Browse Items (3223 total)

Representation of the Edinburgh International Festival, by Marsillach, 1989
Representation directed by Adolfo Marsillach of the National Classical Theater Company for the Edinburgh International Festival at the Royal Lyceum Theater, starring Amparo Rivelles and Jesus Puente.

Representation of the Grec-89 Festival, Barcelona, by Vitez, 1989
Representation directed by Antoine Vitez of the Théatre National de l'Odeon for the Grec-89 Festival. Starring Jeanne Moreau, Lambert Wilson, and Valerie Dreville.Record of representation in CDAEM, Spanish…

Representation of the Quirino Theater, Rome, by Pezzoli, 1998
Representation directed by Cristina Pezzoli for the Quirino Theater in Rome. Clippings of theater reviews with actors and parts of the stage.

Representation of the Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico, Madrid, by Marsillach, 1988
Adaptation: Gonzalo Torrente Ballester
Music: Carmelo Bernaola
Scenography, costumes and lighting: Carlos Cytrynowski

Cast* (By order of dialogue):
Juan Gea- Calixto
Adriana Ozores- Melibea
Jesús Puente- Sempronio
Amparo Rivelles:…

Representation of the Studio Herman Teirlinck, Antwerp, by Goris, 1987-88
Original title:De Spaanse Hoer ("The Spanish Whore"), adaptation of the work by Hugo Claus directed by Alfons Goris at the Studio Herman Teirlinck, Antwerp (1987-88).Representation in the city of Antwerp. Photos of the performance showing the actors…

Representation of the Teatro Argentina, Rome, by Squarzina, 1979
Representation of Alfonso Sastre's version of La Celestina.Storia di amore e di magia con qualche citazione dalla famosa tragicommedia di Calisto e Melibea.Performance at the Teatro Argentina, Rome, Italy. Premiere April 26, 1979.

Representation of the Teatro Reina Victoria, Madrid, by Osuna, 1967
Representation directed by Jose Osuna, for the Teatro Reina Victoria. Premiered by Milagros Leal.

Representation of the University Theatre of the Puerto Rico University, by González, 1958
Representation directed by Nilda González of the University Theatre of the Puerto Rico University. Adaptation by Nilda González based on Francisco Fernández Villegas' version. Official program, sketches of the stage, illustrations of the stage,…

Representation of the Teatro Español de México, Mexico City, by Custodio, 1953-1960
Representation directed by Álvaro Custodio of the Teatro Español de Mexico for the Ateneo Español de Mexico, in Mexico D.F. Clippings of theater reviews, comics, and photos and pages taken from magazines.

Blanket or bedspread with scene from La Celestina (1615)
Blanket of Portuguese origin with scenes from the play and the names of Calisto and Melibea. It is kept at the Victoria and Albert Museum of London.

Betsabé con una carta de David, de Steen (1659)
Despite the biblical theme, it is treated as a genre scene in which a young woman welcomes a procuress with a missive.

Supper Party, by Honthorst (1619, c.)
"Honthorst's genre pictures of light-hearted gatherings had a great impact in Utrecht. He made such pictures while he was still in Italy. His Supper Party, painted during his last months in Italy, set a precedent for similar scenes done in the 1620s…

El hijo pródigo, de Honthorst (1622)
Dinner scene with prostitutes inspired by the biblical story of the prodigal son, a common theme in Dutch painting of the time. Compared with pictures by Murillo on the same theme, which do not present these scenes but rather the reconciliation.

Merry Company, by Honthorst (1625)
Scene inspired by the tradition of the prodigal son. Caravaggio influences. "Honthorst's genre painting relates to the subject portrayed by his fellow Utrecht Caravaggisti. It depicts a provocative scene of a wanton student (the prodigal son?) in the…

The Concert, by Honthorst (1626, c.)
Scene of music and a banquet, a subject of which this painter has several paintings. Note the old woman on the right and the wine.

Celestina Dressing Melibea Post-Mortem (Celestina ataviando a Melibea post-mortem), by Quirós (1972)
Surrealistic painting in dark blue tones


Alegre reunion, de Massys (1560, c.)
Dutch art. Genre painting of tavern or brothel.
Note the old woman.

Other title: Det glada sällskapet

Easy company, by van Hemessen (1545, c.)
Dutch painting, genre painting or merry company.
Note the old woman in the foreground with the beer or wine mug.

Original title: Lockere Gesellschaft
Other title: Brothel Scene

El hijo prodigo, de Hemesse, (1536)
Genre painting by Flemish author, based on the parable of the prodigal son (merry company). Note the old woman in the foreground, who, Judas-like, reaches for the bread.

