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Engraving from Valencia (1518) depicting "El autor disculpándose" y "Concluye el autor" (The author apologizes; The author concludes)
This image depicts the author, supposedly Rojas, dressed as a university student. Plants in the background. This image is often labeled as "the author as a young man" to distinguish it from the image of the author in the Valencia (1529) edition by…

Lady Milagros (Doña Milagros), cover of La novela de hoy (1925 c.)
La novela de hoy is a series of popular novels from the 1920s and 1930s that are characterized by noteworthy covers that sometimes have an erotic theme.
In this case it consists of the opposite representation of a procuress since she is an old woman…

The Horror (Lo horrible), cover of the Novela de hoy edition (1927)
La novela de hoy is a series of popular novels from the 1920s and 1930s that are characterized by noteworthy covers that sometimes have an erotic theme. See related image for more details.

Provenza Street (La calle de Provenza), cover of the Novela de hoy edition (1928)
La novela de hoy is a series of popular novels from the 1920s and 1930s that are characterized by noteworthy covers that sometimes have an erotic theme.
Note that it represents a modern procuress or brothel keeper that does not correspond with the…

A Couple in Trouble (Polvareda conyugal), cover of the La novela de hoy edition (1929)
La novela de hoy is a series of popular novels from the 1920s and 1930s that are characterized by noteworthy covers that sometimes have an erotic theme.The character of the old witch is an allusion to the work by HartzenbuschMother Celestina's…

The Black Lady (La dama negra), cover of the La novela de hoy edition (1925)
La novela de hoy is a series of popular novels from the 1920s and 1930s that are characterized by noteworthy covers that sometimes have an erotic theme.
In this case, although it is a work of horror, the lady's representation corresponds to that of…

Cover of the University of Wisconsin Press edition, 1975
English translation.

The cover features a simple, slightly cartoonish representation of a woman's face, likely meant to represent Celestina, but it is ambiguous enough that it could also be interpreted as any of the female characters.

Ilustración segunda del Acto I, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Celestina recibe las monedas de oro de Calisto

Ilustración del Acto III, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Celestina conversa con Sempronio y Elicia

Ilustración del Acto IV, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Celestina aborda el tema del gentil hombre con Melibea

Ilustración del Acto V, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Llega Celestina a su casa, donde le espera Sempronio

Ilustración del Acto VI, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Entra Celestina en casa de Calisto, quien corre a su encuentro

Ilustración del Acto VII, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Celestina invita a Pármeno a entrar a la alcoba de Areúsa

Ilustración del Acto VIII, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Sempronio da consejos a Calisto

Ilustración primera del Acto X, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Melibea le confiesa a Celestina su mal de amor

Ilustración tercera del Acto X, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Alisa le pide a su hija que no vuelva a recibir a Celestina

Ilustración primera del Acto XI, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Calisto, Sempronio y Pármeno parten rumbo a la casa de Melibea

Ilustración cuarta del Acto XI, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Pármeno le advierte a Calisto la presencia de unos hombres armados

Ilustración quinta del Acto XI, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Sempronio le cuenta a Celestina que sus armas están destrozado

Ilustración sexta del Acto XI, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Sempronio llama a Celestina vieja avarienta

Ilustración del Acto XII, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Calisto recibe la noticia de la muerte de sus criados

Ilustración segunda del Acto XIII, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Melibea se lamenta haber perdido su corona de virgen por tan breve deleite

Ilustración del Acto XV, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Melibea le pide a Lucrecia que guarde silencio para escuchar la conversación de sus padres

Ilustración del Acto XVI, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Areúsa le saca información a Sosia

Ilustración primera del Acto XVIII, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Calisto quiere bajar a ayudar a Sosia

Ilustración segunda del Acto XVIII, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Calisto se pone su capa para salir a defender a sus criados

Ilustración del Acto XIX, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Melibea sube a la azotea de su vivienda

Ilustración del Acto XX, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Pleberio atónito por la confesión y muerte de su hija

Illustrations from the Paris edition (1952)
First series of illustrations representing the first act, contained in the Burgos edition (1499).

Illustrations from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Second series of illustrations in the edition by Bohigas representing act II, contained in the Sevilla edition (1502).

