Browse Items (3223 total)

Representation of the Teatro El Salvador, San Salvador, by Escalante, 2016
Teatro El Salvador y Asociados
Lead: Mario Vásquez

Representation of the Teatro El Público, Miami, by Díaz, 2023
Representation of Celestina, FUNDarte company (Miami, USA),Teatro El Público(Havana, Cuba) and in association with theFestival Iberoamericano del Siglo de Oro from the Comunidad de Madrid. Premiered in the USA in theMiami-Dade County Auditorium,…

Representation of the Teatro el Público, La Habana, by Díaz, 2001-2002
Representation directed by Carlos, Diaz from the Cultural Center of Spain, from the El Público theater.
Dramaturgical version by Norge Espinosa and Abel González Melo
Theater consultancy by Norge Espinosa
Costume Design, Vladimir Cuenca and Carlos…

Representation of the Teatro el Público, La Habana, by Díaz Alfonso, 2002
Representation directed by Carlos L. Díaz Alfonso at the Teatro el Público in La Habana.

Representation of the Teatro Echegaray, Málaga, 2013
Original poetic drama about Fernando de Rojas by Rafael BallesterosDuration 1.15 h. (s/i) Show: “Contramansedumbre” Montage and Production: Alfa Teatro Producciones Scenic space: Manuel Mayo Lighting: Patricia Gea Melibea: Dora Gálvez Garcilaso de la…

Representation of the Teatro del Ángel, Santiago, by Meza, 1972
Representation of La Celestina, tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea ("La Celestina, tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea") directed by Gustavo Meza at the Teatro del Ángel (Chile).Adaptation in 4 acts: José Ricardo MoralesCreative team:Costumes-…

Representation of the Teatro de Rojas, Toledo, by Monzón Villarrubia, 1964
Production ofEl Candil: Teatro de Cámara and Ensayo de Talavera de la ReinaRecord of representation in CDAEM, Spanish Theater:

Representation of the Teatro de Rojas de Toledo, Madrid, 1994
Guiragai Theater CompanyScenic space: Jean Helbig Scenography and costumes: Mónica Florensa, Javier Chavarria and Maribel Ganso Lighting: Juanjo Granda Characterization: Carolina Cubría Cast: Antonia Bueno - Celestina and Tristán Miguel Ángel Pérez -…

Representation of the Teatro de la Zarzuela, Madrid, by García, 2008
Book: Fernando de Rojas, Joaquín Nin-Culmell, Juan del Encina. Musical composition: Joaquín Nin-Culmell. Stage direction: Ignacio García. Musical direction: Miquel Ortega. Artistic direction: Ana María Iriarte. Scenography: Domenico Franchi.…

Representation of the Teatro de la Nación del IMSS, by Garcini, 1982
Representation directed by Salvador Garcini of the Teatro de la Nación del IMSS in the Teatro Julio Prieto (Ciudad de México, México). Official program and newspaper clippings with the cast and photos of the actors.

Representation of the Teatro de la Comedia, Madrid, by Tamayo, 1978
Version: Camilo José Cela Author: Fernando de RojasDirection: JoséTamayoScenography: Andrea D’Odorico Director deputy: Luis Balaguer Clothing: Miguel Narros Corporal expression: Marta Schinca Music: Antón García Abril Cast: Irene Gutiérrez Caba,…

Representation of the Teatro de la Comedia, Madrid, by Marsillach, 1988
Author: Fernando de Rojas. Adaptation: Gonzalo Torrente Ballester. Direction: Adolfo Marsillach. Scenography and costumes: Carlos Cytrynowski. Cast: Juan Gea, Adriana Ozores, Jesús Puente, Amparo Rivelles, Resu Morales, Ángel García Suárez, César…

Representation of the Teatro de Calle, Salamanca, 2016
De Lazarillos y Celestinas ("Of Lazarillos and Celestinas") is a street theater production based on the stories of La Celestina and El Lazarillo de Tormes that, in a comedic tone, was performed on the occasion of the celebration, on the one hand, of…

