Browse Items (3223 total)

Consejo paternal, de Wille (1765)
The moralizing title hides the fact that the man has no parental relationship with the girl. According to the Philadelphia Museum, a viewpoint of the time would understand very well that the subjects of the painting are a procuress, her protégé and a…

The painting represents a brothel scene, where four naked young women appear sitting and lying in a room. There is a clear relationship with the Celestinesque tradition, especially because of the title of the painting.Here is a description of the…

Celestina doll, by Wolfe (2001, c.)
Engraving of a Celestina doll, designed by Kathryn Wolfe, part of the private collection of J. T. Snow. The drawing shows a figure of an old woman with white hair and a pointed nose. From the title it is understood that it represents…

Representation of the Teatro Nacional Cervantes, Buenos Aires, 1956
Version: José Ricardo Morales
Staging: Enrique Lázaro
Wardrobe: César Martínez Sierra
Time Period Costume Design: Sección Femenina de la Universidad del Trabajo de Montevideo
Musical Fragments: Jaume Pahissa

Margarita Xirgu-…

Representation of La Paca Theater, Jaén, 2016-2017
Scenes of Women: "Fuenteovejuna" "Othello" "La Celestina" and other emblematic works ranging from the Greeks to Lorca, will help us to reflect on the problems of women in our society. Laurencia, Desdemona, Melibea, Ifigenia, Doña Rosita la soltera,…

Screen Shot 2017-07-25 at 4.33.14 PM.png
A mask inspired by Celestina, by Picasso (1904) and displayed in the exhibit Traditions Transfigured: The Noh Masks of Bidou Yamaguchi in the Asia Society Texas Center of Houston, February of 2015. Materials used: Japanese Cypress, shell, natural…

The Horror (Lo horrible), cover of the Novela de hoy edition (1927)
La novela de hoy is a series of popular novels from the 1920s and 1930s that are characterized by noteworthy covers that sometimes have an erotic theme. See related image for more details.

Representation of the Juliusza Słowackiego Theater, Kraków, Poland, by Zawodziński, 1992
Translation: Kazimierz Zawanowski
Adaptation: Waldemar Zawodziński
Scenography: Waldemar Zawodziński
Choreography: Janina Niesobska
Music: Krzysztof Szwajgier
Lighting: Krzysztof Sendke
Assistant director: Wojciech Szawul


Representation of the Stefana Jaracza, Łódź, Poland, by Zawodziński, 1994
Translation: Kazimierz Zawanowski
Decoration: Waldemar Zawodziński
Costumes: Maria Balcerek
Choreography: Janina Niesobska
Music: Waldemar Zawodziński
Lighting: Krzysztof Sendke
Assistant director: Jagoda Pietruszkówna


El seductor, de Zichy (1891)
A young woman sits on a man's lap. An old procuress stands behind the young woman while holding a glass.

Representation of the Teatro Novo, Porto Alegre, Brasil, by Ziembinski, 1969
Translation: Eudinyr Fraga
Adaptation: Ziembinski
Scenography: Tulio Costa
Figurines: Ninette van Vüchelen
Production: Centro Cultural Garcia Lorca

Adilson Vlademir, Carlos Prieto, Edson Soler, Eduardo Karan, Ewerton de Castro, Fabra…

Hada madrina, de Zouravliov (2010 c.)
This drawing represents the Russian folk legend of Vasilissa, a young woman, and a witch. The original story does not contain any Celestinesque references. However, Vania Zouravliov's work introduces elements of the visual tradition of La Celestina.…

Representation of the Stefana Jaracza Theater, Olsztyn-Elbląg, Poland, by Żuchniewski, 1964
Adaptation: Marcel Achard
Translation: Juliusz Gomulicki
Scenography: Marian Bogusz
Music: Włodzimierz Jarmołowicz
Assistant director: Krystyna Rutkowska

Eugenia Śnieżko-Szafnaglowa – Celestina
Zofia Grabska – Areúsa
Irena Kownas –…

A Couple in Trouble (Polvareda conyugal), cover of the La novela de hoy edition (1929)
La novela de hoy is a series of popular novels from the 1920s and 1930s that are characterized by noteworthy covers that sometimes have an erotic theme.The character of the old witch is an allusion to the work by HartzenbuschMother Celestina's…

Celestina, by Zuloaga (1906)
A naked woman contemplates herself in a mirror. In the background, there are two other women. One of them is probably a procuress teaching a pupil.

