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Celestina, by Zuloaga (1906)
A naked woman contemplates herself in a mirror. In the background, there are two other women. One of them is probably a procuress teaching a pupil.

Celestina, by Vlady (1953)
Illustration in Vlady's typical style, presented in Celestinescavol. 17, no. 1.

Celestina, by Venise (2004)
Drawing by the DeviantArt user: Venise. Based on the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904)during his blue period.

Celestina, by Robert (1908)
Portrait from the American realist school.

This blue period drawing by Picasso portrays an old woman in the center covered with a cape and looking at the viewer. In the background there are a young woman on her left and a man on her right.

Portrait of an old woman.

Full title/ Other titles: La Célestine (Carlota Valdivia), La femme à la taie

Celestina, by Gelabert (19th century)
Image in Celestinesca Vol. 23, Num. 1 & 2, p. 142.

imagen francesa.png
The painting shows a young woman with a naked torso and an old woman behind the young woman with her head covered. The old woman can act as a procuress for the young woman following the celestinesque tradition.

Celestina, by Barbudo (2003)
OMENTARIO A LA OBRA PRESENTADA La obra de Isabel Barbudo, titulada "Celestina", simboliza, en los personajes de la inmortal creacion de Fernando de Rojas,la ambicion de conseguir los deseos mas inconfesables por cualquier medio, lo que fatalmente…

Celestina, by Arnás Lozano (1990, c.)
In the image an old woman who represents Celestina appears in the center and looking at the viewer. At the top right are two young people (a woman and a man) who are about to kiss.

Celestina, by Acedo (2011, c.)
Portrait of the procuress Celestina

Celestina, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

Celestina, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

Celestina, by Acedo (2008 c.)
Comment by the artist: "This series of illustrations belong an illustrated book about La Celestina that La Luna de Mérida editorial was going to publish. Unfortunately, the work has been suspended or postponed (without a fixed date) due to…

Celestina, a Tragic Music Comedy, by Bond, New York, 1999
Reviewed Celestinesca23.1-2 (1999)Songs (courtesy of Brad Bond)Press on the song to hear themHERE AM I In this number, Melibea is in her moonlit garden waiting for Calisto to arrive. This demo features the new orchestration accompaniment. The singer…

Celestina the Weepy (Celestina la llorona), by AreUfracturing (sic) (2005)
Original title: Celestina la llorona ("Celestina the Weepy")A painting based on Celestina, by Picasso (1904). Made by a DeviantArt user.

Celestina telling a story to two children, by anonymous (1886)
In the drawing appears an old woman with her head covered, reminiscent of Celestina, talking to two children. From the word that appears in the image "Stories", the image can be interpreted as an old woman telling a story to two children. The gesture…

Celestina preparing her prey, by Lucas Villamil (1890, c.)
Original title: Celestina preparando su presa ("Celestina preparing her prey").

Old women surrounding a young, nude woman washing herself. Nude.

Celestina on a donkey, by anonymous (1862)
The image contains two scenes; the first image shows a carnival scene where elegantly dressed men and women appear with some of them wearing masks. In the second image, people appear in disguise and with instruments such as umbrellas or brooms. In…

Celestina negotiating the dowry, by anonymous (1914)
In the image appears an old woman with her head covered talking to a man. On the left and with her back towards the two characters appears a woman. The image was published in the foreign humor section of the magazine, so the clothing of the…

Celestina manipulates the characters, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

Celestina Weaving (Celestina tejiendo), by Picasso (1903)
Celestina can be seen as a weaver, one of the six trades she practices. On the left side, there is a young woman that brings her bread and possibly oil and wine in the amphora that she carries on her head.

Celestina intriguing in the park, by Muñoz Degrain (1890, c.)
The image shows a couple of young women accompanied by an old woman in a park. Two men appear in the background. The old woman who represents Celestina appears with her head covered.