Illustrations from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Third series of illustrations from the Valencia edition (1514) contained in the edition by Pedro Bohigas.

Ilustraciones de la edición de Barcelona, 1952
Fourth series of illustrations from the Barcelona edition (1525) contained in the edition by Pedro Bohigas.

Ilustraciones de la edición de Bohigas, 1952
Fifth series of illustrations from the Venetian edition (1525), translated from Italian contained in the edition by Pedro Bohigas.

Illustrations from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Sixth series of illustrations from the Augsburg (1520) edition, contained in the edition by Pedro Bohigas.

Illustrations from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Seventh series of illustration from the Paris edition (1527) contained in the edition by Pedro Bohigas.

Illustrations from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Eighth series of illustrations from the Venice edition (1534) contained in the edition by Pedro Bohigas.

Illustrations from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Ninth series of illustrations from the Barcelona edition (1842) contained in the edition by Pedro Bohigas.

Illustration from the Barcelona edition (1952)
One of Goya's Caprichos, El chitón, made in 1799 c. contained in the Pedro Bohigas edition.

Illustration from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Illustration of one of Goya's Caprichos contained in the edition by Pedro Bohigas.

Illustration in the Barcelona edition (1952)
Drawing by Cecilio Pla, contained in the edition by Pedro Bohigas.

Illustration from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Illustration of a work by José Segrelles, contained in the edition of Pedro Bohigas.

Illustration from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Illustration of a painting, El palco de Celestina, by E. Santasugsana, contained in the Pedro Bohigas edition.See also attached front and back of an advertising reproduction of 1947

Illustration from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Illustration by Manuel Humbert, contenida en la edición de Pedro Bohigas.

Illustration from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Etching by Ramón de Capmany, contained in the edition by Pedro Bohigas.

Cover of the Folio Society edition, 1971
English translation.

The cover features a mirrored image of an abstract pattern against a blue background, which seems to represent a tower, embroidered in gold thread with a red half circle. This could be interpreted as a coat of arms or an…

Portada de la edición de Alianza editorial S.A. (2013)
Possibly an exact reproduction of an edition published before 1923.

Representation of the Main Theatre UC Davis, California, by Popper, 1979
Calisto and MelibeaLibretto: Edwin HonigMusic: Jerome RosenDepartment of Dramatic Art & Music

Lithograph inspired by La Celestina, by Vlady (1968)
Oil painting byVlady of the playLa Celestina interpreted by Amparo Villegas.

Representation of the Complutense University, Madrid, by Barrocal, 2007
Adaptation and direction by David Barrocal.
Presented at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Philology of the Complutense.

Sofía Tierno - Celestina
Celia Pallejá - Elicia

Representation in the Paris-Palais Garnier National Opera, by Lavelli, 1988
La CélestineLyrical tragicomedy with a prologue and 11 actsDirector: Jorge LavelliMusical composition and script: Maurice OhanaMusical direction: Arturo TamayoTranslation: Marcel d'OdileDecoration: Michel RaffaelliCostume: Francesco ZitoLighting:…

I am not a Penguin (No soy un pingüino), by Acedo (2010 c.)
Comment by the artist: "At the end of October I finished illustrating La Celestinawith approximately 80 drawings, the project had stalled for various reasons. This time the publication was planned for February 2010. In this illustration I…

Celestina, by Acedo (2008 c.)
Comment by the artist: "This series of illustrations belong an illustrated book about La Celestina that La Luna de Mérida editorial was going to publish. Unfortunately, the work has been suspended or postponed (without a fixed date) due to…

Celestina's Kitchen (La cocina de Celestina), by Acedo (2008 c.)
Comment by the artist: "This other drawing illustrates a fragment in which Pármeno describes Celestina's house to Calisto, specifically the room where she prepares her potions and spells."

Lucrecia, by Acedo (2010 c.)
Comment by the artist: "In this other drawing of La Celestinawe can see Lucrecia, Melibea's servant, showing off her beautiful blonde hair and a fresh breath thanks to the ointments that the "old whore" has provided in exchange for her will."

Calisto, Sempronio and Melibea, by Acedo (2008 c.)
Comment from the artist: "Another illustration from the unfortunate series La Celestina. Here we see Calisto and Sempronio speaking about Melibea."

