Old illustrated covers from the 15th to the 17th centuries


Old illustrated covers from the 15th to the 17th centuries

Cover of the Burgos edition, 1499.
Properly speaking, this is not an actual cover, but rather an illustration of the first scene of Act I, depicting the initial encounter between Calisto and Melibea. The cover, if there was one, has been lost. For this reason, the first illustration…

Cover of the Toledo edition, 1500
Celestina, carrying the spool of thread, is knocking at the door of Pleberio's hourse; Melibea and Calisto (with the falcon) are talking. Trees and building in the background.

Cover of the Zaragoza edition, 1507.
Calisto on his knees before Melibea, who is sitting in a covered chair. The names are written below.

Cover of the Seville edition, 1511 (1502).
A composite scene showing Celestina with the thread knocking at a door, in the center Melibea and Calisto, with Lucrecia behind them. In the right margin, an unidentified servant with a horse, and trees in the background. The first two initials of…

Cover of the Seville edition, 1513-15 (1502).
A composed scene showing Celestina with the thread knocking at a door, in the centre Melibea and Calisto, with Lucrecia behind them. In the right margin, an unidentified servant with a horse, and trees in the background. The first two initials of…

Cover of the Valencia edition, 1514.
Calisto and his servants in the foreground; Celestina knocking on the door of Melibea's house, and inside her, her parents and her servant. In the background two men (Pármeno and Sempronio?) meet with two women (Areúsa and Elicia) in…

Cover of the Roma edition, 1515-1516 (1502).
A composed scene showing Celestina with the thread knocking at a door, in the centre Melibea and Calisto, with Lucrecia behind them. In the right margin, an unidentified servant with a horse, and trees in the background. The first two initials of…

Cover of the Seville edition, 1518-1520 (1502).
A composite scene showing Celestina with the thread knocking at a door, in the centre Melibea and Calisto, with Lucrecia behind them. In the right margin, an unidentified servant with a horse, and trees in the background. The first two initials of…

Cover of the Venice edition, 1519
Celestina convinces or begs a young woman, probably Melibea, although in theory she could also be Areúsa, in her bedroom. The bed in the background. In Latin is written: "vetula tail scorpionis" (an old lady like the tail of a scorpion)This is an…

Cover of the Seville edition, 1523.
A variant of the covers of Seville by Cromberger, but completely redesigned. It now also includes a dog and the initials of Sempronio and Celestina have been added on top of the corresponding characters. See the complete description in the edition of…

Cover of the Venice edition, 1525.
The emblem of the printer with two unicorns and a double-headed eagle.

Cover of the Barcelona edition, 1525.
A building with two windows and three characters inside, a front garden with two women, and Celestina knocking on the door. Callisto and two servants on the right hand margin, in behind, two men and two women are in the street in front of other…

Cover of the Toledo edition (1526)
On the left, Calisto and Melibea in the walled garden, Celestina with the rosary, thread and a cane knocking on a door and a young woman (Lucrecia) leaning out the window to see who is calling at the door. This is an edition with 25 illustrations…

Cover of the Valencia edition, 1529<br />
A composite scene featuring two servants escorting Calisto on horseback and a third servant or black page. It also includes a dog and to the right margin the house of Melibea with her and Lucrecia on the balcony, while Celelstina knocks on the door…

Cover of the Medina del Campo edition, 1530.
Two factotums of a man and a woman, thought to represent Calisto and Melibea.

Cover of the Barcelona edition, 1531.
This is the same as that of Barcelona, 1525: A building with two windows and three characters inside, the front garden with two women, Celestina knocking on the door, Calisto and two servants on the right bank, behind him two men and two women are in…

Cover of the Burgos edition, 1531.
Composite scene with an unidentified servant, Calisto, Melibea and Lucrecia, with the initials above. Celestina, also with initials above is knocking at the door, with the thread in hand. A tree in the center. An illustrated edition with26…

Cover of the Venice edition, 1531.
The same as Sevilla, 1523.

Cover of the Venice edition, 1531.
This is an elaborate frontispiece with columns and putty framing the page.

Cover of the Venice edition, 1531.
This is the same as in Venecia, 1519. Please see the description on that page.

Cover of the Venice edition, 1534.
The same cover as the Sevilla, 1523 edition.This is an illustrated edition, with 21 illustrations that can be seen by clicking here: Venecia, 1534.

Cover of the Venice edition, 1535.
This is the same as the Venecia, 1519 and Venecia, 1531 editions. Please see the description there.

Cover of the Burgos edition, 1536.
This is the same as in the Burgos, 1531 edition.

Cover of the Seville edition, 1536.
A scene composed of two pictures, to the left Calisto and Melibea in the garden, outside a servant with horse, and to the right Celestina knocking on the door with the thread, while Lucrecia looks out the window. This is the model that comes from…

Cover of the Toledo edition, 1538.
This is the same as the Toledo, 1526 edition. An illustrated edition with 24 images that can be seen by clicking here: Toledo, 1538.