Celestina in three vignettes, by Antonio (2008)
Three vignettes of a comic of Celestina using an online program for this kind of creations. Made for pedagogical use

Celestina in the comic strip El rapto de la Sabina, by Pons (1891)
The comic strip in the second image reproduces The Kidnapping of the Sabine Woman. In the first image, which is a fragment of the comic strip, you can see an old woman and in the description she is referred to as Celestina. It is this figure that…

Celestina Dressing Melibea Post-Mortem (Celestina ataviando a Melibea post-mortem), by Quirós (1972)
Surrealistic painting in dark blue tones


Celestina doll, by Wolfe (2001, c.)
Engraving of a Celestina doll, designed by Kathryn Wolfe, part of the private collection of J. T. Snow. The drawing shows a figure of an old woman with white hair and a pointed nose. From the title it is understood that it represents…

Celestina del Ampurdán, by anonymous (1975)
Puppet in the play Les Aventures d'en Malic("Malic's adventures").Puppet doll of an old woman in a red dress representing the celestina.

Celestina as Mrs Lent, by anonymous (1886)
In the image appears an old woman reminiscent of Celestina with her head covered, holding a club and what looks like a rosary hanging from her hip. On the left is a human body with the head of a donkey and a guitar on his shoulder. On the donkey's…

Celestina and Pármeno, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

Celestina and Melibea, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

Celestina and martyr, cover illustration, 1912.
Illustration of a young woman assaulted by a man, cover of Coloma, Jesús R.'s novel, in the series Los contemporáneos.

Celestina and Lucrecia, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

Celestina and her daughter in prison or Two women by a window by Murillo, (Atributed, 1645 c.)
Described on the website El legado de Clio ( it is titled: Celestina and her daughter in prison.…

Celestina and Calisto at Church, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

Celestina 2.0, by 44rivax (sic) (Luca Rivara) (2012)
Digital work of art based on the famous painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904). Made by the DeviantArt user44rivax.

Celestina ??, by Schonberg (1960, c.)
Portrait of an alleged ancestor of Roderick Usher in Vincent Price's movie adaptation of Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher (1960). The painting seems to be inspired by Picasso's famous Celestina of 1903. Schonberg meet Picasso in Paris and seem to…

Casual socialising outdoors, by Hals (1620, c.)
The image shows a group of people around an outdoor table. There are two young women who appear, one embracing a man and the other holding hands with another man. The third man appears playing a musical instrument. Note the old woman who appears on…

Carousel book of La Celestina, by Valle (2017)
Project from an illustration course. The author writes on her blog about this project; "Inspired by the contemporary illustrations of its time, in which the laws of perspective or of time were manipulated to one's liking, and inspired in the backdrop…

Caricatures of Celestina in the satirical newspaper Don Junípero from the 19th century, by anonymous, Cuba (1862)
Two caricatures appear in the newspaper. Both are in the headline of the newspaper that is repeated in subsequent issues. In the black and white caricature an old woman with her head covered appears, who may represent the procuress (first image). The…

Caricature of the representation directed by Tamayo, by anonymous (1978, c.)
Caricature that appears in the theater critic of "La Celestina" adapted by Camilo José Cela and directed by José Tamayo in ABC, Madrid titled "A grand literary version of "La Celestina"" ("Una gran versión literaria de "La Celestina""), by…

Caricature of the representation directed by Marsillach, by anonymous (1988, c.)
Caricature that appears in thetheater critic of "La Celestina" adapted by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester and directed by Adolfo Marsillach inABC, Madrid titled "Another version of "La Celestina" at the National Dramatic Center" ("Otra versión de "La…

Caricature of La Celestina, by Flórez Herrera (2014)
In the caricature, a woman appears pointing to a building where a sign appears that says "Celesti Coop." The woman represents Celestina. Under the caricature appears the quote "¡Si trabajando en mi casa vivía como una reina, cómo sería hoy con una…

Caricature of Celestina in tribute to the actress Irene López Heredia, by anonymous (1957, c.)
Caricature in tribute to the actress Irene López Heredia, that appears in the theater critic of "La Celestina" represented in the Eslava Theater, Madrid, in ABC, Madrid, titled "Tribute to Irene López Heredia on the occasion of the hundred…

Caressed and Pick-pocketed by Alenza y Nieto (1838, c.)
Young couple carousing while a boy pickpockets the man. An old woman behind the boy

Card from La Celestina library specialized in theatre, Madrid (2000 c.)
Commercial card from the library specialized in La Celestina theatre. Copies the engraving from act XIV and XIX from the Valencia, 1514 edition.

No hay quien nos desate, de Goya (1797)
A tied young woman and man are attacked by a giant owl.