Other titles: The Prodigal Son, De Verloren Zoon

La fiesta de la patrona, de Degas (1878)
Tinta y pastel sobre papel.

Conquest (Conquista), painting by Blanco Prieto (2000 c.)
Painting on wood made with a mixed technique that represents a medieval courtship scene inspired byLa Celestina.The author writes about the image: "To seduce the beloved the help of the procuress was not enough. It was necessary to reach the dreamy…

Estatua de Fernando de Rojas en Puebla de Montalbán (1980, c.)
Granite statue of Fernando de Rojas in his hometown, Puebla de Montalbán, of the province of Toledo, Glorieta square. It includes an inscription that says "Relic of the remains of Fernando de Rojas, donated by Talavera de la Reina"


Portada de la edición de Castalia: Valencia, 1946
A black background with a colourful and semi-abstract representation of Celestina. A line, representing the thread she sells, forms loops and knots, referencing the way she ties her victims up into her schemes. She clutches the money bag in her right…

Representation of the Fundación Rajatabla, by Giménez, tour 1987-1989
Representation directed by Carlos Giménez of the fundación Rajatabla (Venezuela) tour 1987-1989. Clippings of theater reviews with photos of the actors from the newspapers El Público, Boletín, andLa Prensa. Version by Carlos Giménez based on the…

Representation of The Citizens Theatre, Glasgow, by Prowse, 1986
Representation directed by Phillip Prowse by The Citizens Company for the Citizens Theatre, in Glasgow. Photos of the representation by photographer John Vere Brown. The pictures show the actors and parts of the stage.

Representation of Teatro Condal, Barcelona, by Bonnin, 1995
Version: José Ruibal Scenography: Marcelo Grande Clothing: Marcelo Grande Lighting: Quico Gutiérrez (AAI) Production: Focus Cast: Amparo Soler Leal- Celestina Romà Sánchez- Calisto Bea Guevara- Melibea Paul Berrondo- Sempronio Xavier Ruano- Pármeno…

Representation of Nuffield Theatre, Southampton, by Gilmore, 1983
Representation directed by David Gilmore in Nuffield Theatre, in the University of Southampton. Pictures of the representation,clippings of newspaper theater reviews and advertising poster showing the actors and parts of the stage and an illustrated…

Representation of the Teatro de la Nación del IMSS, by Garcini, 1982
Representation directed by Salvador Garcini of the Teatro de la Nación del IMSS in the Teatro Julio Prieto (Ciudad de México, México). Official program and newspaper clippings with the cast and photos of the actors.

Representation of the Compañía Lope de Vega, Madrid, 1967
Representation of the Compañía Lope de Vega in various theaters and festivals. Directed by José Osuna. Revision by Alejandro Casona. Premiered by Esperanza Grases, Milagros Leal, and José Rubio.Record of representation in CDAEM, Spanish…

Representation of the Teatro Bellas Artes, Madrid, by Osuna, 1965
Author: Fernando de Rojas.Adaptation: Alejandro CasonaDirection: José Osuna, helped by Luis Balaguer.Decorations and figurines: Emilio Burgos, made by Viuda de López y Muñoz.Director of the company: José TamayoLope de Vega companyCast: Milagros Leal,…

Representation of the Teatro Municipal, Santiago de Chile, by Morales, 1949
Representation directed by José Ricardo Morales of the Teatro experimental of the Universidad de Chile. Cutting from the official program. Contains an illustrated representation and the cast. Technical team: Raúl Aliaga, Props; Juan Cruz, Makeup;…

Illustration from act XXII from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of a tower, Pleberio, Lucrecia and Melibea. Above the tower appear the words "de la torre abajo." This image changes in order and attribution of the characters of the equivalent image in the Toledo edition (1526).

Illustration from act XXI from the Toledo edition (1538)
Melibea throws herself from the tower while Pleberio watches.

Second illustration from act XX from the Toledo edition (1538)
Tristán and Sosia remove the dead Calisto, ladder and the garden wall in the background. Note that Calisto's shoes are on the ground.

Illustration from act XX from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of Sosia, Tristán, Calisto, Melibea and Lucrecia. In the Toledo edition (1526) the first character on the left is Tristán and he has a different image.

Illustration from act XIX from the Toledo edition (1538)
Five factotums. This engraving does not seem to be in the Toledo edition (1526), although the characters are a recombination of the same usual images.