Cover of the Edmat Libros Edition: Madrid, 2008.
A montage of two different paintings, with the image of old Celestina in the foreground and the gallant scene of Calisto and Melibea in the background.

Cartel anunciador de la película de Sabido, 1976.
Calisto and Melibea (Isela Vega y Luigi Montefiori) hugging, almost without clothes, eye spying from behind a curtain.


Cover of the Sopena: Buenos Aires edition, 1967
A drawing depicting two women, an older one and a younger one, in a medieval setting. The cover is green and white in colour.

Cover of the Edime: Madrid edition, 1964
The cover features a fragment of a print from the old Valencia edition (1514), positioned inside a large letter 'e.' The print depicts the death of Celestina, The back cover features a drawing of Fernando de Rojas's face.

Cover of the J. Pérez del Hoyo: Madrid edition, 1969
The cover features a copy of the print from the cover of the Toledo edition of 1526.

Cover of the Pueblo y Educación: La Habana edition, 1971
The cover features an image of the painting Wealth is Looking (1663) by the Dutch artist Jan Steen. The image depicts a scene in a hostel from the sixteenth or seventeenth century that features both men and women.

Cover of the Mar del Sur: Santiago edition, 1979
A reproduction of the nineteenth-century print by Gustavo Doré that depicts a group of people, including a young woman with a jug of water.

Cover of the Biblioteca Mundial Sopena: Buenos Aires edition, 1954
The cover features a copy of the print from the cover of the Sevilla edition of 1523. The cover is green and yellow, and depicts Calisto and Melibea with a hunting dog at their feet.

Cover of the Editores mexicanos unidos: Mexico, 2006 edition.
A portrait of an older women with her hair covered by a veil.

Cover of the Centro Editor de America Latina S.A: Argentina edition, 1969
The cover features illustrations of a woman and some buildings in color. On the cover, it explains that it is detail from a woodcut for a 15th century edition of Ovid's 'Art of Loving'.

Cover of the P.M.I.: Madrid, 1994 edition.
The cover features an image of the painting Woman with raven (1904) by Pablo Picasso. The painting is rotated on the cover, since in the original the woman appears looking the other way.

Cover of the Club Internacional del Libro: Madrid, 1998 edition.
A gold, red and blue copy of an unidentified engraving, in which Celestina appears with a bag and two other characters.

Cover of the Bullón: Madrid edition, 1963
An abstract painting (signed but unidentified) that depicts Celestina and two women.

Cover of the Acervo: Barcelona edition, 1977
A drawing of a young couple and an older woman behind them, in the style of a portrait. The older woman, presumably acting as both a chaperone and matchmaker, rests a hand on the young woman's shoulder.

Cover of the Editores Mexicanos Unidos edition: Mexico City, 1985
An illustration, possible from an unidentified painting, of an old woman or lay sister.

Cover of the Huemul: Buenos Aires edition, 1952
A composition of a two-tone photo of an old woman and, at the bottom of the image, an illustration of two red hearts.

Cover of the Ediciones Colihue: Buenos Aires edition, 1981
A modern drawing of Celestina in her house with string and a cat. The cover is yellow and white.

Cover of the Ediciones Nautilus: Argentina edition, 1976
The cover features a fragment of an engraving from an older edition, positioned here within an orange circle, that shows Celestina knocking on a door while Calisto and Melibea converse with each other beside her.

Cover of the Editorial de la Oveja Negra: Bogota, 1996.
The cover features an image from an unidentified painting that depicts women going to a fountain to fetch water.

