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Fourth illustration from the prologue from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of naked Melibea bathing in a pond while a bird draws near.

Fifth illustration from the prologue from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of Calisto playing the lute in his room with a sleeping dog in the foreground and the city seen through the window.

Third illustration from the prologue from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of the gallant scene between Calisto and Melibea, probably their encounter in the garden.

Second illustration from the prologue from the Mexico edition (1947)
Naked woman, perhaps Melibea, abducted on a billy goat so it could be Celestina; inspired perhaps in the Abduction of Europa.

First illustration from the prologue from the Mexico edition (1947)
Melibea in her room surrounded by cupids. Note the similarity with the paintings of the Anunciación.

Illustration from the introduction from the Mexico edition (1947)
Celestina walking surrounded by mythological beings. Note Picasso's influence on the minotaur, Melibea in the background and garden with trees that remind us of the cypresses from the cementery.

Illustration from the inside cover from the Mexico edition (1947)
Symbolic portrait of Celestina with the moon and what appear to be flames or a tree.

La Celestina, by Mingnoni (1959)
Taken from the add: "Signed and dated 1959. Titled on the back.
Oil on canvas, 120 x 90 cm. Period framing.
On the back label from the Sao Paulo Biennial (Brazil), where it was exhibited in 1959."

The Greengrocer, by Mieris (1731)
In the image two figures appear, a young woman and an old woman, in an arch surrounded by fruits and vegetables. The old woman appears with her head covered and pointing to one of the vegetables for the young woman. Although the painting itself may…

Vertumnus and Pomona, by Mieris (1725)
The image shows two women in an outdoor scene, Vertumnus and Pomona. The young woman (Pomona) is shown with one of her breasts uncovered and picking fruit as she looks at the old woman. The old woman, in this painting representing Vertumnus, is…

Woman with a Lapdog, Accompanied by a Maidservant, by Mieris (1660)
Woman with a Lapdog, Accompanied by a Maidservant (probably Bathsheba with King David’s Letter)

The Love Letter or the Fortune-Teller (El billete amoroso o la adivina), engraving based on Frans van Mieris (1635-1681).
Older woman argues using her fingers to count. The word "amor" is visible in the background. Musical instrument and dog.

Representation of the Teatro del Ángel, Santiago, by Meza, 1972
Representation of La Celestina, tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea ("La Celestina, tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea") directed by Gustavo Meza at the Teatro del Ángel (Chile).Adaptation in 4 acts: José Ricardo MoralesCreative team:Costumes-…

Representation of the Théâtre Montparnasse-Gaston Baty, Paris, by Meyer, 1942
8-act play.
Adaptation by Paul Achard
Compagnie d’Art Dramatique
Animator: Jean Darcante
Company administrator: Georges Reitnei
Decoration: R.-Ph. Couaillier
Costumes: Rosine Delamare

Michel Gudin – Sereno
Jean Darcante –…

Representation of the Théâtre Palace, Paris, by Meyer (1945-1946)
8-act play
Adaptation by Paul Achard
Compagnie d’Art Dramatique
Animator: Jean Darcante
Company administrator: Georges Reitnei
Decoration: R.-Ph. Couaillier
Costumes: Rosine Delamare

Jean Darcante – Calisto
Michel Bouquet –…

This painting depicts the biblical story of the prodigal son in the house of prostitutes. The prodigal son appears in a bedroom with a young woman. The young woman hands over some jewellery to an older woman, who acts as a procuress.

Representation of Mother Celestina's dust (Los polvos de la madre Celestina), Barcelona?, by Mestres, 1868
Water colours with figurines for a performance of Mother Celestina's dust (Los polvos de la madre Celestina), by Apelles Mestres. There is data missing about this performance.

Portada de la edición de Tor, 1957
A black and red image of Celestina with her head uncovered despite her typical depiction in religious garb. Alternatively, it is possible that this is a depiction of the author, Fernando de Rojas.

Cover of the Longseller edition: Buenos Aires, 2002.
Illustrated edition.The cover features a fragment of the painting Two Women at a Window (c. 1660) by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo.

Cover of the Biblioteca de la Universidad de Barcelona edition, 2009
Originally published in 1575 by Juan de Lequerica.

Illustration of Celestina's drugstore, by Mérida Jiménez (2004)
Celestina looking for ingredients for her conjurations

Costumbrist engraving to accompany the article in which the character is identified as a celestina of that time period.