Illustration from act XVIII from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of houses, Areúsa, Elicia, unnamed character as the same one called "el moço" in the illustration from act XV, and Centurio.

Illustration from act XVII from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of casas, Elicia, Areúsa, Sosia and houses.

Illustration from act XVI from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of Melibea, Lucrecia, Alisa, Pleberio and houses.

Illustration from act XV from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of Elicia, the moço (sic), Centurio, Areúsa and houses.

Second illustration from act XIV from the Toledo edition (1538)
Sosia and Tristán armed in the street while Calisto climbs the ladder to Melibea's garden. She waits for him inside with Lucrecia.

First illustration from act XIV from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of Melibea, Lucrecia, Sosia, Tristán and Calisto.

Second illustration from act XIII from the Toledo edition (1538)
Pármeno and Sempronio's execution with two soldiers, a judge, Sosia observing and an executioner wearing a turban. One of the executed has a cross in his hand.

First illustration from act XIII from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of buildings, Calisto, Tristán, Sosia and buildings. Tristán and Sosia are wielding swords.

Second illustration from act XII from the Toledo edition (1538)
Judge and two soldiers with Pármeno and Sempronio (one on the ground, the other jumping out the window) on the left side and on the right, Pármeno and Sempronio kill Celestina with swords while Elicia tears out her hair behind Celestina. Curiously…

First illustration from act XII from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of Calisto, Lucrecia, Melibea, Pármeno and Sempronio.

Illustration from act XI from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of Celestina, Calisto, Sempronio, Pármeno and Elicia.

Illustration from act X from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of Melibea, Celestina, Alisa, Lucrecia, all speaking in pairs, and houses.

Illustration from act IX from the Toledo edition (1538)
Five factotums and six names above: Sempronio, Pármeno, Celestina, Elicia, Lucrecia, Areúsa.

Illustration from act VIII from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of Pármeno, Celestina, Areúsa, Elicia and houses.

Illustration from act VII from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of Pármeno, Celestina, Areúsa, Elicia and houses.

Illustration from act VI from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of houses, Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno and Sempronio.

Illustration from act V from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums: houses, Celestina, Sempronio, Pármeno and Calisto.

Illustration from act IV from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums: houses, Lucrecia, Celestina, Alisa and Melibea. They speak in pairs, Celestina with Lucrecia and Alisa with Melibea. Celestina and Alisa are characterized as old women with their heads covered. The only difference from the Toledo edition…

Illustration from act III from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of houses, Sempronio, Celestina, Elicia and a tree. This image changes two characters and the tree with respect to the equivalent model from the Toledo edition (1526).

Illustration from act II from the Toledo edition (1538)
Five block factotum: houses, Calisto, Sempronio, Pármeno and houses. Sempronio has a beard and Pármeno is holding the bag. The houses are mirror images of a same model.

Illustration from act I from the Toledo edition (1538)
Five factotums and seven names above: Calisto, Melibea, Sempronio, Pármeno, Celestina, Elicia, Crito. Celestina is carrying the rosary and a cane. Some of the images are different from the equivalent images used in the Toledo edition (1526).

Illustration from the introduction of the Toledo edition (1538)
Calisto and Melibea are in the walled garden on the left. Celestina is carrying the rosary, string and a cane knocking on a door and a young woman (Lucrecia) leans out of the window to see who is knocking.

Second engraving of act XX of the Venice edition (1534)
Melibea's suicide, as she throws herself from the tower while two male (Pleberio and another) and two female (Alisa and Lucrecia) characters watch.

First engraving of act XX of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotum of a tree, Lucrecia, Pleberio and houses.

Second engraving of act XIX of the Venice edition (1534)
Calisto, dead, is carried away by Sosia and Tristán.

First engraving of act XIX of the Venice edition (1534)
Calisto scaling the wall of Melibea's garden accompanied by Tristán and Sosia while Melibea and Lucrecia wait within. The same image used in act XIV.

Engraving of act XVIII of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of houses, Areúsa, Centurio, Elicia and a tree.

Engraving of act XVII of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of houses, Elicia Sosia, Areúsa and a tree.

Engraving of act XVI of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of Melibea, Lucrecia, Alisa and Pleberio.

Engraving of act XV of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of houses, Elicia, Centurio, Areúsa and a tree.

Engraving of act XIV of the Venice edition (1534)
Calisto scaling Melibea's garden wall accompanied by Sosia and Tristán. Melibea and Lucrecia wait inside. The same image is used later in act XIX.

Engraving of act XIII of the Venice edition (1534)
Pármeno and Sempronio's execution.

