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Illustration of act XI of the Salamanca edition (1540)
Factotums of houses, Melibea, Lucrecia, Celestina and Alisa.

Illustration of act X of the Salamanca edition (1540)
Factotums of houses, Melibea, Lucrecia, Celestina and Alisa.

Illustration of act IX of the Salamanca edition (1540)
Factotums of Sempronio, Pármeno, Celestina, Elicia, Areúsa and Lucrecia.

Illustration of act VIII of the Salamanca edition (1540)
Factotums of houses, Pármeno, Areúsa (used earlier for Melibea), Sempronio and Calisto. Sempronio's image is new and shows a character gesturing with his index finger.

Illustration of act VII of the Salamanca edition (1540)
Factotums of houses, Celestina, Pármeno, Areúsa and Elicia. The factotums of Areúsa and Elicia are the ones used earlier for Alisa and Melibea respectively.

Illustration of act VI of the Salamanca edition (1540)
Factotums of a tree, Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno and Sempronio.

Illustration of act V of the Salamanca edition (1540)
Factotums of houses, Celestina, Sempronio, Pármeno and Calisto.

Illustration of act IV of the Salamanca edition (1540)
Factotums of houses, Celestina, Lucrecia, Alisa and Melibea.

Illustration of act III of the Salamanca edition (1540)
Factotums of a tree, Sempronio, Celestina, Elicia and houses. All previously used and Elicia's is used for Melibea. Sempronio looking as though he is threatening Celestina.

Illustration of act II of the Salamanca edition (1540)
Factotums of houses and four masculine characters. Written above are the names Calisto, Pármeno and Sempronio. The factotums' placement implies that the characters are interacting two by two. Three are bearded.

Illustration of act I of the Salamanca edition (1540)
Five factoums and above the names of Calisto, Melibea, Sempronio, Celestina, Elicia, Crito and Pármeno. Celestina holding the rosary and Sempronio reaching for his sword as if to threaten Celestina, who is at his side. All the masculine characters…

Cover of the Zaragoza edition, 1554
An illustrated edition with 26 engravings (plus the cover)The image in the cover is the same as the one used inZaragoza 1545, but the typographic composition of the page is different.A very elaborate composite model that originated fromValencia,…

Engraving from act XV from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Elicia, Centurio and Areúsa. In the margins, a house and a tree.

Engraving from act XIV from the Seville edition (1523)
Calisto, escorted by Sosia and Tristán, scaling the wall to Melibea's garden, where Melibea and Lucrecia await. The same engraving is repeated in act XIX.

Engraving from act XIII from the Seville edition (1523)
Execution of Pármeno and Sempronio.

Engraving from act XII (bis) from the Seville edition (1523)
Narration of Celestina's death at the hands of Pármeno and Sempronio on the left side, then their jump through the window in the central part and judge and soldier on the right and also in the left margin.

Engraving from act XII from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Calisto, Lucrecia, Melibea and Sempronio.

Engraving from act XI from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno and Elicia.

Engraving from act IX from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Sempronio, Pármeno, Celestina, Lucrecia, Elicia and Areúsa.

Engraving from act VIII from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Sempronio, Pármeno, Calisto and Areúsa. Houses in the right margin.

Engraving from act VII from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Celestina, Pármeno, Areúsa and Elicia. Houses in the left margin.

Engraving from act VI from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno and Sempronio. Houses in the left margin.

Engraving from act V from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Calisto, Pármeno, Sempronio, and Celestina. Houses in the left margin.

Engraving from act IV from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Lucrecia, Celestina, Alisa and Melibea. Houses in the margin.

Engraving from act III from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Celestina, Sempronio and Elica. Margins made of houses and a tree.

Engraving from act II from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Calisto, Pármeno and Sempronio, with margins made of trees and houses.

Engraving from act I of the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the figures of Pármeno, Calisto, Melibea, Sempronio, and Celestina (text superimposed adds Elicia and Crito, that are not in the figure).