Cover of the Editorial Andrés Bello: Barcelona, 2001 edition.
The cover features an image from the painting An Ill-Matched Pair(c. 1540) by Lucas Cranach the Elder.

Cover of the Editorial Ramón Sopena: Barcelona edition, 1975
A coloured drawing of Celestina with a cane against a background of shrubs that appear slightly human-like.

Cover of the Editorial Mateu: Barcelona edition, 1964
The cover features the image of a painting of a young woman.

Cover of the EDAF: Madrid edition, 1976
A coloured drawing of an old woman's face, a snake, and an object that looks like a bird's wing.

Cover of the Editorial Antable: Barcelona edition, 1984
A naive-style drawing in colour of a book, a quill, and an inkwell.

Cover of the Edaf Bookstore: Madrid, 2011 edition.
Panel-style drawing of Celestina with her cane and in the background, two lovers kissing in the garden and the moon.

Cover of the Ediciones Quinto Sol edition: México, 1987
A colour drawing of a furious old woman and two young people.

Cover of the Editorial Fama: Barcelona edition, 1955
A depiction of Calisto and Melibea sharing an embrace in the garden. In the foreground, Celestina rubs her hands, satisfied.

Cover of the Emalcomex: Panamá edition, 1975 (c.)
The cover features a fragment of an unidentified engraving that depicts a young woman's face.

Cover of the Manuel Montt Legal Editorial: Santiago de Chile, 1997 edition.
A young woman's head, which appears to be a fragment of an unidentified painting.

Cover of the Editora Nacional: México edition, 1960 (c.)
A modern drawing of a matchmaker and, behind a folding screen or divider, the silhouette of a woman undressing.

Cover of the Ediciones Marte: Barcelona edition, 1982
A dark-toned painting of an old woman smiling. The image is reminiscent of the painting Woman in the Window(c.1660) by Murillo.

Stone relief of Calisto and Melibea, Calisto and Melibea Secondary School (2000 c.)
Relief sculpted in stone of the portrayals of Calisto and Melibea on the façade of the Instituto de Enseñanza Media Calisto y Melibea in the city of Santa Marta de Tormes, in the province of Salamanca, Spain.

Portada de la edición de Crítica, Barcelona: 2000.
Pieza de loza de principios del siglo XVI, Museo Cerámica de Barcelona. La imagen representa lo que parece ser una mujer vieja hablando

Card from La Celestina library specialized in theatre, Madrid (2000 c.)
Commercial card from the library specialized in La Celestina theatre. Copies the engraving from act XIV and XIX from the Valencia, 1514 edition.

Cover of the Burgos edition, 1499.
Properly speaking, this is not an actual cover, but rather an illustration of the first scene of Act I, depicting the initial encounter between Calisto and Melibea. The cover, if there was one, has been lost. For this reason, the first illustration…

Cover of the Zaragoza edition, 1507.
Calisto on his knees before Melibea, who is sitting in a covered chair. The names are written below.

Portada de Venecia, 1541.
The same as Sevilla, 1523.

Relief with a procuress on a baptismal font in Palencia (12th century)
Sculpted on the baptismal font of the Romanesque church of San Salvador, in Rebanal de las Llantas, Palencia, there is a couple copulating and an old woman behind the young woman, as well as another man. The other side of the font shows a scene of…

Bodegas Melibea, Madrid bar (2015)
Wine cellar on 9 Espoz y Mina Street, Madrid, decorated with
tiles of attractive erotic images of nude women that do not seem to be connected at all to La Celestina other than by the general eroticism. A tile painting of the interior that mixes…

Representation of the Compañía Lope de Vega, Madrid, 1967
Representation of the Compañía Lope de Vega in various theaters and festivals. Directed by José Osuna. Revision by Alejandro Casona. Premiered by Esperanza Grases, Milagros Leal, and José Rubio.Record of representation in CDAEM, Spanish…

Estatua de Fernando de Rojas en Puebla de Montalbán (1980, c.)
Granite statue of Fernando de Rojas in his hometown, Puebla de Montalbán, of the province of Toledo, Glorieta square. It includes an inscription that says "Relic of the remains of Fernando de Rojas, donated by Talavera de la Reina"


Representation of Theater Basel, Basilea, 1992
Representation directed by Francois Michel Presenti from Theater Basel.

