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Representation of Teatro de la Abadía, Madrid (2016)
Representation directed by José Luis Gómez of Teatro de la Abadía in co-production with Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico. Starring José Luis Gómez (as Celestina).Record of representation in CDAEM, Spanish…

Love Scene, by Romano (1525, c.)
"This painting done by Giulio Romano is a visual narrative of Alexander, his lover Roxanne, and an old woman (or procuress). Here, we see two lovers embracing each other about to share a tender kiss as an old woman with her jingling keys peeks around…

Alcahueta, de Gustavo Muñoz (1989)
Descripción del autor:
La obra es un díptico (60 x 80 cms cada cuadro) pintado al óleo sobre cartón, del año 1989. Es parte de una serie titulada “Atentados”, que recogía versiones muy cambiadas de cuadros famosos de la Historia del Arte. Éste en…

Composición con la chiquita piconera de, Romero de Torres (1929)
A seated young woman looking up at the viewer. In the background on the left, an old woman holds a cloth.

Two women are represented in the painting: a young and an old woman looking to the left.

The slave or The one that is worth, by Bilbao Martínez (1904)
Note the old procuress in the background on the left

Ribera (?).jpg
No es necesariamente una alcahueta pero encaja con el tipo usado para éstas


Although, evidently, the maid is neither a celestine nor a procuress, she is represented in the painting with typical traits of these characters. The three, young woman, old woman and man, is typical in the celestine, the client and the protected…

El piropo de Aedo (1928)
A young woman covers her torso with a fan while smiling and looking to the left. On the left, an old woman smiling looking in the same direction as the young woman.

Painting of the Classic Period.

La nieta, de Soria Aedo (fecha desconocida)
Obra que puede interpretarse como parte de la tradición celestinesca a pesar del título

Beautiful advice, by Goya (1799)
A young woman sitting on a chair. An old woman next to her looks at her. Etching in the seriesLosCaprichosnumber 15.From Wikiepedia"Explanation of this stamp from the Prado Museum manuscript: The advice is…

Bien tirada está, de Goya (1797)
A young woman putting on stockings while an old woman watches her. Engraving that belongs to the series Los Caprichos number 17.

Representation of Teatro del Aire, by Facio, 1984
Representation of La Celestina, Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea ("Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea")by Teatro del Aire.Author:Fernando de RojasAdaptation and direction: Ángel FacioImages of performances at the Teatro Colón in Bogotá (1979), the…

Representation of Grupo Atalaya, by Iniesta (2012)
Representation of Grupo Atalaya.Original title: Celestina, la Tragicomedia ("Celestina, the Tragicomedy").Author: Fernando de Rojas.Adaptation and stage director: Ricardo Iniesta.Choral Direction: Esperanza Abad.Scenography: Ricardo Iniesta et…

Fight between Celestina, Sempronio and Pármeno (Pelea entre Celestina, Sempronio y Pármeno), by Enríquez de Navarra (1946 c.)
It is the same image used in the illustred edition:Valencia, 1946, for act XII

Doña Paca y su prenda, de Soria Aedo (1943)
A young woman in the center of the work with a fan. On the right an old woman. On the left two young men, one of them looking at the young woman.

Representation of the Teatro Español, Madrid, by Luca de Tena (1940)
Representation of the company of the Spanish Theater of Madrid. Direction by Cayetano Luca de Tena Adaptation by Felipe Lluch Premiered by Julia Delgado Caro. Scenography: Sigfrido Burmann Figurines: Manuel Comba y José Caballero Music: Manuel Parada…

Los jugadores de dedos o los jugadores de backgammon, de Van Bijlert (1620 (c.))
La presencia de la mujer vieja al lado de la joven y de un hombre es típico de escens con alcahueta, aunque aquí la situación no sea evidente

Pármeno, life and work (Pármeno, vida y obra), cover drawing, various artists (2008)
Curious ink cover imitating an old book titled Pármeno, life and work, directed at Paula Ronderos Bogotá, 2008. In a wiki, that also contains a page and a half of what appears to be Sempronio's picaresque lifestyle, who travels to America.

Cover of the book The Mechanical Celestina (La Celestina mecánica), by Colomina de Rivera (1976)
Book with cover that suggests that it is an essay with the subtitle "estudio sobre la mitología de lo femenino, la mujer y su manipulación a través de la industria cultural." The title is probably influenced bu the Spanish translation of Kubrick's…

Portada de la edición de Galaxia Gutenberg, 2012
First edition, with a second reprint in 2016.

