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Illustration of act XV of the Estella edition (1557)
Image used in act X. Now it is used for the conversation of Areúsa and Elicia with Centurio. The same image is used again in acts XVIII and XXI.

Illustration of act XIV of the Estella edition (1557)
A strange representation of Calisto's visit to Melibea which shows Sosia and Tristán in the same image and the ladder beside Melibea. The image seems to suggest that Melibea had descended from a tower using the ladder. The same image is used again in…

Second illustration of act XIII of the Estella edition (1557)
Pármeno and Sempronio's execution. It is novel to include two women in the right margin watching from the window, as if referencing Elicia and Areúsa, although this detail does not occur in the text. This image is used again in act XX.

First illustration of act XIII of the Estella edition (1557)
Scene used previously for act VIII to show Pármeno and Sempronio talking at the door of a house. Now it could represent them before entering Celestina's house and killing her.

Illustration of act XII of the Estella edition (1557)
Sempronio amd Pármeno stand guard while Calisto is at the gates of Melibea's garden. Because of the types of arms they carry it seems to be a military scene. Note that the shield Calisto carries has an image of a heart pierced by an arrow. The same…

Illustration act XI of the Estella edition (1557)
The same illustration used in act VI, which shows Celestina talking with a seated Calisto, while Pármeno and Sempronio talk amongst themselves behind her.

Illustration of act X of the Estella edition (1557)
A difficult scene to understand as it does not correspond to the action in act X. A man approaches to speak to a woman who is sitting or has fallen down while the other one present stands. This could refer to the page who comes in search of Alisa,…

Illustration of act IX of the Estella edition (1557)
The banquet in Celestina's house with Pármeno, Sempronio, Elicia and Areúsa. A dog under the table is eating something. A large jug of wine beside Celestina.

Illustration of act VIII of the Estella edition (1557)
Pármeno and Sempronio talk at the door of the house. The same image is used again in act XIII.

Illustration of act VII of the Estella edition (1557)
Celestina and Pármeno stand at the foot of Areúsa's bed. The same scene is reused in acts XVII and XXII.

Illustration of act VI of the Estella edition (1557)
Calisto, seated, speaks with Celestina, meanwhile Pármeno and Sempronio talk amongst themselves. the same engraving is reused in act XI.

Illustration of act V of the Estella edition (1557)
Celestina walks through the street while a dog barks at her and a man and woman watch her from the doorway of a house. This does not appear to represent any specific scene from the act. Perhaps it is a reference to Pármeno's words in act I "si pasa…

Illustration of act IV of the Estella edition (1557)
Melibea hands over the girdle to Celestina, who carries a staff.

Illustration of act III of the Estella edition (1557)
Celestina and Sempronio speak in the street and Elicia coming out of a doorway. The same image is reused in act XVI.

Illustration of act II of the Estella edition (1557)
Calisto conversing with Pármeno and Sempronio in the interior of the house.

Illustration of act I of the Estella edition (1557)
Calisto in the garden and Melibea on a balcony. Curiously Calisto is shown with a bow.

La Inquisición o El santo oficio, de Goya (1820)
Mixed method in mural transferred to canvas.
This painting is on display at the Prado Museum, in the "Black Paintings" collection, the description of the painting provided by the museum in the exhibition describes the women drawn as "dressed in the…

Tentación, de Shilder (Fecha desconocida)
According to the museum's description, a procuress tries to recruit a poor girl by promising her a life of luxury. Meanwhile, a potential client waits at the door.

Other title: Искушение

Baile en la Ermita de la Virgen del Puerto, de de Guzmán (1857)
A scene in the Hermitage of the Virgin of the Port. In the lower left corner of the table, there is a group of people acting similarly as characters inLa Celestina. A soldier dressed in red, with a young girl who seems to be flirting, while an old…

Chitón, de Goya (1799(?))
Part of the series of the whims by Francisco de Goya. Etching and aquatint on paper.

Una escena en las cortes de la ley, de Forain (1900(c))
A prostitute and her procuress in court, according to the museum's description.