Representation of the Spanish Ballet, Madrid, 1990
Representation with choreography by Paco Romero of the Spanish Ballet at the Cultural Center of the Villa de Madrid.

Representation in Stockholm, 1998
Representation directed by Adam Nashman from Elverket Dramaten Theater in Stockholm.

Representation of Calisto, history of a character, Madrid, 2001
Original title: Calisto, historia de un personaje ("Calisto, history of a character").Representation directed by Miguel Seabra from meridional theatre, protagonizadla by Álvaro Lavín.

Representation of Dartmouth Department of Theater, 2002
Representation directed by Pamela Howard and Robert Potter from Dartmouth Department of Theater.

Representación de Ojos de agua, Madrid, 2015
Representación dirigida por Yayo Cáceres, protagonizado por Charo López.

Second illustration from act XIV from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of Lucrecia playing the lute while Calisto and Melibea hug in the garden.

Portada de la edición de  Bergua S/F, encuadernado en rústica editorial
A grey scale drawing of a young couple, the man clasping the hand of the woman, who shies away demurely. Clearly meant to depict Calisto and Melibea although not in her garden as is commonly depicted. In the background, Celestina approaches in an…

Cover of the Ramón Sopena edition: Barcelona, 1920, c.
A coloured drawing of Celestina in the foreground, with Calisto and Melibea in the garden in the background. Note the influence of Don Juan Tenorio by Zorilla. Another edition with this cover was printed in 1934.

Portada de La Celestina, de la edición de Clasicos universales de la literatura erótica, 1978
A black-and-white drawing of a couple leaning against each other, embellished by roses to indicate Melibea's garden.

Portada de la edición de Editorial Zeus, 1962
In the foreground, a multi-coloured depiction of Celestina with her hands clasped. In the background, a full moon hangs over a grove of trees where a young couple (Calisto and Melibea) are meeting. The design consists of circular and oval shapes,…

Cover of the magazine Teleradio (1973)
Cover of a popular TV program magazine with the image of the lead actress dressed as Celestina.

Portada de la edición de Colección Eterna, 1966
The cover features a young woman, sitting with her hands clasped in her lap, looking out towards the reader. On the right, an old man offers her a box. To the left, a younger man appears to be attempting to draw her attention. It is the first…

Portada de la edición en francés de Le club français du livre, 1952
French translation. A black figure (Celestina) on a red binding. The figure is a stock character or stamp of an old woman, used to represent Celestina in the Seville edition (1523), that appears in the first act of the work.

Portada de la edición de EPOCA, 2010
Even two unrelated paintings, such as fragment showing a young bourgeois couple in the paintingA Goldsmith in Shopby Peter Christus (1449), and an older woman taken grom Botticelli's allegorical female figure for Repentance in his paintingThe Calumny…

Cigar box label with lithograph of La Celestina (c. 1950)
Lithograph of a young woman with the name La Celestina on a Bernard Stahl & Co and Lichten Brothers box. It is not, however, a reference to de Rojas' character, but to a property or estates in which tobacco is produced and that usually have feminine…

Portada de la edición de Susaeta, 1969
A multi-colored depiction of the characters. They are all somewhat abstract, resulting in no clear or obvious identification of any of the characters, including the iconic Celestina.

Cover of the EDAF edition, 1965
A red quill or feather against a blue background, in reference to the author and the act of writing.

Cover of the Editorial Mediterráneo edition, 1990
The cover is a partial reproduction of the engraving of act XII from the old Valencia edition (1514).
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