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Cover of the Longseller edition: Buenos Aires, 2002.
Illustrated edition.The cover features a fragment of the painting Two Women at a Window (c. 1660) by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo.

Cover of Libsa, Madrid (2017)
A collage depicting a Celestina based on Picasso's famous painting, Calisto and Melibea embracing in front of an arch or window, and a black cat.

Portada Celestina - Liberty.jpg
Celestina appears in the first illustration wearing many jewels and accompanied by two young men. In the illustration below, Melibea and Calisto appear in the garden.

Portada de la edición de la Universidad de Lovania: Lovania, 2005.
Dutch translation. This edition is the annotated edition of the 1550 Dutch edition. The cover is a reproduction of a Dutch paintaing by Jan Van Amstel, titled 'Kroegtafreel', which features a scene in a brothel or tavern.

Portada de la edición en francés de Le club français du livre, 1952
French translation. A black figure (Celestina) on a red binding. The figure is a stock character or stamp of an old woman, used to represent Celestina in the Seville edition (1523), that appears in the first act of the work.

Portada de la edición de Libros de Bolsillo Z, 1972
Depictions of Calisto and Melibea in the form of a composed painting. A yellow background sets off the blue of Calisto's clothing and the brown tones of Melibea's dress. Celestina is not depicted on this cover.

Cover of the La Spiga edition: Milan, 2007
Similarly, the cover of La Spiga (Milano, 2007), reproduces Titian's portrait of the goddess Flora showing her left breast.

Cover of the Editorial de la Oveja Negra: Bogota, 1996.
The cover features an image from an unidentified painting that depicts women going to a fountain to fetch water.

Cover the edition of La Nouvelle Revue Française, París (1922)
French translation.

Two interior covers, shown here.

Portada de la edición de Editorial La Muralla, 1967
The cover depicts a conglomeration of scenes, which is a reproduction of the engraving of the argument of the Augsburg edition (1520). First, Calisto and Melibea are depicted in the garden, while, in the foreground, Sempronio and Parmeno can be seen…

Cover of the Kapelusz: Buenos Aires edition, 1976
This cover is a reproduction of the cover of the Sevilla edition of 1520. It depicts the first meeting and argument between Calisto and Melibea, with Lucrecia observing them from the background. On the left, Celestina is depicted knocking the door of…

Cover of the Ediciones Escolares: Madrid, 2004 edition.
A medieval image of a woman standing beside the city gates, being welcomed by important characters (Mary and the Jews).

Cover of the J. Pérez del Hoyo: Madrid edition, 1969
The cover features a copy of the print from the cover of the Toledo edition of 1526.

Portada de la edición de Obras Maestras de IBERI, 1958
A coloured reproduction of the cover of the Seville edition of 1523 by Juan Bautista Pedrezano, which depicts Calisto, Melibea, Lucrecia, Sempronio, and Celestina. Curiously, this edition shows Calisto's falcon as well as a hound and horse,…

Cover of the Huemul: Buenos Aires edition, 1984
A cupid within a dropped capital 'C'. Both figures are red, positioned against a gray background.

Cover of the Huemul: Buenos Aires edition, 1969
A naive-style drawing, in colour and created predominantly with straight lines. It depicts an old woman, laughing and holding a cane. Beneath her image, a couple is hugging. A tower features in the background.

Portada de la edición de Librería del Colegio, 1966
A blue, white and yellow depiction of a castle, suggestive of a watercolour drawing. Superimposed on this outline is the looming figure of Celestina, which occupies the majority of the foreground. Within the shape of her figure, a couple (Calisto…

Cover of the Huemul: Buenos Aires edition, 1952
A composition of a two-tone photo of an old woman and, at the bottom of the image, an illustration of two red hearts.

Cover of the Hoepli edition: Milan, 2023
On the cover Melibea and Calixto appear in the garden.

Cover of the Hes & De Graaf Publishers edition, 2011
Dutch translation. The cover features the image from the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904).

Cover of the Haranburu: Spain edition, 1983
A depiction of Celestina's expression as she observes two lovers - possibly Pármeno y Areúsa - in a bed. The drawing is red and white and imitates medieval-style images.