Tres mujeres en un balcón, de Bernard (1903)
Parece recorder a la serie de prositutas en el balcón de Goya, aunque parece falta la alcahueta vieja


Cover of the Taurus edition: Madrid, 1967
A red version of an older (white) cover that depicts Celestina approaching a house. The image is a reproduction of a section of the title page engraving from the Valencia edition (1514). Two figures can be seen in the garden, and two others in the…

The shadow of Celestina, Calisto and Melibea

Burdel en antigua Grecia, de Jacobs (1885)
19th century engraving from a History of Prostitution, By P. L. Jacobs, 1885.

Escena de burdel (Una alegre compañía en una mesa), de Pot (1630 c.)
A room with a table with a red tablecloth. On the left, a young woman near a man and next to her an old woman who seems to act like a procuress.

Cartel anunciador
baile Shoji kojima
Cristian Lozano
Tamara López
Pablo Fraile
Francisco Morgado
Ángel Sánchez Fariña

Ballet Shoji Kojima Flamenco:
Chiharu Okano, Kanako Maeda, Ayumi Yanagiya
Harumitsu Seki, Tomoya Matsuda
Satoyo Kamata, Etsuko…

Cover of the Artes Gráficas Arges edition, 1959
A drawing of a single figure wearing a hat over what appears to be a veil, in what is most likely a depiction of Celestina.

El embotado y la vieja, de Alenza y Nieto (Fecha desconocida)
A man in a hood talks to an old woman.

Mujer joven en un balcón, de Alenza y Nieto (Fecha desconocida)
A young woman leaning out on a balcony and accompanied by an old woman.

Other title: Jeune femme au balcon


Old woman and fray, by Alenza y Nieto (1840, c.)
In the image appears an old woman with her head covered and a man dressed as a fray. The woman represents Celestina or a procuress.

Representation at the Albéniz Theatre, Madrid, by Vida (1999)
Author: Fernando de Rojas Adaptation/version: Luis García Montero Direction and scenography: Joaquín Vida Figurines: Vitorio y Luquino Lighting design: Carlos Moreno Costumes: Victorio y Luchino Cast: Nati Mistral, Paco Morales, Eva García (in…

Cover of the Editorial Mediterráneo edition, 1990
The cover is a partial reproduction of the engraving of act XII from the old Valencia edition (1514).

Manuscript illustration for the chapter on lust. See explanation in German in attached file.

Cover of the Aguilar edition, 1963
A black and yellow dust jacket with a drawing of a ladder propped against a wall. The image references Calisto's visit to Melibea in the fourteenth act.

Cover of the EDAF edition, 1965
A red quill or feather against a blue background, in reference to the author and the act of writing.

Cover of the Mensajero Bolsillo edition, 1982
The cover contains three fragments of three acts from the old Valencia edition (1514)in yellow on an orange background:the engraving of act I,the engraving of act IVandthe engraving of act XXI.

Portada de la edición de Susaeta, 1969
A multi-colored depiction of the characters. They are all somewhat abstract, resulting in no clear or obvious identification of any of the characters, including the iconic Celestina.

Cover of the Madrid edition, 1569
A pair of lovers in a border with Cupid in the middle firing an arrow.

Compañía musical, de van Rijn (1626)
A young woman sits with a book in her hands. Two musicians around her play the harp and the double bass. Behind the young woman, an old woman.

Original title: Musicerend gezelschap

Ilustración de Oeuvre priápica de Vivant Denon (1790)
A couple in bed while an older woman acting as a procuress sits at the foot of the bed counting coins.

Hada madrina, de Zouravliov (2010 c.)
This drawing represents the Russian folk legend of Vasilissa, a young woman, and a witch. The original story does not contain any Celestinesque references. However, Vania Zouravliov's work introduces elements of the visual tradition of La Celestina.…

Image of act XX of the Salamanca edition (1590)
Melibea throws herself from the tower while two women watch. Note the absence of the character of Pleberio.

