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Film poster 1 for the film La Celestina P...R..., by Lizzani.
Colour film poster
Daniela (Daliah Lavi), Luisella (Beba Loncar), Loredana (Mirella Sannoner) twice, Celestina (Assia Noris) and Anna (Mirella Maravidi)

Film poster 2 for the film La Celestina P...R..., by Lizzani.
Colour film poster
Silvana (Marilù Tolo), Celestina (Assia Noris), Bruna (Raffaella Carrà) and Luisella (Beba Loncar).

Photochrome 4 from the film La Celestina P...R..., by Lizzani.
Colour photochrome.
Top: Carlo (Venantino Venantini), Anna (Mirella Maravidi) and Celestina (Assia Noris).
Bottom: Luisella (Beba Loncar).

Photochrome 3 of the film La Celestina P...R..., by Lizzani.
Colour photochrome.
Above: Luisella (Beba Loncar) and "eccellenza".
Below: Bruna (Raffaella Carrà) and Celestina (Assia Noris).

Photochrome 1 of the film La Celestina P...R..., by Lizzani.
Colour photochrome.
Top: Carlo (Venantino Venantini) and Armanda (Maria Pia Arcangeli).
Bottom: Celestina (Assia Noris) and Montesti (Goffredo Alessandrini)

Photochrome 2 of the film La Celestina P...R..., by Lizzani.
Colour photochrome.
Above: Silvana (Marilù Tolo).
Below: Celestina (Assia Noris) and Luisella (Beba Loncar).

Photochrome 5 from the film La Celestina P...R..., by Lizzani.
Colour photochrome.
Top: Celestina (Assia Noris) and Moretti (Piero Mazzarella).
Bottom: Silvana (Marilù Tolo) and Marcello (Massimo Serato) at their engagement party.

Carátula del DVD Acto II de La Celestina, de Guerrero.
On the top part, Elicia (Gemma Cuervo) is shown in mourning and Areúsa (Tina Sáinz) is eating.
Celestina (Tony Solder) is smiling in the bottom part.

Back cover
In the image in the top part Celestina (Tony Solder) is arguing with Pármeno…

DVD case of La Celestina, by Vera
Calisto (Juan Diego Botto) and Melibea (Penélope Cruz)

Film poster for La Celestina, by Vera
Celestina (Penélope Cruz) and Calisto in one of their clandestine encounters.

Film poster for La Celestina, by Ardavín
The figure of the go-between Celestina (Elisa Ramírez) stands out and the lovers Calisto (Julián Mateos) and Melibea (Amelia de la Torre).

Representation of the Teatro el Público, La Habana, by Díaz Alfonso, 2002
Representation directed by Carlos L. Díaz Alfonso at the Teatro el Público in La Habana.

Representation in Madrid, 1909
Representation written and directed by Francisco Fernández Villegas for Teatro Español protagonized by Carmen Cobeña. With Amparo Villegas (Melibea), Ricardo Calvo (Calisto), Leovigildo Ruiz Tatay (Sempronio), Francisco Comes (Pármeno), Mercedes…

The houses in the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
Staging of the houses from the movie by Ardavín.
In the first image, Celestina's house stands out and so does Calisto's in the inferior part.
On the second page, you can see Melibea's (Elisa Ramírez) mansion's garden in which she meets Calisto…

Photochrome 12 from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
Drama inLa Celestina.In the first image Alisa (Eva Lissa) is desperate for not being able to prevent Melibea's death. In the second, Elicia (Ursula Mellin) comes down the stairs and finds Celestina (Amelia de la Torre) dead.

Photochrome 11 from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
Celestina, master in erotic arts.
Celestina (Amelia de la Torre) convincing Areúsa (Heidelotte Diehl) to give herself to Pármeno (Gonzalo Cañas). In the second image, you can the result of the successful art of Celestina.

Photochrome 10 from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
Celestina (Amelia de la Torre) being murdered by Sempronio (Antonio Medina)

Photochrome 9 from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
Melibea (Elisa Ramírez) hearing Traso and his men fighting with Calisto's servants.

