Browse Items (3223 total)

Illustration from act V from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Generic scene of the old city. Page 82.

Illustration from act V from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums: houses, Celestina, Sempronio, Pármeno and Calisto.

Illustration from act V from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums: houses, Celestina, Sempronio, Pármeno and Calisto.

Illustration from act VI from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of houses, Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno and Sempronio.

Illustration from act VI from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of houses, Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno and Sempronio.

Illustration from act VI from the Valencia edition (1946)
Calisto and Celestina. Illustration from act VI in Celestinesca, Vol 9. Num 1. Made by José Segrelles.

Illustration from act VII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of Pármeno, Celestina, Aréusa, Elicia and houses.

Illustration from act VII from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of Pármeno, Celestina, Areúsa, Elicia and houses.

Illustration from act VII from the Valencia edition (1946)
Celestina and Areúsa. Illustration from act VII in Celestinesca, Vol. 9 Num. 1. Made by José Segrelles.

Illustration from act VIII from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Image made up of a square or street seen from a portico and at the same time from outside. Page 113.

Illustration from act VIII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotum of five blocks: houses, Calisto, Sempronio, Pármeno and houses. Sempronio has a beard and Pármeno is holding a bag. The houses are mirror images of a same model.

Illustration from act VIII from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of Pármeno, Celestina, Areúsa, Elicia and houses.

Illustration from act VIII from the Valencia edition (1946)
Sempronio and Pármeno. Illustration from act VIII by José Segrelles in Celestinesca Vol 9, Num 1.

Illustration from act X from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Two page panoramic view of the city. On the right, a woman going up some ladders that could be Celestina walking fast. Pages 136-137,

Illustration from act X from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of Melibea, Celestina, Alisa, Lucrecia, all speaking in pairs, and houses.

Illustration from act X from the Valencia edition (1946)
Celestina and Melibea. Illustration from act X by José Segrelles in Celestinesca, Vol. 8 Num. 2.

Illustration from act X of the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of Melibea, Celestina, Alisa, Lucrecia and houses, the characters speaking in pairs.

Illustration from act XI from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of Celestina, Calisto, Sempronio, Pármeno and Elicia.

Illustration from act XI from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of Celestina, Calisto, Sempronio, Pármeno and Elicia.

Illustration from act XII from the Valencia edition (1946)
Celestina assassinated. Illustration from act XII in Celestinesca Vol 9, Num 1, made by José Segrelles.

Illustration from act XIII from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Calisto looking thoughtful in a chair, Tristán and Sosia come to tell him about Sempronio and Pármeno's death. Woman in the background (mental image of Melibea?) (see image from act II for a similar treatment of thought). Page 161.

Illustration from act XIII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of buildings, Calisto, Tristán, Sosia and buildings. Tristán and Sosia are armed with swords.

Illustration of Calisto, Tristán and Sosia from the Valencia edition (1946)
Illustration of Calisto, Tristán and Sosia in Celestinesca Vol 13, Num 1, of Calisto with both his servants, possibly receiving news of Pármeno and Sempronio's deaths. Made by José Segrelles.

Illustration from act XIX from the Toledo edition (1526)
Five factotums and the six names of Traso, Centurio, Aréusa, Elicia, Terencia and Tiburcia.

Illustration from act XIX from the Toledo edition (1538)
Five factotums. This engraving does not seem to be in the Toledo edition (1526), although the characters are a recombination of the same usual images.

Illustration from act XV from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Image composed of various scenes, one of them Areúsa motivating Centurio to action and other not so evident scenes. Page 174.

Illustration from act XV from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of Elicia, the moço (sic), Centurio, Areúsa and houses.

Illustration from act XV from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of Elicia, the moço (sic), Centurio, Areúsa and houses.

Illustration from act XVI from the Toledo (1526)
Factotums of Melibea, Lucrecia, Alisa, Pleberio and houses.

Illustration from act XVI from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of Melibea, Lucrecia, Alisa, Pleberio and houses.

Illustration of Pleberio and Alisa from the Valencia edition (1946)
Illustration of Pleberio and Alisa together, in Celestinesca, Vol 13, Num 2. Made by José Segrelles.

Illustration from act XVII from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Areúsa coaxes Calisto's plans out of Sosia while Elicia listens. There are three female characters, one of which seems to not fit with the scene. Page 184.

Illustration from act XVII from the edition Toledo (1526)
Factotums of houses, Elicia, Aréusa, Sosia and houses.