Representation of the Teatro Clásico, Sevilla, 2008
Representation directed by Ramón Bocanegra in Teatro Clásico in Sevilla. Dramaturgy: Alfonso Zurro. Starring Roberto Quintana.Cast: Gina Escánez, Juanfra Sánchez, Julián Manzano, Moncho Sánchez, Montse Rueda, Paqui Montoya, Roberto Quintana, Serafín…

Representation in Portugal, by Blanco Gil, 1984
Representation directed by Xosé Manuel Blanco Gil of the Teatro Iberico in Lisboa at the Teatro Clásico in Almagro. The play was also performed in Portugal in 1984.Author: Fernando de Rojas.Stage director: Xosé Manuel Blanco GilPhotographer: Fernando…

Representation of the Teatro Círculo, New York, by Córdoba, 2008
Cast:Patricia Becker-MelibeaJosé Enrique Díaz-CalistoBeatriz Córdoba- CelestinaFermín Suárez-SempronioJosé Cheo Oliveras-PármenoEva Cristina Vásquez- AreúsaMariana Buoninconti- Elicia

Representation of the Teatro Círculo Católico "San Roque", Valencia, by Pastor, 2014
Adaptation: Carles Recio Scene: Kojani Teatre Technical help: José Luis Sanz “El Cigalo” , Margarita Serra, Pasba and José Vicente Fábregues Duration: 60 min. Cast: Amparo Pastor – Celestina a fairy/witch who protects good loveEros Recio-…

Representation of the Teatro Centro de Arte/ Arte-América, Guayaquil, 1995
Musician and composer: Schubert Ganchozo Galarza

Representation of the Teatro Burdel a Escena, Madrid, by Sojo (2021)
Original title of the representation: Celestina, puta vieja ("Celestina, old whore")Production: Sojoproduce Poster Photo: Salomé Sagüillo Costumes: Tocado y Hundido Collaboration: Evonhe Hairdresser and Beauty CenterCast: Silvia Vivó-…

Representation of the Teatro Benavente, by Romero, 2011
Production and assembly of the Teatro Benavente S.L. Author: Fernando de Rojas.Free version by Sinoga.Stage direction: Aurora Romero.Clothing: Aurora Romero.Cast:Celestina: Aurora GonzálezMelibea: Aurora RomeroLucrecia: Anabella HerbellaElicia:…

Representation of the Teatro Bellas Artes, Madrid, by Osuna, 1965
Author: Fernando de Rojas.Adaptation: Alejandro CasonaDirection: José Osuna, helped by Luis Balaguer.Decorations and figurines: Emilio Burgos, made by Viuda de López y Muñoz.Director of the company: José TamayoLope de Vega companyCast: Milagros Leal,…

Representation of the Teatro Argentina, Rome, by Squarzina, 1979
Representation of Alfonso Sastre's version of La Celestina.Storia di amore e di magia con qualche citazione dalla famosa tragicommedia di Calisto e Melibea.Performance at the Teatro Argentina, Rome, Italy. Premiere April 26, 1979.

Representation of the Teatro Albéniz, Madrid, 1998
The Celestina: Between two desiresCast:Estrella R.- MelibeaFlamenco by Teatro Albéniz

Representation of the Teatre Principal, Valencia, 1999
Authorship: Vicent Vila Costume: Rocío Cabedo Lightning: Natzari Lorente Staging: Pep Sellés Production: Teatre de la Caixeta Distribution: Teresa de Juan Cast: Naus Agulló, José Blasco, Yolanda García and Juansa LloretRecord of representation in…

Representation of the Teatre en la Biblioteca Valenciana Nicolau Primitiu, Valencia, by Fresquet and Conchillo (2015)
Representation of La Celestina in Biblioteca Valenciana Nicolau Primitiu (Valencian Library Nicolau Primitiu), Valencia (Spain).Production: Cucurucú Teatre Version: Rosa Jordán and Juan Ramón Conchillo

Representation of the Teatre del Repartidor, Barcelona, 2011
Actors:Izaskun Martínez, Alma Alonso, Francesc Camins andBorja Nieto Light and sound technician:Pedro Nares Technical space: Pepa Calvo Clothing: Marian Dorronsoro Selection and musical montage: Berton Fernández Teatre del Repartidor production

