1616

Second engraving from act 13 of Antwerp, 1574
Está copiada de laZaragoza 1545pero hay cambios notables. No existe equivalente en la reedición deAmberes 1616Sosia y Tristán hablan a la puerta sobre la ejecución de Pármeno y Sempronio mientras Calisto yace en su…

Second engraving from act 14 of Antwerp, 1574
Ejecución de Pármeno y Sempronio. A la izquierda el juez y tres personajes, uno de ellos probablemente Sosia. A la derecha la ejecución, con uno de los reos decapitados y otro siendo decapitado. Dos personajes con barba a la…

First engraving from act 14 of Antwerp, 1574
Es copia de la ilustración del acto XIV de la edición de Zaragoza(1545).Calisto subiendo por una escalera mientras Melibea y Lucrecia están asomadas a dos arcos, y dos criados de guardia afuera.

Engraving from act 15 of Antwerp, 1574
Elicia y Areúsa conciertan la venganza contra Calisto con Centurio, representado con espada. De fondo una cama y escaleras. Se vuelve a usar la imagen en el acto XVIII.

Engraving from act 16 of Antwerp, 1574
Es copia delgrabado del acto XVI en la edición de Zaragoza(1545).Lucrecia y Melibea, sobre un cojín, al otro lado de una puerta escuchan la conversación entre Pleberio y Alisa, sentados en otra habitación.

Engraving from act 17 of Antwerp, 1574
Es copia del grabado delacto XVII de la edición de Zaragoza(1545). Areúsa en su casa, que recibe a Sosia, mientras Elicia escucha escondida. Cama y escaleras de fondo.

Engraving from act 18 of Antwerp, 1574
Es copia de lailustración del acto XV de la edición de Zaragoza (1545). Representar a Elicia ayudando a Areúsa a hacer las paces con Centurio.

Engraving from act 19 of Antwerp, 1574
Es copia de lailustración del acto XIV de la edición de Zaragoza(1545).Calisto subiendo por una escala mientras Melibea y Lucrecia están asomadas a dos arcos. A la derecha, Sosia y Tristán, de guardia afuera

Engraving from act 20 of Antwerp, 1574
Es copia dela imagen del acto XX de la edición de Zaragoza, (1545).Sosia y Tristán retiran el cuerpo muerto de Calisto.

Engraving from act 21 of Antwerp, 1574
Es copia dela imagen del acto XX de la edición de Zaragoza, (1545).Sosia y Tristán retiran el cuerpo muerto de Calisto.

Cover of the Antwerp edition, 1574
Tragicomedie van Calisto ende Melibea. Anónimo trad. TʼHantwerpen: HeyndricHeyndricz, 1574. Traducción anónima al holandés. La mayoría de lasilustraciones son copias giradas de las ilustraciones deZaragoza…

Engraving of Celestina, by Hijo (2019)
Engraving of Celestina, description by author: ¨El último encargo de 2018 lo hizo @carlos_disfruta y fue esta #Celestina para regalar a @Aradhriel. Me sonaba que ella había interpretado al personaje. Así era, así que basé el diseño en su propia…

Illustration of La Celestina, by Hijo (2017)
Illustration from the newspaper El día de Salamanca

Illustration of Celestina, by Hijo (2003)
Illustration of Celestina which appears in the book Leyendas, milagros y rumores extraordinarios de la ciudad de Salamanca. Amarú, 2003.

Punished procuress, from the map by Braun and Hogenberg, by Hoefnagel (1612, c.)
Image of a punished procuress in the map of the city of Seville found in the work by Braun and Hogenberg, (1612-1618).Civitates orbis terrarvm. Coloniae Agrippinae: apud Petrum à Brachel, sumptibus auctorum. From the inscription on the page it is…

A Harlot's Progress, Plate 1, by Hogarth (1732)
First print from a series of 6 scenes of the life of a young country girl that becomes a prostitute. This first print includes a matchmaker.

Calisto, by Hoir (1943)
Drawing of Calisto, it seems to be done by a French edition, but presented in Celestinesca vol. 22, no. 2, without edition details.