Cover of the Bibliophiles de France edition, 1949 (c.)
French translation.

The cover of the first volume of a French edition.

The cover features a vignette, reminiscent of a theater scene, that depicts a black-robed Celestina looming menacingly over the forms of two nude young women, most likely…

Representation of the Sala Bulnes, Santiago de Chile, by Castillo, 1981
Youth Theater Group
Adaptation by: José Ricardo Morales

Elsa Poblete - Celestina
Omar Gutiérrez - Calisto
Eliana Rodríguez - Melibea
Juan Vera - Sempronio
Pepe Herrera - Pármeno
Miryam Pérez - Elicia and Alisa
Mariela Roy - Areúsa…

Representation of the Experimental Theatre, Santiago de Chile, by Orthous, 1974
La Celestina en cámara ("La Celestina on camera")Cast:Alejandro Sieveking - CalistoAnita Klesky - Melibea

Representation of the Chile-Antofagasta University, by Galarce, 1977
Adaptation by: José Ricardo Morales Assistant director: Ángel Lattus Costumes: Elba González Make up: Carlos Núñez Lighting and sound: Nilso Vega Operators: Luis Yáñez and Guillermo Vildósola Cast: Manuel Lattus - Calisto Brenda Gijón - Melibea Félix…

Film poster
Celestina (Amelia de la Torre), Melibea (Elisa Ramírez) and Calisto (Julián Mateos).

Photochrome 13 from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
Melibea's (Elisa Ramírez) death and Calisto (Julián Mateos)

Photochrome 14 from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
Sempronio (Antonio Medina), Areúsa (Heidelotte Diehl) and Elicia (Ursula Mellin)

Photochrome 15 from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
Sempronio (Antonio Medina), Elicia (Ursula Millin) and Celestina (Amelia de la Torre)

Photochrome 16 from the movie La Celestina, by Ardavín
Lucrecia (Eva Guerr) descending the stairs and Melibea (Elisa Ramírez) in her garden.

Photochrome 9 from La Celestina, by Vera
Melibea (Penelope Cruz) on a balcony

Photochrome 10 from La Celestina, by Vera
Melibea (Penélope Cruz) and Calisto (Juan Diego Botto)

Third illustration from act II from the Paris edition (1949)
Calisto leaves on horseback. Pármeno can be seen behind.

Third illustration from act IV from the Paris edition (1949)
Celestina takes the string to Melibea's house. Melibea is inside embroidering with Lucrecia.

First illustration from act V from the Paris edition (1949)
Celestina walks through the city market.

Second illustration from act V from the Paris edition (1949)
Celestina speaks with Sempronio. In the background, Elicia and Areúsa can be observed.

First illustration from act VI from the Paris edition (1949)
Celestina brings Calisto news about Melibea. Pármeno can also be observed calming down his master's dog.

Second illustration from act VI from the Paris edition (1949)
Sempronio and another servant speak at Calisto's house.

Third illustration from act VI from the Paris edition (1949)
Illustration from act VI when Celestina tells Calisto what she did at Melibea's house.

First illustration from act VII from the Paris edition (1949)
Celestina and Claudina in a field of hanged people.

Second illustration from act VII from the Paris edition (1949)
Claudina taking a molar from a person that has been hanged. Celestina is seen in the front.

Third illustration from act VII from the Paris edition (1949)
Celestina introduces Areúsa to Pármeno.

First illustration from act IX from the Paris edition (1949)
Pármeno and Sempronio on route to Celestina's house.

Second illustration from act IX from the Paris edition (1949)
Illustration of the meal at Celestina's house. Celestina, Areúsa and Pármeno in the foreground. In the background, Elicia and Sempronio can be seen.

Third illustration from act IX from the Paris edition (1949)
The younger years of Celestina's house. Reminds us of act IX.

Fourth illustration from act IX from the Paris edition (1949)
One of Celestina's prostitutes with a client in the procuress' younger years.

First illustration from act X from the Paris edition (1949)
Lucrecia and Celestina walk towards Melibea's house.

Second illustration from act XI from the Paris edition (1949)
Celestina brings Calisto Melibea's string.
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