Second engraving of act XII of the Venice edition (1534)
Two sequences that simultaneously show Celestina's death, Pármeno and Sempronio jumping from the window, and their sentence by the judge.

First engraving of act XII of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of Pleberio, Alisa, Celestina and Alicia.

Engraving of act XI of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno, Sempronio and Elicia.

Engraving of act X of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of Melibea, Celestina, Lucrecia and Alisa.

Engraving of act IX of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of Sempronio, Pármeno, Celestina, Lucrecia and Areúsa.

Engraving of act VIII of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of Calisto, Sempronio, Pármeno and Areúsa.

Engraving of act VII of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of Celestina, Pármeno, Areúsa, Elicia and buildings.

Engraving of act VI of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno and Sempronio.

Engraving of act V of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of buildings, Calisto, Pármeno, Sempronio and Celestina.

Cover page of the Venice edition (1534)
Celestina, Melibea, Lucrecia, Calisto, Sempronio and a dog. Falcon and horse. Celestina holding her rosary and Calisto the chain and falcon. Note the detail of the horse's testicles that can be seen from behind.

Engraving of act IV of the Venice edition (1534)
Factotums of buildings, Lucrecia, Celestina, Alisa and Melibea.

Video summary of La Celestina with animated figures, from the series Grandes Obras Universales, from RTVE (2010)
Comedic summary of La Celestina in 2 minutes with moving figures and Madrid zarzuela type accent.

Illustration from act XXII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of houses, Alisa and Pleberio.

Second illustration from act XXI from the Toledo edition (1526)
Melibea throws herself from the tower while Pleberio watches.

First illustration from act XXI from the Toledo edition (1526)
Dead Calisto is removed by Tristán and Sosia. In the background, a ladder and the garden wall. Note the detail that Calisto's shoes are on the ground.

Second illustration from act XX from the Toledo edition (1526)
Dead Calisto is removed by Tristán and Sosia. In the background, a ladder and the garden wall. Note the detail that Calisto's shoes are on the ground.

First illustration from act XX from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of Tristán, Sosia, Calisto, Melibea and Lucrecia.

Illustration from act XIX from the Toledo edition (1526)
Five factotums and the six names of Traso, Centurio, Aréusa, Elicia, Terencia and Tiburcia.

Illustration from act XVIII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of houses, Aréusa, Elicia, same unnamed character called the "moço" as in the illustration from act XV, and Centurio.

Illustration from act XVII from the edition Toledo (1526)
Factotums of houses, Elicia, Aréusa, Sosia and houses.

Illustration from act XVI from the Toledo (1526)
Factotums of Melibea, Lucrecia, Alisa, Pleberio and houses.

Illustration from act XV from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of Elicia, the moço (sic), Centurio, Areúsa and houses.

Second illustration from act XIV from the Toledo edition (1526)
Sosia and Tristán are armed in the street while Calisto goes up the staircase beside Melibea's garden, who is waiting for him inside with Lucrecia.

First illustration from act XIV from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of Melibea, Lucrecia, Sosia, Tristán and Calisto.

Second illustration from act XIII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Pármeno and Sempronio's execution with two soldiers, judge, Sosia contemplating him and executioner wearing a turban. One of the executed carries a cross in hand.

Illustration from act XIII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of buildings, Calisto, Tristán, Sosia and buildings. Tristán and Sosia are armed with swords.

Third illustration from act XII of the Toledo edition (1525)
Judge and two soldiers with Pármeno and Sempronio (one on the floor, the other jumping out the window) on the left side and on the right, Pármeno and Sempronio kill Celestina with swords while Elicia pulls out her own hair behind Celestina. Curiously…

Second illustration from act XII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of Alisa, Pleberio, Celestina, Elicia and houses. Exceptionally the names are underneath instead of above the figures.

Illustration from act XI from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of Celestina, Calisto, Sempronio, Pármeno and Elicia.

YouTube video of the adaptation of La Celestina by students from Bovalar Secondary School, Castellón de la Plana (2009)
School project, 50 minute video. Described on the YouTube page as "Adaptation of the classic by Fernando de Rojas". Audiovisual project by the grade 11 students from Bovalar Secondary School (2009-2010 school year) from the Castilian Language and…

YouTube video summary of animated La Celestina, by Gloria Gil (2012)
"Brief summary of the argument of the play La Celestina"
Six minute silent video in which an electronic blackboard and a series of drawings is used to summarize the argument. Educational material?? Note the use of modern characters in the drawings.
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