Procuring (Proxenetismo), by Meid (1914)
Instead of a female procuress, the artist Hans Meid shows a procurer offering her protegée to another man.

Visit to the Spinner, by Meckenem (1495, c.)
A young man visits a spinner. The position of his sword, the presence of a cat, and the fact that the woman is a spinner seems to suggest that the woman is a prostitute or a procuress. SeeCarol Salus,Picasso and Celestina: The Artist's Vision of the…

Representation of the Zampanó theater, Madrid, by Mayo, 2006
Representation directed by José Mayo, from the Zampanó theater.

Representación del Corral de Comedias, Madrid, 2005
Duration: 1h 40 min. Production: Teatro Zampanó Assistant: José Ángel Navarro Music: Toni Mádigan Scenography: Javier Roselló Lightning: José Miguel López Sáez Clothing: María Luisa Engel Recording: Mariano Díaz Graphic design: Gara Koan Clothing:…

The ill-matched pair.jpg
Original title: "Ongelijk paar" ("Unequal couple" or "The Ill-matched Pair").

In the painting, a young woman is seen in the arms of an old man, while another woman on the right acts as maid. On the left is an old woman looking at the couple, who…

Cover of the Salamanca edition, 1570.
Capital with a decoration of curved shapes and flowers.

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair, except in this picture, it is a servant cutting Samson's hair while he lies on Delilah's lap. Note the maid who appears on the right holding the candle in the scene.…

Illustration act XIX of the London edition (1973)
Melibea and Calisto in their nocturnal encounter.Made by Dodie Masterman for the Folio Society in London. In Celestinesca, vol. 10, no. 2.

Illustration act XII of the London edition (1973)
Sempronio and Pármeno about to murder Celestina.

Illustration of act XI of the London edition (1973)
Celestina heading to Calisto's house. Illustration made by Dodie Masterman for the Folio Society in London. Also shown in Celestinesca Vol 20, Num 1 & 2.

Illustration of  act VIII of the London edition (1973)
Celestina, Sempronio, Elicia, Areúsa and Pármeno eating. Illustration of act IX made by Dodie Masterman for the Folio Society, London, also shown in Celestinesca, Vol 20, Num 1 & 2.…

Illustration of the preface of the London edition (1973)
Calisto and Melibea. Possible illustration of the first meeting between Calisto and Melibea. In Celestinesca, vol. 10, num. 2.

Representation of the prodigal son parable in the house of the prostitutes. Notice the old woman or procuress on the right side of the painting as the prodigal son is driven out of the house. Notice the caged parrot on the door (second image…

Scene of lovers in a garden, by Master E. S. (1460 c.)
Illustration with themes from La Celestina, made in Germany by a painter known only by his/her initials as Master E.S. Gallant scene in a garden with a falcon. The scene recalls the first scene from La Celestina. InCelestinesca, 1987, Vol. 11, Num.…

Escena de burdel (2).jpg
The painting represents a scene with young women playing musical instruments and two men at a table. On the right, a couple is depicted, while an old woman who acts as a procuress appears next to them.

Alegre reunion, de Massys (1560, c.)
Dutch art. Genre painting of tavern or brothel.
Note the old woman.

Other title: Det glada sällskapet

Vanitas, allegory of ages, by Martinelli (1650 c.)
Death, young and old woman, a servant or procuress, coins.

RepresentationThe crazy loves of Calisto and Melibea and the rascal Celestina, Madrid, by Martín, 2023
Representation The crazy loves of Calisto and Melibea and the rascal Celestina ("Los locos amores de Calisto y Melibea y la granuja Celestina"), by the company La Buena Magde Teatro, directed by Pedro Martín and represented on March 30, 2023 to…

Cover of Antwerp, 1545.
Emblem of the printer, showing a Pelican feeding a fish to its young..
There is also a 1545 edition.

Cover of the book "Sexuality in other times", by Martín de Lucenay (1934)
On the cover appears a young woman and two black silhouettes behind her. The two black silhouettes in the background suggest Celestinas of the Goya type.