Engraving from act XVI from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Melibea, Lucrecia, Alisa and Pleberio. In the left margin there are houses.

Engraving from act X from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Melibea, Celestina, Lucrecia and Alisa. Houses in the left margin.

Engraving from act XXI from the Seville edition (1523)
Melibea's suicide, with Pleberio and Alisa present and two unnamed characters (Lucrecia and a page?).

Engraving from act XX from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Melibea, Lucrecia and Pleberio. Tree and houses.

Engraving from act XIX (bis) from the Seville edition (1523)
Sosia and Tristán carry the dead Calisto after his fall.

Engraving from act XIX from the Seville edition (1523)
Image of Calisto climbing into Melibea's garden. It is the same image from act XIV.

Engraving from act XVIII from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Areúsa, Centurio and Elicia. Houses and tree.

Engraving from XVII from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Elicia, Sosia (error of the printer since the image is that of a woman) and Areúsa.

Cover of the Seville edition, 1523
Celestina, Melibea, Lucrecia, Calisto and Sempronio, and dog, falcon and horse. Celestina holding a rosary and Calisto the string and falcon. Note the detail of the horse's testicles that can be seen from behind.

Poster and brochure cover of the concert version of the opera La Celestina by Felipe Pedrell that took place at the La Zarzuela theater in Madrid on September 9, 2022. See information…

Representation of the Gran Teatre Liceu, Barcelona, 2008
105 years after it was written, Antoni Ros Marbá presents two scenes from Felipe Pedrell's opera:La Celestina: tragicomedia lírica de Calisto y Melibea en cuatro actos ("La Celestina: lyrical tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea in four acts").Symphony…

Cover of the Sevilla edition, 1523.
A variant of the covers of Seville by Cromberger, but completely redesigned. It now also includes a dog and the initials of Sempronio and Celestina have been added on top of the corresponding characters. See the complete description in the edition of…

Untitled, engraving by Pazzi of the drawing by Lorenzi.
Young man and matchmaker argue, using their fingers to count.

Representation of the Colegio del Pilar, Madrid, by Pato, 2011
Estable Theater Group of the Association of Former Students of Colegio del Pilar

The Temptations of Saint Anthony Abad, by Patinir and Massys (1520, c.)
Table representing the temptations of Saint Anthony Abad. In the painting San Antonio appears surrounded by three young women tempting the saint and an old woman. The old woman appears with her breasts exposed and can act as a procuress for the young…

Representation of the Teatro Círculo Católico "San Roque", Valencia, by Pastor, 2014
Adaptation: Carles Recio Scene: Kojani Teatre Technical help: José Luis Sanz “El Cigalo” , Margarita Serra, Pasba and José Vicente Fábregues Duration: 60 min. Cast: Amparo Pastor – Celestina a fairy/witch who protects good loveEros Recio-…

Representation of the Tívoli Cultural Center, Burjassot, by Pastor, 2017
Les Sitges Theater group from Burjassot
Music: Lluís Subiela (accordion) and Samuel Subiela (guitar)
Scenography: Inma Ibáñez

Amparo Pastor– Celestina,
Claudia Esteban – Melibea,
José Luis Oltra – Calisto
Javi Bono – …

Study for an engraving in the Hortus Voluptatum, by de Passe (1599)
A woman and a man in the center of a room. The woman points to the bed while he has his hand on her waist. There is another woman at the door.

Illustration of an old woman giving a young woman a letter, by Passe (1600 c.)
Illustration of an old woman giving a love letter to a young woman, in the background to the right a feathered hat or a flower vase. Undearneath, written in French and German is the following text: "I swear that he is so taken by you that he is…

The Celestina and the lovers by Paret, (1784)
"The Celestine is represented holdingsideburnlessglasses, typical of previous times in her left hand. In her right she holds an ancient rosary, made up of three dozen beads and topped with a medal instead of a crucifix, perhaps of the Virgin or of…

The Procuress or the Old Woman and the Gallant Young Man
A young woman appears in the centre of the painting looking to the right at an older woman who is holding a hand fan. To the left of the young woman, there is a young man covering his body and partly his face.

