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Ilustración de Calisto de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de Melibea de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de la Celestina de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de Alisa y Pleberio de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de Areusa de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de Centurio de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de Crito de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de Elicia de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de Lucrecia de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de Sempronio de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Ilustración de Sosia y Tristan de la edición Barcelona, 2000.
La Celestina. Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea. Barcelona, ​​Editorial Crítica, 2000. Prologue by Francisco Rico. Illustrations by Celedonio Perellón

Representation ofCelestina, Moulin Rouge, Granada, by Ruiz Mingorance, 2019
Representation Celestina, Moulin Rougein the CajaGranada Theatre, Granada, Spain, 2019.Production:Jacaranda 11.Free adaptation of the text by Fernando de Rojas: Antonio César Morón.Direction: Carmen Ruiz Mingorance.Cast:Aristide BruantAdéle de…

Illustration of the cover page of the Venice edition (1519)
Celestina convinces or cajoles a young woman, likely Melibea, although in theory it could be Areúsa, in her bedroom. Bed in the background. "Vetula cauda scorpionis" is written in Latin (an old woman, like the tail of a scorpion).

Cover of the Venice edition, 1519
Celestina convinces or begs a young woman, probably Melibea, although in theory she could also be Areúsa, in her bedroom. The bed in the background. In Latin is written: "vetula tail scorpionis" (an old lady like the tail of a scorpion)This is an…

Illustration of act I of the Venice edition (1519)
A couple, woman and man, talking, while another group of five people, all young men with the exception of an old woman who can be interpreted as a celestina appear to argue over a spyglass in order to spy on the couple on the left. Portico…

Illustration of act IV of the Venice edition (1519)
Two young men on one side, an old woman or celestina in the middle and a young man on the left making a supplicating gesture. Porticoes in the background. Written over the figures are the names Celestina, Lucrecia, Elisa, Melibea, which clearly do…

Illustration of act V of the Venice edition (1519)
The same generic illustration from act IV. Written above are the names Celestina, Sempronio, Calisto, Pármeno, Celestina. Note that the name Celestina is repeated.

Illustration of act VI of the Venice edition (1519)
The same illustration as act IV. The names Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno, Sempronio, Calisto. Note the repetition of the name Calisto.

Illustration of act VII of the Venice edition (1519)
The same illustration as act I. The names Celestina, Pármeno, Areúsa, Elicia, Celestina (repeated) written above the figures.

Illustration of act VIII of the Venice edition (1519)
The same illustration as act IV, written above are the names Pármeno, Areúsa, Sempronio, Calisto, Pármeno (repeated).

Illustration of act IX of the Venice edition (1519)
The same illustration of act I. Written above are the names Sempronio, Pármeno, Elicia, Celestina, Areusa, Lucrecia, Sempronio (repeated).

Illustration of act X of the Venice edition (1519)
The same illustration as act IV. Above the names Melibea, Celestina, Lucrecia, Elisa, Melibea (repeated).

Illustration of act XI of the Venice edition (1519)
The same illustration as act I. Above are the names Celestina, Sempronio, Calisto, Pármeno, Elicia, Celestina (repeated)

Illustration of act XII of the Venice edition (1519)
The same illustration as act I. Above, the names Calisto, Sempronio, Pármeno, Lucrecia, Melibea, Pleberio, Alisa, Celestina, Elicia, Calisto (repeated)

Illustration of act XIII of the Venice edition (1519)
The same illustration as act IV. Above, the names Calisto, Tristanico, Sosia, Celestina.

Illustration of act XIV of the Venice edition (1519)
The same illustration as act I. Above, the names Melibea, Lucrecia, Sosia, Tristanico, Calisto, Melibea (repeated)

Illustration of act XV of the Venice edition (1519)
The same illustration as act IV.

Illustration of act XVI of the Venice edition (1519)
The same illustration as act I. Above, the names Pleberio, Alisa, Lucrecia, Melibea, Pleberio.