The Matchmaker (De koppelaarster), by Honthorst (1625).
Brother scene with the triangle of the matchmaker, young woman and client. The young woman has a lute and the matchmaker points her finger.

Original title: De koppelaarster

El hijo pródigo, de Honthorst (1622)
Dinner scene with prostitutes inspired by the biblical story of the prodigal son, a common theme in Dutch painting of the time. Compared with pictures by Murillo on the same theme, which do not present these scenes but rather the reconciliation.

Supper Party, by Honthorst (1619, c.)
"Honthorst's genre pictures of light-hearted gatherings had a great impact in Utrecht. He made such pictures while he was still in Italy. His Supper Party, painted during his last months in Italy, set a precedent for similar scenes done in the 1620s…

The Concert, by Honthorst (1626, c.)
Scene of music and a banquet, a subject of which this painter has several paintings. Note the old woman on the right and the wine.

Merry Company, by Honthorst (1625)
Scene inspired by the tradition of the prodigal son. Caravaggio influences. "Honthorst's genre painting relates to the subject portrayed by his fellow Utrecht Caravaggisti. It depicts a provocative scene of a wanton student (the prodigal son?) in the…

Full title: Bordellszene, die junge Frau bietet den im Hintergrund stehenden Freiern ein Glas Wein an, die Kupplerin umklammert mit einer erotischen Geste den Flaschenhals ("Brothel scene, the young woman offers the suitors standing in the background…

Representation of the Sumperk Theater, Czechia, by Hradil, 1984
Adaptation: Milan Calábek Scenography: Zita Miklošová Music: Ladislav Štancl Assistant: Jiří Maršík Original title: Zavraždění svaté Celestiny, kuplířky z města Salamanky (Assassination of Saint Celestina, procuresses of the city of…

Cover of the Kapelusz: Buenos Aires edition, 1976
This cover is a reproduction of the cover of the Sevilla edition of 1520. It depicts the first meeting and argument between Calisto and Melibea, with Lucrecia observing them from the background. On the left, Celestina is depicted knocking the door of…

The pained heart or "Sigh, no more ladies", (1868)
Old lady and young woman, Pre Raphaelite style, several possible interpreations.

Other titles: Sigh No More, Ladies, Juliet and her Nurse

'The Pained Heart', or 'Sigh No More, Ladies', or 'Juliet and her Nurse, by Hughes (1867)'
Old lady and young woman, Pre Raphaelite style, several possible interpreations.

Other titles: Sigh No More, Ladies, Juliet and her Nurse

Illustration of Celestina convincing Melibea from the Barcelona edition (1948)
Drawing of a scene from La Celestina made by Manuel Humbert in an edition of Celestinesca.

Illustration from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Illustration by Manuel Humbert, contenida en la edición de Pedro Bohigas.

Representation of the Teatro Echegaray, Málaga, 2013
Original poetic drama about Fernando de Rojas by Rafael BallesterosDuration 1.15 h. (s/i) Show: “Contramansedumbre” Montage and Production: Alfa Teatro Producciones Scenic space: Manuel Mayo Lighting: Patricia Gea Melibea: Dora Gálvez Garcilaso de la…

Cover of the Edicomunicación: Barcelona, 1994 edition.
An unidentified painting from the Dutch school that depicts a scene in a brothel or tavern. An old woman reads a letter to a young woman, who has a child in her arms, while a man laughs behind them.

Representation of the IES Son Ferrer, Balearic Islands, 2017
La Celestina: yesterday and todayCast: students of IES Son Ferrer

Representation of the Compañía Guirigay, Madrid, 1997
Representation of the compañía Guirigai, directed by Agustín Iglesias, from Teatro Muños Seca.

Representation of the Teatro de Rojas de Toledo, Madrid, 1994
Guiragai Theater CompanyScenic space: Jean Helbig Scenography and costumes: Mónica Florensa, Javier Chavarria and Maribel Ganso Lighting: Juanjo Granda Characterization: Carolina Cubría Cast: Antonia Bueno - Celestina and Tristán Miguel Ángel Pérez -…

Representation of the ‘Casa del Tío Félix’ Ethnographic Museum, Miguel Esteban, Toledo, 2017
Queimada Literaria, an original theatrical performance of the play ‘La Celestina’ accompanied by the cellos of the ‘Manchelos’ group.