Book of photochromes from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín (presentation)
The introduction of a tragic love story.
Image of middlemen, procuresses and lovers.

Photochrome 8 from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
Calixto's "dreams." The love dream Calisto (Julián Mateos) aspiring to be loved by Melibea (Elisa Ramírez).

Book of photochromes from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín (antecedents)
On one hand, the image corresponds to one of the first acts. Celestina speaks with Calisto, while Pármeno listens carefully to the conversation.
On the other hand, the text corresponds to the antecedents of Rojas' book.

Book of photochromes from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
Images from Act IXCelestina, Elicia, the new couple of Pármeo and Areúsa, Sempronio is at the end of the table.

Characters from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
From right to left, Pleberio, Alisa, Sempronio, Lucrecia, Areúsa, Pármeno, Elicia and Centurio.

Characters from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
From right to left, in the upper part, Melibea (Elisa Ramírez), Celestina (Amelia de la Torre) and Calisto (Julián Mateos); in the middle part, Pleberio (Konrad Wagner), Sempronio (Antonio Medina), Alisa (Eva Lissa), Lucrecia (Eva Guerr) and, in the…

Film poster for La Celestina, by Sabido
Calisto (Luigi Montefiori) and Melibea (Isela Vega). On the top part, you can see the eye of the procuress Celestina (Ofelia Guilmáin).

Photochrome 7 from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
Calisto (Julian Mateos) observing Melibea (Elisa Ramírez) when he enters her garden to find his falcon.

Photochrome 1 from La Celestina, by Vera
Pármeno (Jordi Mollà) and Calisto (Juan Diego Botto)

Photochrome 2 from La Celestina, by Vera
Tristán (Sergio Villanueva) and Sosia (Carlos Fuentes) crying over the death of Calisto (Juan Diego Botto)

Photochrome 3 from La Celestina, by Vera
Sempronio (Nancho Novo) and Celestina (Terele Pávez) moments before her death.

Photochrome 4 from La Celestina, by Vera
Calisto (Juan Diego Botto) and Melibea (Penélope Cruz)

Photochrome 5 from La Celestina, by Vera
Elicia (Candela Peña) and Areúsa (Maribel Verdú)

Photochrome 6 from La Celestina, by Vera
Medieval party and music

Photochrome 7 from La Celestina, by Vera
Lucrecia (Nathalie Seseña) and Melibea (Penélope Cruz)

Photochrome 8 from La Celestina, by Vera
Calisto (Juan Diego Botto) and Melibea (Penélope Cruz)

Design of the collectible photochromes from La Celestina, by Sabido
Melibea and Calisto. The procuress Celestina is in the background.

Photochrome 1 from La Celestina by Sabido
Lucrecia (Ana de Sade) as the witness of the sexual pleasure between Areusa and Elicia and their lovers.

Photochrome 2 from La Celestina, by Sabido
Melibea (Isela Vega) in her garden

Photochrome 3 from La Celestina, by Sabido
Calisto (Luigi Montefiori) and Melibea (Isela Vega)

Photochrome 4 from La Celestina, by Sabido
Celestina (Ofelia Guilmáin) accompanied by Sempronio (José Gálvez).

Photochrome 5 from La Celestina, by Sabido
Elicia (Marcela López Rey ) and Sempronio (José Gálvez).

Photochrome 6 from La Celestina, by Sabido
Celestina (Ofelia Guilmáin)

Photochrome 7 from La Celestina, by Sabido
Areúsa (Martha Zabaleta) and behind her Sempronio (José Gálvez) and Pármeno (Porfirio Bas ) getting drunk.

Photochrome 9 from La Celestina, by Sabido
Calisto (Luigi Montefiori) and Melibea (Isela Vega)

Photochrome 6 from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
Alisa (Eva Lissa) with the procuress' string, Celestina (Amelia de la Torre) and Melibea (Elisa Ramírez). Lucrecia (Eva Guerra) is found in the background.

Photochrome 5 from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
Pleberio (Konrad Wagner), Alisa (Eva Lissa), Lucrecia (Eva Guerr) and Melibea (Elisa Ramírez) watching a religious procession from the top of her mansion.