Image of act XIX of the Salamanca edition (1590)
Sosia and Tristán transport Calisto's body, after falling from the ladder.

Image of act XVIII of the Salamanca edition (1590)
Melibea and Lucrecia listen behind the door while Pleberio and Alicia discuss the marriage of their daughter.

Image of act XVII of the Salamanca edition (1590)
Factotums of an unidentified man and woman, probably representing Areúsa and Sosia's encounter, although these factotums have been used previously for other characters.

Image of act XVI of the Salamanca edition (1590)
Scene already used in acts V and XI but here it doesn't seem to have any relation with the events in the act.

Image of act XV of the Salamanca edition (1590)
Centurio between Areúsa and Elicia.

Image of act XIV of the Salamanca edition (1590)
The same image used in act XII, now for Calisto's visit to Melibea's garden with Sosia and Tristán.

Image of act XIII of the Salamanca edition (1590)
The execution of Pármeno and Sempronio with an executioner and two male characters as witnesses.

Second image of act XII of the Salamanca edition (1590)
Pármeno and Sempronio kill Celestina.

Image of act XII of the Salamanca edition (1590)
While Melibea and Lucrecia wait on the crenelated garden wall, Calisto climbs the ladder and Pármeno and Sempronio keep watch.

Image of act XI of the Salamanca edition (1590)
The same image used in act V to show the visit of Celestina and Sempronio to Calisto's house, who is speaking with Pármeno. Written above is Celestina, Sempronio, Calisto and Pármeno. Used again in act XVI.

Image of act X of the Salamanca edition (1590)
Two factotums of women, representing Melibea and Celestina. Above, the names Melibea, Alisa, Celestina, Lucrecia are written.

Image of act IX of the Salamanca edition (1590)
Banquet scene at Celestina's house with five characters, two men and three women. It does not appear to show a banquet but rather a meeting. Above are the names of Sempronio, Pármeno, Celestina, Elicia, Areúsa and Lucrecia.

Image act VIII of the Salamanca edition (1590)
This scene does not appear to have anything to do with the action in this act. If it represents anything it would be Melibea's suicide although there are many characters. Additionally, in act XX a different image is used for Melibea's suicide.

Image of act VII of the Salamanca edition (1590)
Scene in two frames of the visit of Pármeno and Celestina to Areúsa. On the left hand part the first two are speaking and in the right hand part the following scene of Pármeno lying with Areúsa. Above are written the names of Celestina, Pármeno,…

Image of act VI of the Salamanca edition (1590)
An image without meaning in this act due to its seeming representation of act XVIII, where it is reused there appropriately, where Melibea and Lucrecia listen while Pleberio and Alisa speak about the possible marriage of their daughter. Above the…

Image of act V of the Salamanca edition (1590)
Celestina and Sempronio approach the door of Calisto's house, where he is speaking with Pármeno. This image is used again in acts XI and XVI.

Image of act IV of the Salamanca edition (1590)
Two factotums of women and above the names Celestina, Lucrecia, Alisa and Melibea. The first, an old woman, covered with something in hand, this could be Celestina, although the image is not the same as the one used in the previous act for this…

Image of act III of the Salamanca edition (1590)
Two factotums, man and woman, and above the names of Sempronio, Celestina and Elicia. The first factotum is the one used in act I for Calisto. The second has her head covered and the rosary so she must be Celestina.

Image of act II of the Salamanca edition (1590)
Two factotums of an old and a younger man and above the names Calisto, Pármeno and Sempronio.

Image of act I of the Salamanca edition (1590)
Factotums of Calisto and Melibea, possibly the encounter in the garden.

First image of the cover page of the Salamanca edition (1590)
A composite scene of Celestina knocking on the door holding the thread, Lucrecia at the window, Calisto and Melibea in the garden, a horse and a woman. Low quality image the seems to have been inspired by the cover page of the Valencia edition (1514)…

Promotional poster Nacer contigo (2012)
From left to right: Miguel Ángel, Calixto, Melibea, Alina, Pleberio, Celeste, and Caín.
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