Cover of the Grupo Editorial Tomo edition: Mexico City, 2011
The image in the cover is from Picasso's 1905 work titled Portrait of Benedetta Canals

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In this cover Calisto is represented on the left, Celestina at the center and Melibea on the right. Because of how Celestina is represented with different eye colours and her grin, it is reminiscent of the representation of this character in…

Cover of the Garzanti edition: Milan, 1995
Italian translation.
The image in the cover is a fragment of Goya's Paseo por Andalucía, also known as La maja y los embozados (An avenue in Andalusia, The maja and the cloaked men).

Portada de la edición de Galaxia Gutenberg, 2012
First edition, with a second reprint in 2016.

Bilingual edition: Spanish Sign Language/ Castilian.

Cover of the Francisco Alves edition, 1998
Portuguese translation. The cover is a reproduction of the cover of the Valencia edition, 1514.

Cover of the Folio Society edition, 1971
English translation.

The cover features a mirrored image of an abstract pattern against a blue background, which seems to represent a tower, embroidered in gold thread with a red half circle. This could be interpreted as a coat of arms or an…

A man and a woman threaded in a rosary

Cover of the Figuerola edition: Barcelona, 1909
Cover of the 1909 work bound in leather where two figures appear on a balcony: Melibea represented by a young woman braiding her hair and Celestina represented by an old woman with her head covered.

On the cover, a young woman lies down naked on a bed and next to her an older woman, possibly her procuress.

Cover of the Fayard edition: Paris, 2006
French translation. The cover of the French translation published by Fayard (Paris, 2006) reproduces part of the young woman in Marietta Robusti's Venetian Woman (c. 1560) (In…

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On the cover of this edition there is an older woman who acts as Celestina. One of her eyes is damaged, which is reminiscent of the tradition where this character is represented with a damaged eye, as in the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904)

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On the cover there is a young woman seated, resting her head on her right hand and staring blankly.

Cover of the Estella edition, 1557
Busts of Calisto and Melibea with laurel leaf crowns. The abbreviated names of the characters are shown above.This is an illustrated edition that can be seen by clicking here: Estella, 1557

Cover of the Espasa-Calpe: Madrid edition, 1980
A sepia drawing of a very old woman.

Cover of the Éride edition: Madrid, 2023
Cover of the edition of La Celestina, by Fernando de Rojas and Eduardo Galán, Éride Ediciones: Madrid (2023), Subject: VdB Teatro De Almagro. Image by Eduardo Galán.On the cover there is a drawing of a young woman dressed in a traditional way that…

Cover of the Época edition, 2021
The image is a collage of two unrelated paintings, a fragment showing a young bourgeois couple in the paintingA Goldsmith in Shopby Peter Christus (1449), and an older woman taken grom Botticelli's allegorical female figure for Repentance in his…

Cover of the En Letra Grande edition: Madrid, 2020
Three figures appear on the cover: Calisto, Melibea and Celestina. Calisto and Melibea are represented as old illustrations, while Celestina appears in the center of the cover as a silhouette filled with an abstract design in black and blue.

Cover of the Emalcomex: Panamá edition, 1975 (c.)
The cover features a fragment of an unidentified engraving that depicts a young woman's face.

Cover of the Ed. Univers edition, 1973
Romanian translation. The image in the cover is a reproduction of the cover of the Rome edition (1520, c.).

Cover of the Editorial Voluntad edition: Bogotá, 1991
This is a commentary of the text.

Portada de la edición de Editorial Vasco Americana, 1971
A juvenile edition containing a few colour illustrations of the episodes. This is a rare edition.

The cover features Melibea seated on a bench in the foreground while Calisto stands behind her, both looking towards the reader. A spinning wheel is…

Cover page of the Editorial Universo S.A. edition, 1978
The cover features a black-and-white fragment of the painting Las Meninas(1656) by Diego Velázquez.

Portada de la edición Editorial Universitaria, 1958
A cover in black, white, and purple tones that depicts a male figure with his arms outstretched, moving towards what appear to be two figures, grasping a letter in his right hand.

Cover of the Editorial Porrúa México edition: México, 2020
On the cover there is a woman with her head covered. Following the tradition of depicting Celestina as an old woman with her head covered, the woman on the cover could represent the procuress.

Cover of the Editorial Porrúa México edition: México, 2000
On the cover there are two young people hugging in front of a door with a heart-shaped padlock. The image represents Calixto and Melibea.

Cover of the Editorial Porrúa edition: México, 2014
An image of an old edition appears on the cover. Calisto and Melibea appear in the garden and Celestina is on the left in front of a door.