Cover of Lisbon, 1540
Only print in the book. Scene of Calisto and Melibea's initial encounter. Calisto has the hawk. Celestina with the string and a servant.This edition containsother 21 illustrations, that can be seen here.

Cover of the  Salamanca edition, 1540
Frontispiece framed with two images, one upper and one lower, which respectively illustrate Callisto accessing the garden of Melibea with the ladder and their servants removing his corpse after the deadly fall. These same scenes appear later in the…

Cover of Venice, 1541.
The same as Sevilla, 1523.

Cover of the Venice edition, 1543.
The same as the cover of the Sevilla, 1523 edition, a variation of the Seville covers by Cromberger but completely redesigned. It now also includes a dog, and the initials of Sempronio and Celestina have been added on top of the corresponding…

Cover of Antwerp, 1545.
Emblem of the printer, showing a Pelican feeding a fish to its young..
There is also a 1545 edition.

Cover of the Zaragoza edition, 1545
A very elaborate composite model that originated from Valencia, 1514 and Sevilla, 1523.An illustrated edition with 26 engravings (plus the cover) which can be seen by clicking here: Zaragoza, 1545.The same engraving is used for the cover of the…

Cover of the Zaragoza edition, 1545
Melibea and Lucrecia wait in the garden while Calisto begins climbing the ladder. On the left, two servants with weapons. The character of Calisto is shown with a beard. One of the women in the inside of the garden raises her hand to her breast. This…

Cover of the Venice edition, 1556.
Emblem of the printer, with a phoenix and two mottos in Latin pertaining to the immortal bird, along with two winged fauns or devils and the initials of the printer.

Cover of the Estella edition, 1557
Busts of Calisto and Melibea with laurel leaf crowns. The abbreviated names of the characters are shown above.This is an illustrated edition that can be seen by clicking here: Estella, 1557

Cover of the Valladolid edition, 1561.
A composite image that appears to be a fragment of the models begun by Cromberger, Sevilla, 1511 (1502) and Valencia, 1514, which shows the garden with Calisto and Melibea,the servant with a horse and Celestina knocking at the door with the thread…

Cover of the Alcalá de Henares edition, 1563
Three factotums of a man between two women, thought to be Calisto standing between Melibea and Celestina.

Cover of the Antwerp edition, 1568.
Emblem of the printer showing a Stork feeding its young, and a motto in Latin: "PIetas homini utilissima virtus."

Cover of the Madrid edition, 1569
A pair of lovers in a border with Cupid in the middle firing an arrow.

Cover of the Salamanca edition, 1570.
Capital with a decoration of curved shapes and flowers.

Cover of the Alcalá de Henares edition, 1575.
Emblem of the printer showing a hand between clouds or waves, holding an object in the form of "T" and the inscription in Latin "Per verbum Dei auditus".

Cover of the Salamanca edition, 1590.
Composite scene of Celestina knocking on the door with the thread, Lucrecia at the window, Calisto and Melibea in the garden, a horse and a woman. A low quality image that seems to be inspired by the cover of the edition of Valencia, 1514 or of…

Cover of the Tarragona edition, 1595.
Factotums of Calisto and Melibea in positions of arguing, each with a finger raised. Calisto with hat in hand. The names of the characters written above.

Cover of the Antwerp edition, 1599.
Emblem of the printer Christoph Plantin and his descendants, which is a compass held in a hand which is rising from a cloud and the Latin inscription "labore et constantia".
The second image is of a similar edition but dated 1595

Cover of the Zaragoza edition, 1607.
Factotums of Calisto and Melibea with the complete name written above. Melibea with a peculiar headdress.

Cover of the Milan edition, 1622.
A cat in a border, probably the emblem of the printer or bookseller of Count Antonio Viscount, count of Leonato Poçolo

Cover of the Paris edition, 1527
A factotum of an older woman with a rosary or beads tucked into her belt and with the name Celestine in red in a border.See the complete work: Paris (1527)

Cover of Seville, 1550
The second picture is of a similar edition dated 1543

Cover of the Antwerp edition (1574)
Cover that looks like a rotated copy from theZaragoza edition (1545)but from a much less careful production. See the description on Zaragoza's cover. It is an edition with illustrations that can be seen here.Very similar to the laterreeditionAntwerp…

Cover of the Zaragoza edition, 1554
An illustrated edition with 26 engravings (plus the cover)The image in the cover is the same as the one used inZaragoza 1545, but the typographic composition of the page is different.A very elaborate composite model that originated fromValencia,…

Cover of Valencia, 1575
Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, de Joan Navarro, Valencia, 1575. Imagen compuesta que parece un fragmento del modelo con que arranca de Cromberger, Sevilla, 1511 (1502) y Valencia, 1514, que presenta el huerto con Calisto y Melibea, el criado con…

Cover of Seville, 1501
Comedia de Calisto y Melibea Oxford (UK), Taylorian Institute Library Taylorian TAY Main Libr MICR.1267 Paris (Fr), Bibliothèque nationale de France RES-YG-63 Record inUTSC