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In the image there is a couple on the right and an old woman on the left. The old woman, who acts as a procuress, appears with coins in her hand.

Judith with the Head of Holophernes, by Schäufelein (1533)
Illustration in book:Das Büchle Memorial("The Büchle Memorial") byvon Schwartzenberg (1533), published byHeinrich Steiner.The publisher of this work (Steiner) is also the publisher of the second Wirsungedition ofLa Celestinatranslated to…

Although, evidently, the maid is neither a celestine nor a procuress, she is represented in the painting with typical traits of these characters. The three, young woman, old woman and man, is typical in the celestine, the client and the protected…

This image represents the biblical episode where Judith beheads Holofernes. Judith is represented in the center of the image sitting on the bed with a sword in her hand. To her right is the Holofernes' body still in bed, except for his head which is…

Calisto (Juan Diego Botto) and Melibea (Penélope Cruz)

Bien tirada está, de Goya (1797)
A young woman putting on stockings while an old woman watches her. Engraving that belongs to the series Los Caprichos number 17.

Intermission or The Englishwoman of the New Ballet, by Rops (1895, c.)
Original title: Entracte /L'Anglaise du nouveau ballet ("Intermission / The Englishwoman of the New Ballet").In the image appears a naked young woman looking at an old man who is dressed in a suit and looking back at the young woman. An old woman…

Interior with illustrious company eating oysters, by Hals (1650, c.)
Original title: Interieur mit illustrer Gesellschaft beim Austern Essen("Interior with illustrious company eating oysters").The image shows a group of people around a table eating oysters. There are several young women who appear embracing men. Note…

Interior with gallant company, by Hals (1650, c.)
Original title: Interiör med galant sällskap("Interior with gallant company").In the image a young couple appears in a room. To the left appears an old woman with her head covered following the Celestinesque tradition. The three figures in the scene…

Interior scene with a procuress presenting a courtesan, by manner of Horemans the Younger (1790, c.)
The image shows an interior scene where a young woman appears standing next to a table and looking at the viewer. At her feet a dog. A man stands next to the young woman. Two men are sitting at the table looking at the young woman. In front of the…

Interior scene with a courtly couple playing cards, by Hals (1634)
The image shows an interior scene where young men and women appear at a table. In the center of the image a couple and the woman touches the man on the chest in a suggestive way. Note the old woman who appears on the left with her head covered, who…

Inside cover of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

In the Salon, by Toulouse-Lautrec (1893)
Madam and two girls in a brothel's salon.

Other title: Au salon

In the Bar, by Canals (1910, c.)
The images are set in a bar or tavern. They show a young woman dressed in a white regional dress and an old woman talking to a man who is sitting at a table. In the second image, the old woman and the man also appear to be talking while the young…

En el garlito, de Alenza y Nieto (1835 c.)
A man kneeled down in front of two ruffians and two young girls (prostitutes perhaps). On the left, an old procuress.

Other title: En el garlito
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