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Zubayda y la mujer vieja, de MM. Français y H. Baron (1827 c.)
Illustration of a French edition, by Ernest Bourdin, from the story One Thousand and One Nights, that tells of an encounter between a young woman and an old woman that acts as a procuress. (Les mille et une nuits: Contes arabes traduits par…

YouTube video summary of animated La Celestina, by Gloria Gil (2012)
"Brief summary of the argument of the play La Celestina"
Six minute silent video in which an electronic blackboard and a series of drawings is used to summarize the argument. Educational material?? Note the use of modern characters in the drawings.

YouTube video of the adaptation of La Celestina by students from Bovalar Secondary School, Castellón de la Plana (2009)
School project, 50 minute video. Described on the YouTube page as "Adaptation of the classic by Fernando de Rojas". Audiovisual project by the grade 11 students from Bovalar Secondary School (2009-2010 school year) from the Castilian Language and…

Mujer joven, mujer vieja, de Danto (1960)
Woodblock representation inspired by Goya's work: Maja y Celestina from 1824-25, featuring a procuress and her protégé.

Young woman with crown and procuress, by anonymous (1800, c.)
Original title: Junge Frau mit Krone und Kupplerin ("Young woman with crown and procuress").

In the image appears a young woman looking at the viewer and holding a crown. Beside her appears an old woman looking at the young woman and showing her a…

Mujer joven en un balcón, de Alenza y Nieto (Fecha desconocida)
A young woman leaning out on a balcony and accompanied by an old woman.

Other title: Jeune femme au balcon


Young woman and procuress in the bathroom, by Canals (1933, c.)
In the painting a naked young woman appears next to a bathtub and an old woman next to her who seems to be assisting her in her bath. The image is reminiscent of brothel scenes, in this case the young woman would represent the prostitute and the old…

Young woman and old woman (Maja y vieja), by Goya (1780, c.)
Young woman in a reclined position and an old matchmaker behind her in a rural setting. Probably a model for a tapestry.

Young Woman and Celestina on the Balcony (Maja y Celestina al balcón), by Goya (1808, c.)
In the image two figures appear on a balcony: a young woman leaning on the railing and looking at the viewer (maja) and an old woman with a rosary on the left who reminds of Celestina. From the title it is also understood that the old woman acts as…


Young Man and Matchmaker (Hombre joven y alcahueta), by Sweerts (1660 c.).
Young man looking at matchmaker that rests her hand on his shoulder.

Woman with a Lapdog, Accompanied by a Maidservant, by Mieris (1660)
Woman with a Lapdog, Accompanied by a Maidservant (probably Bathsheba with King David’s Letter)

Woman smoking, by Canals (1900, c.)
Original title: Femme fumant ("Woman smoking").

In the image appear two young women in a bar. One of the young women appears with a cigarette in her mouth while the other lights the cigarette for her. The blurred image in the background on the…

Wine label representing an unusual image of a Celestina with the lower part of the body like a snake coiled to a flask and raising an arrow like a spear, flanked by the words "carpe diem". Underneath, the name of the wine: La Celestina and the date…

Wine Celestina, Argentina
Wine label with a young woman,. It does not seem to be relate to the literary character of Celestina, especially because it is an Argentinian wine and the Italina connection is more likely.

White Slavery (Trata de blancas), by Sorolla (1894)
Original title: "Trata de blancas" ("White Slave Trade").

A group of young women on their way to a brothel, under the vigilance of a procuress. Social denunciation.

Waiting on the balcony, by Alenza y Nieto (1835, c.)
A young woman sitting in a room near a balcony. Around her, an old woman sitting on the right, a man sitting on the left, and a man standing on the left.


Visit to the Spinner, by Meckenem (1495, c.)
A young man visits a spinner. The position of his sword, the presence of a cat, and the fact that the woman is a spinner seems to suggest that the woman is a prostitute or a procuress. SeeCarol Salus,Picasso and Celestina: The Artist's Vision of the…

Ribera (?).jpg
No es necesariamente una alcahueta pero encaja con el tipo usado para éstas


Video summary of La Celestina with animated figures, from the series Grandes Obras Universales, from RTVE (2010)
Comedic summary of La Celestina in 2 minutes with moving figures and Madrid zarzuela type accent.