Illustration of act XVII of the Venice edition (1519)
The same illustration as act IV. Above, the names of Elicia, Areúsa, Sosia, Elicia (repeated)

Illustration of act XIX of the Venice edition (1519)
The same illustration as act I. Above, the names Sosia, Tristanico, Calisto, Melibea, Lucrecia, Sosia (repeated)

The Lusty Andalusian (La lozana andaluza), by Chámez (1983)
Adaptation of The Lusty Andalusian(La lozana andaluza)by Francisco Delicado.Broadcast on May 6, 1983.Producer: José FradeProduction director: José SalcedoScript: Chumy ChámezDecorator: José Luis GaliciaWardrobe advisor:…

Game card of Don Juan, Doña Inés and Brígida (Evaristo Juncosa, 1930 c.)
Card of the six of swords representing Brígida convincing Doña Inés that Don Juan is in love with her. The swords are used to represent her pain in the tradition of the heart of Mary of Sorrows.

Representation of the Ziemi Pomorskiej (scena Bydgoszcz) Theater, Bydgoszcz-Toruń, Poland, by Chojnacka, 1960
Staging: Leon Schiller
Translation: Juliusz Gomulicki
Adaptation: Marcel Achard
Decoration: Władysław Daszewski
Music: Tomasz Kiesewetter
Assistant director : Hieronim Konieczka

Jadwiga Chojnacka – Celestina
Jan Zdrojewski –…

Representation of the Klasyczny Theater, Warszawa, Poland, by Chojnacka, 1958
Staging: Leon Schiller
Translation: Juliusz Gomulicki
Adaptation: Marcel Achard
Scenography and costumes: Władysław Daszewski
Choreography: Jadwiga Hryniewiecka
Music: Tomasz Kiesewetter
Assistant director: Andrzej Żarnecki


Cover of the Antwerp edition, 1599.
Emblem of the printer Christoph Plantin and his descendants, which is a compass held in a hand which is rising from a cloud and the Latin inscription "labore et constantia".
The second image is of a similar edition but dated 1595

Representation of the Library of Castilla y León, Valladolid, by Cidoncha, 2021
Representation ofEl ñaque de celestina ("The Celestine ñaque"), Goliardía teatro company in the Library of Castilla y León, Valladolid, organized by Junta de Castilla y León premiered on October 7, 2021.Author: David ParaDirection: Miguel…

Cover of the Bruño edition: Madrid, 1993
The cover features the image of the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904).

Cover of the Editorial Bruño edition: Madrid, 1993
A naive-style drawing of Celestina walking in a cemetery at night.

Representation of the 3rd Edition of the CIFP Microteatro Festival, Madrid, 2017
La tragicomedia de Hamlet y Calisto("The tragicomedy of Hamlet and Calisto")Integrated Center for Professional Training in New Technologies- José Luis GarciWhen the stories of Hamlet and Celestina are mixed, the characters become confused and loves…

Drawing of Celestina, by Cilantro (2021)
The first image shows Celestina with a cauldron, alluding to the spell that the character performs in act III. The second image shows Celestina surrounded by trees.

The Love Letter, by Clouet (1570, c.)
Original title: Le billet doux ("The Love Letter").

A young woman in between matchmaker with a letter and a man that solicits her services.

Bookmark Calisto and Melibea, Codex Manesse (2018 c.)
Bookmark with an image of a couple taken from the Codex Manesse (Zurich, 1304) and the words describing love in La Celestina "it is a hidden fire" etc

Cover of the Folio Society edition, 1971
English translation.

The cover features a mirrored image of an abstract pattern against a blue background, which seems to represent a tower, embroidered in gold thread with a red half circle. This could be interpreted as a coat of arms or an…

Portada de la edición de New York University Press, 1966
A black-and-white print positioned against a red background. The print depicts Calisto on his bed, pining after his first disastrous encounter with Melibea. Behind him, Sempronio approaches with Celestina, having gone to fetch her.

Portada de la edición de Penguin Classics, 1964
A banner is carried by the two figures -one male and one female- bearing the inscription: "como quien sale a justar" ("as one who goes out to fair"). The man and the woman are also holding up a sheaf of wheat or wild flowers. In the background, a…

Animated plot of La Celestina, by Collado (2002)
Figurines by designer Lorenzo Collado of the characters from La Celestina, including: Melibea, Calixto, Parmeno, Areusa, Lucrecia, Sempronio, Celestina, student and the author Fernando de Rojas. Celestina's character is reminiscent of a nun because…

Cover of the book The Mechanical Celestina (La Celestina mecánica), by Colomina de Rivera (1976)
Book with cover that suggests that it is an essay with the subtitle "estudio sobre la mitología de lo femenino, la mujer y su manipulación a través de la industria cultural." The title is probably influenced bu the Spanish translation of Kubrick's…