Photochrome 4 from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
Celestina (Amelia de la Torre) witnessing a fight between Elicia (Ursula Mellin) and Sempronio (Antonio Medina).

Photochrome 3 from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
Celestina (Amelia de la Torre) in the foreground. Beside her are Sempronio (Antonio Medina) and Elicia (Ursula Mellin).

Photochrome 2 from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
Lunch scene at the procuress' house. Celestina (Amelia de la Torre) alongside Pármeno (Gonzalo Cañas) and Areúsa (Heidelotte Diehl). Sempronio (Antonio Medina) and Elicia (Ursula Mellin) are on the other side of the table.

Photochrome 1 from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
Celestina (Amelia de la Torre) convincing Pármeno (Gonzalo Cañas) to join Sempronio in her plan.

Film poster for La Celestina, by Ardavín
Melibea (Amelia de la Torre) stands out in the background, while Celestina (Elisa Ramírez) and Areúsa (Heidelotte Diehl) are found in the foreground.

El huerto de Calisto y Melibea, theater (2000 c.)
Cut out puppet theatre of Melibea's garden with the characters from the play. The front page, in English and Spanish, includes a summary of the story and explains that the garden is near Salamanca's Old Cathedral, which clearly appears in the…

La maja, de Velásquez (Fecha desconocida)
A young woman is sits on a bench. There is a dog on the right and a guitar on the bench. On the left, an old woman looks at the young woman as if whispering. In the background some men are seen staring at the young woman.

Celestina and Young Woman (Celestina y maja), by Goya (1824)
A young woman appears in the center of the painting in the foreground. An old woman appears to the right in the background.

Young Woman and Celestina on the Balcony (Maja y Celestina al balcón), by Goya (1808, c.)
In the image two figures appear on a balcony: a young woman leaning on the railing and looking at the viewer (maja) and an old woman with a rosary on the left who reminds of Celestina. From the title it is also understood that the old woman acts as…


Country scene, de Alenza y Nieto (1877)
A young woman sitting under a tree, accompanied by an old woman on the left and several men on the left looking at her.

Poor man and Celestina, by Alenza y Nieto (1840, c.)
A man is accompanied by an old woman with a cane.

Waiting on the balcony, by Alenza y Nieto (1835, c.)
A young woman sitting in a room near a balcony. Around her, an old woman sitting on the right, a man sitting on the left, and a man standing on the left.


The maja on the balcony, by Alenza y Nieto (1840, c.)
Goya-type model of a maja on the balcony with a procuress behind. A young woman looks out on a balcony and on the left, an old woman that acts as her procuress.


No hay quien nos desate, de Goya (1797)
A tied young woman and man are attacked by a giant owl.

Los españoles pintados por sí mismos, de anónimo (1851)
A young woman in the center of the drawing. On the left, an old woman looking at her, on the right a young man looking at her.

Estudio de Cabeza, de Velásquez (Fecha desconocida)
Portrait of an old woman.

Tal para cual de Goya (1797)
A young woman is hugged by a young man while a pair of old women are seated to the left.

La 'madama' rehaciendo su peinado, de Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1893)
Portrait of a woman with red hair combing her hair.

Escena de burdel, para Vicente, de Bernard (1888)
Depiction of a brothel scene where a young woman is drinking, a young man looking at her and an old woman by his side. The old woman may be acting as a procuress for the young woman.

Robbery in a Brothel, by Steen (1665, c.)
Brothel scene. A young man on the lap of a young woman, while another young woman hands an object to an elderly woman. The old woman acts as a procuress for the young women. A couple of men in the background playing music instruments.

Fourth illustration from the back cover from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of a young, naked woman between two billy goats.

Third illustration from the back cover from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of death in skeleton form floating beside the ladder in the garden.

Second illustration from the back cover from the Mexico edition (1947)
Naked man or woman reading a book beside a tree and falcon.

First illustration from the back cover from the Mexico edition (1947)
Capital letter O that frames a naked Melibea and angels.

Illustration from act XXI from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of Pleberio's sobs with mourners in the background.
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