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This painting represents the biblical story of the prodigal son in the house of the prostitutes. The painting depicts a banquet scene with young women and their clients. Note the older woman on the left that acts as a procuress and oversees the young…

Escena en un burdel, atribuido a Francken II (Fecha desconocida)
Study of figures, rendered in black chalk, of a scene inside a brothel, with a well-dressed young man, and a young woman accompanied by an old woman who appears to be her procuress. Attributed to Frans Francken II (the Younger).

Other title:…

Film posters for the movie, by Franco (1974)
Celestina: manipulator of men

Film poster of Celestina, good at everything (Celestina, bonne à tout faire), by Jess Franco, 1974.
Erotic scene of a nude woman in bed and her servant. Reminiscent of Celestina's visit to Areúsa in Act VII. The first poster is reminiscent of the painting Danaë(bed and presence of servant).

Film poster for the movie, by Franco (1974)
Célestine manipulating her male puppets.

Film poster for the movie, by Franco (1974)
The comedy's protagonist: Célestine (Lina Romay)

Film poster for the movie, by Franco (1974)
Célestine and her shady business.

Procuress publicly punished, magazine Fray Verdades (1909)
A procuress being publicly displayed and punished. A daughter of Celestina is watching the event

Representation of the Teatre en la Biblioteca Valenciana Nicolau Primitiu, Valencia, by Fresquet and Conchillo (2015)
Representation of La Celestina in Biblioteca Valenciana Nicolau Primitiu (Valencian Library Nicolau Primitiu), Valencia (Spain).Production: Cucurucú Teatre Version: Rosa Jordán and Juan Ramón Conchillo

Credits from the televised version of the play.
Title: La Celestina, a production by Teatro de siempre for TVE. Director: Eduardo Fuller. The fourth image corresponds to the play's lace curtain, which is repeated on two occasions before the commercials.

Melibea's death.
Pleberio (Mario Moreno) listening to Melibea's (Lolita Herrera) confessions moments before she leaps from the tower.

Calisto's death.
Pármeno (Franciso Portes) and Sempronio (Julio Muñoz) seeing their deceased master Calixto (Francisco Guijar).

Celestina's death.
In the first image, Pármeno (Franciso Portes) and Sempronio (Julio Muñoz) are arguing with Celestina (Lola Gaos).
In the second image, the servants have killed Celestina. An afflicted Elicia (Gloria Lafuente) stands out in the background.

Nighttime meeting.
Nighttime meeting between Melibea (Lolita Herrera) and Calixto (Francisco Guijar).

Melibea's lovesickness.
Melibea (Lolita Herrera) stretched out in her bed suffering from lovesickness over Calixto.

Speaking about business
Calixto (Francisco Guijar) hires Celestina's (Lola Gaos) services, who at first believes the way Calixto expresses himself towards Melibea is absurd.

Celestina's arrival.
Lucrecia (Asunción Villamil) announces Celestina's arrival to the mansion of Alisa (Marta Rus) and Melibea (Lolita Herrera), who are in the garden knitting.

Gaining a friend.
Celestina (Lola Gaos) convincing Pármeno (Francisco Portes) to join her and to not interfere in her line of work.

Celestina's visit.
Celestina (Lola Gaos) visits Melibea (Lolita Herrera) and tells her about Calisto's lovesickness.

Banquet at Celestina's house.
Celestina (Lola Gaos) drinking wine and telling Elicia (Gloria Lafuente) about her good times. Curiously, in this version, perhaps due to censorship reasons, the banquet and its irreverent and orgy-like aspect.

Extracting the truth.
Areúsa (Paz Yáñez) using her charm to receive information from Sosia (Rafael Díaz) about Calixto and Melibea's meetings.

Plotting a murder.
Areúsa plotting Calixto's death. Beside her is Elicia who watches her with surprise.

Melibea's future.
Alisa and Pleberio discuss Melibea's future. Pleberio has a list of young men that are interested in marrying his daughter.

Meeting Celestina.
Alisa (Marta Rus) is skeptical of Celestina's (Lola Gaos) visit to her house, but she still lets her enter, leaving her alone with her daughter and her servant, Lucrecia (Asunción Villamil).

This image represents the biblical episode where Judith beheads Holofernes. Judith is represented in the center of the image sitting on the bed with a sword in her hand. To her right is the Holofernes' body still in bed, except for his head which is…

Cover of the Venice edition, 1556.
Emblem of the printer, with a phoenix and two mottos in Latin pertaining to the immortal bird, along with two winged fauns or devils and the initials of the printer.