On the cover there is a colored copy of the engraving of the first act of the Burgos edition of 1499, where Melibea and Calisto appear in a garden.

Cover of the Oceana Grupo Editorial: Barcelona, 2010 edition.
The cover features a cut-out image of two young women and an old woman.

Cover of the Manuscritos Editorial edition, 2010 c.
Second edition. It is possible that the first edition was published in 2010.

Cover of the Editorial Lumen edition: Barcelona, 1988
A colour drawing of Calisto and Melibea almost kissing and Celestina behind them in the garden. The edition contains other illustrations.

Cover of the Editorial Leyenda: Mexico edition, 1947
A drawing suggestive of the kidnapping of Europe but with two characters and a Goya-style goat. There is a certain Picasso-like influence.

Cover of the Editorial Kapelusz Mexicana edition: México, D.F., 1978
The head of a man appears on the cover, possibly a statue.

Cover of the Editorial Ferma: Barcelona edition, 1967
A comic-style illustration of a couple on some steps and an old woman behind them. The clothing style appears to be from an earlier time period. The old woman is wearing a ruff and her head is uncovered. The second part of this edition is El…

Cover of the Editorial Fama: Barcelona edition, 1955
A depiction of Calisto and Melibea sharing an embrace in the garden. In the foreground, Celestina rubs her hands, satisfied.

Portada de la edición de EPOCA, 2010
Even two unrelated paintings, such as fragment showing a young bourgeois couple in the paintingA Goldsmith in Shopby Peter Christus (1449), and an older woman taken grom Botticelli's allegorical female figure for Repentance in his paintingThe Calumny…

Cover of the Editorial Época edition: Mexico City, 1997
Even two unrelated paintings, such as fragment showing a young bourgeois couple in the paintingA Goldsmith in Shop by Peter Christus (1449), and an older woman taken grom Botticelli's allegorical female figure for Repentance in his painting The…

Cover page of the Editorial Época edition, 2002
A painting on an easel depicting a mythological scene of Neptune on his chariot.

Portada de la edición de la Biblioteca Popular de Autores Universales, 2005 (?)
This edition had a print run of 35 000 copies.

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"This volume presents the most rigorous version of the Tragicomedy of Callisto and Melibea - the one published in Valencia in 1514 -, completed with the suppressed fragments of the primitive Sixteen-act Comedy and with the interpolations and variants…

Cover of the Editorial de Gassó Hermanos: Barcelona edition, 1969
A greyscale drawing of Celestina possibly casting her spell in the third act against an orange background.

Portada de la edición de Castalia: Valencia, 1946
A black background with a colourful and semi-abstract representation of Celestina. A line, representing the thread she sells, forms loops and knots, referencing the way she ties her victims up into her schemes. She clutches the money bag in her right…

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A drawing of Celestina approaching a house, likely Melibea's, with the enchanted thread in hand to sell. The image proceeds from the illustration in Act III of the Burgos, 1499, edition, but, curiously, Celestina's face has been altered. The ochre…

Cover of the Editorial Andrés Bello: Barcelona, 2001 edition.
The cover features an image from the painting An Ill-Matched Pair(c. 1540) by Lucas Cranach the Elder.

On the cover there is a young woman in a room.

Cover of the Editorial AE edition (2009)
An educational edition for high school students.

Cover of the Editores mexicanos unidos: Mexico, 2006 edition.
A portrait of an older women with her hair covered by a veil.

Cover of the Editores Mexicanos Unidos edition: Mexico City, 1985
An illustration, possible from an unidentified painting, of an old woman or lay sister.

Cover of the Editora Nacional: México edition, 1960 (c.)
A modern drawing of a matchmaker and, behind a folding screen or divider, the silhouette of a woman undressing.

Cover of the Éditions de la Nouvelle France edition, 1943
French translation.

A black-and-white cover with a design suggestive of a theater program. It depicts a nude female figure and a demon with a pitchfork flanking the title, while, above them, a pair of gargoyles look down on these two figures.…

On the cover appears what seems to be the bust of a Greco-Roman statue. The bust appears with long hair and a beard.

Cover of the Edime: Madrid edition, 1964
The cover features a fragment of a print from the old Valencia edition (1514), positioned inside a large letter 'e.' The print depicts the death of Celestina, The back cover features a drawing of Fernando de Rojas's face.
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