Representation of the Teatro de la Comedia, Madrid, by Marsillach, 1988
Author: Fernando de Rojas. Adaptation: Gonzalo Torrente Ballester. Direction: Adolfo Marsillach. Scenography and costumes: Carlos Cytrynowski. Cast: Juan Gea, Adriana Ozores, Jesús Puente, Amparo Rivelles, Resu Morales, Ángel García Suárez, César…

Representation of the Royal Theater of Madrid, by Marsillach, 1998
Adaptation: Carmelo Bernaola
Production: Royal Theater
Choreography: Ramón Oller
Scenography and costumes: Montse Amenós
Illumination: Albert Faura
Makeup: Liliana Pereña and Carlos Montosa
Costume making: Ana Lacoma
Serigraphy: Concha…

Representation of the Edinburgh International Festival, by Marsillach, 1989
Representation directed by Adolfo Marsillach of the National Classical Theater Company for the Edinburgh International Festival at the Royal Lyceum Theater, starring Amparo Rivelles and Jesus Puente.

Representation of the Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico, Madrid, by Marsillach, 1988
Adaptation: Gonzalo Torrente Ballester
Music: Carmelo Bernaola
Scenography, costumes and lighting: Carlos Cytrynowski

Cast* (By order of dialogue):
Juan Gea- Calixto
Adriana Ozores- Melibea
Jesús Puente- Sempronio
Amparo Rivelles:…

Representation of the Capitólio Theatre, Lisboa, 1970
Companhia Rey Colaço-Robles MonteiroVersion by Alejandro Casona Realization: Cayetano Luca de Tena. Translation: David Mourao Ferreira Figurines: Lucien DonnatAuthor: José MarquesPedro L.Premiere of the play in the Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, March…

Representation of the Real Carlos III Theater, Aranjuez, by Maroto, 2016
Company: Tumbalobos Teatro
Dramaturgy: Adaptation by Isabel Becey
Duration: 70 min. aprox.

Cast: Anabel Maurín, Andrés Requejo, Alexia Lorrio, David Bueno, Belén Orihuela, Ignacio Ysasi and Ana Vélez.

Ilustración del acto XVI de la edición Oxford, 2016
El Árbol de los clásicos Collection. © Oxford University Press Spain, 2015.

Illustrations: Marina Seoane Pascual

Ilustración segunda del acto IX de la edición Oxford, 2016
El Árbol de los clásicos Collection. © Oxford University Press Spain, 2015.

Illustrations: Marina Seoane Pascual

Ilustración del acto VIII de la edición Oxford, 2016
El Árbol de los clásicos Collection. © Oxford University Press Spain, 2015.

Illustrations: Marina Seoane Pascual

Ilustración del acto III de la edición Oxford, 2016
El Árbol de los clásicos Collection. © Oxford University Press Spain, 2015.

Illustrations: Marina Seoane Pascual

Ilustración del acto XXI de la edición Oxford, 2016
El Árbol de los clásicos Collection. © Oxford University Press Spain, 2015.

Illustrations: Marina Seoane Pascual

Ilustración del acto XX de la edición Oxford, 2016
El Árbol de los clásicos Collection. © Oxford University Press Spain, 2015.

Illustrations: Marina Seoane Pascual

Ilustración del acto XIX de la edición de Oxford, 2016
El Árbol de los clásicos Collection. © Oxford University Press Spain, 2015.

Illustrations: Marina Seoane Pascual

Ilustración del acto XVIII de la edición Oxford, 2016
El Árbol de los clásicos Collection. © Oxford University Press Spain, 2015.

Illustrations: Marina Seoane Pascual

Ilustración del acto XIV de la edición Oxford, 2016
El Árbol de los clásicos Collection. © Oxford University Press Spain, 2015.

Illustrations: Marina Seoane Pascual

Ilustración del acto XII de la edición Oxford, 2016
El Árbol de los clásicos Collection. © Oxford University Press Spain, 2015.

Illustrations: Marina Seoane Pascual

Ilustración del acto IX de la edición Oxford, 2016
El Árbol de los clásicos Collection. © Oxford University Press Spain, 2015.

Illustrations: Marina Seoane Pascual

Ilustración del acto VI de la edición Oxford, 2016
El Árbol de los clásicos Collection. © Oxford University Press Spain, 2015.

Illustrations: Marina Seoane Pascual

Ilustración del acto IV de la edición Oxford, 2016
El Árbol de los clásicos Collection. © Oxford University Press Spain, 2015.

Illustrations: Marina Seoane Pascual

Ilustración segunda del acto I de la edición Oxford, 2016
El Árbol de los clásicos collection. © Oxford University Press Spain, 2015.