Representation of the Museo Casa Lis, Salamanca, by Galache (2017)
Comediantes Theater group (2017)
La Comedia Theater School

Representation of the Gran Hotel Balneario, Baños de Montemayor, Cáceres, 2015
Company of the La Comedia Theater School, Salamanca

Cover of Paris, 1922
Four images of the work surrounding the title and other information.
Note that the most tragic and violent scenes have been chosen: the execution of Pármeno and Sempronio, the death of Celestina, the death of Melibea and the death of Calisto. In the…

Representation of the Chile-Antofagasta University, by Galarce, 1977
Adaptation by: José Ricardo Morales Assistant director: Ángel Lattus Costumes: Elba González Make up: Carlos Núñez Lighting and sound: Nilso Vega Operators: Luis Yáñez and Guillermo Vildósola Cast: Manuel Lattus - Calisto Brenda Gijón - Melibea Félix…

Representation of the Stabile di Genova Theater, Italy, by Galloni, 1952
Italian version: Corrado Alvaro
Scenography: Emanuele Luzzati
Costume: Emanuele Luzzati
Music: Louis Cortese

Raol Grassilli – Calisto
Valentina Fortunato – Melibea
Tino Bianchi – Pleberio
Tina Mayer – Alisa
Lina Volonghi –…

La Celestina, Teatro Di Commedia (2009-2020)
La Celestina unipersonal. Representation with puppets by Teatro Di Commedia company. Performance: Carolina Calema Direction and rendering: Darío Galo Costumes, puppets and scenography: Elena Colmenar Original Music: Renato Di Prinzio Live…

Redencion para parmeno reflexiones sin cabeza.jpg
Poster of the representation ¡Redención para Pármeno! (Reflexiones sin cabeza) ("Redemption for Pármeno! (Headless reflections)") at theXXIII Celestina Festival, Puebla de Montalbán (Toledo) from August 26 to 29, 2021. Premier on August 27 in Silo…

The illustration represents Callisto lying on a bed praying. At the top left corner, Melibea appears represented as an illusion. This representation is a good example of the reading that interprets the meeting as a dream.For more information see:…

Representation of the Alkázar Theater, Plasencia, by García Cáceres, 2017
Calixto Free reinterpretation of La Celestina that fuses text and flamenco under a simple scenography. Gender: Tragicomedy Chameleon Productions Cast: Laura García Cáceres – Celestina Jorge Peralta – Calixto Miguel Pérez Polo –…

Representation of the Centro Cultural in Ugena, Toledo, by García Fernández, 2017

Juan Burgaleta – Calisto
Laura Martín Leal – Melibea
Susana Fernández – Celestina
Antonio Pérez Vidal – Pármeno
Diego Gómez Gracia – Sempronio
Blanca Anaya López – Lucrecia
Francisco Santiago Muñoz – Tristán
Daniel Ortuño…

Cover of the Editorial Ferma: Barcelona edition, 1967
A comic-style illustration of a couple on some steps and an old woman behind them. The clothing style appears to be from an earlier time period. The old woman is wearing a ruff and her head is uncovered. The second part of this edition is El…

Representation of the Teatro de la Zarzuela, Madrid, by García, 2008
Book: Fernando de Rojas, Joaquín Nin-Culmell, Juan del Encina. Musical composition: Joaquín Nin-Culmell. Stage direction: Ignacio García. Musical direction: Miquel Ortega. Artistic direction: Ana María Iriarte. Scenography: Domenico Franchi.…

Representation of the Teatro de la Nación del IMSS, by Garcini, 1982
Representation directed by Salvador Garcini of the Teatro de la Nación del IMSS in the Teatro Julio Prieto (Ciudad de México, México). Official program and newspaper clippings with the cast and photos of the actors.

Spirit of the Dead Watching, by Gauguin (1892)
The painting represents a naked young woman lying on a bed and an older woman appears in the background. The figure in the background is not a procuress but a ghost or the spirit of death. However, the painting connects with the famous Olympia…

Pleading with Celestina, by Gelabert (1945)
Original title: Suplicando a Celestina ("Pleading with Celestina").Original colour woodcut by A. Gelabert, which appears in the book Estampas del siglo XIX: "La Celestina. El Indiano. La Maja. La Gitana. El Bandolero". Ocho litografías y cuarenta…

Celestina, by Gelabert (19th century)
Image in Celestinesca Vol. 23, Num. 1 & 2, p. 142.

Danaë, by Gentileschi (1612)
Danaë and servant receiving rain of gold on her dress. Compare with a Tiziano painting.

Original title:Sansone e Dalila ("Samson and Delilah").This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair. Note the maid who appears on the right holdingDelilah's hand. The maid resembles the procuress inCaravaggio's…
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