The Fortune Teller, by Paolini (1681)
The Fortune Teller displays the exaggerated tenebrism (contrasting light and shadow) that was initiated by Caravaggio. Symbolic elements such as the mirror that the young man on the left is holding suggests vanity, while the garlic on his head may…

Representation of Theatre Festival of Caracas, 2015-2016
La Celestina, una cantata mediterránea ("La Celestina, a Mediterranean cantata") Musical choice, adaptation and direction: Costa PalamidesDirection assistance: Pedro CambasScene assistance: Yordano MarquinaMontage: Arteú group and Colectivo de Canto…

Representation of the Auditorio Cuitláhuac, México, by Pacheco, 2013
Theatre Workshops-Universidad Tecnológica de México

Representation of the Teatro Bellas Artes, Madrid, by Osuna, 1965
Author: Fernando de Rojas.Adaptation: Alejandro CasonaDirection: José Osuna, helped by Luis Balaguer.Decorations and figurines: Emilio Burgos, made by Viuda de López y Muñoz.Director of the company: José TamayoLope de Vega companyCast: Milagros Leal,…

Representation of the Teatro Reina Victoria, Madrid, by Osuna, 1967
Representation directed by Jose Osuna, for the Teatro Reina Victoria. Premiered by Milagros Leal.

Representation of the Municipal Theater, Lima, 1967
National School of Dramatic ArtAbbreviated version: Alejandro Casona Cast: Elvira Travesí, Manuel Delorio, Ricardo Blume, Alfredo Bouroncle seconded by students and graduates.There was another performance of the play on August 18, 1967 at the Reina…

Representation of the Experimental Theatre, Santiago de Chile, by Orthous, 1974
La Celestina en cámara ("La Celestina on camera")Cast:Alejandro Sieveking - CalistoAnita Klesky - Melibea

Act XIX Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Callisto falls off the ladder. Melibea, Tristán and Sosia are scared.

Act XIV Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Calisto and Melibea's first night of love

Second Illustration of Act XII of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Pármeno and Sempronio murder Celestina

Act XII Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
The bailiff knocks on the door of Celestina's house before she is murdered.

Act VII Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Celestina keeps her promise to Pármeno, and he may keep Areúsa.

Act IV Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Celestina shows Melibea her spellbound thread.

Act II Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Sempronio talks to his owner Calisto

Act I Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Melibea and Lucrecia see Calisto and his falcon in the garden.

Cover of the Remedium edition, 1996
The cover features a fragment ofthe cover of the Valencia edition of 1514.

Representation of Salvador Rueda High School, Málaga, by Olalla, 2017
Thepsis Project

Artistic Team
Costumes and Scenography: GimnasioTeatro
Poster: Hugo Jiménez
Trailer: Alvar Jiménez
Lighting and sound: Francisco Báez
Scenographic performance: Metales Gómez, Francisco Aguilar
Manuel Arquelladas.
Images on…

Cover of the Editorial Época edition: Mexico City, 1997
Even two unrelated paintings, such as fragment showing a young bourgeois couple in the paintingA Goldsmith in Shop by Peter Christus (1449), and an older woman taken grom Botticelli's allegorical female figure for Repentance in his painting The…

Cover page of the Editorial Época edition, 2002
A painting on an easel depicting a mythological scene of Neptune on his chariot.

