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Representation of the Théâtre National Populaire, Paris, by Schiaretti (2011)
Siècle d’Or La Célestine et Don Juan
Artistic collaboration of Florence Delay

Scenography: Renaud de Fontainieu
Accessories: Fanny Gamet
Costumes: Thibaut Welchlin
Lighting: Julia Grand
Sound: Laurent Dureux
Wig and makeup: Claire…

Representation of the Wojska Polskiego Theater, Łódź, Poland, by Schiller, 1947
Translation: Juliusz Gomulicki
Adaptation: Marcel Achard
Scenography and costumes: Władysław Daszewski
Music: Tomasz Kiesewetter
Choreography: Jadwiga Hryniewiecka
Master: Edward Wejman
Assistant director: Ludwik René


Matchmaker School (Schule der Kupplerin), by Schoen (1531).
A client is distracted by a prostitute while the matchmaker hands a bag of money to another servant. In the tradition of the fools of the Narrenschiff, a fool with a hood at the window identifies the client as such.

Other title: Schule der…

The Fools' Cage, by Schön (1525, c.)
Original title: Der Narrenkäfig ("The Fools' Cage").

A matchmaker has locked a group of fools in a cage. Among other words in German, she says: "When I was young, I was a whore/Now I am a matchmaker and I need this shipment" and other words…

Celestina ??, by Schonberg (1960, c.)
Portrait of an alleged ancestor of Roderick Usher in Vincent Price's movie adaptation of Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher (1960). The painting seems to be inspired by Picasso's famous Celestina of 1903. Schonberg meet Picasso in Paris and seem to…

Three figures in half figure (The procuress), by Schongauer (1480, c.)
The engraving shows a young couple looking at each other, while an old woman with a turban on her head appears in the middle of the two and looking at the young woman. From the title of the engraving it is understood that the old woman acts as a…

Cover of the Fayard edition: Paris, 2006
French translation. The cover of the French translation published by Fayard (Paris, 2006) reproduces part of the young woman in Marietta Robusti's Venetian Woman (c. 1560) (In…

Illustration from Tragedia Policiana, by Sebastián Fernández and anonymous illustrator, 1547
Courtship scene that closely recalls some of the covers and illustrations of the first page of contemporary editions of Celestina. Policiano playing the guitar or lute is the main departure from the model.

Representation of Second Act, Almuñecar, 2018
The group Segundo Acto (Second act) is formed of Silvio Rivas (Father), Francisco Gabriel Martín (Calixto), Inma Molina (Melibea), Lorenzo Guerrero (Sempronio), Mari Carmen Díaz (Celestina), Emerencia Alabarce (Elicia), José Francisco Villoslada…

Representation of the Teatro Nacional Nova Gorica, Slovenia, by Šedlbauer, 1997-1998
Translation of the adaptation: Zvone Šedlbauer 
Translator: Niko Košir 
Assistant director: Matjaž Šmalc 
Playwright assistant: Samanta Kobal 
Playwright: Miha Trefalt 
Scenography: Vojteh Ravnikar 
Scenography assistant: Tanja…

This image represents the biblical scene where Salome receives the severed head of Saint John the Baptist. Other people are represented in the painting, such as another young woman next to Salome, an elder woman holding the head and on the left a…

"Vete de ahí torpe" Ilustración del Acto I, de Segrelles (1946)
Ilustration "Get out of there..." in Celestinesca by José Segrelles of the encounter and confrontation between Calisto y Melibea at the beggining of the novel. Act I from the Valencia edition (1946). In Celestinesca Vol. 7, Num 2, p. 34.

Illustration of Celestina speaks to Melibea about Calisto from the Valencia edition (1946)
Illustration of Celestina speaks to Melibea about Calisto in Celestinesca by José Segrelles from the Castalia edition, 1946. Celestinesca Vol. 7, Num. 2, Pa. 10.

Illustration from act X from the Valencia edition (1946)
Celestina and Melibea. Illustration from act X by José Segrelles in Celestinesca, Vol. 8 Num. 2.

Illustration from act VII from the Valencia edition (1946)
Celestina and Areúsa. Illustration from act VII in Celestinesca, Vol. 9 Num. 1. Made by José Segrelles.

Illustration from act VI from the Valencia edition (1946)
Calisto and Celestina. Illustration from act VI in Celestinesca, Vol 9. Num 1. Made by José Segrelles.

Illustration from act VIII from the Valencia edition (1946)
Sempronio and Pármeno. Illustration from act VIII by José Segrelles in Celestinesca Vol 9, Num 1.