The illustration represents Callisto lying on a bed praying. At the top left corner, Melibea appears represented as an illusion. This representation is a good example of the reading that interprets the meeting as a dream.For more information see:…

Calligraphic rendering of the words La Celestina, Ceibe (2014)
Elaborate calligraphic rendering of the words La Celestina in a style that has reminiscences of Miro and Lorca´s drawings

Calisto's death.
Pármeno (Franciso Portes) and Sempronio (Julio Muñoz) seeing their deceased master Calixto (Francisco Guijar).

Calisto, Sempronio and Melibea, by Acedo (2008 c.)
Comment from the artist: "Another illustration from the unfortunate series La Celestina. Here we see Calisto and Sempronio speaking about Melibea."

Calisto, by Hoir (1943)
Drawing of Calisto, it seems to be done by a French edition, but presented in Celestinesca vol. 22, no. 2, without edition details.

Calisto and Melibea, by Pukingrainbows (sic) (2009)
A drawing by the DeviantArt user Pukingrainbows. He/she explains that he/she was studying for his/her Spanish literature class and became bored and began to draw and produced this drawing.

Calisto and Melibea tattoo, by anonymous (2022)
Codex Manesse tattoo that the person got for its reference to Calisto and Melibea, as suggested by the cover of Esther Borrego's edition of Celestina (Cover of the Cooperación Editorial edition: Madrid, 2002) and the Bookmark Calisto and Melibea,…

Calisto and Celestina, by Lucebert (1979)
Other title: Calisto en Celestina


Calendar advertisement for Los polvos de la madre Celestina, by Blanquel (1857)
The image is probably a lithograph of a scene from the play performed at the Gran Teatro Nacional (of Mexico), of which six magic scenes are said to be included in this calendar (calendar of Los polvos de la madre Celestina) announced to be sold in…

Escena de burdel, para Vicente, de Bernard (1888)
Depiction of a brothel scene where a young woman is drinking, a young man looking at her and an old woman by his side. The old woman may be acting as a procuress for the young woman.

Full title: Bordellszene, die junge Frau bietet den im Hintergrund stehenden Freiern ein Glas Wein an, die Kupplerin umklammert mit einer erotischen Geste den Flaschenhals ("Brothel scene, the young woman offers the suitors standing in the background…

escena de burdel.jpg
Brothel scene. In the engraving the characters appear on a bed. A young woman sitting on the left, and a man lying on her lap. To the left appears an old woman who acts as a procuress. The young woman appears to be stealing from the young man's…

Escena de burdel (Una alegre compañía en una mesa), de Pot (1630 c.)
A room with a table with a red tablecloth. On the left, a young woman near a man and next to her an old woman who seems to act like a procuress.

Burdel en antigua Grecia, de Jacobs (1885)
19th century engraving from a History of Prostitution, By P. L. Jacobs, 1885.

Broken Eggs, by Greuze (1756)
Indoor scene. Four characters appear in it, a young woman sitting on the ground, a man standing next to her, an old woman with her head covered and pointing to a basket with eggs (one is broken) and a small child on the right. The scene is…

A Venetian Procuress, by Boissard (1581)
Image of three women of the sex trade in Venice, including two prostitutes and a procuress.

Other title: Prostituée bourgeoise, Noble prostituée vénitienne, Maquerelle vénitienne

Escena de burdel (3).jpg
The image shows a young woman with two men leaning on her next to a bed. On the right, an old woman who acts as a procuress holds the hand of one of the men.

Bordello scene with sleeping couple.jpg
Other title: Tickled Sleep.

The image shows a couple sleeping in a brothel scene. An old woman who acts as a procuress stands next to the client and holds an object to his face to wake him up.

Bookmark Calisto and Melibea, Codex Manesse (2018 c.)
Bookmark with an image of a couple taken from the Codex Manesse (Zurich, 1304) and the words describing love in La Celestina "it is a hidden fire" etc

Book of photochromes from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín (presentation)
The introduction of a tragic love story.
Image of middlemen, procuresses and lovers.

Book of photochromes from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín (antecedents)
On one hand, the image corresponds to one of the first acts. Celestina speaks with Calisto, while Pármeno listens carefully to the conversation.
On the other hand, the text corresponds to the antecedents of Rojas' book.

Book of photochromes from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
Images from Act IXCelestina, Elicia, the new couple of Pármeo and Areúsa, Sempronio is at the end of the table.