Illustration from act XVII from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of casas, Elicia, Areúsa, Sosia and houses.

Illustration from act XVIII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of houses, Aréusa, Elicia, same unnamed character called the "moço" as in the illustration from act XV, and Centurio.

Illustration from act XVIII from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of houses, Areúsa, Elicia, unnamed character as the same one called "el moço" in the illustration from act XV, and Centurio.

Ilustración del Acto XVIII, de Segrelles (1946)
Illustration in Celestinesca from act XVIII made by José Segrelles. Vol 16 Num 2.

Illustration from act XX from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of Sosia, Tristán, Calisto, Melibea and Lucrecia. In the Toledo edition (1526) the first character on the left is Tristán and he has a different image.

Illustration from act XX from the Valencia edition (1946)
Melibea's death. Illustration from act XX, Melibea's death, made by José Segrelles, in Celestinesca vol 9, num 2.

Illustration from act XXI from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Pleberio cries before Melibea's body. In the background, Lucrecia, Sosia and Tristán look downcast (possibly a fragment from Calisto's death). Page 206.

Illustration from act XXI from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of Pleberio's sobs with mourners in the background.

Illustration from act XXI from the Toledo edition (1538)
Melibea throws herself from the tower while Pleberio watches.

Illustration from act XXII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of houses, Alisa and Pleberio.

Illustration from act XXII from the Toledo edition (1538)
Factotums of a tower, Pleberio, Lucrecia and Melibea. Above the tower appear the words "de la torre abajo." This image changes in order and attribution of the characters of the equivalent image in the Toledo edition (1526).

Ilustración de Oeuvre priápica de Vivant Denon (1790)
A couple in bed while an older woman acting as a procuress sits at the foot of the bed counting coins.

Illustration from page 100 from the Madrid edition (1994)
La Celestina. Universidad de Salamanca, 1994. Adaptation by Miguel Reino. Illustrations by Luís Jover.

Illustration from page 35 of the Madrid edition (1994)
La Celestina. Universidad de Salamanca, 1994. Adaptation by Miguel Reino. Illustrations by Luís Jover.

Illustration from page 62 of the Madrid edition (1994)
La Celestina. Universidad de Salamanca, 1994. Adaptation by Miguel Reino. Illustrations by Luís Jover.

Illustration from page 81 from the Madrid edition (1994)
La Celestina. Universidad de Salamanca, 1994. Adaptation by Miguel Reino. Illustrations by Luís Jover.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Ilustración de la edición ilustrada del museo de Albacete, 1999.
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the Albacete edition (1999)
La Celestina Ilustrada, Museo de Albacete, 1999. Illustrations by Teo Puebla.

Illustration from the back cover from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Illustration from the Barcelona edition (1952)
One of Goya's Caprichos, El chitón, made in 1799 c. contained in the Pedro Bohigas edition.

Illustration from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Illustration of one of Goya's Caprichos contained in the edition by Pedro Bohigas.

Illustration from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Illustration of a work by José Segrelles, contained in the edition of Pedro Bohigas.

Illustration from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Illustration of a painting, El palco de Celestina, by E. Santasugsana, contained in the Pedro Bohigas edition.See also attached front and back of an advertising reproduction of 1947

Illustration from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Illustration by Manuel Humbert, contenida en la edición de Pedro Bohigas.

Illustration from the Barcelona edition (1952)
Etching by Ramón de Capmany, contained in the edition by Pedro Bohigas.

Illustration from the conclusion from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 219.

Illustration from the cover from the Toledo edition (1526)
Calisto and Melibea are in the walled garden on the left. Celestina is carrying the rosary, the string and a walking stick while knocking on a door and a young woman (Lucrecia) appears at the window to see who is knocking.

Illustration from the cover of the Madrid edition (1994)
La Celestina. Universidad de Salamanca, 1994. Adaptation by Miguel Reino. Illustrations by Luís Jover.

Illustration from the inside cover from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Illustration from the inside cover from the Mexico edition (1947)
Symbolic portrait of Celestina with the moon and what appear to be flames or a tree.

Illustration from the introduction from the Mexico edition (1947)
Celestina walking surrounded by mythological beings. Note Picasso's influence on the minotaur, Melibea in the background and garden with trees that remind us of the cypresses from the cementery.

Illustration from the introduction of the Toledo edition (1538)
Calisto and Melibea are in the walled garden on the left. Celestina is carrying the rosary, string and a cane knocking on a door and a young woman (Lucrecia) leans out of the window to see who is knocking.
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