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First illustration from act XII from the Paris edition (1949)
Pármeno and Sempronio prepare themselves to leave for Melibea's house.

Second illustration from act XII from the Paris edition (1949)
Lucrecia and Melibea listen to Calisto from the other side of the door.

Third illustration from act XII from the Paris edition (1949)
Calisto converses with Melibea who is on the other side of the door.

Fourth illustration from act XII from the Paris edition (1949)
Celestina awakens to receive Sempronio and Pármeno who are looking for their part of the winnings.

Fifth illustration from act XII from the Paris edition (1949)
Sempronio falls from a window after killing Celestina.

First illustration from act XIII from the Paris edition (1949)
The town crier announces the decapitation of Calisto's servants.

Second illustration from act XIII from the Paris edition (1949)
Calisto's servants, Pármeno and Sempronio, are decapitated.

Third illustration from act XIII from the Paris edition (1949)
Sempronio and Pármeno's death spoken about by the townspeople.

Second illustration from act XIV from the Paris edition (1949)
Sempronio about to stab Celestina. Pármeno stops Elicia. Calisto alludes to this murder in act XIV.

Second illustration from act XV from the Paris edition (1949)
Areúsa consoles Elicia about Celestina's death.

First illustration from act XVI from the Paris edition (1949)
Pleberio and Alisa speak about Melibea's future.

Second illustration from act XVI from the Paris edition (1949)
Melibea and Lucrecia (?) outside the main door of Pleberio's house.

First illustration from act XVIII from the Paris edition (1949)
Calisto and his servants on route to Melibea's house.

Second illustration from act XVIII from the Paris edition (1949)
Illustration of the sunset in the medieval city.

First illustration from act XIX from the Paris edition (1949)
Calisto and Melibea's nighttime encounter.

Second illustration from act XIX from the Paris edition (1949)
Calisto and Melibea's sexual encounter.

Second illustration from act XX from the Paris edition (1949)
Pleberio and Alisa lament their daughter's death.

Second illustration from act XXI from the Paris edition (1949)
Illustration of Melibea's funeral procession.

Third illustration from act XXI from the Paris edition (1949)
Illustration of the end of the work. The lovers' faces and their names carved in stone.

Liqueur advertisement (1898)
Advertisement of the liqueur made by the French order of the Celestine monks, no connection with La Celestina in spite of the name and the image.

Engraving of act III from the Burgos edition (1499)
Double engraving. Left: Elicia and Sempronio are on the inside. Right: Celestina approaches a house carrying the thread and a bag of coins. Tower in the background. A variation of the left side of the image is used again later in act VII.

Illustration of act VII from the Barcelona edition (1841)
This illustration is missing in some editions. The moment in which Pármeno approaches Areúsa's bed while Celestina watches the scene (p. 149). At the foot of the scene Areúsa's words can be read: "Quítate allá, que no soy de aquellas que piensas, ten…

Cover of the Loqueleo Santillana edition, 2016.
A juvenile edition from Loqueleo, a brand of the editorial house Santillana.

The cover features images from the Burgos 1499 edition, which represent Calisto and Melibea, amidst a squared pattern typically found on floors.

Cover of the Manuscritos Editorial edition, 2010 c.
Second edition. It is possible that the first edition was published in 2010.

Comic La Celestina, anonymous (2017 c.)
An anonymous comic made using a software program that allows one to create comics using preexisting images. Probably an assignment by a student in secondary school.

Portrait of an old woman.

Full title/ Other titles: La Célestine (Carlota Valdivia), La femme à la taie

Underground comic with Celestina character, from Amor Amateur (2016)
Underground comic published in Daemon Club. It includes the character of Celestina that has the ability to travel through time. Erotic tone.

Cover of the Mestas edition: Madrid, 2016
The image is a fragment of Goya’s work: Milagro de San Antonio de Padua (Miracle of Saint Anthony of Padua)

Cover of the Zaragoza edition, 1545
A very elaborate composite model that originated from Valencia, 1514 and Sevilla, 1523.An illustrated edition with 26 engravings (plus the cover) which can be seen by clicking here: Zaragoza, 1545.The same engraving is used for the cover of the…

Valencia, 1529
A composite scene featuring two servants escorting Calisto on horseback and a third servant or black page. It also includes a dog and to the right margin the house of Melibea with her and Lucrecia on the balcony, while Celelstina knocks on the door…

Cover of the Maucci edition, 1961
The cover art depicts a young couple, clearly meant to be Calisto and Melibea, embracing. In the background, Celestina watches them with a mischievous smile.