Bodegas Melibea, Madrid bar (2015)
Wine cellar on 9 Espoz y Mina Street, Madrid, decorated with
tiles of attractive erotic images of nude women that do not seem to be connected at all to La Celestina other than by the general eroticism. A tile painting of the interior that mixes…

Blue (Azul), Celestina self-portrait, by Lee-Warne (2015)
A self-portrait by the photographer Wendy Lee-Warne in the style of the famous painting by Picasso, La Celestina. While she worked on a photographic project whose them was "blue," the photographer's inspiration came from the famous painting and she…

Femme Blonde a la fleur, Célestine et 'Mousquetaire'
A man on the left looks at a naked young woman holding a flower and lying on the right. An old woman appears in the center of the engraving, probably acting as a procuress.

Full title: Suite 347 L249 (Femme blonde à la fleur IV)

Blanket or bedspread with scene from La Celestina (1615)
Blanket of Portuguese origin with scenes from the play and the names of Calisto and Melibea. It is kept at the Victoria and Albert Museum of London.

Black Spain, by Regoyos (1899)
Old woman by a fire with a bellow.Noice the similarity to 1929,La chiquita piconera de Romero de Torres

Black and white photochrome from La Celestina, by Sabido
Pármeno (Porfirio Bas), Areúsa (Martha Zavaleta), Celestina (Ofelia Guilmáin), Elicia (Marcela López Rey) and Sempronio
(José Gálvez).

Beware of Luxury, by Steen (1663)
The painting represents a room with various characters. Two children, a dog eating on a table, a pig by the door, a girl at the back of the room, a woman sitting sleeping, a man looking at the girl and playing a violin, an old woman talking to a man…

This painting represents the biblical scene when Salome receives the decapitated head of Saint John the Baptist. In this representation, Salomé appears on the right surrounded by other characters, such as an older woman holding the tray where…

Beautiful advice, by Goya (1799)
A young woman sitting on a chair. An old woman next to her looks at her. Etching in the seriesLosCaprichosnumber 15.From Wikiepedia"Explanation of this stamp from the Prado Museum manuscript: The advice is…

Betsabé con una carta de David, de Steen (1659)
Despite the biblical theme, it is treated as a genre scene in which a young woman welcomes a procuress with a missive.

Celestina 1.jpg
In this representation of Bathsheba, Rembrandt depicts her as a naked young woman holding a letter from King David. Bathing the young woman, a Celestina inspired character appears on the left as an older woman. This topic also appears in Picasso's…

Banquet at Celestina's house.
Celestina (Lola Gaos) drinking wine and telling Elicia (Gloria Lafuente) about her good times. Curiously, in this version, perhaps due to censorship reasons, the banquet and its irreverent and orgy-like aspect.

Cartel anunciador
baile Shoji kojima
Cristian Lozano
Tamara López
Pablo Fraile
Francisco Morgado
Ángel Sánchez Fariña

Ballet Shoji Kojima Flamenco:
Chiharu Okano, Kanako Maeda, Ayumi Yanagiya
Harumitsu Seki, Tomoya Matsuda
Satoyo Kamata, Etsuko…

Bailaora, by Canals (1900, c.)
In the image appears a young woman dancing in a local (bailaora), surrounded by people. Among the spectators are several men and women and an old woman appears on the left. The aesthetic of the painting is reminiscent of Goya's work.

Audience ofMother Celestina's Powders, engraving, byComba y García (1883)
The image shows the afternoon session of Hartzenbusch's The Powders of Mother Celestina ("Los polvos de la madre Celestina"). Note that there are children and youth among the audience.Engraving print The theaters and their public ("Los teatros y su…

At the Procuress, by Bijlert (1625, c.)
Original title: Koppelaarster ("At the Procuress").

Client and prostitute at the table. Matchmaker or servant in the background. Dog in foreground. Brother or tavern, Dutch school.

At the procuress (after Jan Vermeer), by Hein (1992)
Original title: Bei der Kupplerin (nach Jan Vermeer) ("At the procuress (after Jan Vermeer)").

In the image appears a young couple surrounded by other figures. Next to the young woman appears an old woman with her head covered. By the title of the…

At the Matchmaker's House, by Basler-Kopp (1900, c.)
Original title: Bei der Kupplerin ("At the Matchmaker's House")

Nude young woman and matchmaker with only silhouette and one hand visible

Areúsa, Pármeno and Celestina, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)
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