Illustration from act IX from the Valencia edition (1946)
Sempronio, Pármeno, Elicia, Celestina, Areusa and Lucrecia. Illustration from act IX in Celestinesca Vol 9, Num 1, made by José Segrelles.

Illustration from act XII from the Valencia edition (1946)
Celestina assassinated. Illustration from act XII in Celestinesca Vol 9, Num 1, made by José Segrelles.

Illustration of Sempronio and Calisto from the Valencia edition (1946)
Sempronio and Calisto. Illustration from act II in Celestinesca Vol 9, Num 1, made by José Segrelles.

Illustration of Pleberio and Alisa from the Valencia edition (1946)
Illustration of Pleberio and Alisa together, in Celestinesca, Vol 13, Num 2. Made by José Segrelles.

Illustration of Calisto, Tristán and Sosia from the Valencia edition (1946)
Illustration of Calisto, Tristán and Sosia in Celestinesca Vol 13, Num 1, of Calisto with both his servants, possibly receiving news of Pármeno and Sempronio's deaths. Made by José Segrelles.

Illustration from act XX from the Valencia edition (1946)
Melibea's death. Illustration from act XX, Melibea's death, made by José Segrelles, in Celestinesca vol 9, num 2.

Ilustración del Acto XVIII, de Segrelles (1946)
Illustration in Celestinesca from act XVIII made by José Segrelles. Vol 16 Num 2.

Sketch for the Valencia edition (1946)
Sketch of Celestina, where the procuress appears with her head covered and looking at the viewer.

Sketch for the Valencia edition (1946)
Sketches of various scenes and characters in the play, including a pair of sketches of the procuress, both with her head covered, one where the procuress looks at the viewer and the other where she looks to her right. At the bottom there are sketches…

Sketch for the Valencia edition (1946)
Sketch of Celestina, where the procuress appears with her head covered and a rosary in her hand.

Fight between Celestina, Sempronio and Pármeno (Pelea entre Celestina, Sempronio y Pármeno), by Enríquez de Navarra (1946 c.)
It is the same image used in the illustred edition:Valencia, 1946, for act XII

Portada de la edición de Castalia: Valencia, 1946
A black background with a colourful and semi-abstract representation of Celestina. A line, representing the thread she sells, forms loops and knots, referencing the way she ties her victims up into her schemes. She clutches the money bag in her right…

Illustration from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Illustration of a work by José Segrelles, contained in the edition of Pedro Bohigas.

Representation of the Cuartel Sánchez Aguilera, Ferrol, by Seoane, 2001
Theatrical Adaptation: Estudio Xente Nova
Instituto Concepción Arenal
Direction Assistant: Eleonor Curto
Electricity and Video-Alejandro Rey
Lighting- Sonia Serrano and Jaime Castro
Sound and Special Effects- Paloma Medina
Poster and Program…

La Celestina, engraving by Seoane (1950, c.)
Engraving, but the image here is from a picture.
Notice the marks of the knives on Celestina's body

Representation of the Teatro Fernán Gómez, Madrid, by Serrano, 2012
Representation directed by Mariano de Paco Serrano, Secuencia 3 Artes y Comunicación.
Version: Eduardo Galán.
Direction: Mariano de Paco Serrano.
Scenography: David Deloaysa.
Clothing: Maika Chamorro.
Music: Tomás Marco.
Lighting: Pedro…

The Concierge (The procuress - The housemaid), by Seurat (1884)
Original title: La Concierge (La Maquerelle - La Bonne) ("The Concierge (The procuress - The housemaid)").

In the image appears an old woman with her head covered. From the title it is understood that she is a procuress.

Cover of The Repulsive Celestine, by Seventinain (2022)
Fictional cover of La Repulsiva Celestina ("The Repulsive Celestine") by Fernando de Rojas, prepared by Seventinain insuperhero style.In the image appears a woman dressed in black, with a cape, skirt and stockings and with blue hair that represents…

Cover of the Cátedra edition: Madrid, 1987
A cubist depiction - possibly by Picasso - of a naked woman and a matchmaker, framed in a black as is typical of the collection.