Cover of the Zaragoza edition, 1545
Melibea and Lucrecia wait in the garden while Calisto begins climbing the ladder. On the left, two servants with weapons. The character of Calisto is shown with a beard. One of the women in the inside of the garden raises her hand to her breast. This…

Cover of the Estella edition, 1557
Busts of Calisto and Melibea with laurel leaf crowns. The abbreviated names of the characters are shown above.This is an illustrated edition that can be seen by clicking here: Estella, 1557

Cover page of the Estella edition (1557)
Busts of Calisto and Melibea with laurel crowns. Abbreviated names of the characters written above.

Statue of Fernando de Rojas in Talavera de la Reina, by Juan Cantero (2016)
1.9 m bronze statue based on the only portrait that remains of Rojas, the municipal command cane in his right hand and in the left, a copy of La Celestina. There is a sword on his belt.


Illustration of the preface of the London edition (1973)
Calisto and Melibea. Possible illustration of the first meeting between Calisto and Melibea. In Celestinesca, vol. 10, num. 2.

Illustration of  act VIII of the London edition (1973)
Celestina, Sempronio, Elicia, Areúsa and Pármeno eating. Illustration of act IX made by Dodie Masterman for the Folio Society, London, also shown in Celestinesca, Vol 20, Num 1 & 2.…

Illustration of act XI of the London edition (1973)
Celestina heading to Calisto's house. Illustration made by Dodie Masterman for the Folio Society in London. Also shown in Celestinesca Vol 20, Num 1 & 2.

Illustration act XII of the London edition (1973)
Sempronio and Pármeno about to murder Celestina.

Illustration act XIX of the London edition (1973)
Melibea and Calisto in their nocturnal encounter.Made by Dodie Masterman for the Folio Society in London. In Celestinesca, vol. 10, no. 2.

Representation of the Exprés Theater, Asturias, by Díez, 2016
Brief stage piece presented at the Palacio de la Magdalena in the 2016 Express Theater contest. The overall theme of the piece is "The 7 deadly sins".

Representation of the Real Carlos III Theater, Aranjuez, by Maroto, 2016
Company: Tumbalobos Teatro
Dramaturgy: Adaptation by Isabel Becey
Duration: 70 min. aprox.

Cast: Anabel Maurín, Andrés Requejo, Alexia Lorrio, David Bueno, Belén Orihuela, Ignacio Ysasi and Ana Vélez.

Representation of the Santa Brígida Cultural Centre, Las Palmas, by Álamo, 2016
Produced by D'hoy Teatro
Adaptation: Iván Álamo

Fernando Navas - Celestina
Laura Perdomo - Melibea
Ragüel Santa Ana - Calisto
Carol Cabrera - Areúsa
Iván Álamo - Sempronio

Cover of the Moscow edition, 1959
Russian translation.

The image of the characters is outlined in red and depicts, in the foreground, Calisto and Melibea in conversation and, in the background, Celestina observing them.

Cover of the Antwerp edition (1616)
Cover that looks like a rotated copy from the Zaragoza edition (1545)but from a much less careful production. See the description on Zaragoza's cover. It is an edition with illustrations that can be seen here.

Emblem in the prologue of the Antwerp edition (1616)
Likely the printer's emblem that depicts an animal, such as a fox or a wolf in vegetable form that appears to be the letter V.

Cover page of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Composite images of two paintings. On the left is the garden with Calisto and Melibea inside and a servant and horse outside. On the right Celestina is knocking on the door while holding the string and Lucrecia is standing at the window. The model is…

Illustration of act I of the Antwerp edition (1616)
This is a copy taken from the engraving from act V from the Zaragoza edition (1545). A double scene in which Calisto is shown seated on the left, and Pármeno standing, and on the right, Celestina accompanied by Sempronio. Note the black veil…

Second illustration of act III of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the engraving of act XVII in the Zaragoza edition(1545). Where it is used to represent Areúsa in her house, receiving Sosia, while Elicia listens in hiding. Bed and stairs in the background. Here it appears to represent Sempronio…

First illustration of act III of the Antwerp edition (1616)
Double image that shows Calisto and Celestina'smeeting while Pármeno and Sempronio talk amongst themselves. This does not appear to be a copy of the illustrations in Zaragoza (1545), one of the few cases in the book. Due to the simplicity of…

Illustration of act IV of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A simplified copy of the engraving from act IV in the Zaragoza edition (1545).Celestina at Melibea's house, where she is with Lucrecia on the side, while Alisa leaves with the messenger that has come for her.Note that in the Zaragoza version there is…

Illustration of act V of the Antwerp edition (1616)
The same illustration used in act I, which in turn is a copy of the illustration of Act V in the Zaragoza edition (1545). A double scene in which Calisto is shown seated and Pármeno standing, and on the right Celestina arriving at Calisto's…

Illustration of act VI from the Antwerp edition (1616)
The same illustration that was used for act III and is used again for act VIII.