María José Torres – Celestina
Mari Nieves Patiño – Areúsa

Representation of la Casa de la Cultura de Panchimalco, El Salvador, 2013
Work presented at the Second Youth Theater Festival

The Expulsion of the Prodigal Son, by Anthonisz  (1535, c.)
The images represent the biblical parable of the prodigal son. In both images appears a figure that represents a procuress. In the first image, the old woman with her head covered that appears on the right, can be interpreted as the prostitutes'…

Procuress in illustration of work by Valle Inclán, by Rivero (1926)
Old procuresses in illustrations that appear in works by Valle Inclán. In the first image the old procuress appears holding a young woman who can act as a prostitute. In the second and third images the old procuresses appear alone, and in the third,…

Temptation, by Rozentāls (1913)
Rozentāls's watercolor drawing (Image 1), represents a naked young woman under an apple tree and a snake coiled around the trunk looking at the young woman. The image is reminiscent of the biblical scene of Eve, the serpent and the apple of…

Representation of the Coruña Mayúscula Festival, 2015
La mujer como personaje: de Pandora al s. XXI("The woman as a character: from Pandora to the 21st century")Este espectáculo guía al espectador en un recorrido que nos lleva del mito heleno de Pandora a "la"Mirandadel texto contemporáneo.Cuando el…

Representation of Grupo Atalaya, by Iniesta (2012)
Representation of Grupo Atalaya.Original title: Celestina, la Tragicomedia ("Celestina, the Tragicomedy").Author: Fernando de Rojas.Adaptation and stage director: Ricardo Iniesta.Choral Direction: Esperanza Abad.Scenography: Ricardo Iniesta et…

Portada Celestina - Liberty.jpg
Celestina appears in the first illustration wearing many jewels and accompanied by two young men. In the illustration below, Melibea and Calisto appear in the garden.

Representation of the Zarzuela Theater, Madrid, by Iriarte, 2008
Opera performance for the Zarzuela Theater, Directed by Ana Mª Iriarte (artistic direction), Miquel Ortega (musical direction), Ignacio García (stage direction).

Representation of the Institute of Teaching and Technical Training No 27, Buenos Aires, by Irigoyen et al., 2012
Cast: Students and Faculty of Language and Literature
Lorena Junquera, Juan Cruz Pérez Remis, Verónica Badoza

Representation of the Colegio La Merced Theatre, Mosquera, Colombia, 2014
TheSecretaría de Cultura y Turismo of the Township of Mosquera and theInstitución Educativa Mayor of Mosquera present the group MAGISTER TEATRO with their playLa Celestina.

Cover of the Sevilla edition, 1511 (1502).
A composite scene showing Celestina with the thread knocking at a door, in the center Melibea and Calisto, with Lucrecia behind them. In the right margin, an unidentified servant with a horse, and trees in the background. The first two initials of…

Cover of the Sevilla edition, 1513-15 (1502).
A composed scene showing Celestina with the thread knocking at a door, in the centre Melibea and Calisto, with Lucrecia behind them. In the right margin, an unidentified servant with a horse, and trees in the background. The first two initials of…

Burdel en antigua Grecia, de Jacobs (1885)
19th century engraving from a History of Prostitution, By P. L. Jacobs, 1885.

Illustration from act I from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Calisto and Melibea's initial encounter. Calisto has the falcon. Page 12.

Illustration from act II from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Conversation between Calisto and Sempronio, a woman in the background (mental image of Melibea?) (Cf. image from act XIII). Page 53.

First illustration from act IV from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Celestina walking quickly through the streets, her skirt hoisted and people observing her. Page 66.

Second illustration from act IV from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Generic scene of a square or a street of the times with many undefined characters. Panoramic image that covers two pages. Pages 72-73.

Illustration from act V from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Generic scene of the old city. Page 82.

Illustration from act VIII from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Image made up of a square or street seen from a portico and at the same time from outside. Page 113.