Tía Sinforosa, in Sainete, by Noguera (1858)
Four characters appear on the cover of the first image (first part), who, according to the cover, are in Juan Llorens house, Calle de la Palma de Santa Catarina. The young couple on the left (characters Saldoni and Margarida), the old woman with her…

Representation of the Zarzuela Theater, by Nin Culmell, 2008
La Celestina, music and script by Joaquín Nin-Culmell, based on La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas and texts by Juan del Encina (world premiere).
Cast: Alicia Berri, Alain Damas, Gloria Londoño, José García-Quijada, Andrés del Pino, Carolina Barca,…

Representation of the Megaron Auditorium in Athens, Greece, by Nikolaidis, 2007
Translation, adaptation and songs: Agathe Dimitrouka
Scenography: Nikos Petropoulos
Music: Thanos Mikroutsikos
Costumes: Giannis Metzikof
Choreography: Irene Alexiou
Lighting: Eleftheria Deko

Nonika Galinea – Celestina
Kostas Gakis…

Cover of the Paris edition, 1527
A factotum of an older woman with a rosary or beads tucked into her belt and with the name Celestine in red in a border.See the complete work: Paris (1527)

Illustration of act XXI of the Paris edition (1527)
Factotums of Alisa and Pleberio that are the same used previously for Melibea and Sempronio.

Illustration of act XX of the Paris edition (1527)
The only image in the book that is not made up of factotums. It shows a man with a cane or staff and a crossed belt with bells and a woman in front of a building. The woman is showing a typical gesture of refusal or surprise, with her palm raised.…

Illustration of act XIX of the Paris edition (1527)
Factotums of Sosia and Tristán that reuse the images of Pármeno and Sempronio.

Illustration of act XVIII of the Paris edition (1527)
Factotums of Areúsa and Centurio that reuse the images of Melibea and Calisto.

Illustration of act XVII of the Paris edition (1527)
Factotums of Areúsa and Elicia with images previously used for Melibea and Celestina.

Illustration of act XVI of the Paris edition (1527)
Factotums of Pleberio and Alisa that use the images of Pármeno and Celestina from previous acts.

Illustration of act XV of the Paris edition (1527)
Factotums of Areúsa and Elicia are images previously used for Melibea and Celestina respectively.

Illustration of act XIV of the Paris edition (1527)
Factotums of Melibea and Calisto identical to the ones used in act I.

Illustration of act XIII of the Paris edition (1527)
Factotum of Sosia, the same used for Pármeno in act VII and the following acts, and of Calisto, which is used in previous acts.

Illustration of act XII of the Paris edition (1527)
Factotums of Calisto, the same as previous acts, and of Lucrecia, the image used for her is the same as the one used in act IV for Celestina.

Illustration of act XI of the Paris edition (1527)
Factotums of Celestina and Calisto, the same used in previous acts.

Illustration of act X of the Paris edition (1527)
Factotums of Celestina and Melibea used in previous acts.

Illustration of IX of the Paris edition (1527)
Factotums of Pármeno and Sempronio already used in previous acts.

Illustration of act VIII of the Paris edition (1527)
Factotums of Pármeno, same as the previous act, and of Areúsa, the same used in act I for Melibea.

Illustration of act VII of the Paris edition (1527)
Factotum of Pármeno as a youth with a sword, and of Celestina, the same as the cover and other acts.

Illustration of act VI of the Paris edition (1527)
Factotum of Celestina not used in any of the previous acts, and of Calisto, the same used in act I.

Illustration of act V of the Paris edition (1527)
The same factotums of Celestina and Sempronio used in act II.

Illustration of act IV of the Paris edition (1527)
Factotum of Lucrecia (actually the same image used in act I for Melibea) and of Celestina who is shown as a woman with a flower in hand.

Illustration of act III of the Paris edition (1527)
Factotums of Celestina --the same as on the cover-- and of Sempronio, the same as in act II.

Illustration of act II of the Paris edition (1527)
The same engraving of the factotum of Celestina that appears on the cover and in many other acts. Factotum of Sempronio shows a young man whose dress seems to be that of a gentleman rather than a servant. This same image is repeated in other acts.

Illustration of act I of the Paris edition (1527)
Two factotums of Calisto and Melibea with their names written in the borders in black ink. Rocky scenery behind Melibea and Calisto holding a rod or cane and wearing rounded toe shoes.
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