Representation of the Camaleón Theatre, Madrid, 2009
La Celestina: Tragicomedia de Calixto y Melibea ("La Celestina: Tragicomedy of Calixto and Melibea")

Audience ofMother Celestina's Powders, engraving, byComba y García (1883)
The image shows the afternoon session of Hartzenbusch's The Powders of Mother Celestina ("Los polvos de la madre Celestina"). Note that there are children and youth among the audience.Engraving print The theaters and their public ("Los teatros y su…

Representation of the Plaza de Las Palmas de Arrecife, 2016
Event organized by ACTÚA (Artistic cultural action) on the occasion of Book Day, in the Plaza de Las Palmas de Arrecife, the public enjoyed this scene represented by Begoña Cedrés, Matías Di Candia and Germán Barrios.

Representation of the Teatro Albéniz, Madrid, 1998
The Celestina: Between two desiresCast:Estrella R.- MelibeaFlamenco by Teatro Albéniz

Representation of the Teatro Repertorio Clásico Mundial, San Juan, Puerto Rico, by Concepción, 1990
Representation directed by Ernesto Concepción of the Teatro Repertorio Clásico Mundial from the Teatro Tapia.

Photo series of The Story of Melibea (La historia de Melibea), by Constantinou (2014, c.)
Series made byAndreas Constantinoucomposed of nine photos of a model that poses as Melibea. According to the photographer, "My inspiration came after visiting Salamanca and the garden where the story took place, the fiancé (now husband) of my best…

Representation of the Teatro Círculo, New York, by Córdoba, 2008
Cast:Patricia Becker-MelibeaJosé Enrique Díaz-CalistoBeatriz Córdoba- CelestinaFermín Suárez-SempronioJosé Cheo Oliveras-PármenoEva Cristina Vásquez- AreúsaMariana Buoninconti- Elicia

Representation of the Indigesto Theater, Zaragoza, by Corrales, 2008
La ¿tragi?comedia de Calixto y MelibeaProduction: Indigesto TheaterCostume: Indigesto Theater and ETMZ Cast: Encarni Corrales – CelestinaLorena García – Melibea Laura Tejero – Elicia Yolanda Jurado – Alisa Alberto Salvador – Úrsula J.J. Sánchez –…

Representation of the Bastion del Carmen Cultural Center, Colonia, Uruguay, by Cortizo, 2012
Unipersonal Poetry and Theater: “Embriagaos”

La Celestina (Act XII- second scene)
Cast: Elsa Gelso

Cover of the Editorial de Gassó Hermanos: Barcelona edition, 1969
A greyscale drawing of Celestina possibly casting her spell in the third act against an orange background.

Portada de la edición Rodegar, 1969
Celestina in the foreground and Calisto and Melibea in the background. The black and sepia tones give the illustration an aged appearance.

Portada de la edición de De Gassó Hnos, 1977
A greyscale drawing of Celestina possibly casting the spell from the third act, positioned against an orange background.

Representación del Théâtre de la Croix Rousse, Lyon, Francia, de Coupat (2007)
Translation: Florence Delay

Valérie Jouve (film: Delay Conference)
Aymeric Reumaux (animated film)
Space: Christian Fenouillat and Françoise Coupat 
Costumes: Alexandra Wassef and Agostino Cavalca
Lighting: Christophe Forey
General direction:…

Mother Gregoire, by Courbet (1855)
Description of painting by the Art Institute of Chicago: "Mère Grégoire is a character from a popular song written in 1820 by French lyricist Pierre Jean Béranger. As described by Béranger, she was the portly proprietress…

Untitled, engraving by Crabbe van Espleghem.
Scene of a client being robbed while he negotiates with a prostitute and procuress in the background.

The Matchmaker (La alcahueta), by Cranach (1548).
Triangle between client, prostitute and matchmaker. Bag of money in the client and matchmaker's hands and a jug with alcohol in the prostitute's hand.

Other titles: Ungleiches Paar, Die verliebte Alte.

La Celestina, by Créixams i Picó (1950, c.)
Two women appear in the painting, a young woman and an old woman. The old woman appears with a fan pointing at the young woman. Following the celestinesque tradition, the old woman can act as a procuress for the young woman. Two children also appear…

Portada de la edición de Editorial Bruguera, 1980
A black-and-white illustration from the first act of the Burgos edition of 1499, printed by Fadrique de Basilea. The image is a depiction of the first meeting between Calisto and Melibea.