Representation of the Sumperk Theater, Czechia, by Hradil, 1984
Adaptation: Milan Calábek Scenography: Zita Miklošová Music: Ladislav Štancl Assistant: Jiří Maršík Original title: Zavraždění svaté Celestiny, kuplířky z města Salamanky (Assassination of Saint Celestina, procuresses of the city of…

Representation of the Studio Herman Teirlinck, Antwerp, by Goris, 1987-88
Original title:De Spaanse Hoer ("The Spanish Whore"), adaptation of the work by Hugo Claus directed by Alfons Goris at the Studio Herman Teirlinck, Antwerp (1987-88).Representation in the city of Antwerp. Photos of the performance showing the actors…

Representation of the Stein House Theater, Bautzen, Germany, by Linke, 2014
Based on the fantastic Tragedy of the gypsy Celestina by Alfonso Sastre

Representation of the Stefana Jaracza, Łódź, Poland, by Zawodziński, 1994
Translation: Kazimierz Zawanowski
Decoration: Waldemar Zawodziński
Costumes: Maria Balcerek
Choreography: Janina Niesobska
Music: Waldemar Zawodziński
Lighting: Krzysztof Sendke
Assistant director: Jagoda Pietruszkówna


Representation of the Stefana Jaracza Theater, Olsztyn-Elbląg, Poland, by Żuchniewski, 1964
Adaptation: Marcel Achard
Translation: Juliusz Gomulicki
Scenography: Marian Bogusz
Music: Włodzimierz Jarmołowicz
Assistant director: Krystyna Rutkowska

Eugenia Śnieżko-Szafnaglowa – Celestina
Zofia Grabska – Areúsa
Irena Kownas –…

Representation of the Stabile Theater, Torino, 1961-1962
Translation and reduction in two parts: Carlo Terron
Scenography: Mischa Scandella
Clothing: Eugenio Gugielminetti
Music: Sergio Liberovici


Alberto Terrani – Calisto
Cecilia Sacchi – Melibea
Giulio Oppi –Pleberio
Isabella Riva –…

Representation of the Stabile di Genova Theater, Italy, by Galloni, 1952
Italian version: Corrado Alvaro
Scenography: Emanuele Luzzati
Costume: Emanuele Luzzati
Music: Louis Cortese

Raol Grassilli – Calisto
Valentina Fortunato – Melibea
Tino Bianchi – Pleberio
Tina Mayer – Alisa
Lina Volonghi –…

Representation of the Spanish Ballet, Madrid, 1990
Representation with choreography by Paco Romero of the Spanish Ballet at the Cultural Center of the Villa de Madrid.

Representation of the SKNeumanna Theatre in Prague, by Lohniský, 1970
Adaptation: Milan Calábek
Scenography: Jan Dušek
Music: Petr Mandel
Collaborator: Jožka Šaršeová
Original title: Zavraždění svaté Celestiny, kuplířky z města Salamanky (Assassination of Saint Celestina, procuresses of the city of…

Representation of the Santa Fe Theatre, Bogotá, 2011-2012
La Celestina ShowCast:Julio Pachón, Adriana Silva, Myriam Palacios, Juan Carlos Cruz, José Sedek, Danny Chacón, Mónica Gutierrez de Piñeres

Representation of the Santa Brígida Cultural Centre, Las Palmas, by Álamo, 2016
Produced by D'hoy Teatro
Adaptation: Iván Álamo

Fernando Navas - Celestina
Laura Perdomo - Melibea
Ragüel Santa Ana - Calisto
Carol Cabrera - Areúsa
Iván Álamo - Sempronio

Representation of the San Martín Theater, Buenos Aires, by Bonet, 1994
Assistant Directors: Lito Bara and Ana Belén Saint-Jean
Fight Consulting: Hernán Martinez
Original Music: Jorge Valcarcel
Musicians on stage: Jorge Valcarcel and Luis Reales
Lighting design: Lito Pastrán and Jorgelina Flores
Setting and costume…

Representation of the Salvador Novo Theater of the ENAT, Ciudad de México, 2014
¡PUTA VIEJA! ("OLD WHORE!")Flamenco cantata for La Celestina Adaptation and direction: Antonio Algarra Author: Fernando de Rojas Duration 60 min. Scenography: Perla Xóchitl Tinoco Escobedo Make up and costumes: Israel Anaya Benavides Lighting:…