Carátula de VHS de la película de Gerardo Vera, 1996
Calisto (Juan Diego Botto) y Melibea (Penélope Cruz)

Vertumnus and Pomona, by Mieris (1725)
The image shows two women in an outdoor scene, Vertumnus and Pomona. The young woman (Pomona) is shown with one of her breasts uncovered and picking fruit as she looks at the old woman. The old woman, in this painting representing Vertumnus, is…

Vanitas, allegory of ages, by Martinelli (1650 c.)
Death, young and old woman, a servant or procuress, coins.

Valencian Fallas cardboard statues entitled Pamtomime and Celestina go well together (Pantomima i Celestina sempre han fet molt bona rima), by Martínez Aparici (2016)
A falla by the falla group San Vicente-Periodista Azzati for the 2017 Fallas in Valencia (Spain). It is described as a "Venetian pantomime" and, in some ways, a criticism of the contemporary society. It has a budget of 42,000 Euros.

A masked…

Untitled, engraving by Pazzi of the drawing by Lorenzi.
Young man and matchmaker argue, using their fingers to count.

Untitled drawing, by Canals (1898)
Several women appear in the image: two women with hats, a woman without a hat on the right and an old woman on the top right corner that is reminiscent of Celestina. The description of Canals' work that appears in the article next to the image also…

Underground comic with Celestina character, from Amor Amateur (2016)
Underground comic published in Daemon Club. It includes the character of Celestina that has the ability to travel through time. Erotic tone.

Un par de 'escena galante' en un parque, de Janneck (1730 c.)
Una pareja sentados en una mesa con la chaperona o alcahueta vigilando la interacción.

Una pareja amorosa en un interior, de Janneck (1731 c.)
Una pareja en escena privada, con una mujer vieja (alcahueta) mirandolos detrás de una cortina.

Un caballero encendiendo una pipa de una vela, una mujer mayor derramando de una cacerola y una mujer joven cortando el tabaco - un fragmento, del taller de Gerrit van Honthorst (1633 c.)
Fragmento del cuadro. Nótese la mujer vieja detrás. La escena parece corresponder al modelo de "marrymaking" o reunión con música, comida y bebida en ambientes burdelarios, muy frecuente en la pintura holandesa de la época

couple with procuress.jpg
In the engraving, a young couple and an old woman in the background. The young man is holding a bag that appears to contain money. From the title it is known that the old woman acts as a procuress in the image.

Two women at the window, by Bellotti (1700, c.)
Original title: Due donne alla finestra ("Two women at the window").In the image there are two women at a window, a younger and an older one. The painting is probably inspired by the painting Two Women at a Window, by Murillo (1660, c.) even though…

Two Women at a Window, by Murillo (1660, c.)
Two women in a window, a roof, possibly a prostitute and her matchmaker.


Tal para cual de Goya (1797)
A young woman is hugged by a young man while a pair of old women are seated to the left.

Dos amantes en una mesa, de Sorgh (1644)
Hidden behind the door, a procuress or old woman watches the interaction of the couple. We can assume that she is calculating the amount of money she can get out of the boy to obtain the girl's favors.

Two Amorous Couples at an Inn, by de Ram and van Vliet (1633, c.)
"Two amorous couples at an inn; one couple in frontal view next to the fireplace at right; the other turned to right in left foreground; a female figure carrying a jug at far left; broken glass, playing cards and a pipe on the floor. c.1633-5 Etching…

Tres mujeres en un balcón, de Bernard (1903)
Parece recorder a la serie de prositutas en el balcón de Goya, aunque parece falta la alcahueta vieja


Today Fresh Sausage, by Grosz (1928)
Mixed media, watercolor and ink, on paper.
A young carrying a package and an old woman . Although there is no indication of being a procuress and her protegee, Grosz painted many scenes of prostitution in Weimer Germany.

Title page of the Barcelona edition (1883)
A colored version of the old title page of the Toledo edition, Remón de Petras (1536) and by J Toledo, Juan de Ayala (1538).