Illustration from act XIII from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Calisto looking thoughtful in a chair, Tristán and Sosia come to tell him about Sempronio and Pármeno's death. Woman in the background (mental image of Melibea?) (see image from act II for a similar treatment of thought). Page 161.

Illustration from act XV from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Image composed of various scenes, one of them Areúsa motivating Centurio to action and other not so evident scenes. Page 174.

Illustration from act XVII from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Areúsa coaxes Calisto's plans out of Sosia while Elicia listens. There are three female characters, one of which seems to not fit with the scene. Page 184.

Illustration from act XXI from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Pleberio cries before Melibea's body. In the background, Lucrecia, Sosia and Tristán look downcast (possibly a fragment from Calisto's death). Page 206.

Illustration from act X from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Two page panoramic view of the city. On the right, a woman going up some ladders that could be Celestina walking fast. Pages 136-137,

Illustrations of La Celestina, de Jaimes Serrano (2015)
Celestina's spell on Areúsa, Calisto and Melibea

Una pareja amorosa en un interior, de Janneck (1731 c.)
Una pareja en escena privada, con una mujer vieja (alcahueta) mirandolos detrás de una cortina.

Un par de 'escena galante' en un parque, de Janneck (1730 c.)
Una pareja sentados en una mesa con la chaperona o alcahueta vigilando la interacción.

The Prodigal Son Spending his Money in Riotous Living, by Janneck (1732, c.)
In a room, a young man is sitting and holding a young woman's hand. Between these two characters, an old woman acts as procuress by introducing the young woman to the man.

Other title: The Prodigal Son takes leave of his Father.

Escena galante, de Janneck (1731 c.)
A young woman accompanied by an old woman and it seems that the latter acts as her procuress. A young man is on the left.

Other title: Galante Szene

El hijo pródigo festejando, de Janneck (1731 c.)
A scene from the parable of the prodigal son, to the right on the background an old woman sits with a device that resembles an abacus, by this object, she is portrayed as a procuress calculating the money she will earn.

Other title: Der Verlorene…

Ilustración de la portada de la edición Madrid, 2001.
La Celestina. Didáctica Anaya Editorial, 2001. Illustrations by Javier Serrano Pérez

Ilustración de la página 63 de la edición Madrid, 2001.
La Celestina. Didáctica Anaya Editorial, 2001. Illustrations by Javier Serrano Pérez

Ilustración de la página 81 de la edición Madrid, 2001.
La Celestina. Didáctica Anaya Editorial, 2001. Illustrations by Javier Serrano Pérez

Ilustración de la página 97 de la edición Madrid, 2001.
La Celestina. Didáctica Anaya Editorial, 2001. Illustrations by Javier Serrano Pérez

Ilustración de la página 113 de la edición Madrid, 2001.
La Celestina. Didáctica Anaya Editorial, 2001. Illustrations by Javier Serrano Pérez

Ilustración de la página 131 de la edición Madrid, 2001.
La Celestina. Didáctica Anaya Editorial, 2001. Illustrations by Javier Serrano Pérez

Ilustración de la página 149 de la edición Madrid, 2001.
La Celestina. Didáctica Anaya Editorial, 2001. Illustrations by Javier Serrano Pérez

Ilustración de la página 165 de la edición Madrid, 2001.
La Celestina. Didáctica Anaya Editorial, 2001. Illustrations by Javier Serrano Pérez

Ilustración de la página 185 de la edición Madrid, 2001.
La Celestina. Didáctica Anaya Editorial, 2001. Illustrations by Javier Serrano Pérez

Ilustración de la página 203 de la edición Madrid, 2001.
La Celestina. Didáctica Anaya Editorial, 2001. Illustrations by Javier Serrano Pérez

Ilustración de la página 221 de la edición Madrid, 2001.
La Celestina. Didáctica Anaya Editorial, 2001. Illustrations by Javier Serrano Pérez

Ilustración de la página 239 de la edición Madrid, 2001.
La Celestina. Didáctica Anaya Editorial, 2001. Illustrations by Javier Serrano Pérez

Ilustración de la página 257 de la edición Madrid, 2001.
La Celestina. Didáctica Anaya Editorial, 2001. Illustrations by Javier Serrano Pérez
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