Representation of the Salón de actos del Ayuntamiento, Benidorm, 2013
Organized by the Casa de la Mancha and the Department of Social Welfare

Representation of the Salamanca Plazas and Patios Touristic-Cultural program, Salamanca, 2017
Salamanca, what a sweet name was given to you isthe title of the dramatized route included in the Plazas and Patios program, a Eudologic Productions realization. Through this route, that departs from Plaza de anaya, the participants will be able to…

Representation of the Sala Villarroel, Barcelona, 1985
Tragedia fantástica de la gitana Celestina ("Fantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina") Author: Alfonso Sastre. Co-production of the Centre Dramàtic de la Generalitat and the Grupo de Acción Teatral (GAT), from l'HospitaletMusic: Teresa FloLighting:…

Representation of the Sala Verdi, Montevideo, 2000
National comedyMusic: Martín Buscaglia and Paolo Buscaglia Scenography: Adán Torres Clothing: Nelson Mancebo Lighting: Carlos Torres Cast: Estela Medina- Celestina Andrea Davidovics- Melibea Oscar Serra- Calisto Julio Calcagno, Pablo Varrailhon,…

Representation of the Sala Teatro El Sótano, La Habana, by Daboin, 1993
Representation ofCelestina,by the Rita Montaner Theater Company, at the Sala Teatro El Sótano (La Habana, Cuba), in 1993.Creative team:Author: Fernando de RojasDirector: Rafael DaboinCostume design, Lighting design, Set designer: Tony…

Representation of the Sala Galán in Santiago de Compostela, La Coruña, by Bárcena, 1994
Representation: Celestina (Fantasía para xoguetes).Author: Dorotea Bárcena. Director: Doreotea Bárcena. Scenography and costumes: Ovidio L. Blanco. Lighting: Manuel Núñez Romaniega. Producer:Teatro da LúaCast: Beatriz Graña Barcia and Dorotea…

Representation of the Sala Galán in Santiago de Compostela, La Coruña, 1994
Celestina (fantasia para xoguetes)Scenography and clothing: Ovidio L. BlancoLighting: Manuel Núñez RomaniegaProduction: Teatro da Lúa

Representation of the Sala Bulnes, Santiago de Chile, by Castillo, 1981
Youth Theater Group
Adaptation by: José Ricardo Morales

Elsa Poblete - Celestina
Omar Gutiérrez - Calisto
Eliana Rodríguez - Melibea
Juan Vera - Sempronio
Pepe Herrera - Pármeno
Miryam Pérez - Elicia and Alisa
Mariela Roy - Areúsa…

Representation of the Royal Theater of Madrid, by Marsillach, 1998
Adaptation: Carmelo Bernaola
Production: Royal Theater
Choreography: Ramón Oller
Scenography and costumes: Montse Amenós
Illumination: Albert Faura
Makeup: Liliana Pereña and Carlos Montosa
Costume making: Ana Lacoma
Serigraphy: Concha…

Representation of the Ridotto Theatre, Venice, 1948
Stage: Mischa ScandellaMusical commentary: Piera BorellaDancer: Alessandra VianelloCostumes: Casa d'Arte G.B. Placco - PadovaStage director: G.A. RossiCast:Mario Bardella- CalistoSara Momo- MelibeaLuciano Montini- PleberioMargherita Penzo-…

Representation of the Reina Sofía Municipal Theater, Benavente, 2010
Company: Las Nueve Menos Cuarto
Genre: Drama
Approximate duration: 1 h. 45 min.

Pilar García- Celestina
Bini Saiz- Calisto
Marta Martínez- Melibea
Frutos Martínez- Sempronio
Cristóbal Martínez- Pármeno
Xandra Lemolt- Elicia

Representation of the Regio Theater, Buenos Aires, 2007
Duration: 90 min.
Music: Nicolás Bernazzani
Musical coach and lute player: Miguel de Olaso
Lighting: Nicolás Trovato
Costume design: Renata Schussheim
Scenography: Horacio Pigozzi
Scenography design for outdoor spaces: Héctor…

Representation of the Real Coliseo de Carlos III Theater, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, by Custoidio, 1982
Colour photos of the representation Eva y Don Juan by Álvaro Custoidio at the Real Coliseo de Carlos III Theater, in San Lorenzo de El Escorial. Actress María Calonje as Celestina.