Illustrations: Marina Seoane Pascual

Ilustración primera del acto I de la edición Oxford, 2016
El Árbol de los clásicos Collection. © Oxford University Press Spain, 2015.

Illustrations: Marina Seoane Pascual

Representation of the Armando Manzanero Theatre, Mérida, México, 2011
State Theater Company

Alfonso García Medina- Calisto
Andrea Urban-Melibea
Miguel Ángel Canto- Sempronio
Oswaldo Ferrer- Pármeno
Madeleine Lezama- Celestina
Susan Tax- Elicia
Marilú Bolivar- Lucrecia
Laura Zubieta- Alisa

Representation of the Comédie-Française, Paris, by Maréchal (1975)
Translation: Pierre Laville

Denise Gence - Celestina
Bruno Devoldère – Calisto
Catherine Chevallier – Melibea
Jean-Paul Rousillon – Sempronio
Alain Pralon – Centurio
Catherine Sami – Elicia
Michel Etcheverry – Pleberio

Portada de Venecia, 1531.
This is the same as in Venecia, 1519. Please see the description on that page.

Representation in Liège, by Marcel Hicter, 1981
Production by Marcel Hicter with the title L'acopleuse. Photos of Celestina and Sempronio and a model of Melibea taken from the show's brochure (cover with drawing included)

Representation of Teatro Espronceda 34, Madrid, by Manzaneque, 1980
Company: Tirso de Molina
Staging: Javier Artiñano
Music: Ángel Arteaga

María Guerrero- Celestina
Araceli Conde
María Vidal
Inma de Santy- Melibea
José Sancho- Calisto
Gonzalo Sanmiguel
Ramón Pons
José María Escuer. F

Representation of the Umbra Teatro, Almagro, by Mañón, 2022
Author: Fernando de Rojas.Duration of the show: 1h 45 minDirection and dramaturgy: Javier MañónProduction: Umbra TeatroLighting and sound: Higinio BautistaCostumes: Luis GarcíaFrom August 13 to December 17 at the Corral de Comedias in Almagro,…

Interior scene with a procuress presenting a courtesan, by manner of Horemans the Younger (1790, c.)
The image shows an interior scene where a young woman appears standing next to a table and looking at the viewer. At her feet a dog. A man stands next to the young woman. Two men are sitting at the table looking at the young woman. In front of the…

Representation of the High school Emerita Augusta, Mérida, by Manchón, 2014
With Letras de Oro II School Festival of European Classical Theater
Group of professors High School Emerita Augusta

An anti-venereal campaign poster, The Dangerous Proposal (La oferta peligrosa) (1927)
The Dangerous Proposal (1927), by Manchón, winning lithographic poster of the Comité Ejecutivo Anti-venéreo contest. Note the clothing and the death situation behind the maja in the style of the matchmaker next to the maja in Goya's paintings.

Two women are represented in the painting: a young and an old woman looking to the left.

Cover of the Molino edition, 1942
A representation of Celestina. Seated against a stone wall and looking to her right, with her open hand resting on one knee, she gives the impression that she is begging for alms in the street. The white veil and dark clothing recalls her tendency to…

The procuress, by Mallet (1700, c.)
Indoor scene. In the image a young woman appears in the center looking at the viewer. An old woman with her head covered appears to her right and takes her by the arm. A man sitting to her left looking at the young woman. The old woman acts as a…

Representation of la Piazza della Vittoria, Pavia, Italy, by Málaga and Calderoni, 2017
In Scena Veritas
Almo Collegio Borromeo
Lighting: Alessandro Lamanna

Cast: Eleono Cipolla, Daniela D’Ambrosio, Ettore Francinetti, Manuela Málaga, Maurizio Quartiroli, Elena Rossi, Claudio Scrivano and Roberto Zucchini.

Representation of the Maison Du Théâtre d'Amiens, France, by Mairesse, 2016
Association Révélation

Cast: Claudine Bachman, François Bavard, Thibaut Bondon, Gabrielle Brunel, Sixtine Desrumaux, Arlette Ducrocq, Jean-Pierre Durand, Julien Fournier and Virginie Thomas.

Inside cover of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XXI of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XX of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XIX of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XVIII of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XVII of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XVI of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XV of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XIV of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XIII of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XII of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XI of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act X of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6
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