Procuresses in illustrations of works by Valle Inclán, various authors (1920, c.)

Procuress in illustration of work by Valle Inclán, by Rivero (1926)
Procuress in illustration of work by Valle Inclán, by Rivero (1926)
Procuress in illustration of work by Valle Inclán, by V. Ibáñez (1913)


Procuresses in illustrations of works by Valle Inclán, various authors (1920, c.)


Image 1: Rivero
Image 2: Rivero
Image 3: V. Ibáñez


Image 1: 1926
Image 2: 1926
Image 3: 1913


Old procuresses in illustrations that appear in works by Valle Inclán. In the first image the old procuress appears holding a young woman who can act as a prostitute. In the second and third images the old procuresses appear alone, and in the third, the procuress appears with her head covered like Celestina and with a black cat and an owl.


Image 1:
Cover in Ligazón, auto para siluetas ("Link, auto for silhouettes"), by Rivero. Madrid: La Novela Mundial, 1926.

Image 2:
Illustration II of the Raposa character in Ligazón, auto para
siluetas ("Link, auto for silhouettes"), by Rivero. Madrid: La Novela Mundial, 1926.

Image 3:
Illustration I of the greeter in the story "Beatriz", by V. Ibáñez. Madrid: Tip. de Juan Pérez Torres, 1913.

Reproductions of the images in
"Las dos celestinas de
Las galas del difunto de Valle-Inclán" ("The two celestinas of The galas of the deceased by Valle-Inclán"), by Enrique Fernández Rivera, Celestinesca, Vol. 39, 2015, p. 192 and 193 (Joseph T. Snow, ed.).

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