Representation of the Real Carlos III Theater, Aranjuez, by Maroto, 2016
Company: Tumbalobos Teatro
Dramaturgy: Adaptation by Isabel Becey
Duration: 70 min. aprox.

Cast: Anabel Maurín, Andrés Requejo, Alexia Lorrio, David Bueno, Belén Orihuela, Ignacio Ysasi and Ana Vélez.

Representation of the Quirino Theater, Rome, by Pezzoli, 1998
Representation directed by Cristina Pezzoli for the Quirino Theater in Rome. Clippings of theater reviews with actors and parts of the stage.

Representation of the Proscenio Teatro, Barcelona, 2019
Proscenio TeatroDirection: Jone ArteagoitiaCast: Olga Abuín, Eduardo Méndez, Neus Soler, Leticia Aparicio, Pol de la Rosa, Laura Mateu and Toni Sanchez MacarrillaScenography: Proscenio Teatro Characterization: Leticia Aparicio Costumes: Leticia…

Representation of the Porreres Auditorium, Balearic Islands, by Fernández (2016)
Melibea, el duende del loco amor("Melibea, the elf of crazy love")Performer: Helen Mansino

Representation of the Ponent Theatre, Granollers, 2014
Tragicomedy of Sempronio y CelestinaDrama: Jonay RodaLight and Sound: Marc MartínProduction: Teatre Ponent Cast:Mònica Lucchetti - CelestinaJoaquin Daniel - SempronioWith the colaboration of:Ricardo Romanos - voicing PleberioAitor García Álvarez -…

Representation of the Polski Theater, Warszawa, Poland, by Różewicz, 1979
Adaptation: Paul Achard
Translation: Juliusz Wiktor Gomulicki
Scenography: Wojciech Krakowski
Music: Piotr Moss
Choreography: Witold Borkowski
Assistant director: Ryszard Nawrocki

Czesław Jaroszyński, Janusz Zakrzeński – Mr…

Representation of the Plazuela de San Roque, Guanajuato, by Buch, 1974
Representation ofCelestina, by the Repertorio Español Theater Company. The two first images (clippings of newspapers about the play) are of the representation at the Plazuela de San Roque (Guanajuato, Mexico), during the II Festival Internacional…

Representation of the Plaza de Las Palmas de Arrecife, 2016
Event organized by ACTÚA (Artistic cultural action) on the occasion of Book Day, in the Plaza de Las Palmas de Arrecife, the public enjoyed this scene represented by Begoña Cedrés, Matías Di Candia and Germán Barrios.

Representation of the Peter Travesí Theatre, Cochabamba, Bolivia, by González Cruz, 2013
Celestina. 6 offices, to know…Theatre- Fifth Iberoamerican Culture CongressStaging and Lighting: Miguel Ángel CamachoAudiovisuales: Luis AbadMapping: Jimmy Gira Interpreter and author: Maritza Wilde

Representation of the Paurides González Vida Foundation, Elda, 2014
El patio de Celestina ("Celestina's patio")Carmelitas Theater SchoolScript and direction: María Azucena Navarro Orgaz. Cast: Roberto Aresena, Juan Miguel Abellán, Carlos Mezlat, Paula Vera, Mariola Gómez, Álvaro Ramírez, Carlos Verdú, Joaquín Rubio,…

Representation of the Patio de Arcos of IES Vicente Espinel, Gaona, 2015
Group Pata Teatro Cast: Natalia Roig, Rubén del Castillo, Rocío Rubio, Carlos Cuadros, David Mena, Macarena Pérez Bravo, Norberto Rizzo and Josemi RodríguezRecord of representation in CDAEM, Spanish Theater:…

Representation of the Pardubice Theater, Czechia, by Seydler, 1997-1998
Original title: Zavraždění svaté Celestiny, kuplířky z města Salamanky (Assassination of Saint Celestina, procuresses of the city of Salamanca)

Dramaturgy: Jana Pithartová
Scenography: Miloň Kališ jh
Costumes: Tomáš Kypta jh
Music: Jiří…