Illustration of act VII of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A variation of the scene of act VII of the Zaragoza edition (1545). Celestina speaking with Pármeno at Areúsa's door, while she is lying in bed. Note that in this version, different from the image in Zaragoza, that the couple in bed are…

Illustration of act VIII of the Antwerp edition (1616)
The same illustration as was used in act IV. A simplified copy generated from the engraving of act IV of the Zaragoza edition(1545).Celestina at Melibea's house, and she with Lucrecia sitting on a dais, while Alisa leaves with the messenger who has…

Illustration of act IX of the Antwerp edition (1616)
Banquet scene at Celestina's house in an illustration completely unrelated to the equivalent illustration in the Zaragoza edition (1545), of which, generally speaking, almost all the illustrations here have been copied.

Illustration of act X of the Antwerp edition (1616)
The same image, already used in acts IV y VIII. A simplified copy generated from the engraving of act IV in the Zaragoza edition (1545). Note that in the Zaragoza edition there is a pet that has been erased here.

Illustration of act XI of the Antwerp edition (1616)
Already used in acts III y VI. It does not appear to be a copy of illustrations in the Zaragoza edition (1545), one of the few instances in the book. It is, however, due to its simplicity, a provision that calls to mind a composition of factotums,…

First illustration of act XII of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the illustration of act XIV of the Zaragoza edition(1545).Calisto climbing a ladder while Melibea and Lucrecia are looking out of two arches. To the right, Sosia y Tristán, stand guard outside. This is used again in acts XIV y XIX

Second illustration of act XII of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the illustration of act XV Zaragoza edition (1545). Elicia y Areúsa plot their revenge against Calisto with Centurio, shown with a sword. In the background, a bed and stairs. It is used again in acts XV y XVIII.

First illustration of act XIII of the Antwerp edition (1616)
An image of a man arriving to a tower with a woman at the door and another man inside. This image does not seem to have anything to do with the events in act XIII, other than the generic idea of arriving to give news, but the female character does…

Second illustration of act XIII of the Antwerp edition (1616)
Scene in which Pármeno and Sempronio are executed. This is one of the rare cases in which this edition does not follow the images in Zaragoza (1545).This image was possibly taken from one of the books ofthe period depicting the extermination…

Illustration of act XIV of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the illustration of act XIV of the Zaragoza edition(1545).Calisto climbs the ladder while Melibea and Lucrecia look out from two arches and two servants on guard outside. This has been used in act XII and is also used in act XIX.

Illustration of act XV of the Antwerp edition (1616)
Elicia and Areúsa orchestrate their revenge against Calisto with Centurio, shown with a sword. In the background, a bed and stairs. This image is used again in act XVIII.

Illustration of act XVI of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the engraving of act XVI in the Zaragoza edition (1545).Lucrecia and Melibea on a cushion, on the other side of a door, listening to the conversation between Pleberio and Alisa, who are seated in another room. This is used again in act XX.

Illustration of act XVII of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the engraving of act XVII of the Zaragoza edition (1545). Areúsa in her house, receiving Sosia, while Elicia listens in hiding. A bed and stairs in the background. This has already been used in act III.

Illustration of act XVIII of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the illustration of act XV of the Zaragoza edition(1545). It has already been used in acts XII and XV. Now it is being used to represent Elicia helping Areúsa make peace with Centurio.

First illustration of act XIX of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the illustration of act XIV of the Zaragoza edition(1545).Calisto climbing a ladder while Melibea and Lucrecia are watching from two arches. On the right Sosia and Tristán, standing guard outside.This has been used in acts XII and…

Second illustration of act XIX of the Antwerp illustration (1616)
A copy of the image of act XX of the Zaragoza (1545) edition. Sosia and Tristán remove Calisto's corpse.

Illustration of act XX of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the engraving of act XVI of the Zaragoza (1545)edition.Pleberio, behind him Alisa in bed, knocking on Melibea's door. Lucrecia answering and Melibea saddened sitting on the dais.This has already been used in act XVI with a different…

Illustration of act XXI of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of act XXI of the Zaragoza edition (1545).Three bearded male characters contemplate Melibea's body lying face down, and beside her, Lucrecia, Alisa and Pleberio. One unidentified character watching from the wall also contemplates the scene…

Illustration from the Mediterráneo edition, 1944 (c.)
This is an interior cover illustration depicting Calisto holding a lute, a castle in the background, and Celestina.
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