Portada de la ecidión de Argentaria de Teo Puebla, 1999
This is the catalogue of the well-known exhibit at Casa de Cultura, which ran from April to May of 1999.

Portada de la edición de Biblioteca de Aula, 1964
This cover features a fragment of the cover of the Seville edition of 1523. The editors have chosen to focus on the characters Calisto and Melibea (prominent in the foreground) instead of including the full image, which incorporates three animals: a…

Portada de la edición de Biblioteca EDAF, 1976
A lavender grey and red cover depicting Calisto and Melibea in an embrace. Celestina, leaning on a cane, faces away from them. All three characters are set against a white orb appears to be the moon, and, thus, suggestive of the couple's nocturnal…

Portada de la edición de Colección Eterna, 1966
The cover features a young woman, sitting with her hands clasped in her lap, looking out towards the reader. On the right, an old man offers her a box. To the left, a younger man appears to be attempting to draw her attention. It is the first…

Portada de la edición italiana de Collezione Universal, 1943
Italian translation.

An unusual cover that depicts Celestina. Drawn in grey-scale, her calculating expression shows her unsavory intentions. Interestingly, in place of a veil imitating a nun's habit, she wears a head covering that could be…

Portada de la edición de Tor, 1957
A black and red image of Celestina with her head uncovered despite her typical depiction in religious garb. Alternatively, it is possible that this is a depiction of the author, Fernando de Rojas.

Portada de la edición de Obras Maestras de IBERI, 1958
A coloured reproduction of the cover of the Seville edition of 1523 by Juan Bautista Pedrezano, which depicts Calisto, Melibea, Lucrecia, Sempronio, and Celestina. Curiously, this edition shows Calisto's falcon as well as a hound and horse,…

La Celestina, by Pelayo (1970)
Translated transcription from the PDF, courtesy of the Museum of Fine Arts of Asturias, Spain.

"In the painting that concerns us now, the character of La Celestina appears to the right of the composition, with her bad arts she is addressing…


Portada de la edición en francés de Le club français du livre, 1952
French translation. A black figure (Celestina) on a red binding. The figure is a stock character or stamp of an old woman, used to represent Celestina in the Seville edition (1523), that appears in the first act of the work.

Currito the Flamenco Singer's Enchanted Guitar (La guitarra embrujada de Currito el cantaor), by Ferrándiz (1961 c.)
Illustrated children's story that has a witch inspired byMother Celestina's Powder, as the use of the expression in the text shows:"Y en su cueva aquella noche le echó las cartas, ladina, y a una guitarra echó los polvos de la madre…

Comic of La Celestina, by Basstien (1988)
Colour comic for young readers, part of a collection of classic works for young readers.

Adaptation: Rémy Bastien
Script: Dolores Plaza
Drawings: J. Santos Reyna
Colour separation: Carlos García, José García, Raúl Mendoza, Antonio Pérez y…


Portada de la edición de New York University Press, 1966
A black-and-white print positioned against a red background. The print depicts Calisto on his bed, pining after his first disastrous encounter with Melibea. Behind him, Sempronio approaches with Celestina, having gone to fetch her.

Portada de la edición de Lectura fácil de Paco Arenas, 2016
Adapted for easy reading in modern Castilian. The cover features the image from the paintingFrancesca da Rimini (1837) by William Dyce.

Portada de la edición de EPOCA, 2010
Even two unrelated paintings, such as fragment showing a young bourgeois couple in the paintingA Goldsmith in Shopby Peter Christus (1449), and an older woman taken grom Botticelli's allegorical female figure for Repentance in his paintingThe Calumny…

La Celestina, litografía de Roth (1988)
ReproducciónLitografíca a mezzotinta,

Cigar box label with lithograph of La Celestina (c. 1950)
Lithograph of a young woman with the name La Celestina on a Bernard Stahl & Co and Lichten Brothers box. It is not, however, a reference to de Rojas' character, but to a property or estates in which tobacco is produced and that usually have feminine…

Allegorical painting that complements another titled Grace. The old ladies in the second term, one holding a mirror and the other an apple, are clearly tempting types of procuresses.

Costumbrist engraving to accompany the article in which the character is identified as a celestina of that time period.
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