Representation of the Pantheon Theatre, Nicosia, Cyprus, by Peltekis, 2017
Scenography: Lakis Genethlis
Costumes: Miranda Theodoridou
Lighting: George Lazoglou
Music: Helen Lomvardou
Song: Soprano Penelope KARAOLI Prokopios
Choreography: Eva Papageorgopoulos

Greek and Cypriot cast:

Representación del Teatro Palencia, de Asensio Mínguez, 2006
In collaboration with JADE FM de Palencia
Cast and staging by the Palencia Theater University Workshop

Representation of the Pacífico University, Santiago, 2015
Members of the Taller de Teatro y Arte Escénico
Costumes: Andrea García and her students

Representation of the Orfeó Maonès, Maó, 2015
Adaptation and assembly:
Isabel González
Experimental company of the Orfeó Maonès

Darakth Teixidor González -Calisto
Cristina Pons Van Walré- Melibea
Toñi Rivera – Celestina
María Cubas -Elicia
Bárbara Delgado -Areúsa
Jaume Font…

Representation of the Gran Teatre Liceu, Barcelona, 2008
105 years after it was written, Antoni Ros Marbá presents two scenes from Felipe Pedrell's opera:La Celestina: tragicomedia lírica de Calisto y Melibea en cuatro actos ("La Celestina: lyrical tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea in four acts").Symphony…

Representation of the Olimpia Theater, Villa del Río, Cordoba, by EMAEJ (2013)
Celestina ComedyParody of La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas Theatrical performance at the event Entre monólogos anda el juego ("Between monologues and the game") 2013 “Las Carvas” Carnival AssociationLighting and Sound: Jose Mantas "Pote" Jesús…

Representation of the Nowy Gustawa Morcinka Theater, Zabrze, Poland, by Adamek, 1992-1993
Translation: Kazimierz Zawanowski
Adaptation: Henryk Adamek
Scenography: Wojciech Jankowiak
Costumes: Marta Hubka
Music: Krzysztof Zgraja
Choreography: Jakub Chrzanowski
Music director: Marzena Mikuła-Drabek
Assistant director: Andrzej…

Representation of the Nau de Sagunt in Barcelona and the Teatro Español in Madrid, by Lepage, 2004
Representation directed by Robert Lepage, at the Nau de Sagunt, featuring Nuria Espert.

Representation of the National Theater of Prague, by Krobot, 1988
Translation: Eduard Hodoušek
Edition: Miroslav Krobot, Radmila Hrdinová, Jaroslav Král
Dramaturgy: Radmila Hrdinová
Casting: Zita Miklošová
Scenography: Miloň Kališ
Assistant director: Leona Primová
Stage director: Marika Skopalová

Representation of the National Palace, Ciudad de México, by Hernández, 2016
La segunda Celestina ("The Second Celestina")Author: Sor Juana Inés de la CruzNational Company of Fénix NovohispanoClassical Theater Costume: Brisa AlonzoMusic:Mexico City String Quartet directed by Verónica PeraltaCast:Jacqueline Bribiesca,Víctor…

Representation of the National Festival of Dominican Theater, Santo Domingo, 2010
Nives Santana- Celestina
Carlos Chapuseaux- The Troubadour
Manuel Chapuseaux- Sempronio

Representation of the NaKop Tyjátr Theater, Jihlava, Czechia, by Soumar, 2008-2009
Adaptation: Milan Calábek

Original title: Zavraždění svaté Celestiny, kuplířky z města Salamanky (Assassination of Saint Celestina, procuresses of the city of Salamanca)

Representation of the Museum of the Theatre, Almagro, 2017
Celestina's spell as part of the presentations of International Theatre Day

Representation of the Museo Casa Lis, Salamanca, by Galache (2017)
Comediantes Theater group (2017)
La Comedia Theater School

Representation of the Musée du Petit-Palais, Paris, by Amyl (1981)
Paris Festival
Decoration by Jean-Guy Lecat, Hortense Guillemard

Cast: Judith Magre, Sylvie Orcier, François Clavier, Catherine Hubeau, Emmanuel Dechartre, Emmanuelle Stochl, Monique Brun, Michel Robbe

Representation of the Municipal Theater, Valparaíso, 2013-2014
Adaptation: Yulky Cary
Tranvía Theater Company

Cast: Marcela Molina, José Salinas, Rodrigo Reyes, Guillermo Ramos, Eduardo González.