Title page from the second volume from the Paris edition (1949)
Title page from the second volume of La Celestina, translated to French by Les Bibliophiles de France, illustrated by Maurice Lalau. Certain images come from and others from

Title page from the first volume from the Paris edition (1949)
Title page from the edition of La Celestina by Les Bibliophiles de France. Illustrations by Maurice Lalau, one illustration from the edition appears also in Celestinesca.

Title page engraving from the Valencia edition (1514)
Calisto and his servants in the foreground; Celestina knocking on Melibea's door, and she is inside with her parents and servant. In the background, two men (Pármeno and Sempronio?) meet two women (Areúsa y Elicia?) in the street.

Title of the film.
Title and in the background the medieval city in which all the events from the movie occur.

Tin bas-relief of a Celestina type scene, by anonymous (1900, c.)
Bas reliefi in tin of a plate to hang. It represents a scene of lovers in a garden and an older woman looking upon them from a window. It may be part of the Celestina tradition, but this exact distribution of the characters is not traditional.

Azulejo de La Celestina (2016 c.)
Sign of José Luis Gallo Street in Talavera de la Reina, Spain

Tía Sinforosa, in Sainete, by Noguera (1858)
Four characters appear on the cover of the first image (first part), who, according to the cover, are in Juan Llorens house, Calle de la Palma de Santa Catarina. The young couple on the left (characters Saldoni and Margarida), the old woman with her…

Two images of Celestina in a book about famous literary characters, by Navarro (1969)
Three images of Celestina inside the book. Originals in color

Three figures in half figure (The procuress), by Schongauer (1480, c.)
The engraving shows a young couple looking at each other, while an old woman with a turban on her head appears in the middle of the two and looking at the young woman. From the title of the engraving it is understood that the old woman acts as a…

Third image of act XIX of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Scene of the retrieval of the body of Calisto by his servants Tristán and Sosia.

Third image of act XIX of the Burgos edition (1531)
Dead Calisto is taken by Sosia and Tristán after falling from the ladder.

Third image of act XIII of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Pármeno and Sempronio's execution. On the right, the judge and three characters, one of whom is probably Sosia. On the left, the execution, one of the prisoners decapitated and the other being decapitated. Two bearded figures on the right. In the…

Third illustration of act XX of the Valencia edition (1529)
Factotums of Pleberio, without a beard, Lucrecia who has her head covered and Melibea with the mirror and a plant in the background, surrounded by a building on the left and a tree on the right. Very similar to the illustration used in act XVI. Note…

Third illustration of act XV of the Madrid edition, 2005
A continuation of the second illustration of act XV

Third illustration of act XIX from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Melibea laments the death of Calisto seated on a bench in the garden (p. 284).

Third illustration of act XII from the Barcelona edition (1883)
The death of Celestina at the hands of Pármeno and Sempronio with Elicia present (p. 225).

Ilustración tercera del Acto X, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Alisa le pide a su hija que no vuelva a recibir a Celestina

Third illustration of act IV from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Melibea hands over her cord to Celestina (p. 103). The scene takes place in the garden.

Third illustration of act I of the Paris edition, 1976
Corresponds to Celestina's spell in act III

Ilustración tercera del acto I de la edición Barcelona, 2013.
La Celestina. Barcelona, Editorial Teide, 2013. Edition and notes by Francesc Serra Balaguer. Introduction and analysis proposal of the work by Judith Moris Campos, and Antonio Pérez Bouza. Illustrations by Elena Odriozola

Third illustration of act I from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Sempronio and Celestina arrive at the door of Calisto's house (p. 46). He is knocking on the door.

Third illustration from the prologue from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of the gallant scene between Calisto and Melibea, probably their encounter in the garden.

Third illustration from the introduction from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Third illustration from the back cover from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of death in skeleton form floating beside the ladder in the garden.

Third illustration from act XXI from the Paris edition (1949)
Illustration of the end of the work. The lovers' faces and their names carved in stone.

Third illustration from act XVII from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Third illustration from act XVI from the Mexico edition (1947)
Coloured image of naked Melibea and Calisto in the garden. Underneath can be read: "¡Oh dulce sobresalto!" ("Oh sweet shock!").
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