Cover of the Anaya edition: Madrid, 1990
History and analysis of the text.
The image is a fragment from Velázquez's work: Vieja friendo huevos (Old woman frying eggs)

Representation of the Pardubice Theater, Czechia, by Seydler, 1997-1998
Original title: Zavraždění svaté Celestiny, kuplířky z města Salamanky (Assassination of Saint Celestina, procuresses of the city of Salamanca)

Dramaturgy: Jana Pithartová
Scenography: Miloň Kališ jh
Costumes: Tomáš Kypta jh
Music: Jiří…

Representation of the Conservatory Pražské, Prague, by Seydler, 2001
Original title: Zavraždění svaté Celestiny, kuplířky z města Salamanky (Assassination of Saint Celestina, procuresses of the city of Salamanca)

Vladislav Rotta- Sempronio

Representation of the House of Culture, Buenos Aires, by Sharry, 2009
La Barraca de Pergamino Theater group

Melina Antuña – Melibea
Álvaro Repetto – Calisto
Pamela Lombari – Celestina

Tentación, de Shilder (Fecha desconocida)
According to the museum's description, a procuress tries to recruit a poor girl by promising her a life of luxury. Meanwhile, a potential client waits at the door.

Other title: Искушение

Tales of a Parrot, by Shravana (1560, c.)
The images are pages from the book Tales of a Parrot ("Tuti-nama"), a series of folktales of Persian origin written by Shravana in 1560, c. in Mughal India, court of Akbar. The first image is from the seventeenth night titled "The old procuress…

Representation in the Montecarmelo Center, Santiago de Chile, by Sieveking (1992)
Performance directed by Alejandro Sieveking for the Montecarmelo Center, starring Bélgica Castro in Santiago de Chile.Cast:Bélgica Castro (Celestina)Jéssica Vera (Melibea)Mauricio Torres (Calisto)Ramón Carcher (Sempronio)Mónica Jaramillo…

Representation of the Teatro Federico García Lorca in San Fernando, San Fernando de Henares, by Silgado, 2022
Representation of La Celestina 1905. Circus tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea (La Celestina 1905. Tragicomedia Circense de Calisto y Melibea), Menecmos company for the ‘El Moscardón’ Amateur Theater Contest, organized by the Department of Culture at…

Cover of the Second Comedy of La Celestina, by Silva (1988)
Original title: Segunda comedia de Celestina ("Second Comedy of La Celestina").

Cover of the Consolación Baranda edition. Letras Hispánicas collection nº 284.
Showing Celestina "resurrected".

Cover of the Second Comedy of La Celestina, by Silva (1968)
Original title: Segunda comedia de Celestina ("Second Comedy of La Celestina").

Cover by Alberto Corazón. Madrid : Ciencia Nueva, D. L. 1968.
Illustration of two young lovers which recalls various cover pages of La Celestina of the era.

Cover of the E.M.E.S.A.: Madrid edition, 1977
A drawing of the face of an old woman against a blue background.

Deportista enamorado, de Smith (1790 c.)
A young couple sit outside. The young man takes the young woman's hand as he puts his hand to his heart. At the door of the house, an old woman looks at them.

Representation of the Teatro Burdel a Escena, Madrid, by Sojo (2021)
Original title of the representation: Celestina, puta vieja ("Celestina, old whore")Production: Sojoproduce Poster Photo: Salomé Sagüillo Costumes: Tocado y Hundido Collaboration: Evonhe Hairdresser and Beauty CenterCast: Silvia Vivó-…

Representation of the Maribor National Drama Theater, Slovenia, by Soldatović, 1984-1985
Translation:Niko Košir Scenography: Dorijan Sokolić Clothing:Ingrid Begović Cast: Borut Alujevič– Pármeno Marjan Bačko- Pleberio Sonja Blaž- Melibea Zvone Funda– Centurio Franci Gabrovšek- Tristán Ivo Leskovec- Sosia Irena Mihelič– Celestina's…

Cover of the Vicens Vives: Barcelona, 2014 edition.
An illustration, as if for a juvenile audience, of a young woman beside a lattice and, in the foreground, of an old woman with her head covered.

Dos amantes en una mesa, de Sorgh (1644)
Hidden behind the door, a procuress or old woman watches the interaction of the couple. We can assume that she is calculating the amount of money she can get out of the boy to obtain the girl's favors.

La nieta, de Soria Aedo (fecha desconocida)
Obra que puede interpretarse como parte de la tradición celestinesca a pesar del título

El piropo de Aedo (1928)
A young woman covers her torso with a fan while smiling and looking to the left. On the left, an old woman smiling looking in the same direction as the young woman.

Painting of the Classic Period.

Doña Paca y su prenda, de Soria Aedo (1943)
A young woman in the center of the work with a fan. On the right an old woman. On the left two young men, one of them looking at the young woman.

