Madrid (1994)


Madrid (1994)


Luís Jover




 (Click the image for more information and other images)

La Celestina. Universidad de Salamanca, 1994. Adaption by Miguel Reino. Illustrations by Luís Jover.


Rojas, Fernando de. La Celestina. Adaptation by Miguel Reino. Illustrations by Luís Jover. Madrid: La Universidad de Salamanca y Santillana, 1994.

Illustration from the cover of the Madrid edition (1994)
La Celestina. Universidad de Salamanca, 1994. Adaptation by Miguel Reino. Illustrations by Luís Jover.

Illustration from page 35 of the Madrid edition (1994)
La Celestina. Universidad de Salamanca, 1994. Adaptation by Miguel Reino. Illustrations by Luís Jover.

Illustration from page 62 of the Madrid edition (1994)
La Celestina. Universidad de Salamanca, 1994. Adaptation by Miguel Reino. Illustrations by Luís Jover.

Illustration from page 81 from the Madrid edition (1994)
La Celestina. Universidad de Salamanca, 1994. Adaptation by Miguel Reino. Illustrations by Luís Jover.

Illustration from page 100 from the Madrid edition (1994)
La Celestina. Universidad de Salamanca, 1994. Adaptation by Miguel Reino. Illustrations by Luís Jover.