Representation of the Municipal Theater, Lima, 1967
National School of Dramatic ArtAbbreviated version: Alejandro Casona Cast: Elvira Travesí, Manuel Delorio, Ricardo Blume, Alfredo Bouroncle seconded by students and graduates.There was another performance of the play on August 18, 1967 at the Reina…

Representation of the Moscow Contemporary Theatre, Russia, by Kolyada, 2012
Scenography and costumes: Vladimir Kravtsov
Choreography: Weiss (Germany)
Choreography assistant: Natalia von Schlippe-Poletaev (Germany)
Artists from around the world: Vladimir Urazbakhtin, Vladimir Korneev

Leah Akhedzhakova –…

Representation of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Chicago, 2015
Installation for the Velez Blanco patio of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Chicago).Puppet Company: Manual Cinema

Representation of the Megaron Auditorium in Athens, Greece, by Nikolaidis, 2007
Translation, adaptation and songs: Agathe Dimitrouka
Scenography: Nikos Petropoulos
Music: Thanos Mikroutsikos
Costumes: Giannis Metzikof
Choreography: Irene Alexiou
Lighting: Eleftheria Deko

Nonika Galinea – Celestina
Kostas Gakis…

Representation of the Maribor National Drama Theater, Slovenia, by Soldatović, 1984-1985
Translation:Niko Košir Scenography: Dorijan Sokolić Clothing:Ingrid Begović Cast: Borut Alujevič– Pármeno Marjan Bačko- Pleberio Sonja Blaž- Melibea Zvone Funda– Centurio Franci Gabrovšek- Tristán Ivo Leskovec- Sosia Irena Mihelič– Celestina's…

Representation of the María Castaña Theatre, Córdoba, Argentina, by Piccotto, 2021
"La Celestina, tragicomedia de Lita"

Free version by Julieta Daga and David Piccotto of the work by Fernando de Rojas.
Direction: David Piccotto.
Costume and set designer: Santiago Pérez.
Lighting designer: Lilian Mendizábal.
Original music:…

Representation of the Maison Du Théâtre d'Amiens, France, by Mairesse, 2016
Association Révélation

Cast: Claudine Bachman, François Bavard, Thibaut Bondon, Gabrielle Brunel, Sixtine Desrumaux, Arlette Ducrocq, Jean-Pierre Durand, Julien Fournier and Virginie Thomas.

Representation of the Main Theatre UC Davis, California, by Popper, 1979
Calisto and MelibeaLibretto: Edwin HonigMusic: Jerome RosenDepartment of Dramatic Art & Music

Representation of the Library of Castilla y León, Valladolid, by Cidoncha, 2021
Representation ofEl ñaque de celestina ("The Celestine ñaque"), Goliardía teatro company in the Library of Castilla y León, Valladolid, organized by Junta de Castilla y León premiered on October 7, 2021.Author: David ParaDirection: Miguel…

Representation of the Las Máscaras Theater, Santo Domingo, 2012
UNAPEC Theater group
Duration: 90 min.

Lidia Ariza- Celestina
Bryan Payano- Calisto
Jisell Sanchez- Melibea
Félix Melián- Pármeno
Javé Javier- Sempronio
Aleja Jhonson- Elicia

Representation of the Lalki i Aktora Baj Pomorski Theatre, Toruń, Poland, by Szachnowski, 1979
Translation: Kazimierz Zawanowski
Adaptation: Bogumiła Pasionek y Konrad Szachnowski
Scenography: Lucjan Zamel
Music: Roman Nowacki
Assistant director: Urszula Miedzińska

Halina Garbowska – Celestina
Paulina Bednarska –…

Representation of the Klasyczny Theater, Warszawa, Poland, by Chojnacka, 1958
Staging: Leon Schiller
Translation: Juliusz Gomulicki
Adaptation: Marcel Achard
Scenography and costumes: Władysław Daszewski
Choreography: Jadwiga Hryniewiecka
Music: Tomasz Kiesewetter
Assistant director: Andrzej Żarnecki

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