White Slavery (Trata de blancas), by Sorolla (1894)
Original title: "Trata de blancas" ("White Slave Trade").

A group of young women on their way to a brothel, under the vigilance of a procuress. Social denunciation.

Representation of the NaKop Tyjátr Theater, Jihlava, Czechia, by Soumar, 2008-2009
Adaptation: Milan Calábek

Original title: Zavraždění svaté Celestiny, kuplířky z města Salamanky (Assassination of Saint Celestina, procuresses of the city of Salamanca)

Representation of Espace Julien, Marseille, by la Rueca Theater, 2009
Celestina entre palos Flamenco show presented at the "L'Espagne des Trois Cultures" Festival organized by Horizontes del Sur, the Center Edmond Fleg and the Espace Julien.

Spanish National Lottery Ticket (1974)
Copy of the Toledo, 1526, coloured. Ticket worth 200 pesetas from February 9, 1974 to celebrate Valentine's Day.

Postage stamp from Correos de España, 1998.
Stamp worth 35 pesetas with blue monochromatic image of Celestina in the foreground with objects from her laboratory. Artist without feature in the background.

Representation of the Teatro Argentina, Rome, by Squarzina, 1979
Representation of Alfonso Sastre's version of La Celestina.Storia di amore e di magia con qualche citazione dalla famosa tragicommedia di Calisto e Melibea.Performance at the Teatro Argentina, Rome, Italy. Premiere April 26, 1979.

Cover of Seville, 1501
Comedia de Calisto y Melibea Oxford (UK), Taylorian Institute Library Taylorian TAY Main Libr MICR.1267 Paris (Fr), Bibliothèque nationale de France RES-YG-63 Record inUTSC

Robbery in a Brothel, by Steen (1665, c.)
Brothel scene. A young man on the lap of a young woman, while another young woman hands an object to an elderly woman. The old woman acts as a procuress for the young women. A couple of men in the background playing music instruments.

Betsabé con una carta de David, de Steen (1659)
Despite the biblical theme, it is treated as a genre scene in which a young woman welcomes a procuress with a missive.

Celestina Steen.png
In the picture appears a young woman in the hands of a young man playing a flute. On the right, an old man and an old woman acting as her procuress. Description from Christie's webpage: "The other motive of this painting, that of the Procuress, the…

The Procuress, by Steen (1650, c.)
Dutch art. Tradition of brothel painting representing a client paying a procuress while a woman lies on a bed.

Beware of Luxury, by Steen (1663)
The painting represents a room with various characters. Two children, a dog eating on a table, a pig by the door, a girl at the back of the room, a woman sitting sleeping, a man looking at the girl and playing a violin, an old woman talking to a man…

Cover of the Venecia edition, 1534.
The same cover as the Sevilla, 1523 edition.This is an illustrated edition, with 21 illustrations that can be seen by clicking here: Venecia, 1534.

Engraving of act IV of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of buildings, Lucrecia, Celestina, Alisa and Melibea.

Cover page of the Venice edition (1534)
Celestina, Melibea, Lucrecia, Calisto, Sempronio and a dog. Falcon and horse. Celestina holding her rosary and Calisto the chain and falcon. Note the detail of the horse's testicles that can be seen from behind.

Engraving of act V of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of buildings, Calisto, Pármeno, Sempronio and Celestina.

Engraving of act VI of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno and Sempronio.

Engraving of act VII of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of Celestina, Pármeno, Areúsa, Elicia and buildings.

Engraving of act VIII of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of Calisto, Sempronio, Pármeno and Areúsa.

Engraving of act IX of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of Sempronio, Pármeno, Celestina, Lucrecia and Areúsa.

Engraving of act X of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of Melibea, Celestina, Lucrecia and Alisa.

Engraving of act XI of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno, Sempronio and Elicia.

First engraving of act XII of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of Pleberio, Alisa, Celestina and Alicia.

Second engraving of act XII of the Venice edition (1534)
Two sequences that simultaneously show Celestina's death, Pármeno and Sempronio jumping from the window, and their sentence by the judge.

Engraving of act XIII of the Venice edition (1534)
Pármeno and Sempronio's execution.

Engraving of act XIV of the Venice edition (1534)
Calisto scaling Melibea's garden wall accompanied by Sosia and Tristán. Melibea and Lucrecia wait inside. The same image is used later in act XIX.

Engraving of act XV of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of houses, Elicia, Centurio, Areúsa and a tree.
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