Cover of the Moretón: Bilbao edition, 1968
This cover features a fragment of the cover of the Toledo edition of 1538, framed in a shape that resembles a castle or arched building.

Screenshot 2024-04-19 172507.png
Among many other engraving, this Dutch engraver printed a book with portraits of famosu courtisans and bawds. 'Miroir des plus belles courtisans de ce temps¨. Spigel der alderschoonste courtisanen deses tyts,

Illustration of one of the problematic copies of the supposed 1502 edition, actually 1513-15, Cromberger, This copy includes the usual illustration for the execution plus this one of a servant taken to the gallows. It looks as it had been taken from…

A strange illustration of the execution of Parmeno and Sempronio that introduces a female character as executioner. It could be Areúsa or Elicia, or an allegorical character. It is not clear if there is a bag of money or an allusion to the horn of…

Cover of the Roma edition, 1515-1516 (1502).
A composed scene showing Celestina with the thread knocking at a door, in the centre Melibea and Calisto, with Lucrecia behind them. In the right margin, an unidentified servant with a horse, and trees in the background. The first two initials of…

Cover of Seville, 1550
The second picture is of a similar edition dated 1543

First illustration of act XIX of the Rome edition: Marcelo Silber, 1515 (colophon Stanislao Polono, Sevilla, 1502)
The same engraving as in act XIV which shows Calisto with two servants climbing into Melibea's garden,where she is waiting for him with Lucrecia

Illustration of the cover page of the Rome edition: Marcelo Silber, 1515 (colophon Stanislao Polono, Sevilla, 1502)
Celestina knocking at the door of Pleberio's house with the yarn in her hand. Lucrecia in the background, Melibea and Calisto in their first meeting talking, a horse and unnamed servant on the right margin. Initials of Lucrecia, Melibea and Calisto…

Illustration of act I of the Rome edition: Marcelo Silber, 1515 (colophon Stanislao Polono, Sevilla, 1502)
Factotums of Pármeno, Calisto, Melibea, Sempronio and Celestina. Elicia and Crito, whose names appear in the image heading, are not shown. Pármeno attired with a turban

Illustration of act II of the Rome edition: Marcelo Silber, 1515 (colophon Stanislao Polono, Sevilla, 1502)
Factotums of Calisto, Pármeno and Sempronio. In the two margins a tree and houses respectively.

Illustration of act VI of the Rome edition: Marcelo Silber, 1515 (colophon Stanislao Polono, Sevilla, 1502)
Factotums of houses, Calisto, Celestina (with the rosary), Pármeno and Sempronio

Illustration of act IX of the Rome edition: Marcelo Silber, 1515 (colophon Stanislao Polono, Sevilla, 1502)
Factotums of five characters and six names above: Sempronio, Pármeno, Celestina, Lucrecia, Elicia and Areúsa

Illustration of act XII of the Rome edition: Marcelo Silber, 1515 (colophon Stanislao Polono, Sevilla, 1502)
Five factotums (three men and two women) and above in two lines the names of Calisto, Lucrecia, Melibea, Pármeno, Sempronio, Pleberio, Alisa, Celestina, Elicia

First illustration of act XIII of the Rome edition: Marcelo Silber, 1515 (colophon Stanislao Polono, Sevilla, 1502)
The scene of Celestina's death at the hands of Pármeno and Sempronio on the left, with Elicia present, and on the right the following scene of Pármeno and Sempronio jumping from the window and the judge with a soldier

Second illustration of act XIII of the Rome edition: Marcelo Silber, 1515 (colophon Stanislao Polono, Sevilla, 1502)
The execution scene of Pármeno and Sempronio with an executioner and his assistant on the right. On the left, the judge with two soldiers and a character who covers their eyes so as not to see, perhaps Sosia

Illustration of act XIV of the Rome edition: Marcelo Silber, 1515 (colophon Stanislao Polono, Sevilla, 1502)
Scene of Calisto climbing the ladder to the Melibea's garden protected by two servants. Within Lucrecia and Melibea wait. The same engraving is used again in act XIX

Illustration of act XV of the Rome edition: Marcelo Silber, 1515 (colophon Stanislao Polono, Sevilla, 1502)
Factotums of houses, Elicia with her head covered (image used for Alisa in act IV), Centurio (image with turban used previously for Sempronio), Areúsa and a tree
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